Respectful and Merciful Individual Sle

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Art is meant to be shared, it is a way to represent your unique traits.

For the Respectful and

Merciful Individual SLE I am showcasing the travel art. For this assignment I made an art piece that could

be anything. Any art style, idea, whatever your mind desired. You created an art piece, then the art that

you made would go to any random classmate, and left on the classmates wall for a week to either enjoy

or hate.

What I learned from this assignment was everyone has their own art style, personality, and ideas

which should be respected. That no matter what outcome or persons art that you get, you should be

thankful and happy towards it. To respect the fact that people have feelings and can be hurt by how you

treat or see there art, and being ungrateful towards there art can hurt a person's self thought. This

assignment demonstrated growth and high achievement because in the past I was ignorant towards how

people felt and I ignored people's feelings by making fun of their art. Now I understand if you do

something like that towards a person it can really hurt a person and make then feel bad about


I could have improved on this assignment if I dedicated more time on it and focused on what I

wanted to do, because in all this assignment took an hour and I feel as if my outcome could have been

way better. What I did do well on this assignment is notice how I was coming home late and didnt have

alot of time to work and in that hour of work I was completely focused on finishing. Ignoring any

distractions that came my way, gathering all my ridiculous ideas and supplies, finishing in a short amount

of time.

I used my travel art assignment to represent the Respectful and Merciful Individual SLE, because

it represents to be respectful towards people's hard work and skill level. To accept there art with gratitude,

being thankful towards the work they put in that assignment. This assignment really showed me that no

matter how bad the outcome of someone's art is you should always respect and be thankful for there


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