How To Write A CV - UN Career

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12/04/2019 How to write a CV

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How to write a CV
We would like to pay your attention how to write down good CV, most of UN agencies used Personal History form, but it includes all
element of CV, like education, experience, skills and trainings. Today we give an example of CV with our explanation and which elements
are important. First Rule – NO mistakes double check by yourself and check grammar with MS Word. Below you will find succefull CV for
UNDP mision for the position of Manager Adviser.

Name Surname (

HIGHER EDUCATION (always start from the latest degree you’ve obtained).

West European University, Geneva. Master of Arts in Politics and the Political Economy of the Post-Communist Transition (2001-2002).

Main course of study: Post-communist Transition, Foreign Policy and Political Party Development.

Geneva Institute for Graduate International and Diplomatic Studies, University of Economic Sciences Geneva. Master of Arts in
International Relations (1995-1998). Main course of study:
International Relations and Security Studies.

College of Foreign Trade/Economics, Geneva (1992-1995). Main course of study: Economics and Foreign Trade.

Next block of information is a short summary about your skills and proficiency. This is very important. It’s a new trend
to give short summary before experience description.


Strong management and leadership experience in post conflict environments.

Extensive policy and coordination expertise with international organizations such as the OSCE, the United Nations and the European

In-depth knowledge of capacity and institution building, as well as monitoring. Strategic planning and program design and
implementation experience in the areas of rule of law, good governance, democratization and human rights.

Ability to manage several tasks simultaneously and consistently meet deadlines.

Strategic thinker able to conceptualize complex issues; excellent research and analytical skills. Excellent oral and written communication
skills with extensive drafting/reporting experience.

Next block is Professional experience – start from the latest job you have. Try not to mentioned your routine work
obligations, or TOR. Try to highlight you biggest achievements.


Trainer, Consultant 05/12­present 
Self­employed 1/5
12/04/2019 How to write a CV
European Union civilian crisis management

• Conceptualization, implementation and evaluation of European training programs

• Training and mentoring of professionals assigned to EU civilian crisis management

missions within the framework of pre-deployment and core courses;

• Trainer for specific subjects including monitoring, reporting, information flow, role of
international organizations, inter-agency cooperation, CSDP/EU Policies in Western
Balkans, Good Governance, Democratization, Gender, Human Rights, Conflict
Transformation, etc.

• Team leader for comprehensive role-plays and simulation exercises


• Governance Advisor in the Commander Advisory Group at NATO/EUROCORPS' Joint

Spirit Exercise 2013
Law Advisor 06/08­10/10

EU LEX, European Union Rule of Law Mission in (place here a region or city)

Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) Mission

• Provided policy advice to the EULEX Head of Customs Component, Kosovo Customs
and the Kosovo Ministry of Finance and Economy in relation to customs issues including
fight against organized crime and corruption, Integrated Border Management, inter-agency and cross-border cooperation.

• Drafted assessments and customs specific plans/policy papers for the ethnically divided
city and region of Mitrovica, the single most important hot spot in Kosovo.

• Wrote sectoral assessments and progress reviews; supporting the Government of Kosovo in its efforts to implement best international
practices by identifying gaps in capacity.

• Liaised with the civil society, business communities and with all agencies relevant to the work of the customs component including the
Kosovo Police, Ministry of Internal
Affairs, KFOR, the European Commission Liaison Office, UNMIK, the Kosovo Food and Veterinary Agency and the Agency for
Coordination and Development of European Integration.

• Ensured that mission policies are adhered to during the implementation of EULEX's mandate and programs in the area of customs.

• Responsible for drafting all reports emanating from the Customs Component including daily/weekly/monthly and analytical special

Law Advisor/ Administration Expert (place here a region or city)
European Union Planning Team for Kosovo

07/06 – 06/08

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• Responsible for the strategic guidance of the civil administration planning component of the EU's future Mission in Kosovo with a
special emphasis on Customs and the Ministries of
Internal Affairs and Justice.

• Produced detailed capacity assessment reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Customs; drafted the Concept of Operations and
several sector specific Operational Plans
and strategies; developed relevant programs including mission build-up, entry and exit
strategies, monitoring an evaluation and drafted over 100 specific job descriptions.

• Formulated recommendations to the Head of the Planning Team regarding UNMIK's

transition to the Kosovo Government and future EU mission in the areas of decentralization,
civil registration, forced return/repatriation, missing persons, organized crime, Customs and

• Team leader for the development of the EU strategy and contingency planning covering the
areas of Police, Justice and Customs for the ethnically divided city and region of Mitrovica.

• Additionally, in charge of specific strategies designed to address the needs of minority

communities with a special focus on the implementation of the decentralization process.

Responsible for the liaison with local and international NGOs and civil society actors engaged in the broader field of Rule of Law.

• In charge of developing cooperation agreement between the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and the future ESDP mission. Liaised with other
international agencies to assure synergy with their programming. 2/5
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• Identified issues requiring follow-up and supported UNMIK and the Government of Kosovo in its efforts to implement best international
practices by identifying gaps in capacity.
Drafted background papers, briefing materials, talking points, defensive lines, and correspondence for the Head of the Planning Team.

• Provided comprehensive training to incoming mission members on various subjects including the mission's structure, Kosovo's political
context and IOs and the EU in Kosovo.

Head of Office

(place here a region or city)

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

01/06 ­ 06/06

Responsible for the day to day activities of the Regional Center and supervision of 75 international and local staff members.

Coordinated and monitored the implementation of OSCE's institution and capacity building
26 in the region, which included the main city, i.e. Pristina municipality.
Appointed by the Head of Mission as the sole field representative to the Steering Committee
which developed and managed the OSCE's mission wide restructuring. Piloted the
implementation of the revised operational guidelines, drew lessons learned which would be
applied throughout Kosovo.

Oversaw the preparation of all reports emanating from the Regional Center to ensure
accuracy, neutrality and impartiality.

Ensured that all policies and guidelines were properly implemented through the activities of
the Municipal Monitoring Teams, the Security Issues Section, the court and police monitors
and the Administration staff.

Developed municipal specific action plans in line with the Mission Implementation Plan.
Coordinated activities with the representatives of international organizations and NGOs, as
well as liaised with local government officials, community leaders, police, media and other

Designed specific strategies/projects and advised on mission policy planning.

Drafted background papers, briefing materials, talking points for the OSCE Head of Mission.

Head of Field Office, (place here a region or city) 06/03 12/05

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Responsible for the day to day activities of the Field Office and supervision of 25 international and local staff members. Throughout the
ethnically motivated riots in March 2004 managed the Field Office during and in the immediate aftermath of the crisis, including office

Managed and coordinated the office's election activities for the October 21XM parliamentary and local elections.

Served as the local representative of the Head of Mission within the designated Area of

Coordinated and monitored the implementation of OSCE institution and capacity building mandate which included democratization,
good governance, human rights and police/court capacity building and monitoring.

Coordinated activities with the local government officials, community/minority leaders, police, media and other stakeholders and liaised
with representatives of international organizations and NGQs.

Assessed the capacities of local governments in various areas and designed specific strategies/projects/trainings accordingly.

Drafted background papers, briefing materials, talking points for the OSCE senior management; advised on mission policy and planning.

As the focal point for Return facilitated the design and implementation of sustainable return
projects and implemented projects in the framework of the Ethnic Community Sustainability
Fund; provided advice to municipal governments on minority return and re-integration.
Reported regularly/weekly on political and mandate implementation developments.

Criminal Affairs Officer (place here a region or city)

United Nations Mission in (place here a region or city) 01/02­01/03

• Advised the International Police Task Force and the local police on political and civil
developments with a special emphasis on anti-corruption policies and separation of the
executive and legislative mandates. 3/5
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• Advanced the implementation of UNMIBH's mandate through facilitating inter-entity and
inter-state police cooperation including the first post-war meeting between Tribune and
Dubrovnik police.

• Assessed the capacities of the local police in the area of community policing; designed
community safety strategies with local communities including minorities, aimed at
strengthening the links between the Police and their constituency with the aim to ease ethnic

Drafted background papers, briefing materials, talking points and defensive lines for the UNMIBH regional and HO management;
prepared daily, special and spot reports; liaised with civilian organizations including the Office of High Representative, UNHCR, OSCE
and others.

Election Advisor/Democratization Officer/Head of Field Office, Doboj

06/00 ­ 12/01

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

Based on OSCE provisional election rules facilitated the power sharing negotiations between
political parties following the 2000 local elections.

Monitored political developments in 14 municipalities, as well as Tuzla Canton.

• Advised the Municipal Election Commissions in the transition from international to local
election management.

• Designed, developed and implemented democratization programs aimed at strengthening

municipal capacities including good governance practices, cooperation with the civil society,
budget planning and implementation.

Coordinated activities with the representatives of international organizations and NGOs, as

well as liaised with local government officials, community leaders, police, media and other

• Designed AoR specific strategies/projects and advised on mission policy planning.

Drafted background papers, briefing materials, talking points and defensive lines for the
OSCE regional and senior management.

Researcher, Geneva­ Switzerland 06/99 ­ 05/00

NATO Information and Research Center

Set up the new research center, under the auspices of the Switzerland Academy of Sciences.
• Made presentations to possible donors.

Conducted initial research on security and defense issues in order to support the Center's
efforts to contributing to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' policy/decision making.
Assisted the research work of the Head of the Center on the development and implications of
the Kosovo conflict in Central and Eastern Europe.

Organized related lectures/seminars to students of international law and international studies.

Prepared and conducted a one-semester course titled "The Euro-Atlantic Institutions" to
Switzerland university students at the Aron Marion University. Institutions included the EU
OSCE, UN, Council of Europe and NATO.

Information Assistant

United States Information Service Geneva

United States Embassy

06/95 ­ 09/98

Prepared daily press briefs and summaries for US State Department employees
Assessed and analyzed political trends with special focus on Switzerland's accession to NATO the establishment of SFOR's support base
and issues linked to the region's post communist transition including transition to a multi-party system, elections, media issues free
market economy and public administration reform.


Nationality: Serbian (It’s very important, if you have double citizenship, you should mentioned both of them).

Languages: Fluency in English, Working Knowledge of Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian, good understanding of Spanish, Russian and French. 4/5
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Additional short-term employment: OSCE election supervisor (BiH, 09/1998), OSCE election monitor (BiH, 04/2000) and ODIHR
election monitor (Albania, 06/2001)

Additional training: OSCE courses on (i) Management/Advanced Management, (ii) Project

Design and Implementation, (iii) Project Writing, (iv) Negotiation/Diplomatic Skills, (v) Change Management (vi) Risk Management and,
(vii) Coaching and Mentoring. Office lor Democratic Institutions and Human Rights course (ODIHR) courses on Human Dimension
including Tolerance/Non-discrimination, Human Rights Monitoring, International Human Rights Systems, Anti-trafficking and Gender
Mainstreaming; and United States Institute of Peace course on Negotiations and Diplomatic Skills. Channel Research course on
Monitoring and Evaluation for Unstable Environments and Complex Interventions.

The last page is references – you must mentioned minimum 3 personal persons and their contact details that may give
their opinion about your personal and proficient experience.


Annet Stevenson, Program Manager, Centre for European Perspective


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Steven White, CEO

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