Principle of Management

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MBA SEM I- Principal of Management

Regardless of size, nature and type of organization, all the managers have to perform some basic functions
which are as follows:
(a) Planning:
Planning is always the first function performed by every manager. Planning refers to “deciding in advance
what to do, how to do, when to do, and who is going to do it. Planning bridges the gap between where we
stand today and where we want to reach”. Every manager starts with deciding in advance the objectives of
an enterprise and how to accomplish these objectives. Planning is the base of all other functions of

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(b) Organizing:
After setting up of plans next function of every manager is to organise the activities and establishing an
organisation structure to execute the plan. Setting up organisational structure means deciding the
framework of working how many units and sub-units or departments are needed, how many posts or
designations are needed in each department, how to distribute the authority and responsibility among
different people. Once these decisions are taken an organisational structure gets set up.
(c) Staffing:
Staffing is the third step or function of a manager. It refers to recruiting, selecting, appointing the
employees, assigning them duties, maintaining cordial relations and taking care of grievances of
employees. It also includes training and developing the employees, deciding their remuneration,
promotion, increments, etc., evaluating the performance, maintaining personal records of employees.
(d) Directing:
Once the employees are appointed there is need to instruct them and get the work done. Directing refers
to giving directions or instructions to employees by motivating them, supervising the activities of
employees, communicating with them. Managers act as leaders and guide them to right direction, so
directing function includes, supervising, motivating, communicating and leadership.
(e) Controlling:
This is the last function of managers. In this function managers try to match the actual performance with
the planned performance and if there is no match between both then managers try to find out the reasons
of deviation and suggest corrective measures to come on the path of plan. Controlling functions refer to all
the performance measurements and follow up actions that keep the actual performance on the path of
Focus of management function at different levels:
Any person who performs managerial function, i.e., planning organising, staffing, directing and controlling,
is considered as a manager. The focus of different levels is at different functions such as:
i. Top level concentrates on planning and organising.
ii. Middle level keeps their focus on staffing and coordination.
iii. Lower level focus on directing and controlling as they give direction to workers.

How to Institutionalize Ethics in a Corporation

Ethical business practices do more than create a good name for a company. They tell employees, suppliers,
investors and shareholders they are associating with a trustworthy company that will protect their interests and
make decisions not based solely on profit. Ethics reaches to every corner of a business and requires that
employees and everyone who represents the company or acts on its behalf understands the policies and rules
regarding ethical behavior. Ethics should be part of the corporate culture and modeled at the highest levels of
the organization.
Corporate Policies

Most people learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. But sometimes the difference
between right and wrong in a business setting isn’t black and white. A company should establish guidelines for
ethical behavior and identify the proper course of action in situations that might have several possible outcomes.
Train employees on the policies, and provide periodic updates when situations arise that suggest a policy might
be unclear or needs to be reinforced.

Ethics Training

Establish annual ethics training for employees to ensure they understand the corporate ethics policies and know
how to respond if presented with a situation that might compromise the company. Scenario-based training
involving employees, suppliers, management and others in hypothetical situations is an excellent way to learn
how to respond ethically to situations where there are several possible outcomes. Give employees a printed or
downloadable ethics manual for reference during the training and throughout the year.


Even with clearly defined ethics policies, employees may face situations involving unethical behavior but don’t want to get
a co-worker or supervisor in trouble. Or an employee might be afraid that reporting unethical behavior could jeopardize his
job. Corporations can reinforce ethics policies and encourage employees to abide by ethical standards by providing an
ombudsman to discuss sensitive situations with them, advise them on the proper course of action and protect them from

Industry Recognition

Look for opportunities for recognition among industry peers as an ethical business. Ethisphere, which recognizes the
“World’s Most Ethical Companies” each year, uses a rating system to capture a company’s ethical performance. It found
that companies that make the cut have greater return on investment than those that don’t. Having a designation as an ethical
business can attract employees and investors and earn positive press for your company. In turn, it helps strengthen the
corporate image, build equity in the brand and position the company favorably on Wall Street and in the marketplace.

Planning and controlling are inseparable. Planning is the primary function of every organisation it is the
thinking process, which mean looking ahead or making plans that how desired goal is achieved in future
thus it is called a formed looking function on the other hand controlling is a systematic function which
measures the actual performance with the planned performance. It compared and analysed the whole
process of an organisation and take correcting actions. Thus, it is a backward looking function but the
statement "Planning is looking ahead and controlling is looking back" is partially correct because it should
be understood that planning is glided by past experiences and the corrective action initiated by control
function which aims to improve future performance. Thus, planning and controlling are both backward
looking as well as a forward looking function.
Contingency planning and risk management are essential components of any business strategy. A small
business owner working on limited funds must pay careful attention to contingency planning and risk
management when evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of a proposed business strategy. Smart planning
can provide the edge the small business owner needs to establish a niche in the market and sustain growth.
Anticipating Business Risks

A business plan that only considers the best-case scenario for your small business isn't likely to last long.
Anticipating risks to your company, including seasonal drops in revenue and new competitor products entering
the market, is crucial to ensure your overall business strategy has the wide vision necessary to keep your
business from being caught off-guard by foreseeable events. The more risks your business can anticipate, the
better your company is at meeting the many challenges that can arise for a small business in any industry.

Developing Mitigation Strategies

Contingency planning and risk management are only as good as the strategies developed to help mitigate the
potential financial damage to your company. Mitigation strategies may include a variety of methods for limiting
the affects of future problems to your business, including storing capital for revenue shortfalls as well as making
improvements to facilities to reduce the chances of employee injury. These strategies provide your small
business with a plan of action in the event of a problem. This allows your company to devote more time to
solving a problem in the moment without having to first sit down and develop a plan of action.

Mobility of Business Strategies

In evaluating your business strategy, contingency plans should give your company the mobility necessary to shift focus to
different aspects of your company and change operating strategies as needs in the market shift. Mobility is an essential
element of contingency planning and your business strategy as a whole. If you notice your company's strategy isn't working,
you must have the systems in place to switch gears and find the profitable solution. Without mobility, your small business
could remain locked in the same money-draining strategy until you're broke and out of business.

Seizing Business Opportunities

Planning for business opportunities is just as important as developing risk management strategies for your business.
Incorporating opportunity planning into your contingency plans can allow your company to get ahead of the competition in
a variety of areas, including developing new products to meet a need in the market or increasing promotional campaigns in
advance of a tourist season. Taking advantage of these opportunities helps your company maximize its profit potential and
secure new customers or clients.

Decision making is a primary task of manager

Decision making is a distinct management function. Being the essence of management, it’s a primary task
of manager. Every manager is duty-bound to make decisions in relation to various business matters,
questions, problems, concerns and disputes. Decision making is a crucial part of managerial activity that
demands knowledge, intellect, self-awareness, clear perception with reasonable experience and exposure
to the events. Considering the managerial activities, it would be appropriate to say that hardly might there
be a day when decisions have not been made by a business manager.

Decision-making is regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of
action among several alternative possibilities. Every decision-making process produces a final choice that
may or may not prompt action.
Decision making is the process of making choices or reaching conclusions especially on business
matters. According to George Terry, “Decision making is the selection of a particular course of
action, based on some criteria, from two or more possible alternatives.” Decision making is thus
choosing the best course of action out of the available options while aiming at the achievement of
particular organizational objectives.
Management and decision making are to be considered as inseparable. It is the intellectual
process and a purposeful activity which at varied times takes in hands all the managerial activities,
such as, planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. It is the process wherein an
executive, by taking in to consideration several alternatives, reaches at the conclusion about how
it should be dealt successfully in a given situation.

The decisions that are taken by a manager on the basis of his authority being associated with his
designation are regarded as organizational decisions. For instance, he can assign a subordinate
for a particular task; with the authority given to him, he can promote his subordinate and propose
job enrichment etc. On the contrary, the decisions that belong to him personally are called as
personal decisions; such as, he leaves the organization for his own sake.
There are routine and strategic decisions that a manager needs to make as and when needed.
With regard to the routine decisions, it may be said that they are related with day-to-day course of
business activities in which there is no specific judgment is needed. In this context, it is proper to
say that such decisions are normally to be taken by lower management level. While on the other
hand, strategic decisions need be taken by top management since they are concerned with policy
matters or they involve long-term plans.
Besides, programmed and non-programmed decisions have a lot to do with a business
organization. Programmed decisions are concerned with repetitive problems of a business that call
for particular policies, procedures etc. As regards non-programmed decisions, they are to be dealt
with such situations that occur unexpectedly which in turn are referred to the top management.

Finally, it must be noted that the process of decision making is to be initiated when there are
alternatives so that a decision may be made or a conclusion may be reached at by selecting the
best alternative in order to fulfill the purpose or to attain the organizational objectives. Decision
making is integral part of management as the survival and growth of business hinges on the quality
of decision making. Thus, being a continuous activity, decision making is regarded to be the heart
of management.
What are the forms of formal communication?
Formal communication is written, oral or graphic communication routed through the "official channels"
These follow the lines of authority and accountability.
What is formal communication?
A formal communication is when some one is wearing a dress or a top and a shirt or just something when
someone looks very pretty.
What is formal organization?
it is an organization which clearly defines the authority ,responsibility and inter relations of people working
Define formal communication?
a formal communication can be defined as a means of communication that is normally controled by the
managers in an organisation. it has been called the main line of the organization operational
communication. this is intended the reports ,records,and other forms that flow up and down in the system
What are formal communication channels?
What are formal communication channels? formal communication channels-that flows within the chain of
command or task responsibility defined by the organisation. 1. VERTICAL COMMUNITION 2. HORIZONTAL

Discuss the communication model in context to formal and informal flow of information
in an organization?
The informal flow of communication gives many ideas and help in increasing the productivity of the
organization to certain extent.

What are the types of formal organization?

Thereare 3 types of formal organisation 1. Coersive - association people which force to join 2. Normative -
organisation we join voluntary which is to gain prestige and common interest 3. Utilitarian - organisation
we join voluntary and provide material reward

Definition of formal and informal organization?

A formal organisation structure shows a recognisable chain of command, it also has many levels of
management. This make comunication slower and decision making harder to implement.. An informal
structure is much more relaxed, with very few levels of management. This makes comunication much
easier between levels and decisions anr made faster.. Hope that helped!

What is formal and informal communication?

Formal communication is organized and managed information that is shared with relevant individuals in
order to secure coordinated action throughout the organization. . Informal communication in the
workplace satisfies a variety of needs, particularly social and emotional, and are not based on the positions
individuals occupy within the organizations. As a result, the communication is not managed or planned in
any organized fashion. It's more relaxed, casual and tends to be spread by word-of-mouth quickly
throughout a department or organization because it's not restricted to approvals and an established path
of distribution.
What is an example of formal communication?
Formal communication is a type document, letter, or verbalpresentation intended to share information to
professionals or usedfor official purposes. Examples of this communication include somepublications,
newsletters, and letters of congratulations.

Formal n informal communication?

As a general rule, people would most often use formal communication whilst writing an essay, research
paper, or something of the latter. Formal communication is usually as grammatically correct as possible.
Informal communication is used everyday throughout people's speech and dialogue, and is not as
grammatically correct as a formal style of communication. Examples: Formal: "Bob and I were going to the
market." Informal: "Bob and me were gonna go to the market."

Define formal and informal communication?

a formal communication can be defined as a means of communication that is normally controled by the
managers in an organisation. it has been called the main line of the organization operational
communication. this is intended the reports ,records,and other forms that flow up and down in the system

What is a formal organization for the IRS?

Formal organization means that an organization has set itself up under state law. It has issued an employer
identification number (EIN) by the IRS. Its appropriate federal tax classification (corporation, partnership,
etc.) has been identified. Formal organization is required in order to apply for tax-exempt status with the
IRS. Tax-exempt status means exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal
Revenue Code. An organization that's been granted tax-exempt status by the IRS is called a charitable
organization. For more information, go to for Publication 557 (Tax-Exempt Status
for Your Organization). Also go to the IRS Charities and Non-Profits Section at for
Exempt Organizations FAQs and more

Advantages of formal organization?

There are so many advantages a formal organization. They includeproper handling of issues, good record
keeping, operations are runin a proficient manner and so on.

What is formal lines of communication?

Formal lines of communication refer to something written, or oftenan oral presentation. In this form of
communication, there islittle to no humor, and it is exact, technical, and calculated.

Importance of formal communication?

Formal communication is important because it reaches all areas ofbusiness in newsletters, emails, and
manuals. It follows rules,procedures, or established systems and is a smooth communicationsystem. It
provides a permanent record, increases efficiency, andis reliable.

What is formal communication in business organization?

Depending on the business and its governing documents, formal communication can take the form of a
public speech, a newsletter, a publication or a letter.. Formal communication delivers an official position..
For example, when you receive a letter from a company in which you hold stock asking that you vote for --
or against -- a ballot issue, you can consider the letter a kind of formal communication.. Its opposite,
informal communication, could be, for example, the internal 'grapevine' which can be oral or written that
represents individual opinions and not necessarily a corporate position.

What is non formal communication?

Communication that is colloquial - i.e. more like a natural conversation. It may not follow grammatical
rules 100%, but is usually easier to read and friendlier in tone.

What is formal communication pattern in organization?

The characteristics of Formal Communication patterns observed in a large-size business organisation are:
(i) The communication flows within the prescribed channels of chain of command or task responsibility
which is determined by the organisational hierarchy and work relationships. (ii) The speed of formal
communication is generally slow as it flows through predetermined channels. (iii) The formal
communication messages are considered as true and authentic versions of official policies by the
recipients. (iv) The risks of creation of any distortions in the process of formal communication are
minimum. (v) The process of formal communication is expensive and time-consuming as it involves careful
planning, appropriate presentation and relatively greater paper work. (vi) The process of formal
communications has restrictive implications as information of confidential nature should n

Avantages and disadvantages of formal communication?

Advantage: (1) Formal communication is official, it is more binding and thusmore likely to be obeyed.
Disadvantages of Formal Communication (1) It increases the workload of the line superior because
allcommunications are transmitted through them. It leaves no time toperform other functions well.

What is formal communication systems?

Such communication in which record is save.... Every thing done in a proper is most important

What is meant by formal and informal organization?

formal organisation have written directions, rules and regulations and a pre determine goal to achieve and
formed. informal organisation is created by itself, it is necessary for formal org. it has no rules and
regulations, but it helps formal organisation to attain its goals.

Ics formal and informal communication?

Both formal and informal communication is utilized within the ICS.The purpose of formal communication is
to facilitate communicationbetween the Incident Commander and various other supervisors whenan
incident requires direct management or attention. The purpose ofinformal communication is to facilitate
information regarding aparticular incident, however it is not used to direct action orassign specific tasks.

A formal organization is often conceived of as a communication system.isit how?

\nFormal organization is a fixed set of rules of intra-organization procedures and structures. As such, it is
usually set out in writing, with a language of rules that ostensibly leave little discretion for interpretation.
In some societies and in some organization, such rules may be strictly followed; in others, they may be
little more than an empty formalism.\n. \nDistinction from informal organization\n. \nFormal rules are
often adapted to subjective interests — social structures within an enterprise and the personal goals,
desires, sympathies and behaviors of the individual workers — so that the practical everyday life of an
organization becomes informal. Practical experience shows no organization is ever completely rule-bound:
instead, all real organizations represent some mix of formal and informal. Consequently, when attempting
to legislate for an organization and to create a formal structure, it is necessary to recognize informal
organization in order to create workable structures. However, informal organization can fail, or, if already
set in order, can work against mismanagement.\n. \nFormal organizations are typically understood to be
systems of coordinated and controlled activities that arise when work is embedded in complex networks of
technical relations and boundary-spanning exchanges. But in modern societies, formal organizational
structures arise in highly institutional contexts. Organizations are driven to incorporate the practices and
procedures defined by prevailing rationalized concepts of organizational work and institutionalized in
society. Organizations that do so increase their legitimacy and their survival prospects, independent of the
immediate efficacy of the acquired practices and procedures. There can develop a tension between on the
one hand, the institutionalized products, services, techniques, policies, and programs that function as
myths (and may be ceremonially adopted), and efficiency criteria on the other hand. To maintain
ceremonial conformity, organizations that reflect institutional rules tend to buffer their formal structures
from the uncertainties of the technical activities by developing a loose coupling between their formal
structures and actual work activities. - (John Meyer and Brian Rowan, 1976)\n. \n. \nThe Hawthorne
Experiments\nThe deviation from rulemaking on a higher level was documented for the first time in the
Hawthorne studies (1924-1932) and called informal organization. At first this discovery was ignored and
dismissed as the product of avoidable errors, until it finally had to be recognized that these unwritten laws
of work of everyday life often had more influence on the fate of the enterprise than those conceived on
organizational charts of the executive level. Numerous empirical studies in sociological organization
research followed, ever more clearly proving this, particularly during the Human Relations Movement. It is
important to analyze informal structures within an enterprise to make use of positive innovations, but also
to be able to do away with bad habits that have developed over time.\n. \nReasons for informal
organization\n. \nThere are many different reasons for informal organization:\n. \nInformal standards:
personal goals and interests of workers differ from official organizational goals.\nInformal communication:
changes of communication routes within an enterprise due to personal relations between
coworkers.\nInformal group: certain groups of coworkers have the same interests, or (for example) the
same origin.\nInformal leaders: due to charisma and general popularity, certain members of the
organization win more influence than originally intended.\nDifferent interests and preferences of
coworkers.\nDifferent status of coworkers.\nDifficult work requirements.\nUnpleasant conditions of work.
\n. \n. \nManagerial organization theory often still regards informal organization as rather disturbing, but
sometimes helpful. In the opinion of systems theory and cybernetics, however, formal organization fades
into the background and only serves, if necessary, to supplement or to correct. Changes in structure always
redevelop because of the conduct and differences among coworkers, and the ability of self-organization is
recognized as a natural characteristic of a social system

What is formal communication consist of?

Formal communication consists of business letters, publicpresentations, and official memorandums. Emails
exchanged in aprofessional context are also formal communication.

What are the three formal communication flows found organization?

Communication can be categorized into formal and informalcommunication. The three types of formal
communication arehorizontal communication, upward communication and downwardcommunication.

Formal communication is used in reporting?

Formal communication is used for reporting the progress of assignedtasks. It does not use slang
terminology and conforms toestablished rules, standard and processes.
What is formal system and informal system?
I am going to give a very bad answer here: search inside this book "Godel, Escher, Bach" by Douglas R.

Why is formal and informal communication vital to the organization?

Formal and informal communication serve different roles. Formalcommunication takes longer to develop
and is often used to documentprocedures, requirements, and policies. Informal communicationsmoothes
the day-to-day running of the organization.

Disadvantages of formal communication?

When there is a downward communication, there is an authoritariantone to dominate lower employees. It
is a rigid form ofcommunication and change can not be considered easily whenrequired. It reflects
authoritarian pattern of behavior in theorganizational structure and negatively affects the mind of

When was communism conceived?

The modern version of communism was conceived after the publication of Marx and Engel's Communist
Manifesto in 1848.

What are the functions of formal groups in an organization?

The functions of a formal group are usually where there is one thatis in charge such as a supervisor. The
others of the group worktogether or separately to perform tasks.

Is formal communication effective or not?

yes it is because it lets the adults show respect to one another and show a understanding with each other

State the principles of formal organization?

Unity of Objective . Span of Control . Specialisation or division of Work . Exception Principle . Scalar
Principle . Functional Defination . Unity of Command . Continuity . Flexibility . Balance . Efficiency .

What are the examples of 'formal' and 'informal' communication?

when u talk your used formal language.and when you talk your friend .you used informal

Why is church a formal organization?

I'm just guessing, but it might be a formal organization because Church is where people learn about God,
and who also respect God in his house.(a.k.a. Church)

What are characteristics of school as a formal organization?

A formal organization is usually organized like a pyramid. A schoolis usually one of those organizations.
There is a head principaland all employees of the school are underneath him. There areusually vice
principals that report back to the head principal.Other employees are also categorized underneath of
What is meant by formal and informal communication?
Informal communication vs formal communication Informal- less respectful, more joking around. you do
this when you are with friends or people who you know wont get insulted. Lots of slang is used. Formal-
Very respectful of others, ie. Sir, Ma'am, ect. you use this either when arguing with a superior, applying for
something, like taking an interview, or when you are about to get in trouble.

What are the examples of formal and informal organization?

Meetings can be formal - with a defined organisational membership, an agenda, a regular time, written
minutes etc - or informal - a group gossiping, staff who are smokers chatting together outside the

When was the metric system conceived?

Metric System in 1799, in France. This system based on criteria like proved too much land or water
properties have been established and has been used..

Why may an individual use a form of communication that is not based on a formal
language system?
One reason a person uses a form of communication that is not basedon a formal language system is if they
have learning disabilitiesand cannot use a formal language. Other medical reasons may keepthem from

How does on organism benefit from organ systems that work together ans communicate?
Organ systems that work together make a more efficient being andhelp keep a state of balance within the

Analyze reasons why an individual may use a form of communication that is not based on
a formal language system?
They may not share a language system with the recipient of the communication. They may not be able to
speak for some medical or physiological reason. They may not be able to access their normal language
skills (e.g following a stroke). There may be a barrier to normal methods of communication (distance or a
noisy environment). They may be operating in a dangerous situation in which the sound of speech would
increase their danger (e.g. military or police about to execute a raid). They may be operating in a situation
where sound would alert a prey animal or target, enabling it to escape (e.g. a hunting trip or police trying
to catch a suspect). The form of communication may be behavioural (e.g. body language). The
communication may take the form of an image in which symbolism communicates the message.

Why do most small companies use functionally organized departments.

The most small companies use functionally organised departments in order to maintain higher level of efficiency
, with each department responsible for discharging its given set of duties itself , which also helps in maintaining
proper time management as well as , meeting official deadlines . Apart from that , this kind of system gives more
transparency to the working of an Organisation .
The most small companies use functionally organised departments in order to maintain higher level of efficiency
, with each department responsible for discharging its given set of duties itself , which also helps in maintaining
proper time management as well as , meeting official deadlines . Apart from that , this kind of system gives more
transparency to the working of an Organisation .
The most small companies use functionally organised departments in order to maintain higher level of efficiency
, with each department responsible for discharging its given set of duties itself , which also helps in maintaining
proper time management as well as , meeting official deadlines . Apart from that , this kind of system gives more
transparency to the working of an Organisation .
The most small companies use functionally organised departments in order to maintain higher level of efficiency
, with each department responsible for discharging its given set of duties itself , which also helps in maintaining
proper time management as well as , meeting official deadlines . Apart from that , this kind of system gives more
transparency to the working of an Organisation .
The most small companies use functionally organised departments in order to maintain
higher level of efficiency , with each department responsible for discharging its given set of
duties itself , which also helps in maintaining proper time management as well as , meeting
official deadlines . Apart from that , this kind of system gives more transparency to the
working of an Organisation . The most small companies use functionally organised
departments in order to maintain higher level of efficiency , with each department
responsible for discharging its given set of duties itself , which also helps in maintaining
proper time management as well as , meeting official deadlines . Apart from that , this kind
of system gives more transparency to the working of an Organisation . The most small
companies use functionally organised departments in order to maintain higher level of
efficiency , with each department responsible for discharging its given set of duties itself ,
which also helps in maintaining proper time management as well as , meeting official
deadlines . Apart from that , this kind of system gives more transparency to the working of
an Organisation . The most small companies use functionally organised departments in
order to maintain higher level of efficiency , with each department responsible for
discharging its given set of duties itself , which also helps in maintaining proper time
management as well as , meeting official deadlines . Apart from that , this kind of system
gives more transparency to the working of an Organisation .
What is the function of the US Department of Labor?
Department of Labor According to the Columbia Encyclopedia, the US Department of Labor is the "federal
executive department established in 1913 and charged with administering and enforcing statutes that
promote the welfare of U.S. wage earners, improve their working conditions, and advance their
opportunities for profitable employment.

What are the functions of the US cabinet departments?

The responsibilities of the 15 departments within the Executive Branch of the US : 1. State- the Department
of State is responsible for foreign affairs. Led by the Secretary of State, the department manages
diplomatic relations, advises the president on foreign policy, and provides services to Americans traveling
and living overseas. The State Department has over 250 diplomatic and consular posts around the world. 2.
Treasury- The mission of the Department of the Treasury is to formulate and recommend economic, fiscal
and tax policies; to serve as financial agent of the United States Government; and to manufacture coins
and currency 3. Defense - The Department of Defense is responsible for providing the military forces
needed to deter war and protect the security of the United States 4. Labor- The U.S. Department of Labor
is charged with preparing the American workforce for new and better jobs, and ensuring the adequacy of
America's workplaces. The department oversees a wide variety of workplace issues for nearly 10 million
employers and well over 100 million workers, including protecting workers' wages, health and safety,
employment and pension rights, promoting equal employment opportunities, administering job training,
unemployment insurance, workers' compensation programs, and strengthening free collective bargaining.
The department also collects, analyzes and publishes labor and economic statistics. 5. Justice- the
Department of Justice serves as counsel for its citizens. Through its thousands of lawyers, investigators,
and agents, the department plays a key role in protection against criminals and subversion, ensuring
healthy competition of business in our free enterprise system, safeguarding the consumer, and enforcing
drug, immigration, and naturalization laws. The Department also works to protect citizens through its
efforts for effective law enforcement, crime prevention, crime detection, and prosecution and
rehabilitation of offenders. 6. Interior- The U.S Department of Interior manages the federal resources of
the United States including National parks, American, Indian and native tribal lands and approving
commercial and development projects on federal land. 7. Agriculture -Make sure no animals are abused,
Raw meats do not poison others, and no one is using farm equipment illegally. 8. Commerce - the
Department of Commerce is responsible for promoting American business and trade. The department
works to encourage economic growth and the creation of new jobs in the business community. 9.
Transportation - the United States Department of Transportation was formed in April, 1967, and consists of
seven divisions representing the various modes of transportation, plus the U.S. Coast Guard, the St.
Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation and the Office of the Secretary. The department is
responsible for transportation safety improvements and enforcement, international transportation
agreements and the continuity of transportation services in the public interest. The department also
prepares and proposes all legislation relating to transportation, coordinates transportation issues with
other concerned agencies, and provides technical assistance to the states and cities in support of
transportation programs and objectives. 10. Health and human services - principle agency for protecting
the health of all Americans. Including- public health, biomedical research, Medicare and medicaid, welfare,
social services and more. 11. Housing and urban development - HUD), The Mission of Housing and Urban
Development was established 1965 to coordinate and administer programs that provide assistance for
housing and community development. The department assists in finding solutions to the problems of
housing and urban development through state, local, or private action. It makes direct loans, insures
mortgages, and provides housing subsidies, and it promotes and enforces equal housing opportunity. The
secretary of the department has cabinet rank. Robert Clifton, the department's first head, was also the first
African-American cabinet member in U.S. history 12. Energy- the Department of Energy is charged with
providing for the scientific and institutional leadership necessary to achieve efficiency in energy use and
diversity in energy sources. The agency also seeks to implement policies leading to a more productive and
competitive economy, improved environmental quality, and a secure national defense. 13. Education -
Administers federal aid to schools, conducts educational research. 14. Veterans Affairs - Administers
benefits, pensions and medical programs for veterans of the Armed Forces, oversees Military cemeteries.
15. Homeland Security - The President George W. Bush established the Office of Homeland Security and
the Homeland Security Council, following the tragic events of September 11. The officials of Department of
homeland security develop and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to strengthen protections
against terrorist threats or attacks in the United States.

What are the functions of a legal department in a company?

Law department is responsible for providing legal services and advice to the company, its divisions and
employees. The department office faces a great number of different legal matters. These matters include:
business development, contract management, real estate transactions, customer claims against the
company for product damages and defects, litigation, employment law, sales and leases matters, debt
collection, bankruptcy, case prosecution, and much more. All these activities create the workflow of Legal
department. If to look at the workflow in whole, the following main functions of the legal department can
seen: . Providing legal advice and guidance . Prosecution of cases in courts and litigation management .
Documentation preparation and drafting Let's briefly consider each of these functions. 1. Providing legal
advice and guidance This is a core function of Legal department. During the company's everyday life, there
are a lot of legal issues which require qualified advice from Lawyers and Legal Advisors. This is about giving
advice for resolving such issues as sales, purchasing, customer support, partnership, licensing, and other.
The implementation of the function is based on the following activities the department concerns: . Giving
advice to the company, its divisions and employees on matters of law and legal protection . Keeping
company activities in strict compliance with new legislation . Representing company in all meetings,
conferences and public events 2. Prosecution of cases in courts and litigation management Legal
department represents and defends the company interests and its employees in courts and government
bodies. The department initiates litigation in case of court examinations, and the legal staff members are
responsible for creating and enforcing ordinances and gathering existing claims in favor of the company.
This function is fulfilled by the following activities: . Preparation of protocols, claims and counter-claims to
courts . Representation of company in courts . Protection of company's rights and interests in judicial
sittings 3. Documentation preparation and drafting This function concerns legal part of document
management. Law department is responsible for drafting documents in forms which do not contradict or
infringe existing legislation, both local and international (if company conducts oversees activities). The
fulfillment of this function is based upon the following activities: . Creation of legal documentation
requirements . Drafting and approving document layouts . Complying documentation with existing
local/international agreements and legislation

What are the functions of a IT department?

As per my observation and knowledge the main and most important functions of any IT department are as
following:- . IT Director - budgeting, strategic planning, department management, purchasing, PR, etc. .
Network administrator - manage network services and servers . Database administrator - manage
academic and administrative databases . Webmaster - coordinate content; manage web software, server,
and graphics . Telephone administrator - manage phone system, cell phones, billing . Hardware/software
installation & repairs - setup, imaging, upgrades, etc . Digital media management - editing, graphic design,
communications . Audio-visual support - setup & support AV events, recording, streaming etc. . Academic
Tech Director - tech integration, curriculum, and professional development . Library services - manage
information resources, delivery, support, etc. . Help Desk - track & respond to incoming requests for help,
support, problems . Training - teach faculty and staff how to use systems, equipment, and applications .
Technology teachers - teach technology-related classes to students . Lab coordinator - manage one or
more labs, carts, facilities I am sure you will be find the answer of your question.

Functions of IT department?
The IT department has various functions. For instance, they makesure that the company server and
website are up and running.

What are the functions of it department?

There is a requirement of IT deparment in most of the companyespecially the MNC as the most of the data
of a company is storedin digital for in some digital storage device like computer harddisk using some
software which make it easy to store the data incomparision to traditional method of manual entry. As in
case ofMNC their office are situated in various geogarphical laocation sothere is a reqirement of
maintaining communication between officeat different location so we need a reliable method to
communicatewith them in way to maintain that network using computer andcomunication equipment
there is a essential need of IT department.

What organs function as the most important physiological buffer systems?

buffer systems function mainly to regulate the acid or base balance in the body. there are 3 principal
classes of buffers in the body - proteins, phosphate buffer system and the bicarbonate buffer system.
however, you are asking of the organs involved. these are the kidneys and the lungs.
What are the functions of the procurement department in a production company?
Main function of Procurement department in a Production company are 1. Checking of
requisitions/purchase indents. 2. Selection of suppliers for issue of enquiries. 3. Issuing enquiries/tenders
and obtaining quotations. 4. Analysing quotations and bids etc., and preparation of comparative statement
(quotation charts). 5. Consultation with the Indenture for selection and approval of quotations and with
Accounts Officer for pre-audit. 6. Negotiating contracts. 7. Checking legal conditions of contracts. 8.
Followup of purchase orders for delivery in due time 9. Verification and passing of suppliers' bills to see
that payments are made promptly. 10. Correspondence and dealing with suppliers, carriers etc., regarding
shortages, rejections etc., reported by the Stores Department. 11. Maintenance of purchase records.
12.Maintenance of vendor performance records/data. 13. Keeping various Departments/Divisions
informed of the progress of their indents in case of delay in obtaining supplies. 13. Serving as an
information center on the materials' knowledge i.e. their prices, source of supply, specification and other
allied matters.

Function of the engineering department in an organization?

The engineering department has several different functions in anorganization. These would be providing
technical skills, as well asbudgetary control of power.

What company makes the most money in US?

I'm not entirely sure, but I believe that it may be Wal-Mart. I think it's the U.S. mint. It seams that they
make all the money.

What is the meaning of functional department and what its function?

A functional region is a type of region that is characterized by its function such as a drainage basin, city-
region, or a metropolitan area..

Discuss the role of electronic media in communication

Communication and electronic media go hand in hand. In this technology oriented
era the use of electronic communication is inevitable. The role and importance of
electronic communication can't be overlooked. Electronic information interchange
is necessary for the survival in current era. Information is the back bone of the
economy of a Nation. Electronic media has improved communication numerous
Internet has immensely helped in communicating. There are a lot of new websites
coming in each day, each hour. Emails are an efficient and economical mode for
communication with no time restraints and country borders. More and more
people use emails to communicate and spread information. These characteristics
of electronic communication have a tempting effect on the organizations to carry
on their businesses. Organizations use electronic communication as their
marketing tool leading to spam for some of the recipients.
The Internet and electronic communications (also called computer mediated
communications, or CMC) doesn't just mean new tools for communication; it
means new ways to communicate. Today our organization interacts with its
various constituents differently - employees, board members, customers, partners
and others - depending upon the nature of the message, the goals you are trying to
achieve and the strengths (and weaknesses) of the available media - telephones,
voice mail, fax machines, print, etc.
Electronic communications adds a powerful new channel that not only will change
how you use this mix of options, but it will create entirely new ways to interact.
For example:
 Electronic communications lets you combine numerous media - text, graphics sound, video, etc. - into a single message.
That can result in far more meaningful communications tailored to the nature of your particular audience. In contrast to
broadcasting, narrowcasting reflects the ability to develop numerous communications for subsets of your market or
 Electronic communications is interactive. It engages audiences in active, two-way communications. That requires a
new way of thinking about advertising copy and the handling of public relations. The pay-off, however, is a self-
selected audience, engaged and actively participating in the communications process.
 Two-way communication is nothing new. But electronic communications creates a new form of many-to-many
communications that lets geographically distributed groups communicate interactively and simultaneously through
text, sound and video. You can hold inexpensive video conferences or press conferences from your desk, or
conference with people at several desks located across the world. One of the burgeoning phenomena of the Internet
is businesses and organizations sponsoring, supporting and moderating discussion groups about issues, products,
strategies - anything of interest to the organization and its constituents. Sponsorships are also solicited for popular
resources, such as indexes and other Internet search tools, and these provide a further communications and
marketing opportunity.
 Many organizations are using electronic communications facilities, such as the World Wide Web, as internal
communications tools to enhance team work. Many individuals at different locations can work on the same
documents, hold meetings and integrate research findings.
 Electronic communications removes the power of communications gatekeepers to both positive and negative
effects. Most organizations are used to controlling the messages that go out to its constituents through managers,
spokespeople and others. But with the Internet, constituents begin to talk among themselves, requiring new
approaches and a new emphasis on listening and reacting, not just talking.
 With the Internet you have the ability to transmit and receive large amounts of information quickly to and from
individuals and workgroups around the world. This changes the way activists, for example, can galvanize
communities, inform legislators and change public opinion. It changes the sources and depth of your constituents'
knowledge levels. It also lets those constituents reach you with new kinds of communications they may never have
attempted before.
What are the merits and demerits of electronic media?
Answer . Here's some banter to think about :). Television spreads information in an accessible
format to viewers quite quickly. When an important event occurs, the audio and visual
proceedings of that event can be broadcast in order to inform viewers of the event. This of
course requires the proper technicians, reporters/journalists/broadcasters/etc., equipment,
timing, and infrastructure that work behind (and in front of) the scenes to bring a programme
to the viewers.. When information is presented, such as a political party's platform, television
can be quite useful to a viewer.. Of course, a fundamental problem arises when a company
needs to hire and maintain the infrastructure needed to perform the television service: they
need money! Unfortunately for television, there are numerous other sources where one may
obtain information (the internet, newspapers, radio, word-of-mouth) and therefore television
must find methods of attaining and maintaining viewership.. [Of course, viewership allows the
company to provide an advertisement space that is very lucrative for other companies.]. These
methods may include:. Quick reporting - the fastest person wins, sort of thing. This tends to be
inaccurate and speculative in nature, but does provide instant viewership. . Sensationalism -
attention-grabbing, controversial programming. Tends to focus on wild or shocking stories
rather than "boring" (although possibly more important) issues. . I could go on, but that's a
good place to start. When I say TV, I immediately think entertainment. Therefore it may have
started purely as an entertainment method. We will never know :). However, with the current
events these days, network/TV bias is playing a large role in politics among other things.
Something else you could look into.. M. Nadeem Anwar. Gujranwala

What does a media communicator do?

People can use a media communicator to better communicate by using Microphone and
Camera or Video, just like communicate face to face.

What is the role of media?

to inform people about current news affairs and to tell about the latest gossip. and fashion.

What is electronic media?

Electronic media means a media which can be operated by devices which are only powered by

What are the advantages of electronic media?

Advantages of Electronic Media . Advantages include large information storage capacity in
small size and re usability (most of electronic media devices are reusable). Storage density and
how many times it can be reused for storage will depend on the electronic media type. .
Television,Radio,Internet,Mobilephones are examples of electronic media.It gives us alot of
information through news,dramas.stories,movies.CDs and DVDs are also included in electronic
media as they have stored information inn the form of electronic signals. . Electronic media (or
storage devices) are of different types based on technique used for storing information. e.g.
Flash memory based, Optical Storage (DVD, CD) or more traditional magnetic storage devices
(floppy discs/storage tapes/hard)

What are the importance of communication channel on communication

Communication is the mode of transfer of information from one person to another. So first
importance of communication you can see is that with help of communication you are able to
ask a question and i am able to express my views regarding your question. In all of the
organisations,companies, institutes throughout the world depends on communication whether
the informations are transferred from management to employees or vice-versa. Between
different managements of different organisations communication take place first of all there.
Even this is also find in bacteria,fungi,plants & other animals. so,its very important.

Disadvantages of electronic media?

Electronic media can affect and exposed personÕs mind to violencethrough movies, mobile
phones, video games and television. This canalso affect the way people learn.
What are the disadvantages of electronic media?
the disadvantages of electronic media is that .it is harming us and destroying all insects. by
micro waves which are beaming down from the sat lites . and specially the cell phone which we
are using all over the day. the specially the community of young s. age guys and girls.

What is electronic communication?

Electronic communication is a new and exciting field which includes computer communication
and cell phone use for email and text messaging. Electronic communications have increased
speed of communication and have had a negative financial impact on mail delivery service

How media is communicate?

Media is a way of communicating because it allows senders to sendmessages. When you watch
a commercial, you are receiving a messagefrom the organization.

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