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Technology Bucket : software –web app developement

Company Name/ Ministry Name : ICAR min of agriculture
Team Leader Name :Mariappan J
Category : Software
College Code : 1-3512438
problem code : SI2
Problem Statement : Web/Mobile solution for Horticultural Crop specific
Market , Storage, Value Additions and Price.

• Create the application or website that helps the consumers to buy products from sellers without any
intermediary. It reduce the transaction cost of the product because this follow the ICT (Information and
communication technology. As this application has the GPS Location technique it helps the farmer and
customer to sell and buy the product with lowest transaction cost. If a farmer have huge amount of product
than the customer needs in the surrounding place he will export the product to nearby deficiency place .
It helps to reduce the wastage of product. Since the former daily updates his product with date and time it
is helpful to customer to choose the right quality of product. Further this website has Machine Learning
technique by which the quality of the product can be analysed and the products defect can be identified.
For farmer it provides the Databases of product deficiency place to reduce the wastage of product and it is
easy to sell product with appropriate price. For customer it is easy to identify the good quality product. The
main advantage over this website is lack of intermediate between consumer and products. Thus the
Machine Learning , GPS Location technique and Database collection provides minimum transaction
cost, low wastage of product and better interface between farmer and consumer.

Machine Learning is needed for updating and selecting the quality of product.

 Google map is needed to find the nearby product deficiency place for transaction.

 Google Firebase is required for storing the details of customer ,former ,and product.



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