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d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:10

Yo, Darth!

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:13

Let's hold a vote. Should I behave myself at my friend's jrtoc military ball, or
should I cause mischief

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:13


Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:13

It's what they call it

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:13

Sounds like you should behave or embarrass your friend and yourself

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:14

It's really a ceremony thing and a dance

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:14

Also, does that hand mean what Trot said it means?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:14

Yeah, it does
She told me I need to behave, not bring up strange things she has done in the
decade I've known her, and also make a good impression on her friends.

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:15

You don't have the same friend group?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:15

She goes to another high school

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:15

idk, depends on how well she knows you I guess
And if the event is not all official and serious

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:16

Best friends since age 5

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:16

Then you can do whatever you want

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:16

It's not really that official after the award handing out part

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:17

Well cut loose I guess

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:18

Also was told specifically not to bring up how I created a disruption during my
school's big inspection for the njrotc kids. Which was performed by my dad

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:19

She doesn't want you to be the cool kid
I'm kidding. I don't know what I'm talking about
I'm dislocating my jaw here already yawning(edited)
and it's so early
Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:20
I sent around this horrifying picture of my dad dressed in jorts, a naval academy
ugly sweater, and a winter hat. It made it to every single one of the njrotc kids.
Some kid asked him about it. It was glorious

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:20

Does he know that you started that?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:21

Oh he knows. I'm the one who took the picture in the first place

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:21

And he was cool with it?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:21

He pretended to ground me for a few days.

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:21

lol, cool dad

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:23

I'm not sure how they didn't laugh, but he also imitated them a bit. He's tall. No
one could see directly into his eyes.
They discovered he's a gentle giant

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:23

That's nice.
Military follks can be too strict sometimes
When I was 16 I went to sign up for some cadet program
They treated me like I was enrolled already and refused me

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:25

I've grown up around navy stories. They're pretty funny
d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:26
None of those serious types that treat you like you're a soldier already?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:27

They're not particularly serious when they're hanging out together outside of

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:27

I guess my interview counted as work hours

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:28


d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:28

I just bit the inside of my cheek while eating a gummy

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 10:28

Oof. I hate that

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 10:29

Yeah. You never realize how hard you bite down when you chew until that

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 11:27

It's storming

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 11:28

Rain is beautiful
I am just here bouncing between servers
I don't want to say anything in some, and others are asleep

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 11:32

It rains alot here
d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 11:33
Not sure how I'd like that
But it rarely rains here
It rained while I was in the theater today. Everywhere was wet after so that's
how I know it rained
Stupid rain

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 11:35

We get rain ans humidity

d3vastat0rLast Saturday at 11:36

Oof, that is literally sticky, right?(edited)

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 11:54


Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Last Saturday at 21:19

Today, I wake up to see this happened
The Florida Times-Union
Airliner skids into St. Johns River at NAS Jacksonville
A passenger airplane slid off the end of a runway Friday night and into the St.
Johns River at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, according to the Jacksonville
Sheriff's Office.Base officials say the incident occurred about 9:40 p.m. when a
Boeing 737 arriving from Naval Station...
5 May 2019
Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 00:39
I'm studying for my AP test next week in European History. I discovered the only
thing i wrote under protestant reformation is:

Extremely useful, past Darth(edited)

d3vastat0rYesterday at 01:28
Holy crap
You can write?
That's cool
AngeryYesterday at 01:30
You can't write?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 01:42

I only write in cursive

AngeryYesterday at 02:02
Cursive is a forgotten art we both happen to possess, Darth.

d3vastat0rYesterday at 02:06
I have noticed that my handwriting has deteriorated from lack of use. I used to be
able to write very neatly
And I hold the opinion that the younger generation can't write well at all. Get off
my lawn

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 02:07

I do a lot of writing for school
Mine's pretty good

d3vastat0rYesterday at 02:07
It is

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 02:08

d3vastat0rYesterday at 02:09
That's pretty neat
lemme see if I still got it
The problem is mainly that my hand tires very quickly from writing

It's gotten a lot worse D:

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 02:13

It's still good

d3vastat0rYesterday at 02:13
See that first squiggle? That was my first attempt at D lol

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 02:15

I screw up Ds every time. They're hard to write

d3vastat0rYesterday at 02:15
I guess you're right
Same for me and W
I don't have a good cursive W
Children of Dune is 1.99 today on Amazon

TrotYesterday at 04:02
Man cursive?
I can only write my name
and I usually just do squiggles instead of actuall cursive since it's easier

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 05:30

Endgame made 2 billion already

d3vastat0rYesterday at 05:38

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 05:44

I'm really impressed. It deserves it.

TrotYesterday at 05:50
Not suprised

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 05:53

I'm hoping it makes it to top grossing

d3vastat0rYesterday at 06:00
me too(edited)
That seemed a little too excited

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 11:36

Today I discovered my school is much less classy than the school affectionately
known as the "Incest School"

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 11:46

My school's military ball featured a large crowd of the guys grinding on each
other and kids in dress blues doing the worm. And a kid sneaking out to have sex
with his girlfriend of 1 day. My friend's school featured none of this

d3vastat0rYesterday at 12:03
r/funny - Unfortunately I live in Florida.
11,194 votes and 566 comments so far on Reddit
I had to do it to ya

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 12:06

I don't even life in south Florida. I live outside of Jacksonville. The farther north
you get, the South it becomes

d3vastat0rYesterday at 12:07
reread that lol

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 12:08

There should be a "more" between the and South

d3vastat0rYesterday at 12:09
Ah, felt like something was missing

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 12:09

The more North you go, the more South it gets

d3vastat0rYesterday at 12:09
Makes sense

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 12:10

Jacksonville is basically South Georgia

d3vastat0rYesterday at 12:10
So you're saying that video was made exclusively in the South?
Anyway, how was the ball?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 12:11

Fun. I did like dances

d3vastat0rYesterday at 12:11
That's nice

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 12:12

And YMCA. No kids got on a stage and started doing it, like at my school's

d3vastat0rYesterday at 12:13
Lol, I guess your school is farther South

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 12:14

We had a kid break his leg doing the worm three years ago

d3vastat0rYesterday at 12:15
See? You didn't even comment on what I said
So I was right!

TrotYesterday at 12:21
Darth went to the Navy ball by mistake

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Yesterday at 12:25

The NJROTC ball

AngeryYesterday at 19:24
@Trot did yous survive?

TrotYesterday at 22:10
I always survive

AngeryYesterday at 22:43
What a lad

6 May 2019
Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 01:28
Well today's weather sucks
It's rainy and humid

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 01:38

It's now pouring so hard I can't see down the road

AngeryToday at 02:33
I love that weather.

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 03:07

Endgame is second highest grossing film

AngeryToday at 04:16
And soon to be actual highest!

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 05:45

Some other server I'm on currently has a argument going down because they said
the dude couldn't post NSFW pictures of cosplayers and he's calling them
neckbeards and ranting about political correctness

MaldevinineToday at 05:49
But wouldn't neckbeards be into NSFW cosplay photos?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 05:54

Lmao, the dude sent one of the people a message asking how dare he be insulted
like that and to go fuck themself

d3vastat0rToday at 05:55
Yo, Darth, languague, kiddo
Also, it's normal for nsfw to be restricted, so idk what that guy is going on about

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 05:56

Especially since it's a public server that has thousands of people. And it's literally
stated in the rules

d3vastat0rToday at 05:56
you know what, as a neckbeard, I think he might be the neckbeard in this

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 05:57

He got banned. Served him right

d3vastat0rToday at 05:57
lol, I've never seen that happen

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 05:58

He was going on about how a guy ca nt be a guy

d3vastat0rToday at 05:59
look at how serious this guy is about his meme post
I don't get it

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 06:33

I'm trying to keep my friend from traumatizing on of the juniors who go to her

d3vastat0rToday at 06:45
How does she plan on doing that?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 06:46

I don't know. This junior was hitting on me and seemed pretty harmless.

d3vastat0rToday at 06:46

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 06:48

He was asking what name was and if I was there with a date

d3vastat0rToday at 06:48
Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 06:53
He wasn't exactly subtle. I managed to figure out he was hitting on me, and I'm
dense as a rock when it comes to that

d3vastat0rToday at 06:53
Maybe he picked up on that and decided to crank it up a bit
I am so sleepy

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 08:48

The conversations you hear in restaurants are something. I didn't need to hear
the things I heard

TrotToday at 09:10
GoT board game is a ton of fun

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 09:10

Hey, I'm watching the show right now!

TrotToday at 09:16
My Baratheons took highgarden

d3vastat0rToday at 09:34
I am like an emo teenager when I go to restaurants
Headphones on
But that's becuase I don't have any company to be impolite to

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 09:49

I had to listen to a family behind me discuss strap-one at a very loud volume in
the middle of a packed restaurant. Their kids were there. I was dying laughing

d3vastat0rToday at 09:51
On the bright side, at least it was entertaining

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 09:53

On the other hand, I could've lived without hearing it
d3vastat0rToday at 09:54
Yeah, must have suck to have to listen to that while eating
You shoulda been like "I'M EATING!!"

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 09:58

My mom's boyfriend was laughing too. The entire conversation I was
overhearing was hilarious

d3vastat0rToday at 09:58

I was up till past 2 this morning chatting in the Cradle server

Will try to sleep tonight

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 09:59

Sleep is good

d3vastat0rToday at 10:00
So true
You have a GoT party going?
Dragon themed snacks and so on

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:02

Nah, just sitting on my couch in the living room, with the hope that my mom
won't walk in during a graphic scene. That's always fun to explain

d3vastat0rToday at 10:02
Oh yeah
GoT is pretty explicit

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:04

I'd rather not have my mom walk in during one of those scenes. She knows I
watch it, and she knows it's graphic, but it's still awkward

d3vastat0rToday at 10:04
How does the dragon girl fit her role?
When she was younger she had a more elegant look?
idk how to say that
But recently she's been looking a bit less so

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:05

Daenerys? Emilia is doing well in the role, I think. She looks the part

d3vastat0rToday at 10:06
Oh, very good
I saw her in a movie about a dude in a wheel chair and she had a completely
different look
I guess it must have been for the role

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:07

I sae her in Solo. I really liked her role

d3vastat0rToday at 10:07
Oh, yeah. I saw that one too
they took down Rogue One and Dr. Strange from Netflix btw
I was thinking of watching one or the other, but neither in sight

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:09

They took Civil War off too. I've got Rogue One on bluray so I can watch it still

d3vastat0rToday at 10:10
I don't like it enough to buy it
Just wanted to see K2S0 again
He was hilarious

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:11

We've got all the star wars movies except 1 and 2

d3vastat0rToday at 10:11
I got 1 through 3 but still haven't watched them
not the prequel ones I mean
So I guess I should say 4 to 6

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:12

I don't like Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones

d3vastat0rToday at 10:13
I think I watched those, but don't remember them
A friend had insisted I watch them. I remember being very annoyed by how silly
Jar Jar was

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:15

I dislike the dialog

d3vastat0rToday at 10:17
I guess that's, like, your opinion, man.

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:19

The garage band down the road is playing. Please send help

d3vastat0rToday at 10:19
I guess they're not very talented?

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:19

They're terrible

d3vastat0rToday at 10:19
Enjoy the free music lol
Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:20
Very bad versions of songs from Metallica

d3vastat0rToday at 10:20
I am having to listen to obsure rap music my cousin is playing
idk why headphones were invented

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:21

My mom is singing Def Leppard in the house.

d3vastat0rToday at 10:21
Is she good?(edited)

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:22

She's singing Pour Some Sugar on Me

d3vastat0rToday at 10:23
Lol, sounds like you can use some noise cancelling headphones

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:23

I wanna get back to game of thrones. I put the rock and roll hall of fame induction
on, and this is what happens

d3vastat0rToday at 10:24
Oh, she's singing along to your music?(edited)

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:26


d3vastat0rToday at 10:27
I gues pause it and see what happens
Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:27
She'd keep singing

d3vastat0rToday at 10:27

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:29

Perks of having the same taste in music as your parents

d3vastat0rToday at 10:29
Idk, I guess headphones are an alternative if you want

Darth is a proud Floridian🐊Today at 10:29

I got Game of Thrones back on now

d3vastat0rToday at 10:30
ah, okay

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