Markscheme - Paper 1 Mock 2 - Islamiyat - Feb 2019

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Mock 2 – Islamiyat - Feb 2019

question Answer marks Guidance

1(a) 4 Read two part (b)
together and give a
mark out of 4 for the
whole answer.
2(a) Quran is the spiritual guidance of man, his 10
P1: introduction
system of law, his code of ethics and above
P2-P3: Different
all his way of life. Covers entire field of behaviors to be
explained with
human affairs weather intellectual, political,
references from
social, ethical or economic. Quran.
P4: Conclusion.
It clearly defines the permitted and
forbidden, advocates moderation and
harmony between the material and spiritual,
the individual and collective.
Explanation and references from Quran for
the behavior.[such as 3:110, 49:9, 42:38]

Candidates should be
2(b) Candidate may agree or disagree. 4
specific with their
Agree: Quran is for all times to come and for answer, not just
saying things like it is
all the nations to come.
mentioned in the
Covers all aspects of human life. Qur’an, or that it would
benefit people. Better
Carries comprehensive instructions.
answers can quote
Similar other reasons with evaluation can be from the Qur’an and
hadith to support their
Disagree: Continuation of previous
scriptures. Does not provide complete
guidance in law leaving space for Ijma and
Qiyas. Candidates need to give evaluative
response giving reasons to support their
3(a) In the year before migration the Prophet 10 Response needs to be
(pbuh) was taken on a journey, “from the clearly focusing upon
sacred mosque to the farthest mosque” the specific need of
(17.1). The Prophet (pbuh) was woken from the question covering
his sleep and his heart was washed with all the points with
zamzam. He was asked to choose between accuracy and
milk and wine and he chose the milk, to thoroughness.
which Jibril said, “You have been guided on Division into
the fitra.” He was then taken on al-Buraq paragraphs is a must.
from Makka to Jerusalem by the angel Jibril.
There the Prophet (pbuh) led all the
previous prophets (pbuh) in prayer. After
that, Jibril took him to the heavens. He met
Adam at the door to heaven, and thereafter
he ascended and met various other
prophets. He was led to the Lote Tree, past
which Jibril could not go, and then met with
his Lord. He was given prayers and the last
2 verses of Sura Baqara. On his way down
he met Musa who suggested the Prophet
(pbuh) ask God to reduce the number of
prayers given to his people. The Prophet
(pbuh) did this a number of times, then at
five, stopped, saying he was too
embarrassed to ask for further reduction. He
saw some of the inhabitants of Heaven and
Hell. Answers should also mention that this
all took place in one night, and when the
Prophet (pbuh) told the people, the Quraysh
laughed at him. Abu Bakr believed in the
event straight away.

3(b) The Prophet (pbuh) had been through a 4 In addition to facts its
period of difficulty and this event made him reason must also be
realize that God had not left him. It allowed evaluated to show its
him to see what he, and all Muslims, should significance.
be striving for which gave him renewed
strength. He realised his status amongst
prophets (as seal of the prophets), he led
them in prayer), and realised the blessings
God had given his community (by giving the
five prayers), which gave him renewed hope
in his message and he
4(a) The candidates’ response must discuss the 10 P1 Introduction.
ways in which he started his mission and P2-P4: how he used
how he made it progress; how he dealt with his insight and
the opposition of Quraysh with his well perception to utilize
thought out strategies, insght and his character qualities
perception. for the
accomplishment of his
P5: Conclusion.

Identify the conduct

The response of the candidates may include qualities and tell how
4(b) any qualities of the prophet and say how they can guide the
these act as a guide for Muslims, they could Muslims today.
say working with insight and precision can Evaluate your
make them succeed in their missions. Or argument. Support
adopting the character qualities of the with quotation.
Prophet can ensure fulfilment of their tasks.

5(a) Brief introduction and acceptance of Islam. 10 Their role to be

explained in detail but
Explanation of their role during the battles.
it is not 5+5 division of
Their character qualities which helped them the marks. Read the
answer as a whole.
to serve Islam. What did the Prophet say
about each of them.
Identify how they can
5(b) Muslims can be loyal to their religion by 4
show loyalty.
putting their wealth for the service of Islam. Evaluate your
argument. Support
Not evading from jihad when needed. Being
with quotation.
able to sacrifise their lives for the sake of
their religion

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