Stat Proportion Stats Two Sample

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Stat > Proportion Stats > Two Sample

1. Choose the With Data option to use sample data from the StatCrunch data table.
a. Select the columns containing the first and second samples.
b. Specify the sample outcomes that denote a Success for both samples.
c. Enter optional Where statements to specify the data rows to be included in both samples. If the two
samples are in separate columns, this step is typically not required.

Alternative: Choose the With Summary option to enter the number of successes and number of observations for
both samples.

2. Select the Hypothesis test or Confidence interval option.

a. For a hypothesis test, enter the difference in proportions for the null hypothesis and choose ≠, <, or > for
the alternative.
b. For a confidence interval, enter a value between 0 and 1 for Level (0.95 provides a 95% confidence
3. Click Compute! to view the results.

In a study, children solved problems and were praised for either their intelligence or effort. Afterwards, each child wrote a
report stating, among other things, how many problems they got right. Of those children who were praised for their
intelligence, 11 of 29 lied on their report. Of those who were praised for their effort, only 4 of 30 lied. Using this summary
information, a two-sided hypothesis test is performed to compare the proportion of children lying for these two
conditions. (All of the summary data for this example is entered directly into the dialog, so there is no separate data file.)

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