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SAP ERP Manufacturing - Production

Planning (SAP PP): CAPP: Calculating

Standard Values

Posted by arturo senosain Jun 17, 2013

Hi PP Friends. This is my 1st blog ever in the SDN. In this blog im going to show an example of CAPP. Why
CAPP? because i dont see for a long time a project that have this stuff, nor questions in the SDN not OSS
Notes in the Marketplace. I dont know if this functionality was discontinued by SAP but its still active in ECC6,
so why not post about it ?
Lets Begin!!

1. What is CAPP?
Is an alternative way to calculate standard values in PP Orders (also in Routing, but dont complicate this stuff),
that allow tricky and complicated formulas. When i was on the university, in the course "Manufacturig Process"
we study some formulas for milling drilling, cutting,and this kind of things that dont follow rule of three, in spite
depend on speed, density and other parameters.

2. CAPP is an old functionality, most oss about capp refer to version 3, so this stuff exist before y2k, you know
that ?

3.Maths. In this example, we are going to work with 3 parameters, but you can work with more: 6, 7, 10, not
sure but more. My parameters are:

+ Net Weight: is the FG Net weight in the Material Master

+ Order Quantity: is que quantity in the PP Order
+ Machine speed: is a parameter that you maintain manually at Order Creation.

Imagine in our manufacturing process we need to calculate the machine standard value with this formula:

There are other options to valuate patameters, eg you can read a Ztable without abap code, you can use
parameters from the routing or you can write abap code in order to do whatever you want =)

4. OK, 1st check Material ZPP_FERT_CAPP01 in plant 6000.

In the Material Master, we set field NetWeight. We are going to valuate automatically a parameter in the
production order with this value.

Generated by Jive on 2014-12-01+01:00

SAP ERP Manufacturing - Production Planning (SAP PP): CAPP: Calculating Standard Values

5. Well, begin with the Order Createion. Set 10 Units as quantity.

6. System request valuate caracteristic Machine Speed, set "9"

Generated by Jive on 2014-12-01+01:00

SAP ERP Manufacturing - Production Planning (SAP PP): CAPP: Calculating Standard Values

7. System show all the Characteristics and the final result according to the formula. Also show the "Weight
Material Master come from table MARA".

Generated by Jive on 2014-12-01+01:00

SAP ERP Manufacturing - Production Planning (SAP PP): CAPP: Calculating Standard Values

The Formula: (33 * 10 ) / 9 = 36.667

8: System transfer the Result to the Standard Value of the Operation

Generated by Jive on 2014-12-01+01:00

SAP ERP Manufacturing - Production Planning (SAP PP): CAPP: Calculating Standard Values

Ok Thats is! This standard Value can be used in Scheduling, Capacity Planning or Costing Formulas, but i
guess you know about it!
In next post i'm going to explain how to do the customizing.


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Ramagiri Srinivas Rao

Feb 5, 2014 2:39 PM
Hi Arturo,

Thanks for sharing valuable information and creating awareness amoung forum members. Looking forward for
next post.


Generated by Jive on 2014-12-01+01:00

SAP ERP Manufacturing - Production Planning (SAP PP): CAPP: Calculating Standard Values

Srini Ravindra Kumar

Feb 5, 2014 10:13 AM
Arturo, Had made a note long back on the limited usage of this functionality. Based on my recent reading: Out
of Characteristics and tables forming the CAPP basis, tables have a type called Matrix tables. (Finally these
matrix tables lead to usage of functionalities like Rapid Planning Matrix etc used elsewhere s the end part).
My understanding is these functionalities more probably required in automotive sector have been transformed
as iPPE(integrated Product and Process Engineering) functionalities and enriched under PLM space. Just my
People working in Automotive segments should be able to help better.

Had to google to see what the abbreviation for CAPP was for . Better to expand the abbreviation/s at least
once in any document, if used)
Somehow the posting by Ann Hustis sometime back on ECC functionalities not used properly comes to mind.

Christian Bermudez
Sep 2, 2013 7:31 PM

In your example, you are using the 'order quantity' as a variable for your formula.

When calculating the CAPP formula, is the the order quantity (10) being input manually?
Or there is a way in the formula/origin to read the value, after it was entered the first time?

Sharat Sugur
Jul 10, 2013 6:55 PM
Hi Arturo,
Very valuable information and triggers the thought process why this is no more used in SAP and no one talks
about it? but you are right awareness is less, and more and more usage of it helps and as you said testing
must be keen to understand & use this concept in projects.

Lijun Yue
Jul 10, 2013 11:32 AM
Looking forward your next post!

Lijun Yue
Jul 10, 2013 10:47 AM
Nice Job

arturo senosain in response to ANIMESH KUMAR on page 7

Jun 18, 2013 4:28 PM
Hi Animesh
In the SAP Help you can find all the info about CAPP, its quite easy.

Generated by Jive on 2014-12-01+01:00

SAP ERP Manufacturing - Production Planning (SAP PP): CAPP: Calculating Standard Values

Maybe next week im going to post the step to reacreate the example.

By the way, i recomend you test carefully the functionality if you bear in mind use in a proyect, as I told its quite
old, i dont see this stuff since 2006 in a productive system.
Maybe one of our SAP Mentors that often post in this forum told as more details about the functionality, i guess
SAP dont inted to improve it.


Jun 18, 2013 4:06 AM
Hi Arturo,

Thanks for this valuable info. This can very well be used in my existing project.
Can you please mail me or post the next blog on how to do the config.
If you can mail me then please mail me at
I would deeply appretiate your effort.

Generated by Jive on 2014-12-01+01:00


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