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Andrzej Kiełbus, Kinga Rodak - Silesian University of Technology, Katowice, Poland

Jerzy Pasternak - Boiler Engineering Company RAFAKO S.A., Racibórz, Poland


Steam superheater coils are one of the most important steam boiler elements operating in sub-
critical conditions at a temperature of c.a. 550°C and under pressure ranging from 10 to 18 MPa.
X20CrMoV12.1 steel grade in delivery condition has a characteristic tempered martensite structure
with ferrite areas. Long-lasting operation of steam superheater coils made of X20CrMoV12.1 steel
grade under creep conditions considerably affects the material structural stability (degradation).
Steam superheater coils material degradation level depends on operational parameters and mainly
on temperature and pressure. Moreover, the effect of a number of boiler start-ups and shutdowns as
well as structural conditions is also important. The effect of above-mentioned factors on changes in
X20CrMoV12.1 steel grade microstructure and substructure is described in this article. The article
also includes the assessment of structure degradation processes which are manifested mainly with
destruction of martensitic areas, release of M23C6 type carbides, release of Laves phase and
occurrence of recovery and re-crystallisation processes.


power generation, operation parameters, creep-resisting steels X20CrMoV12.1, welded joints,

microstructure stability,


Continuous development of thermal power generation sector recently saw a considerable increase of
importance of creep-resisting steel grades mainly for their application in boilers with supercritical
parameters. It is a great step forward when compared with Sixties and Seventies, when the
maximum reheat steam temperature of 360 and 500 MW power-generating units ranged from 540 to
560°C under a pressure from 10 to 18 MPa. The group of steel grades, which - during that period -
met the requirements concerning heat-resistance and creep-resistance includes X20CrMoV12.1
creep-resisting steel grade elaborated in Germany in accordance with the requirements of DIN
17175 norm. It was widely used in construction of steam boiler elements such as headers and steam
superheater coils [6]. X20CrMoV121 steel grade chemical analysis in accordance with DIN 17175
is shown in Table no. 1.

Table 1: X20CrMoV121 steel grade chemical analysis

Steel grade Elements [%]

C Si Mn S P Cr Mo V Ni W
X20CrMoV121 0,17- 0,10- 0,30- Max Max 11,0- 0,90- 0,25- 0,30- 0,25-
0,23 0,50 0,80 0,025 0,020 12,5 1,10 0,35 0,80 0,35

High-temperature creep-resistance properties of X20CrMoV121 steel grade were achieved thanks to

introduction of 1%Mo and 0,3%V into a martensitic matrix already containing 12%Cr. Relatively

high contents of Cr and other alloy elements makes X20CrMoV121 corrosion-resisting and heat-
resisting. Steel grade containing c.a. 12%Cr and 0,2%C, due to its low critical cooling velocity, may
be hardened even with ambient air cooling. The addition of molybdenum during steel cooling
within the tempering process counteracts tempering brittleness and may cause the secondary
hardness effect due to release of M2C carbide. Such heat treatment results in the achievement of
tempered martensite structure. The substructure shows a high dislocation density inside small
elongated sub-grains and carbide release at the limits of grains as well as inside sub-grains [3]

Kinetics of release of carbides from X20CrMoV121 appears more intensive when compared with
other steel grades applied in power generation sector and that’s why it is so important in structural
stability assessment to define the advancement of carbide phase transformations. It indicates the
degree of passage of alloy components from the matrix to carbides, migration of released particles
and growth of large carbide release at the limits of grains and sub-grains resulting in the decrease of
material creep-resistance and reduction of its operational service life [4]. Design operational service
life amounting to 100 000h is considered a safe operation period. Despite the fact that pressure
equipment operated in power generation sector and thermal power sector are designed for a
precisely defined operation period (100 000 or 200 000 h), there are numerous plants, which are
safely operated well beyond the design service life. On the other hand, there are also examples of
damage of elements caused by the loss of operational properties and resulting in their elimination
from service before the expiry of aforementioned design service life [2].

Currently, the service period of the majority of elements operated in country’s power gene-ration
sector - and made of X20CrMoV12.1 steel grade - has already exceeded said design value of 100
000 h. Such a long period of operation of steam superheater coils under creep and fatigue conditions
causes - depending on operational parameters - the changes in material structure and the decrease of
its operational properties [1]. Changes in properties determining material service life are mainly
caused by exceeding of operational temperature and numerous boiler start-ups after - both planned
and emergency - shutdowns. Incorrect start-up is related with exceeding of allowable conditions
thus accelerating material degradation process and leading to equipment failure.
The effect of non-uniform thermo-mechanical load during the long-term operation under
creep condition (local, more or less considerable exceeding of temperature, stress concentration,
cyclic changes of operational parameters) results in uneven material wear level thus leading
heterogeneous structure and operational properties.


Steam superheater coils made of X20CrMoV12.1 steel grade in accordance with DIN 17175, after
long-lasting (70 ÷ 120 thousand hours) operation were subject to examinations. The effect of
pressure, temperature and service time on material degradation degree was analysed. Nominal
(design) operational temperature amounted to t = 540÷570°C with pressure p = 16÷19 MPa.
Characteristics of microstructure degradation were determined using Reichert MeF2-type luminous
microscope and HITACHI scanning electron microscope. Substructure examinations were carried
out using JEOL 100B transmission electron microscope with thin foils and extraction replicas.
Classification of structural changes after long-lasting operation was based on VGB-TW 507 report


X20CrMoV121 steel grade in delivery condition has a characteristic tempered martensite structure
with δ ferrite areas and measured hardness level of ~240 HV (structure class 0). Long-lasting
service of this material (70-100 thousand hours) with boiler nominal operational parameters - not
depending on operation time - does not result in considerable changes in structure - structure class 1
(fig. 1). We observe the elongated sub-grains of tempered martensite with high dislocation density.
Diffraction examinations and chemical composition analysis have demonstrated the release M23C6
type carbides, mainly at the limits of former austenite grains and at the limits of sub-grains. M23C6
carbide release was mainly elongated (fig. 2 ). Hardness is slightly lower than the hardness of
material in delivery condition and amounts to ~230 HV.


Fig. 1. Tempered martensite structure of Fig. 2. Extracted M23C6 carbide release in

X20CrMoV121 steel grade after c.a. 100 000 extraction replica reflecting the slat martensite
hours of operation. Structure class 1. structure.
LM Magn. 400×

After long-lasting operation (~100 000 hours) at a temperature of c.a. 580°C - i.e. slightly below the
allowable steel temperature - the material shows the evidence of beginning of martensite
degradation with its needled structure remaining unchanged and individual creep-related voids
starting to appear.
Various size sub-grains are well formed within a recovery process. Their surface is four times larger
(average surface Pp=1,3 m2) and their dislocation density considerably lower when compared with
material of structure class "1". M23C6 carbides are characterised with considerably diversified sizes
and occur mainly at the limits of sub-grains. Their average surface amounts to Pw=60x103 nm2.
Material hardness has decreased to c.a. 220 HV. Structural changes enable us to classify the exa-
mined material into structure class “2a”.
Extension of operation period to the level beyond 120 000 h as well as numerous start-ups
considerably affect the changes in steel structure. Coil material classified in structure class “2b”
demonstrates higher level of disintegration of martensitic areas with a large number of spherical
shape r-type (round) creep-related voids - (fig. 3). At the limits of sub-grains, which are almost four
times bigger when compared with “2a” class (Pp=4,5 m2), we observe M23C6 carbides and inside
the sub-grains dislocation anchoring processes occur in fine-dispersion release of MX-type (fig. 4).
Average carbide surface increases to Pw=180x103 nm2, which is the evidence of a beginning of
coagulation process.
Structural changes have resulted in hardness decrease to a level of c.a. 200 HV.

Fig. 3. Numerous creep-related voids in a Fig. 4 Dislocation anchoring processes in fine-
tempered martensite matrix. Structure class dispersion release of MX-type.
“2a”. LM magn. 400× TEM magn. 400×

Operation (frequently below ~100 000 hours of operation) in the areas of a high risk of temperature
exceeding e.g. coil elbows - in case of insufficient steam flow or too high flue gas temperature -
causes the total disintegration of martensite, tempered to ferrite and carbides (mainly M23C6) and
creation of numerous creep-related voids (fig. 5). We observe well-formed, almost dislocation-free
sub-grains - rich in fine-dispersion release of MX-type - with average surface Pp=6,8 m2 (fig. 6).
Changes of this type cause the decrease of hardness to c.a. 190 HV, thus enabling us to classify this
structure into 3a class.

Fig. 5. Ferritic structure with carbides, Fig. 6. Ferritic structure with carbides, nume-
numerous creep-related voids. Structure class rous creep-related voids. Structure class “3a”.
“3a”. LM magn. 400× LM magn. 400×

Along with the flow of operation time creep-related voids became directed and M23C6 carbides are
subject to considerable coagulation - average surface increases to c.a. Pw=240x103 nm2.
Hardness level decreases to c.a. 170 HV. Material is classified in structure class 3b.

Simultaneously, at the areas of coil damage due to e.g. operation at temperatures considerably
exceeding the design temperature, we observe the complete degradation of material. Structure of
such element consists of carbides in ferritic matrix. We observe the agglomeration of numerous
creep-related voids leading to the appearance of micro-cracking and subsequently macro-cracking
(fig. 7). This type of changes enables us to classify the material in structure class 4.

We have also observed intensive recovery and re-crystallisation processes. Average
diameter of sub-grains amounts to c.a. 3,3 µm, i.e. more than five times larger then the average
diameter of sub-grains measured in a w material examined after 70 000 hours of operation. Inside
equiaxial sub-grains we may observe the phenomenon of anchoring of individual dislocations on
fine-dispersion release of carbonitrides (fig. 8).
Related material hardness decreased to c.a. 160 HV.

Fig. 7. Micro-cracking in ferritic matrix, Fig. 8. M23C6 carbide release at the limits of
directed creep-related voids. Structure class 4. sub-grains and fine-dispersion MX release
LM magn. 400× inside sub-grains.

The increase of average diameter of release with the flow of operation time from c.a. 150 nm after
70.000 hours of operation to 500 nm after 120 000 hours of operation is caused not only by carbides
coagulation process but also by the release of large forms of intermetallic phases. The majority of
said intermetallic phases released after such long operating time (fig. 9 and 10) have, unlike carbide
release, characteristic diversified morphology of particles.
The shape of M23C6 is regular close to spherical (fig.11 and 12).





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Th eta
Energy (keV)

Fig. 9. Laves phase release at the limits of Rys.10. Laves phase chemical analysis (from
primary austenite grain. fig. 9).




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Energy (keV)

Fig. 11. Equiaxial M23C6 carbide release. Fig. 12. Chemical analysis of M23C6 carbides
(from fig. 11).

The process of Laves phase release in X20CrMoV121 steel grade jest strictly depends on the effect
of temperature an operating time. These phases appear at a temperature of 600°C after 100 000
hours of operation. The growth of intermetallic phase release in comparable operational conditions
is considerably higher tha the growth of M23C6 carbides due to phase release at the limits of primary
austenite grains in the vicinity of M23C6 carbides. They are much larger than simultaneously
released M23C6 carbides.
Apart from decrease of dislocation density and increase of sub-grains and release size, the effect of
long-lasting operation parameters on changes of structural parameters is also visible in case of
intermetallic phase release. Under extreme operating conditions, the effect of strengthening of solid
solution for X20CrMoV121 steel grade is reduced due to intensive growth of Laves phase release.
Therefore, the positive effect of these phases on material strengthening is highly improbable.
Mechanical properties examinations carried out at a temperature of 550°C have demonstrated that,
not-depending on structure class of X20CrMoV121 steel grade, measured yield point of steel is
higher than the minimum value required in accordance with provisions of DIN 17175 standard,
achieving the level of Re550=250 MPa. In case of material with the highest degradation level
(structure class 3b) the yield point at a temperature of 550°C also amounted to Re550=250MPa.


The results of metallographic examinations and mechanical properties verification enabled the
assessment of the influence of operational parameters - mainly temperature and operating time - on
structural stability of steam superheater coils made of X20CrMoV121 steel grade during long-
lasting operation.
Long-lasting operation - including excessively high stress concentration and mainly exceeding of
allowable operational parameters - causes considerable changes in X20CrMoV121 steel grade
microstructure and substructure.

Aforementioned steel structure changes may be divided into three groups depending on
disintegration mechanism:

1) Changes in steel martensitic matrix depending on external factors may occur in two ways,
as follows:

• excessively high operational temperature

- disintegration of tempered martensite creep-related voids ferrite + carbides micro-

• correct operational temperature, excessively high stress caused by incorrect flow of medium,
structural conditions
- slight degradation of tempered martensite individual creep-related voids  directed voids

2) Processes of release and coagulation of carbides and other phases:

- release of M23C6 carbide fine-dispersion MX release coagulation of M23C6 carbide
appearance of Laves phase;

3) Changes in steel substructure:

- sub-grains with high dislocation density increase of the average size of sub-grains reduction
of dislocation density due to the processes of annihilation and dislocation regrouping.

At the same time, degradation of structure causes the considerable reduction of hardness, i.e. from
240HV in delivery condition to c.a. 160HV for a material classified in structure class “4”. Yield
point at a temperature of 550°C is subject to similar changes. It was demonstrated that the
occurrence of creep-related voids is not determined by the advancement of martensite disintegration
into ferrite and carbides.

In a substructure, the increase of material degradation level is combined with clear increase of
surface of carbides (mainly M23C6) and sub-grains, which at the same time have fewer and fewer
dislocations due to recovery and re-crystallisation processes (fig. 13).

300000 8

2] 250000 2]
[n µ
w [p

Average surface of carbidesP

Average surface of sub-grains

150000 4



0 0

1 2a 2b 3 4
Structure class

Fig. 13. Changes in average surface of carbides and sub-grains depending material structure

Examinations of mechanical properties have demonstrated that, not depending on X20CrMoV121
steel grade structure class, its yield point is higher than the minimum value required by DIN 17175.
It enables us to state that after long-lasting operation under optimum conditions (i.e. not exceeding
the allowable ones) the examined steel grade has considerable structure stability and properties.


[1] Straub S., Blum W., Rottger D and others: „Microstructural stability of the martensitic steel
X20CrMoV12-1 after 130 000 h of service at 530°C.”, Steel research 68 (1997) No.8.
[2] Hernas A.: “The issue of residual hardness from material science point of view”, Material
Engineering, no. 4-5, 1992.
[3] Eggeler G., Nilsvang N., Ilschner B.: “Microstructural changes in a 12%chromium steel during
creep“, Steel Research 58, 1987, No.2.
[4] Thompson R.C., Bhadeshia H.: ”Carbide precipitation in 12Cr1MoV power plant steel.”,
Metallurgical Transactions, volume 23A, April 1992.
[5] VGB-TW 507 Technical-scientific Report: „Guideline for the Assessment of Microstructure
and Damage Development of Creep Exposed Materials for Pipes and Boiler Components.” Edition
[6] Hernas A.: “Creep resistance of steels and alloys”, Silesian Technical University Publishers,
Gliwice 2001.


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