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A Review of Configuration Design for Distributed Propulsion Transitioning

VTOL Aircraft

Conference Paper · October 2017


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3 authors:

Dominik Felix Finger Carsten Braun

Fachhochschule Aachen Fachhochschule Aachen


Cees Bil
RMIT University


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2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

A Review of Configuration Design for Distributed Propulsion

Transitioning VTOL Aircraft
D. Felix Finger 1*, Carsten Braun1, and Cees Bil 2
1 Department of Aerospace Engineering, FH Aachen UAS, Aachen, Germany
2 School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
One of the biggest challenges in aviation is the design of transitioning vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft. Thrust-borne
flight implies a higher mass fraction of the propulsion system, as well as much increased energy consumption in the take-off and landing
phases. A good VTOL design will offset this disadvantage by transitioning to conventional forward flight, thus travelling at much higher
efficiency than a comparable rotorcraft, for an overall improvement in mission performance.
This paper intents to support the configuration designer of VTOL aircraft by giving a review of some of the available configuration
possibilities, considering the latest advancements in technology. While VTOL aircraft can use the conventional wing-fuselage-stabilizer
configuration, much of new development efforts involve unconventional planforms. The advent of distributed propulsion and electric- or
hybrid-electric propulsion systems offers additional opportunities to optimize the vehicle layout and improve flight performance. This
review considers propeller driven designs, lift fans and ducted fans, as well as jet lift and hybrid configurations that use a mix of propulsion
Keywords: Aircraft Configuration Design, VTOL, Transition, Distributed Propulsion
Nomenclature ‘convertiplanes’ or ‘hybrid aircraft’ and many different
b = back configurations are used [1].
C = cruise Because a transitioning VTOL aircraft must perform
CTOL = conventional take-off and landing satisfactory in both flight regimes, its design consists of
f = front
trade-offs and compromises [2].
FOD = foreign object damage
This paper presents a review of some of the possibilities
g = gravitational acceleration
ISA = international standard atmosphere available to the configuration designer, for both manned
l = left and unmanned aircraft. Concerning size or intended
L = lift mission, this study covers all classes of aircraft. However,
L/D = lift-to-drag ratio some concepts will be more suitable for small UAV
M = figure of merit applications, while others may be preferable for large
M = Torque
transport applications. The focus is on aircraft capable of
MSL = mean sea-level
transitioning to forward flight, and a broad discussion of
P = power
r = right helicopter design will not be provided. This special field is
S = area covered comprehensively in literature (e.g. [3], [4], [5]).
STOL = short take-off and landing Nevertheless, the fundamentals on the layout of helicopters
T = thrust and multicopters will be treated, to provide the reader with
T/W = thrust-to-weight ratio a complete overview. Just recently, the fusion between a
UAV = unmanned aerial vehicle
fixed-wing aircraft and a multicopter system has become
v = velocity
VTOL = vertical take-off and landing
very popular, especially for unmanned aircraft. Therefore,
w0 = design weight a discussion of the design of multicopters, a topic rarely
ρ = density of air covered in classical aircraft design literature, is included in
ω = rotational speed section 5. This way, the configuration designer will find the
most relevant information in one place.
1. Introduction The highly specialized topics of compound helicopters,
autogyros and rotodynes are not covered.
VTOL transitioning aircraft combine a helicopter’s
ability to take-off and land almost anywhere, with the
There are many missions where a VTOL aircraft is
speed, range, endurance and load carrying capability of a
superior to a CTOL solution. Without the need for a runway
fixed wing aircraft. Some sources call these vehicles
or other infrastructure, they can attain a mobility that is

* Presenting and Corresponding Author: Research Engineer,, Student Member AIAA

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

superior to conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) 16 320

Hover Efficiency M=1,00
vehicles. 14 Hover Efficiency M=0,75 280

Hover Efficiency w0/P [kg/kW]

Induced Velocity
Nevertheless, VTOL aircraft also have disadvantages: 12 240
Slipstream Velocity

Flow Velocity [m/s]

They are mechanically complex and difficult to control in
10 200
hover and transition. Furthermore, combining VTOL with
8 160
conventional forward flight is weight critical and raises
costs significantly. 6 120

Technical progress in lightweight composite 4 80

construction, load and stress optimization methods, 2 40
computerized flight controls and high performance 0 0
propulsion systems, have introduced new VTOL concepts, 10 100 1000 10000
Disk Loading T/(g·Sdisk )[kg/m²]
particularly for unmanned systems [2], and it is useful to
review or revisit some of these concepts. Fig. 1. Hover efficiency
This paper discusses a number of past, present and future At high disk loadings, a small volume of air is moved
VTOL concepts with their specific features, focusing on downwards very quickly, yielding a low lift efficiency. The
designs that can transition to conventional forward flight or high downwash velocities necessary at high disk loadings
otherwise can achieve speeds comparable to CTOL aircraft. can also cause soil erosion and high noise levels. Jets can
still cause considerable damage, especially because of the
2. Hover Efficiency and Downwash high temperature exhaust gases. If jet propulsion is used for
Hover efficiency (w0/P in kg/kW) relates the aircraft direct lift, (e.g. F-35) the disk loading typically exceeds
weight with the power required to lift it in vertical take-off 5000 kg/m² and the slipstream velocity approaches the
and hovering flight. This efficiency is linked to the rotor speed of sound.
disk loading (kg/m²), i.e. thrust force T (N) dived by both In general, the designer should strive for low disk
the gravitational acceleration g and the rotor disk area SDisk. loadings, to minimize power requirements. However, there
The relationship is shown in Fig. 1, based on the are several drawbacks: Rotor weight becomes prohibitively
assumptions of the momentum theory [6]. high, as does overall size, and low disk loadings increase
As Eq. (1) shows, hover lift efficiency is inversely the gust sensitivity. Therefore, the performance balance
proportional to the square root of the disk loading. between forward flight performance and hover efficiency
Therefore, the easiest way to increase hover efficiency is to must be assessed very carefully.
increase the disk area. Typically, for smaller VTOL vehicles a lower disc
∙ 2∙ ∙ loading can be achieved, as from a scaling perspective, it is
∙ (1)
/ easier to manufacture a relatively large rotor for a smaller
Besides reduction of disk area, negative influences on the rotorcraft.
hover efficiency are operation at high altitudes (decreasing Distributing the required thrust over a greater number of
air density ρ) and M, the figure of merit that indicates how disks allows to keep the rotors small, while maintaining a
efficient the rotor system is, compared to the theoretical low disk loading. Such a distributed propulsion design is
optimum. particularly efficient if electric propulsion is used, as
Eq. (2) allows to calculate the flow velocity induced by described in [7]. However, Reynolds number effects have
the rotor, assuming a uniform lift distribution across the to be taken into account, to establish the smallest suitable
disk. rotor size.

(2) 3. Thrust-to-weight ratio

2∙ ∙
As the column of air is forced down below the rotor, it For vertical flight, regardless of the configuration, the
constricts. For hover, the final slipstream velocity can be thrust-to-weight ratio (T/W) is T/W > 1. According to [8],
shown to be 1.5 times the calculated amount (Eq. (3)) [4]. a 5% margin is needed for acceptable heave control. This
3 margin is increased to 20 and 50% for thrust vectoring, the
∙ (3)
2 2∙ ∙ suck-down effect and hot gas ingestion effects. The effects
are explained below:

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

A reaction control system (RCS) must be installed, as the

lack of dynamic pressure makes aerodynamic controls
ineffective. The RCS can operate on any form of thrust
vectoring, can include additional propellers, rely on bleed
air for jet propulsion systems, or be of hybrid nature (e.g.
electric fans and thrust vectoring as described by the author Fig. 2. Free air entrainment (left) and ground effect (right)
in [9]). Thrust vectoring can be achieved by placing (adapted from [8])
aerodynamic controls in the slipstream of a rotor, but the
corresponding drag has to be correctly accounted for.
For all VTOL vehicles, the suck-down effect, depicted in
Fig. 2, cannot be neglected. The freestream effect of a
propeller or a jet causes the air mass around the aircraft to
be accelerated due to viscosity. This creates a downward
flowfield both in, and out of ground effect. In ground effect,
however, the improved mixing of the jet exhaust increases
the effect greatly. Raymer gives the magnitude of this
“vertical drag” as 2-6 % of T/W in free air and up to 30 %
of T/W in ground effect [8]. Fig. 3. Recirculation and Hot-Gas Ingestion
If rotors are used to provide the necessary lift, their (adapted from [34])
placement has to be carefully considered. If one considers
heavy lift multicopters, a T/W of less than 1.6 is not
the tilt rotor configuration as an example, the wings placed
recommended and results in a less responsive aircraft. For
below the rotors impinging wake produces a download,
better control in gusting conditions, a T/W of 2.0 is more
reducing the net lift. The US Army Material Command’s
reasonable for these configurations.
Helicopter Design Handbook [3] gives Eq. (4) to
A fail-safe operation of any X-planform multicopter (e.g.
approximate this effect.
quad- or octocopter) will need a T/W greater than 2.0. In
∗ ∗ (4) general, VTOL aircraft face a great problem when it comes
The typical, “average” effect is impossible to assess, to the probability of engine failure. The aircraft must not
however a reduction up to 30% of the effective lift is only be capable of sustaining sufficient vertical thrust, but
certainly possible. also balance this thrust about the center of gravity. To
VTOL vehicles using jets as lift engines face an achieve redundancy, a massive surplus of power and/or a
additional problem, illustrated in Fig. 3. Because the hot complex driveshaft and gearbox system must be used.
exhaust gases always find a way back into the inlet, thrust For UAV operations this requirement is often dropped,
is considerably reduced as the compressor inlet temperature especially for small systems. If an engine fails in hover, the
rises. Raymer states: “It takes about 30 s in hover for the air UAV is lost. The benefit is a reduction in aircraft size and
around the [Hawker] Harrier to heat up by 5°C. This 5°C cost, at the price of reduced reliability.
increase in air temperature entering the inlet reduces the
engine thrust by about 5%.” [10, p. 767] 4. Transitioning VTOL Configurations
For all the above reasons, the overall installed T/W for The simplest method to enable VTOL capability for any
VTOL aircraft – both jet and rotor propelled – ranges aircraft is to add lift engines to the airframe (Fig. 4a). This
between 1.2 and 1.5. Nicolai and Carichner [11] suggest to takes up internal volume, requires some effort to avoid
use a T/W of 1.2 as a rule of thumb, while Raymer suggests excess drag in cruise, and causes a considerable weight
a T/W of 1.3. If the aircraft is required to hover at gross increase. However, the big advantage lies in the possibility
weight in hot and high conditions at increased density to size the main propulsion system for efficient cruise or
altitudes, the nominal T/W (usually specified for ISA MSL loiter – thus reducing the fuel fraction for that part of the
conditions) will increase further. flight. Consequently, also the lift engines can be designed
If control of the vehicle in hover is supposed to be for a single high power operating point.
maintained by only varying the rotor speed, like for a Another extreme method to enable VTOL capability for
multicopter, the thrust requirements increase further. For aircraft is to use the same propulsion system for both cruise

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

4.1 Lift + Cruise

All concepts in this subchapter are discussed under the
premise that exclusive propulsion systems are installed for
hover and flight.

4.1.1 Multicopter + Conventional Airframe

Fusing a multicopter (see section 5) with a conventionally
laid out aircraft is the easiest way to give a fixed-wing
aircraft VTOL capabilities. Each system is decoupled and
used in its most effective state. Using the multicopter
system the aircraft ascends to obstacle height and then uses
the regular propulsion system to accelerate and sustain
wing-borne flight. Of course, the landing procedure is
Usually, the chosen multicopter layout is symmetric
about the aircraft’s longitudinal axis (e.g. a quad-, hexa- or
octo-configuration). The rotors can then be mounted inline
for minimal drag impact.

Fig. 4. Methods for VTOL

and hover (Fig. 4b). This eliminates the need for an

additional propulsion system, which would only represent
dead weight during the cruise or loiter part of the flight.
Fig. 5. Octocopter/conventional pusher
Unfortunately, the powerful engines cause low efficiency
and high fuel consumption during forward flight. Hybrid propulsion options (meaning electric lift motors
Additionally, UAVs are rarely used on missions requiring and combustion engines for endurance flight) are used
very high speeds or very high climb rates, so the excess frequently and minimize the weight impact [12]. Because
power cannot be coined into an advantage. electric motors have a vastly higher power-to-weight ratio
A middle ground is represented in Fig. 4c. The cruise than internal combustion engines (about 5 kW/kg vs.
engines are used for both forward flight and hover, but 1 kW/kg), they are highly suited for this application.
supplemented by some sort of dedicated powered lift However, electric hover propulsion is only a viable option,
system. This is usually considered the best way to achieve if the time spent in hover is kept to an absolute minimum.
VTOL for any aircraft – unmanned or manned. This way, Otherwise, the weight savings of the electric motors will be
the massive weight and volume increase for a dedicated completely negated by a heavy battery system. Another
propulsion system is minimized, and the efficiency loss of benefit of using electric motors for short durations, is their
the cruise propulsion system is kept in reasonable bounds. ability to operate in overload conditions for a short time.
For best performance, the ratio of lift between the lift While this heats up the motors significantly, this can be of
engine(s) and the cruise engine(s) must be carefully benefit in case of an engine failure. This is not possible for
investigated and optimized. This optimization process a traditional combustion engine.
depends on the given design mission and is outside the Multicopter systems can be used as an ‘add-on’, allowing
scope of this paper. the airframe to be converted between the VTOL and CTOL
In the following paragraphs, the most relevant VTOL configuration with respect to mission requirements.
configurations are briefly presented. Below each subsection, Another possibility is to design the multicopter system to
a table lists example aircraft for the corresponding be an integral part of the airframe, to minimize the impact
configurations. on structural weight.

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

Table 1. Example Aircraft For manned aircraft, the Lift + Cruise approach was used
Multicopter + Conventional Airframe successfully for the supersonic French Mirage III V.
ALTI Transition (UAV)
However, the eight lift engines imposed a severe range and
Arcturus Jump 20 (UAV)
GerMap G170-V Quadplane (UAV) payload penalty on the aircraft and it was never able to take
Latitude HQ-Series (UAV) off vertically and successfully attain supersonic flight
SkyPro M6 VTOL QuadPlane (UAV) during the same flight. (This feat was only accomplished by
the X-35B in 2001 [14].)
4.1.2 Jets + Conventional Airframe
At least for small UAV applications, the modular ‘add- Table 2. Example Aircraft - Jets + Conventional Airframe
on’ setup can be applied as well. The small form factor of Dassault Mirgae III-V
turbojets with radial compressors may allow the vertical Short SC-1
installation of such small jet engines. This uses very little
internal space, but requires careful inlet design. Since small 4.2 Lift = Cruise
jets for UAV applications usually do not allow the offtake All concepts are discussed under the premise that the
of bleed-air for a reaction control system it can be necessary propulsion system is sized by hover requirements and also
to establish control authority by placing ducted electric fans used for cruise flight.
in suitable locations. If the VTOL capability is unnecessary
for a certain mission, the jet engines might be removed and 4.2.1 Tiltrotor
replaced with fuel tanks for extended range and endurance. A tiltrotor (and for the sake of simplicity this title shall
Specialized jet engines for hover can be used to improve also cover tilt-nacelle and tilt-duct concepts) uses the same
performance for a jet Lift + Cruise aircraft. For jet engines, motors for both vertical and horizontal flight. It can rotate
the average T/W ratio is about 6-8, depending on their size. its propellers, rotors, ducts or nacelles in such a way, that
If the multitude of operation points necessary for “regular” the thrust vector can support the aircraft’s weight in vertical
jet engines can be reduced to only vertical take-off and flight, and provides forward thrust during level flight. In
landing conditions, it is possible to develop lightweight some cases, the entire nacelle with the engine is tilted, while
engines of higher thrust. For example, the Russian designed other tiltrotors use drive shafts and gearboxes to transfer
Kolesov RD-38 (first run 1964 as RD-36) lift jet used by power to swiveling rotors. A mechanism that synchronizes
the Yakovlev Yak-38 (Lift + Lift/Cruise design, see section the movement is necessary to avoid loss of control. The
4.3.3) and Rolls-Royce’s designated VTOL engine RB162 wings and fuselage stays level during the transition
(first run 1962) both achieve a T/W of about 18. Kohlman maneuver. This allows any attitude sensitive payload (e.g.
estimates that a T/W of up to 25 is possible for future lift optical sensors or humans) to operate in all parts of the
jets employing modern technology [13]. This will flight regime.
necessitate the employment of composites in the
compressor section and the casing, as well as accepting a
marked deterioration of time between overhaul compared to
conventionally designed jet engines.

Fig. 7. Tiltrotor
Because wings placed below the rotors’ impinging wake
produce a download reducing the net lift (see also section 3,
Fig. 6. Jet L+C Eq. (4)), the rotors are usually positioned at the wing tips,
to minimize exposure. The wings can be small and sized to
If hover engines are positioned about the center of gravity
cruise requirements, because low speed flight is achieved in
like in Fig. 6, they can increase the required fuselage
the hovering configuration. To reduce the download to a
volume in this area significantly. This can lead to a severe
minimum, tiltrotors are usually equipped with full span
increase in wave drag.
flaps, which will deflect to a 90° down position during

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

hover. This way, the flapped wing area is not producing any Compared to other concepts, a disadvantage of the
vertical drag. tiltrotor is the need to mount (at least) two large rotors side-
Conventional take-off is usually impossible for propeller by-side at the tips of the wings. This dictates a minimum
driven aircraft, because the size of the rotors prevents a wingspan and gives a larger footprint, especially when
forward tilt on the ground. This, just like the hover compared to helicopters.
download, can be avoided if a jet propulsion system is Because tiltrotor aircraft usually use the same propulsion
used– at the expense of reduced hover efficiency. system for hover and cruise, the engines are oversized for
Ducted fans can be an interesting alternative to the pure cruise and loiter conditions, leading to an increase in fuel
rotor, as a duct can increase propeller thrust and can provide consumption.
additional lift during forward flight. However, these
benefits can be offset by the additional weight and friction 4.2.2 Tiltwing
drag. A tiltwing aircraft is quite similar to the tiltrotor, as it is
Compared to a Lift + Cruise configuration, tiltrotors offer able to rotate the thrust vector of its main engines. However,
the benefit of reduced weight and improved aerodynamic not only the nacelle and rotor are swiveled, but the entire
efficiency, because a combined propulsion system can be aircraft’s wing, with the engines fixed relative to the chord.
packed tighter. However, during transition the control loops This has some advantages: A single rotation mechanism is
are coupled, increasing complexity, and powerful actuators are simpler, therefore more reliable and should be lighter [10].
necessary to overcome the gyroscopic moments of the large, There is also little blockage effect from the wing.
fast-spinning rotors. However, during transition from hover to forward flight,
Tiltrotors usually use wing-mounted propellers. When a the wing reaches very high angles of attack and will stall
tandem-wing or lifting-canard layout is used, this allows [15]. This can be controlled by submerging the entire wing
multicopter-like control in hover – provided the T/W is in propwash and running the engine at a high power setting.
high-, and the vehicle’s inertia is low enough. This is acceptable for take-off, but during approach, with
the intention to slow down, this is undesirable. Additionally,
the tilted wing offers its entire surface to the wind, causing
degraded controllability during hover in gusting conditions.
As explained for the tiltrotor, if at least four rotors are
used, control in hover might be accomplished similar to a
multicopter. However, most of the time, the wings’ control
surfaces are submerged in the propwash and thus can exert
control forces.
Fig. 8. Tandem-wing tiltrotor/tiltduct For propellers without swashplate actuation an additional
method to control the pitching motion during hover is
Table 3. Example Aircraft - Tilt Configurations required. This can be either a reaction control system or an
Tilt Rotor additional rotor, typically mounted in the tail, as shown on
AgustaWestland AW609 the LTV XC-142.
Bell XV-15
To cover the complete span with propwash, multiple
Bell XV-3
Bell-Boeing V22 Osprey smaller propellers can be used instead of few large rotors as
Bell Eagle Eye (UAV) for tiltrotors. This allows conventional take-off and landing
KATI Smart (UAV) operations are possible due to the reduced propeller
Tilt Prop diameter.
Curtiss Wright X-19
Curtiss-Wright X-100
Tilt Duct/Nacelle
Bell 65 ATV
Bell X-22
Doak 16 VZ-4
Nord 500 Cadet
American Dynamics AD-150 (UAV) Fig. 9. Distributed propulsion tiltwing (with tilting
horizontal stabilizer)

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

The concept can be extended to the concept of distributed

propulsion. NASA’s GL-10 ‘Greased Lightning’ UAV
(now licensed by the ‘Advanced Aircraft Company’) is the
perfect example. A total of ten propellers provide
propulsion to the airframe. “The GL-10 concept takes the
well proven tilt-wing aircraft configuration and combines
distributed electric propulsion in a concept that provides the
new capability of extremely efficient aircraft operations Fig. 11. Boxwing- and three-surface tiltrotor
fully exploiting salient features of both.” [16, p. 2] Table 4. Example Aircraft - Tiltwing and Hybrid
Aurora Flight Sciences’ XV-24A ‘LightningStrike’ Canadair CL-84
carries this concept to the extreme. The canard Elytron 2S
configuration employs a distributed embedded electric fan Hiller X-18
system that consists of 24 separate motors. Power is Karem Aircraft AeroTrain/JHL
Ling-Temco-Vought XC-142
provided by a turboshaft engine driving triple redundant
Vertol VZ-2
generators [17]. The concept of the German startup Lilium Acuity AT-10 (UAV)
Aviation is similar: it uses 36 embedded electric fans that Aurora Flight Sciences XV-24A (UAV)
are attached to the wing’s and canard’s high lift system. NASA/Advanced Aircraft Company GL-10 (UAV)
Their aircraft is called the ‘Lilium Jet’ even though it is
propelled exclusively by electric motors and batteries. 4.2.3 Flow Deflection and Thrust Vectoring

A hybrid between the tiltrotor and tiltwing is possible. Flow deflection and thrust vectoring are related.

Tilting nacelles are attached to a fixed central wing. An Typically, thrust vectoring happens directly at the engines

outboard wing can be attached to the nacelle and tilt with it. exhaust nozzle, while a flow diversion involves a movable

This design combines the structural benefits of the fixed blocker device that redirects the flow through ducting to a

central wing, where the largest forces and moments are different outlet. It is therefore applicable to aircraft

introduced in the fuselage, with the aerodynamic advantage propelled by ducted fans or jets.

of the reduced hover download of the tiltwing configuration. The Hawker Harrier’s Pegasus turbofan engine allows the

This way, a higher aspect ratio wing can be used, with the vectoring of fan- and core-airflow through swiveling

corresponding induced drag benefit. It must be said, nozzles. However, this causes the hot air to be ejected along

however, that the lift distribution will be far from the ideal the fuselage, where the Coandă effect, keeps it attached.

ellipse, due to the negative impact of the nacelle. This causes thermal fatigue, which is aggravated by

As described in [18], such a wing can be easily attached acoustic loads. Additionally, it requires the engine to be

or disassembled from the nacelle, allowing to optimize the positioned very far forward, leading to a poor volume

airframe depending on different mission requirements. distribution for transonic flight [8]. These issues can be
mitigated, if the concept is applied to multi-engine aircraft,
where the engines are placed in pods on the wings [20].
Then, a much simpler integration is possible because the
aircraft’s tail is not in the way of the exhaust gases.

Fig. 10. Tiltrotor/tiltwing hybrid

Another hybrid concept is possible if a more
unconventional configuration is chosen: A fixed tandem
wing layout can be supplemented with a tilting stub-wing
Fig. 12. Fan and core vectoring
to which propellers are attached [19]. If carried to the
extreme, this might be considered a three-surface layout. Lockheed’s “Reverse Installation Vectored Engine

Depending on the design philosophy, this layout also lends Thrust” (RIVET) configuration is a very interesting ‘twist’

itself to box-wing configurations. on this problem. To quote from the patent: “The main

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

propulsion engine which will provide both vertical and pitching the entire aircraft.
horizontal propulsion forces is mounted in the airframe in a If propeller propulsion is used, either large flaps (which
reversed position aft of the center of gravity, with the can degrade performance) must be placed in the slipstream
engine front face facing to the rear and the exhaust nozzle to control propeller torque, or a coaxial rotor system must
assembly located at the center of gravity. The nozzle be used. The motor and rotor/propeller design requires
assembly is comprised of a pair of exhaust nozzles, one many compromises, because they cannot be optimized for
mounted on each side of the airframe, in the form of 90 either vertical or horizontal flight. Therefore, propeller
degree "elbows", which can be rotated from a vertically efficiency is degraded, especially for fixed pitch propellers.
downward facing position to a horizontally rearward facing An interesting concept is the combination of a tail-sitting
direction.” [21] flying wing and the quad-/octocopter layout (see sections
4.3.2 and 5.5). The propulsion system doubles as a
relatively wide landing gear in this arrangement and thus
the aircraft is less prone to topple over in high winds.
Jet propulsion can also be used for tail-sitters.
Afterburners are not used at take-off and landing for such a
concept since the re-heated exhaust gases will melt any
landing pad. Because of the cooler exhaust stream and
larger static thrust, high- or ultra-high-bypass turbofans are
Fig. 13. . RIVET Concept [22] superior to low-bypass- or turbojet-engines for VTOL
This concept allows significant weight savings over a performance. Unfortunately, this will restrict such aircraft
conventional engine installation, and allows the installation to subsonic speeds and shows how difficult it is to combine
of any standard turbofan engine. An afterburner can be supersonic flight and VTOL requirements.
integrated in the rotating nozzle, but it must not be used in If a jet engine is used, it must not touch the ground during
hover, since the ground erosion is excessive. The weight take-off or landing, since this will choke the engine. The
savings, coupled with the corresponding sizing benefits of Ryan X-13 was designed with the tailpipe as the absolute
this configuration, result in a lighter aircraft. end of the aircraft, and took off (and landed) on a hook on
The deflected slipstream concept was applied to propeller a wall, instead of sitting on its tail on the ground.
aircraft as well. However, it was only of very limited Ducted fans can be successfully applied to a tail-sitter
success. The US Army explored the concept with the Ryan design, since the duct can increase the static thrust, thereby
VZ-3 and Fairchild VZ-5 research aircraft. The flight- improving performance in the vertical flight regime.
testing revealed that the “deflected slipstream concept Generally, tailless (sometimes also tail first, see [24])
proved to be better suited to STOL than VTOL operation.” configurations lend themselves very well to the tail sitter
[23] approach. Many concepts involve a delta (Ryan X-13,
Convair XFY-1) or flying wing planform. A conventional
Table 5. Example Aircraft - Flow Division and Vectoring tail-aft configuration (like the ducted fan concept developed
Vectored Thrust by RMIT [25] standing on its empennage offers too much
Boeing X-32 area to the wind, making it unstable when standing on the
Hawker Harrier ground.
Yakolev Yak-36
Deflected Slipstream
Fairchild VZ-5
Ryan VZ-3

4.2.4 Tail-Sitter
The tail-sitter concept also uses the same propulsion
system for take-off and landing, but differs from the two
concepts described before. The whole aircraft is tilted, not
only a part of it. As the name suggests it sits on its
empennage during take-off and landing, and transitions by
Fig. 14. Prop and jet tail-sitters

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

According to [26], tail-sitter concepts can be split in configuration (discussed in detail in section 5) is suitable
‘Control Surface Transition Tail-sitters’ and ‘Differential for such a concept.
Thrust Transitioning Tail-sitters’. Both require The selection of the tricopter configuration (see section
sophisticated control systems, with the former relying on 5.5.1) has the distinct advantage of having the least amount
control surfaces submerged in the slipstream and the latter of motor/rotor pairs and is therefore the easiest to integrate.
using either a swash-plate actuated rotor or a 3-D thrust- This gives the possibility either to actuate a single rotor in
vector-nozzle. The thrust vectoring approach is more a way that offers 3-D vector control, or to actuate two of the
maneuverable, but comes with a weight penalty. three rotors for 2-D motion. Since the rotor-torque does not
For manned tail-sitters a large problem is pilot visibility need to be evenly distributed, an uneven disk loading can
[27], but this is no drawback for an unmanned aircraft. be applied. This enables the tilting rotors to be optimized
However, optical payloads might not be effective in both for forward flight and the dedicated hover rotors to be
flight regimes. Problems also arise from a tendency to tip adapted to their separate flight regime.
over (observed for several small tail-sitter UAVs) and the IAI has created a very adaptable unmanned airframe called
heavy tail structure needed to take the landing loads. ‘Panther’. It swivels two of its three motors to transition to
Nevertheless, as the general approach needs less moving wing-borne flight. The Panther is available in two sizes and
parts, tail-sitters should offer a slight weight advantage with pure electric or a hybrid gas-electric propulsion system,
compared to tiltwings or tiltrotors. demonstrating the scalability of the concept.
Transition from flight to hover is very complex, because Quantum Systems uses a tilting mechanism on all four
the wing operates at large, post-stall angles of attack. The rotors of their SLT UAV. However, only the front engines
so-called diving transition seeks to minimize that phase of are used to provide forward thrust during cruise flight. The
the transition, by diving down, rather than sustaining level aft engines are swiveled to allow the propeller blades to fold
flight during the transition. By trading altitude for airspeed into a low drag position, increasing aerodynamic
level flight is resumed. performance. A careful tradeoff is required, if the increase
Just as the other Lift = Cruise concepts, in its pure form in L/D is worth the weight of the additional swiveling
the propulsion system is oversized for forward flight. mechanism.
If a high speed flight requirement is a high priority, then
Table 6. Example Aircraft - Tailsitters efficiency in hover can be exchanged for lower drag during
Convair XFY-1 cruise by replacing one rotor (or even all rotors) of the
Lockheed XFV-1 tricopter layout with a ducted fan. The RWTH Aachen
Ryan X-13
developed the ‘Parcelcopter 3.0’ together with logistics
Aerovel Flexrotor (UAV)
AeroVironment SkyTote (UAV) provider DHL based on this concept. Two propellers are
AVIC VD200 (UAV) mounted to tilting wings and an electric ducted fan is used
Martin UAV V-Bat (UAV) to supplement the system in hover.
University of Sydney T-Wing (UAV)

4.3 Lift + Lift/Cruise

The best overall system performance is obtainable by
combining the power of the cruise propulsor and a
dedicated separate system for hover. However, if the
systems are not properly laid-out, the system’s performance
can easily be degraded to the point where it performs worse
Fig. 15. Tricopter with front engines tilt
than a well thought-out Lift + Cruise configurations.

4.3.1 Tilting Multicopters

If a multicopter configuration is desired for hover flight,
additional actuators can be used to rotate some of the rotors
in a way they produce thrust during forward flight. This
approach can be combined with the tiltwing/tiltrotor
technology. Naturally, any Y- or X-multicopter Fig. 16. Tricopter with aft engine tilt

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

Table 7. Example Aircraft - Tilting Multicopters Table 8. Example Aircraft - Jet L+L/C
Tilt Prop Dornier Do 31
IAI Mini Panther (UAV) Entwicklungsring Süd VJ 101C
IAI Panther (UAV) Lockheed XV-4B
Quantum Systems SLT (UAV) VFW-Fokker VAK 191B
RWTH Parcelcopter 3.0 (UAV) Yakolev Yak-38
Tilt Duct Yakolev Yak-141
XTI Trifan 600 Aurora Excalibur (UAV)

4.3.2 Tail-sitters Using Engine Shutdown 4.3.4 Augmented Jet Powerplants

Tail-sitter aircraft usually are grouped under the Lift = If the thrust level of a jet powerplant must be increased
Cruise label, however if they are designed to shut down one beyond its normal range, an augmentor device must be used.
or more powerplants in flight, they can be discussed under For level flight, this augmentor is usually an afterburner.
the L+L/C banner. For hover, this is an impractical solution, because of the
For UAVs the concept of combining a quadcopter with a high exhaust temperature. Instead, different auxiliary
flying wing is appealing. This setup eliminates the need for devices have been developed to provide additional thrust
a landing gear, since the aircraft lands tail first on the for VTOL operation.
multicopter frame. Additionally, if the topside motors are One method uses the viscosity of the air to its advantage:
shut down in cruise flight, the bottomside motors, generate Ejector nozzles allow the exhaust gas stream to mix
a nose-up pitching moment, which allows a reduction in efficiently with additional air. The free stream effect will
trailing edge up control surface deflection for trim. This accelerate the ambient air around the core stream as well,
improves the aerodynamic performance of the airfoil and which is then exhausted together, resulting in a higher total
wing. thrust. While controlled laboratory tests showed thrust
augmentation factors of 1.5 to 2.0, the additional weight of
the necessary ducts and problems with incomplete mixing
prevented practical application [28].
The second method is to extract shaft power from the
main engine and use this energy to drive a horizontally
oriented fan system buried in the aircraft’s fuselage (e.g.
Lockheed XV-4) or wing (e.g. Ryan XV-5). This method
Fig. 17. Flying-wing L+L/C tail-sitter was applied to the F-35B, the only supersonic VTOL
aircraft currently flying.
4.3.3 Jet L+L/C
Jet aircraft concepts, that are developed for the Lift +
Lift/Cruise configuration, usually use a vectoring nozzle on
the main engine in the back, to deflect its thrust vector
vertically during VTOL operation. This thrust is then
supplemented and balanced by an additional lift engine in
the forward part of the aircraft. This configuration is similar
in operation to jet Lift + Cruise concepts, but offers a Fig. 19. Ejector augmented jets (fuselage configuration)
reduction in weight and volume, with the corresponding The shaft driven lift fan is an attractive concept, due to
sizing benefits. the reduction in exhaust gas temperature of the primary jet,
since the work for the fan is extracted from the engine’s hot
section [29]. Driving a lift fan with exhaust gas instead of a
mechanical coupling mechanism is also possible. Typically
tip turbines are used, driven by either fan air, compressor
belled air or core flow. However, the gas coupling is less
Fig. 18. Jet L+L/C “stiff” compared to a driveshaft, which results in a slight
deficit in control authority.

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

Table 9. Example Aircraft - Augmented Jets is owed to its low disc loading. Helicopters achieve control
Lockheed Martin F-35B by a swashplate actuated main rotor and a counter-torque
Lockheed XV-4A rotor at the tail. To spin large rotors at low speed, large
Rockwell XFV-12A gearboxes are needed. Both the rotor hub and the tail rotor
Ryan XV-5A
cause high drag in forward flight and a typical helicopter
Vanguard Omniplane
reaches a maximum lift-to-drag ratio of only 4.5 [5]. Fixed

4.4 Summary wing aircraft reach 2-4 times this L/D value. VTOL
An overview of the configurations suited for transitioning concepts usually cause a slight degradation of aerodynamic
VTOL aircraft, which were discussed in this chapter, is performance, but still requires vastly less power for
provided below. Table 10 shows an evaluation matrix of the cruising flight. This is the main reason, why transitioning
strengths and weaknesses of each configuration. VTOL systems are even considered.
While the performance evaluation of an aircraft cannot During forward flight, the helicopter suffers from a
merely be attributed to a certain propulsion system layout problem arising from the relative velocity of the blades to
but needs to take into account the entire configuration, this the surrounding mass of air.
matrix does provide a starting point for a detailed design In hover, at zero forward speed, both blades encounter the
synthesis. Good performance is marked with a ‘+’, average same flow conditions. Each blade-station, however,
performance with a ‘○’ and below average performance is experiences a different velocity. Therefore, the low velocity
marked with a ‘-’. area near the rotor hub contributes little to the total lift. This
lowers the overall efficiency of the complete system.
Table 10. Performance overview of VTOL configurations When moving, the retreating blade sees the helicopter’s
forward speed subtracted from its rotational velocity.


Because the blade speed linearly varies between zero and


Performance the tip speed, a portion of the retreating blade is always




stalled in forward flight, causing asymmetric lift and

Tilt Rotor + ○ - + ○ vibrations. The advancing blade’s relative airspeed is equal
Tilt Prop + ○ - ○ + to the rotational velocity at each blade station, plus the
Tilt Duct + ○ - ○ + helicopter’s forward speed. Because tip speeds are limited
Tilt Nacelle ○ + + - + by compressibility effects, helicopters are typically
L=C Tilt Wing + ○ - + ○ confined to maximum speeds of less than 100 m/s.
Tail Sitters (Prop) + ○ - ○ ○ A fixed wing operates at a constant inflow velocity at
Tail Sitters (Jet) ○ + ○ - ○
each spanwise position, enabling greater efficiency of lift
Vectored Thrust ○ + + - ○
generation. However, this comes at the expense of a certain
Deflected Slipstream + - - - -
minimum forward speed.
Jet Lift + Prop + - - - +
L+C Prop Lift + Prop + - - ○ +
5.2 Multicopters
Jet Lift + Jet ○ + ○ - +
“Just as the conventional twin boom pusher configuration
Jet Lift + Jet ○ + + - ○
became the iconic arrangement for fixed wing UAS’ from
L+L/C Aug. Jet Lift + Jet ○ + + ○ -
○ the 1980s to the 2000s, the quadcopter is becoming the
Prop Lift + Prop + ○ - +
iconic small rotorcraft configuration today.” [30, p. 473]
5. Rotorcraft Multicopter technology has matured enough that man-
carrying aircraft are employing this technology. However,
To provide the reader with a complete overview of VTOL
the consequences of choosing between a tri-, quad-, hexa-
configurations, a brief overview of rotorcraft design
or octocopter are difficult to grasp, especially in
concepts is presented in this section. For rotorcraft, no
conjunction with the impact on the overall aircraft
exemplary vehicles will be listed.
In this section, the basics of multirotor design shall be
5.1 Helicopters
presented, so that the designer can use this information to
The conventional helicopter is the best air vehicle
mate such a system successfully with his fixed-wing
configuration if extended hover periods are required. This

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

concept (see sections 4.1.1, 4.3.1 and 4.3.2). is not unlimited because the flight dynamics are based on
Multicopters (sometimes called multirotors) have rapidly the moments generated by inertia and very large vehicles
taken a very large share of the small UAV market and exhibit sluggish reactions to control inputs. Typically,
nowadays are used frequently for commercial and growth is achieved by using additional motors and rotors
recreational applications. Considering terminology, instead of increasing the size and power of each motor/rotor.
multicopters really are a subtype of the helicopter.
Typically, rotorcraft with up to two rotors are called 5.3 Multicopter Dynamics
helicopters, with the dual rotor type being called tandem- To illustrate the basic control principles of multicopters,
or coaxial helicopter, depending on the layout. If three or only the quad rotor design will be discussed. Nevertheless,
more rotors are used, then one speaks of it as a multicopter. this theory can be extended to vehicles with six or more
The typical multirotor has an even number of rotors, rotors.
where each rotor pair spinning clock- and counter- Consider a copter system with four counter rotating
clockwise to cancel out torque. Even though the general propellers aligned in an X-shape, as shown in Fig. 20. At a
flight mechanics are comparable to helicopters, multirotors given rotational speed (ω), propellers generate a thrust force
offer a very simple control system. No actuators or variable (T) and a torque (M). Due to Newton’s third law of motion,
pitch rotors need to be used and besides the motors, there a clockwise spinning rotor generates a counter-clockwise
are no other moving parts, because the rotors usually are torque on the vehicle. The four independent motors control
fixed pitch. For simplicity, the most commonly used the attitude angles roll (Φ), pitch (Θ), and yaw (Ψ), as well
propulsion system are ungeared electric motors, even as the heave motion, for a total four degrees of freedom.
though there have been successful manned flights of Roll rate is controlled by a left-right differential of thrust,
multicopters using direct drive gasoline engines. The while the front-back motors control the rate of pitch. The
simplest multicopter arrangement that allows pure motor yaw rate is controlled by differentiating the speed of the
control is the quadcopter [30]. counter-spinning motors: Accelerating the clockwise and
The general concept is not new; in fact, it can be traced slowing down the counter-clockwise rotors lets the vehicle
back to the 1907 ‘Breguet-Richet Gyroplane’ [31], designed rotate counter-clockwise. Forward flight is controlled by
by Louis Breguet, of fame for his range and endurance rotating the thrust vector opposite to the desired direction
equations. However, it was only with the miniaturization of of travel.
processors and accelerometers that this kind of aircraft
concept found widespread use. Multicopters are highly
unstable systems, and it is near to impossible for a pilot to
stay in control without an automatic flight controller.
Payloads are usually carried in a central body, with the
rotors distributed symmetrically around this fuselage. This
increases efficiency compared to the helicopter, because it
avoids the suck down effect (sometimes called ‘hover
download’) by minimizing the area below the rotor disk.
Unfortunately, efficiency and controllability do not go
Fig. 20. Multicopter Definitions
together for multicopters. Considering an arbitrary
multicopter with a given weight, an increase of rotor disk
5.4 Optimal Multicopter Layout
area will lower the disk loading, improve efficiency, and
All multicopters use arm mounted propellers to generate
decrease power consumption. However, the larger rotors
their lift. The exact configuration of the motor/rotor setup
will spin slower than their smaller counterparts will.
influences the efficiency and hence the performance of the
Coupled with the weight increase of larger rotors, the rotor
multicopter. Theys et al. from the KU Leuven [32]
inertia is increased, and, because vehicle control is based
investigated several configurations experimentally for
on the acceleration of said rotors, the control
small multicopters, and their most interesting findings shall
responsiveness is reduced.
be presented here.
Correspondingly, while the concept works for small
unmanned and large manned aircraft alike, growth potential

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

5.4.1 Two Blade or Three Blade Propellers 5.5 Multicopter Variants

A direct comparison between two- and three bladed
propellers of the same pitch and diameter was conducted, 5.5.1 Tricopters
with the two-bladed variants being about 4% more efficient. Tricopters have three motors and rotors. Because the
However, if noise is a concern, three bladed propellers may number of motors is uneven, their torque cannot be canceled
offer some advantage, as they produce the same thrust at a out completely. Instead, at least one (sometimes two) of the
lower rotational speed. three rotors is actuated to pivot and generate a torque to
control yaw. Due to gyroscopic forces resulting from the
5.4.2 Pusher or Puller Propeller fast-spinning motors, the actuation forces are non-trivial.
A pusher propeller is 3% more effective than a pulling There is no redundancy for motor failure in a tricopter
propeller. The difference of these two propulsion concepts system and since the moving part count (three motors and
is shown in Fig. 21. at least one actuator) is equal to the quadcopter the failure
If a pusher layout is chosen, this has the benefit that rates are similar.
unsealed motors are covered from rain, hail and snow. Because of the uneven number of motor arms, only
Drawbacks are the reduced ground clearance of the unaligned radial arms can be used. These arms must be
propellers, and possible interaction with the landing gear. joined in the center of gravity, where the maximum bending
On an additional note, the width of the engine mount is loads occur [30], resulting in a heavier structure of the
influencing the efficiency more than its shape, and should frame.
be kept to a minimum.

Fig. 21 Pushing propeller (left) and pulling propeller

Fig. 22. Tricopter
5.4.3 Coaxial propellers
Theoretically, a coaxial propeller setup should exhibit 5.5.2 Quadcopters
superior efficiency over a single propeller, since swirl Quadcopters have four pairs of motors and rotors. As
losses can be minimized. To get this benefit, the stated before, they offer the simplest control arrangement,
downstream propeller needs a higher blade pitch since it and have risen to the most used multirotor configuration. In
operates in accelerated flow. In addition, the stream tube fact, if anybody is speaking of a “drone” chances are high
contracts, hence a smaller diameter should be chosen as that a quadcopter is described.
well. The ideal design achieves its maximum benefit only Quadcopters come in either a + (‘plus’) or an X-layout.
at a single design point. In practice, the coaxial propellers The former has the advantage to offer improved visual
are usually a pair of identical pitch and diameter. attitude feedback to the ground observer. The latter has the
Testing revealed that for disk loadings above 100N/m² advantage to offer a free forward field of view to any optical
this simple coaxial setup may offer about 3% more payload mounted in its center of gravity. Also, for equal
efficiency compared to a single propeller. size motor arms, the X-layout offers an increase in
maneuverability, since all 4 motors are used to control the
5.4.4 Optimal Arrangement for Yaw pitching and rolling motion (control forces increase by a
The motor/rotor combination can be tilted several degrees factor of 1.41, while the inertia stays constant).
(2°…7°) away from the horizontal plane, to allow better If the quadcopters advantages of simplicity and a low
yaw control during hover. Since the yawing motion in the moving parts count shall be retained, this system does not
basic multicopter layout is only influenced by the rotors’ offer full redundancy in case of motor failure. Nevertheless,
inertia, this means that control might be marginal for researchers at ETH Zürich have demonstrated the ability of
heavier systems. A small tilt can introduce an additional a quadcopter to stay airborne after motor failure [33].
force in the horizontal plane, which in turn gives a torque However, yaw control is lost in this case and the copter
about the center of gravity and thus allows a much quicker rotates about his center of gravity.
response of the aircraft. Because a pair of motor arms is always aligned for this

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

layout, a single tube can be used, which can carry the

bending loads efficiently, without a heavy connector in the
center of gravity.

Fig. 25. Hexacopters

5.5.5 Octocopters
Octocopters have eight pairs of motors and rotors. They
Fig. 23. + Quadcopter (left) - X Quadcopter (right) come in either an eight-arm or a X-layout. The latter is a
quadcopter with coaxial rotors (pros and cons of coaxial
5.5.3 Pentacopters rotors were discussed in section 5.4.3). Octocopter with a
Pentacopters have five pairs of motors and rotors. Like sufficiently large T/W can tolerate a failure of any two
for tricopters, at least one of the motors needs to be actuated engines and thereby offer high redundancy. At ETH Zürich
to allow yaw control. The pentacopter offers a distinct an overactuated octocopter was developed. This special
advantage for hybrid propulsion options: A combustion setup is not only extremely redundant but can also sustain
engine can be used to drive a low disk loading rotor in the flight regardless of attitude. However, this feature is usually
center of the vehicle as well as a generator, which delivers not desirable for transitioning aircraft. Their higher inertia
energy to the four electric motors positioned in a typical makes octocopters more stable.
quad layout. Such a design might be suitable for missions
where high endurance and extended time in hover is
Naturally, a disadvantage of the penta-layout is the
increased complexity over the quad. In addition, just as for
the tricopter, the motor arms must be joined at the position
of the maximum bending loads. Fig. 26. Octocopters

Of course, configurations with more than eight rotors are

possible. They offer a very high degree of redundancy and
since many rotors with a low inertia are used, the agility of
the system is retained. As an example, the German E-Volo
Volocopter 2X uses a total of 18 rotors and is currently
Fig. 24. Pentacopters
undergoing testing as an air-taxi in Dubai.
5.5.4 Hexacopters
Hexacopters have six pairs of motors and rotors. They
6. Conclusion
come in either a six-arm or a Y-layout. The latter is a
This survey paper has presented the key concepts
tricopter with coaxial rotors (pros and cons of coaxial rotors
were discussed in section 5.4.3). The advantage of available today to the VTOL configuration designer. The

hexacopters, compared to the tricopters is in the even relationship between efficiency in hover, the disk loading

number of rotors. Therefore, torque is cancelled out and and the downwash-velocity was explained. A guideline for

control is achieved using differential motor speeds without selecting an appropriate T/W was established, dependent on
the propulsion system. The most relevant options for the
having to rely on changing the thrust angle of one (or more)
rotors. Hexacopters can sustain flight in case of a motor configuration of transitioning VTOL aircraft were

failure, giving improved reliability over systems with a thoroughly discussed. Finally, for completeness, an
overview about the design of rotorcraft, with major focus
lower number of motors. However, since they have greater
inertia compared to a copter with lower rotor count, they on multicopters, was presented.

are less agile.

2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea

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