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Chapter V

Conclusion / Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

After reviewing the test cases and fine-tuning the system and the

applications multiple times, the proponents conclude that the project was a fair

success. The test cases show evidence that the system and applications function

as intended – providing the psychiatrist the crucial assistance in treating their


The functions of the Patient App and Psych App worked well. When the

patient profiles were created and the patient answered the tests, the subsequent

information were stored neatly in the system’s database. The psychology tests,

when answered completely, are then processed by the system that output test

results that give the psychiatrist valuable insight on their patient’s mental condition.

These profiles can then be viewed and have notes added by the psychiatrist using

their own application, the Psych App. Also, the appointment calendar functioned

admirably. It provided the psychologist a clean and neat tool for properly

scheduling appointments with their patients.

In the end the project excelled as a proof of concept. Mental health

practitioners do need more tools in their endeavor of properly treating their

mentally ill patients. And applications such as this will benefit them greatly. It is the

Mental Health Patient Profiling and Psychologist Journal System 5-1

hope of the proponents that this project would inspire others to develop tools to

will aid humanity and contribute to the common good.

5.2 Recommendation

For future researchers and developers to learn more from this project, the

proponents have reflected on a few suggestions for further study.

The first recommendation would be for the application to be tested by more

psychiatrists. It is more than likely, that the benefits provided by an application and

system such as the one in this project may not appeal to some therapists. With a

large test group, flaws and improvements in the application and system can be

found more easily.

Second, it is advised that the application and system’s features could be

expanded to include other useful tools. Additional functions such as a jotter or free-

writing notepad, a contact list, or access to medical periodicals could make the

usability of this application and system more appealing to therapists.

Third, the proponents believe that this system and application may be even

more valuable if it were able to be run completely on laptops. While a mobile device

is easily accessible, it has multiple drawbacks that limit the functionality of the

Mental Health Patient Profiling and Psychologist Journal System 5-2

system and application (i.e. processing power, small storage). If it were to be built

for laptops, the system and application can be improved in a great number of ways.

These are a few recommendations that the proponents wished to give. May

it assist future researchers in their projects.

Mental Health Patient Profiling and Psychologist Journal System 5-3

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