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Technological University of the Philippines

College of Industrial Education

Student Teaching Department

Name:Pascua, Nhecel E. Date:

C/Y/S: BSIE-ComED 3A Time Started:___ Finish:___



At the end of the lesson 100% of the students with 95% proficiency should be able to:
a. Identify the parts and functions of the keyboard
b. Appreciate the importance of the keyboard
c. Explain the different parts of the keyboard.


A. Topic: “Keyboard”
B. Sub-topic: “Parts of the Keyboard”
• Laptop
• Visual Paper(Manila paper & Cartolina)
• White Board Marker


 Introduction to Computer by: Antonio M. Andres pp. 55-57

 Introduction to Data Processing by:Pacer(Philippine Academy for Continuing
Education and Research)


A. Preparation Teachers Activity Student Activity

“Good afternoon class” “Good afternoon ma’am

1. Greetings and Let us pray, anyone can lead Pascua.”
Prayers the prayer? (One student will stand in the
front and lead the prayer)
“Before you take your seat
2. Checking the kindly pick up the pieces of (The students will pick up the
classroom condition paper under your chair” pieces of paper before they
take their seat)
“Ms. Secretary may I know
3. Checking of the class status for today?” (The secretary will stand and
classroom tell who are the absentee)
attendance “Always maintain perfect
attendance so you won’t
miss any of our discussion.”

B. Motivation “To reveal our lesson for

today Let’s start with activity”
The Hot Seat
“The mechanics of this game
is 2 students will sit facing
the class. There are 2
vocabulary words behind the
blackboard. The two hot seat
students will call 2 student s
for clues to guess the word at
the blackboard. Within 2
minutes the hot seat students
should guess the word if not
change the hot seat
(The students will raise their
“Any volunteers in the group hands to volunteer)
of IE and in the group of
COMED?” (Each group has now
volunteers, the 2 hot seat
students and their 2
classmates are now ready to

(The hot seat students guess

“Time starts now” the word)

“Thank you for your (Students will clap their

cooperation class! Let’s give hands)
ourselves 3 claps.”
C. Lesson Proper

“Our topic for today is all

about the parts and functions
of the keyboard”

“All of you is familiar with “Yes ma’am!”

keyboard right?”

“ But are you familiar with the “No, ma’am!”

parts and functions of

“Today we will discuss about

the important parts of the
keyboard.” (Students will raise their
“First let’s define what is “Input device that use to
keyboard? Anyone from the input data in computer”

“Yes verygood! The

keyboard is an input device
that is used for entering
letters, numbers and symbols
in computer.”
(Students will raise their
“Now let’s proceed to the hands)
parts of the keyboard”
“The alphabet from A to Z”
“First is the Alphanumeric
keys, What is alphanumeric
keys? Anyone from the

“Yes verygood! The

alphanumeric keys has the
alphabet from A to Z and has
a number from 0 to 9 and
common symbols. It is
grouped into three the top
row keys, Home row keys
and bottom row keys.

“Yes! Ma’am!”
“The lines you see in
keyboard are called bumps.
The home row keys are
located there.”

“Do you understand class?”

“Next is the Numeric keys, It “Yes! Ma’am!”

is the part of the keyboard
used for counting numbers
and has the symbols for
addition and subtraction.”

“Are you still listening class?”

“Now let’s move to the
Cursor keys, we always use
this key if we don’t have a
mouse it serve as an option.
It has the arrow keys used to
move up, down, left and

“Next is the function keys it is

used for shortcut commands, (Students will raise their
this are located at the hands)
topmost part of the keyboard” “Capslock key, Shift,
backspace, delete”

“And now let’s proceed to the

other key’s that can be found
in keyboard”

“Any ideas class?”

“Yes! Very good.”

“All of the keys that you

mention are consider parts of
the keyboard”
“Yes! Ma’am!”
“First is the Capslock key it
helps you to type upper case
letters continuously without
pressing the shift key.”

“Are you still listening class?”

“Next is the Shift key when

the shift key is press with the
other key an upper case
version of that key is

“Let’s go to the space bar it is

used to add space between

“Enter key is used to begin

new line, The backspace key
is used to erase letters on
the left side of the cursor.”

“And lastly is the delete key it

is used to erase letters on (Students will raise their
the rights side of the cursor” hands)
“ The keyboard is use to
“All of the parts of the enter data to computer it has
keyboard is important in different parts the
entering your data in alphanumeric, numeric,
computer” cursor keys, function keys
and other special keys.”

“I know you’ve learn a lot

from the discussion, anyone
V. Generalization who can summarize the

(call 2 students to share their

learning about the lesson)

“Thank you! It is very

important to understand the
parts and function
of the keyboard so you can
use it properly and apply it

Direction: Read the question carefully and choose the letter of your correct answer.

1. Is an input device that is used to enter letters, number and symbols to computer.
a. Keyboard
b. Mouse
c. Typewriter
d. Printer
2. It has arrow keys used to move up, down, move to left or right.
a. Cursor keys
b. Top row keys
c. Bottom keys
d. Mouse
3. It is used for shortcut commands
a. Cursor keys
b. Function keys
c. Alphanumeric keys
d. Numeric keys
4. Alphanumeric keys are grouped into three except:
a. Home row keys
b. Middle row keys
c. Top row keys
d. Bottom row keys
5. It is used to add space between words
a. Enter key
b. Shit key
c. Back space key
d. Shift key

A. Follow Up assignment:

1. Make your own document by the use of different parts of the keyboard.

B. Advance assignment:

1. What are the different steps in starting, closing and editing to MS-word.

2. What are the difference of exiting and closing MS-Word

C. References

1. Introduction to Data Processing by:Pacer(Philippine Academy for Continuing

Education and Research)

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