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Vol. 56, No. 12, December 2018

Technical Notes
Numerical Coupling Strategy for Tx = external tensile stress
Resolving In-Duct Elastic Panel T^ 0 = reference temperature, K
t = time
Aeroacoustic/Structural Interaction U = inlet flow speed
u, v = velocity in x and y directions
u0 = mean flow speed
Harris K. H. Fan,∗ Randolph C. K. Leung,† w = panel displacement
and Garret C. Y. Lam‡ γ = specific heat ratio
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hum, Kowloon, Δt = time-step size
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= initial undeflected height of fluid control volume

Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China ϵ = precision requirement
and λ = relaxation factor
Yves Aurégan§ and Xiwen Dai¶ μ = viscosity
University of Maine Acoustics Laboratory, ρ = density of fluid
UMR CNRS 6613, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, ρp = density of panel
ρ^ 0 = reference density, kg∕m3
F-72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France σ = total stress at fluid/panel interface
DOI: 10.2514/1.J057324 τxx , τyy = normal stresses in x and y directions
τxy = shear stress

Nomenclature Subscripts
C = structural damping coefficient
a = above panel
cp = specific heat capacity
b = below panel
c^ 0 = reference acoustic speed, m/s H = homogeneous solution
D = bending stiffness j = number of time steps
E = total energy k = number of iteration steps
Ep = modulus of elasticity panel = at fluid/panel interface
f = frequency
H = duct width
hp = thickness of panel
Kp = stiffness of foundation supporting panel ^ = dimensional variable
k = thermal conductivity
Ld , Lu = duct lengths of panel downstream and upstream
Lp = length of panel
L^ 0 = reference length, m I. Introduction
l = height of fluid control volume
N iter
Mach number
number of iterations
A CCURATE prediction of the complex interaction of noise and
flow-induced vibration has been a challenging task in devising
aeroacoustic control for flow ducts installed in engineering
Nx = internal tensile stress
applications such as ventilation in air-/land-transportation vehicles,
Pr = Prandtl number
extensive compressed gas transportation networks, etc. The
p = pressure
structural configurations of the ducts in these applications are
pex = net pressure exerted on panel surface
designed so that their walls are considered effectively elastic. As
qx , qy = heat flux in x and y directions
such, they are easily excited to vibrate by the unsteady duct flow and
Re = Reynolds number the noise it carries. The vibrating duct walls will then generate
TL = transmission loss additional flow disturbances to modify the flow in their vicinity and
T comp = wall-clock time radiate extra noise to both the interior and exterior of flow ducts. It is
not difficult to see that a complex interplay between unsteady
flow, noise scattering, and duct wall dynamics prevails, which
Received 31 March 2018; revision received 12 July 2018; accepted for
determines the ultimate level of noise propagating to the duct far
publication 22 July 2018; published online 12 October 2018. Copyright
© 2018 by Randolph C. K. Leung and Yves Aurégan. Published by the
downstream. Such a complex interplay is termed aeroacoustic/
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. structural interaction (AASI) [1] because the unsteady flow,
Copies of this paper may be made for personal and internal use, on condition acoustics, and structural dynamics contribute equally in a fully
that the copier pay the per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC). coupled manner. A lack of the understanding of its physics makes the
All requests for copying and permission to reprint should be submitted to CCC prediction of eventual noise amplification and/or reduction, not to
at; employ the ISSN 0001-1452 (print) or 1533-385X mention the development of an effective aeroacoustic control design
(online) to initiate your request. for the flow duct, extremely difficult.
*Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering; harris-ka-heng. Measurement of AASI of an elastic panel is a very difficult task as the problem involves the mutual interaction of panel bending waves

Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Senior Member AIAA. with nonlinear scale-disparate flow motions. This fact has led to the

Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering; garret.lam. popularity of AASI studies by means of time-domain numerical approaches in the literature, and many numerical strategies that
Research Director, CNRS; couple the flow and panel dynamic solutions have been attempted.

Postdoctoral Researcher, LAUM; For example, Lucey and Carpenter [2] investigated theoretically the

hydroelastic stability of a finite compliant panel under unsteady

potential flow. The critical flow speed for the onset of instability is
predicted. The influence of the panel width on the critical vibration
mode and the panels array on the stability are also studied.
Sucheendran et al. [3] studied the structural/acoustic response of a
thin plate flush mounted in a rectangular duct and subjected to
grazing incident acoustic waves and subsonic uniform mean flow.
They revealed that strong interaction arises for a relatively soft and
thin plate and heavy fluid loading. Besides, Vitiello et al. [4]
developed a numerical procedure to study the response of a plate
excited by turbulent flow. The significance of the effect of flow on the
plate was highlighted. Schäfer et al. [5] simulated the acoustic waves Fig. 1 The schematic configuration of the drumlike silencer concept
radiated from a vibrating thin plate excited by a low subsonic (not to scale).
turbulent flow. Although the dominated structural and acoustic
responses were captured well compared to the experimental data, an
appropriate damping model for high frequencies, which is not easy to
determine, was required for more realistic simulation. Recently, The aeroacoustic response is modeled by solving the two-
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Shishaeva et al. [6] studied and revealed three kinds of nonlinear dimensional compressible Navier–Stokes equations together with
unstable behavior, divergence and single- and coupled-mode flutters, the ideal gas law for calorically perfect gas. The normalized
of a plate in the low supersonic inviscid flow with different Mach governing equations can be written in the strong conservation form as
∂U ∂F − Fv  ∂G − Gv 
We are particularly interested in a duct noise control concept, panel   0 (1)
muffler, proposed by Huang [7], in which the control is facilitated by ∂t ∂x ∂y
the acoustically induced vibration of an elastic panel flush mounted
in a rigid duct. Fan et al. [1] attempted to numerically resolve the where U  U1 ; U2 ; U3 ; U4 T  ρ; ρu; ρv; ρET ; F  ρu; ρu2 
aeroacoustic/structural responses of this problem under the inviscid p; ρuv; ρE  puT ; G  ρv; ρuv; ρv2  p; ρE  pvT ; Fv 
flow assumption and proved the same configuration a promising M∕Re0; τxx ; τxy ; τxx u  τxy v − qx T ; Gv  M∕Re0; τxy ; τyy ;
aeroacoustic control design with duct flow over a wide range of Mach τxy u  τyy v − qy T ; ρ  ρ^ ∕^ρ0 is the density of the fluid; u  u∕ ^ c^ 0
numbers. However, in practical situations, the fluid viscosity may and v  v∕ ^ c^ 0 are the velocities in the x  x∕ ^ L^ 0 and y  y∕
^ L^ 0
play a significant role in the interaction due to additional shear
directions, respectively; t  t^c^ 0 ∕L^ 0 is the time; the total
stresses applied on the panel. It may also enhance the perturbation
level of the flow over the vibrating panel, which may consequently energy E  E∕ ^ c^ 20  p∕ργ − 1  u2  v2 ∕2; the pressure
amplify the vibration. There were attempts at resolving viscous ^ ρ0 c^ 0   ρT∕γ; the normal and shear stresses τxx 
p  p∕^ 2

interaction between civil engineering structures and incompressible 2∕3μ2∂u∕∂x − ∂v∕∂y, τyy  2∕3μ2∂v∕∂y − ∂u∕∂x,
flows [8,9] using the finite element method. The authors compared and τxy  μ∂u∕∂y  ∂v∕∂x; μ  μ^ ∕^μ0 is the viscosity; the
the accuracy of solution time marching obtained from partitioned and heat fluxes qx  −k∂T∕∂x and qy  −k∂T∕∂y; the thermal
monolithic fluid/structure coupling schemes. Their results showed conductivity k  μcp ∕Pr; the specific heat capacity
that the partitioned scheme was not good at solving strong flow/ cp  1∕γ − 1; the specific heat ratio γ  1.4; the Prandtl number
structure interaction, but there was room for improvement of the Pr  c^ p μ^ 0 ∕k^0  0.71; the Mach number M  u^ 0 ∕c^ 0 ; the Reynolds
solution accuracy with the monolithic scheme. However, there was
another study that involved the use of a partitioned scheme for number Re  ρ^ 0 u^ 0 L^ 0 ∕^μ0 ; u^ 0 is the mean flow speed; the acoustic
solving the nonlinear flow/structure interaction of an elastic panel speed c^ 0  γ R^ T^ 0 ; and the reference temperature T^ 0  288.2 K.
exposed to flows at low supersonic speeds [6]. Multiple modes of For inviscid flow, the viscous terms are ignored so that Fv  Gv  0.
panel flutter were successfully captured. None of these studies The elastic panel is assumed to be of uniform small thickness
explicitly involves acoustics in the problem, and the suitability of
both schemes in resolving in-duct aeroacoustic/structural interaction hp  h^p ∕L^ p and initially flat. Its nonlinear dynamic response can be
is still in question. This Note attempts to address this question by modeled by solving the one-dimensional plate equation to the
examining the accuracy of and calculation time required for simplest approximation [11]. The normalized governing equation for
solution time marching with selected in-duct aeroacoustic/structural panel displacement wx  w∕ ^ L^ 0 can be written as
interaction problems of various complexity. Comparisons with
existing experimental data and theoretical and numerical solutions of ∂4 w ∂2 w ∂2 w ∂w
D − T x  N x  2  ρp hp 2  C  K p w  pex (2)
the selected problems are made. ∂x 4 ∂x ∂t ∂t
where N x  Ep hp ∕2Lp ∫ 0 p ∂w∕∂x2 dx is the internal tensile
II. Problem of Interest and Physical Models
stress in the tangential direction induced by stretching, D 
The physical problem of interest is the aeroacoustic/structural ^ ρ0 c^20 L^ 30  is the bending stiffness, T x  T^ x ∕^ρ0 c^20 L^ 0  is the
interaction emerging in the drumlike silencer configuration [10] in
which two elastic panels backed by cavities are flush mounted face to external tensile stress resultant per unit length in tangential direction
face in an infinitely long rigid duct (Fig. 1). The cavities are (i.e., the x direction), Ep  E^ p c^20 ∕^ρ0 L^ 40  is the modulus of elasticity,
introduced to enhance the impedance mismatch above the panels and Lp  L^ p ∕L^ 0 is the length of the panel, ρp  ρ^ p ∕^ρ0 is the density of
thus the transmission loss of the silencer at low frequencies and block the panel, C  C∕^ ^ ρ0 c^ 0  is the structural damping coefficient, K p 
the acoustic wave radiating to the duct exterior. In essence, an
K p L0 ∕^ρ0 c^ 0  is the stiffness of the foundation supporting the panel,
^ ^
acoustic wave propagates along the duct and excites the panels to
vibrate. The induced panel vibration creates impedance mismatch, and pex  p^ ex ∕^ρ0 c^ 20  is the net pressure exerted on the panel
reflects the incident acoustic wave, and modifies the dynamics of surface.
flow in its vicinity. For the sake of simplicity, the analysis of noise
reduction is carried out by assuming a two-dimensional domain and a
one-dimensional panel (i.e., a beam) structure [7]. In the forthcoming III. Strategies for Aeroacoustic/Structural Coupling
discussions, all the variables mentioned in the rest of the Note are A. Partitioned Coupling Scheme
normalized by a reference length L^ 0  L^ p , a reference density ρ^ 0, The partitioned coupling scheme calculates the aeroacoustics and
and a reference acoustic speed c^ 0 . panel dynamics using individual solvers separately, with respective

instantaneous boundary conditions, and allows their communication responses is properly resolved. They established the effectiveness of
by a one-after-another coupling strategy. Fan et al. [1] showed the the procedure with calculations of transmission loss created by
partitioned scheme can accurately resolve the aeroacoustic/structural drumlike silencers with various structural damping settings in the
responses of the elastic panels exposed to duct flow. They solved absence of flow. Excellent agreement with theory was obtained. They
the aeroacoustic and panel dynamic responses with conservation- proceeded with the established numerical procedure to study the
element and solution-element (CE/SE) and finite difference methods, aeroacoustic/structural interaction arising from an acoustic wave
respectively. The panel force exerted on the aeroacoustic domain takes convecting with a duct flow from low subsonic to low supersonic Mach
effect by setting the boundary condition on the fluid/panel interface numbers. Their results firmly reveal the critical role of the flow Mach
through the corresponding ghost points. As shown in Fig. 2b, the ghost number in aeroacoustic/structural interaction in which the transmission
point AG is artificial solution points as mirror image to boundary loss was found to reduce from more than 20 down to 0 dB as the Mach
solution point AB . Through an interpolation between AB and AG , number increased while the acoustic wave was propagating along the
appropriate flow variables are specified at the ghost cell to account for flow. Transmission loss went up again with supersonic flow due to
the flow conditions given by the panel response at the fluid/panel the emergence of weak shock waves and their interaction with the
interface. The details of the setting of ghost points can be found in the panel [1].
work of Fan et al.. Since the fluid and panel dynamics are calculated
separately, one response always lags another by a time step. Fan et al. B. Monolithic Coupling Scheme
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developed an iterative correction procedure (Fig. 3) to reduce the error The monolithic coupling scheme treats the fluid/panel system as a
due to the lagging so that the simultaneous interaction between two single entity and solves the aeroacoustic and panel dynamic responses

Fig. 2 a) Free-body diagram of fluid control volumes width Δx and b) setting of mesh points above and below the elastic panel segment as in Fan et al. [1]
(not to scale).

_ w
Fig. 3 Iterative correction procedure in the partitioned coupling scheme [1]. AAM, aeroacoustic model; PDM, panel dynamic model. W  w;w;  is
panel vibration response. The function ΛX1 ;X0   λX1  1 − λX0 , where λ is the relaxation factor.

simultaneously in a tightly coupled manner (i.e., no lagging in a time and the panel acceleration are connected through momentum
step). In essence, only one set of governing equations that inherently equation, i.e.,
facilitate the communication of aeroacoustic and panel dynamic
responses is developed. ∂p ∂v ∂2 w
 −ρ  −ρ 2 (6)
∂y ∂t ∂t
1. Coupled Fluid/Panel Equation
Consider the stresses experienced by two small control volumes of which essentially provides a dynamical relationship for the
fluid above and below an elastic panel segment as shown in Fig. 2a. inhomogeneous aeroacoustic model [Eq. (3)] and the panel dynamic
As the vertical vibration of the panel is the primary interest [i.e., model [Eq. (2)] to couple and communicate.
Eq. (2)] in the present study, only the stresses acting on the control
volumes along the y direction are considered. The initial undeflected 2. Solution of Coupled Equation and Discretization
height of each control volume is δ. The vibratory displacement wt
The source term Q is a function of the solution vector U, so the
of the panel segment compresses/stretches the control volumes
coupled fluid/panel Eq. (3) cannot be solved explicitly. Therefore, an
above/below it during fluid/panel interaction, and the height of each
iterative procedure based on the principle given by Loh [14] is
control volume, lt  δ − wt, varies temporally as a result. As we
developed to solve for U. First, ∂U∕∂t in Eq. (3) can be expressed as
primarily focus on weak panel vibration responses that w < δ so the
condition la x; t  lb x; t  δa x; 0  δb x; 0 holds along entire
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∂U ∂F − Fv  ∂G − Gv 
panel. For a flow past a stationary rigid boundary, the normal stress  Q − H 0; H0   (7)
induced by fluid viscosity action on each control volume can be ∂t ∂x ∂y
expressed as τyy  2∕3μ2∂v∕∂y − ∂u∕∂x [12], which may be
further simplified as τyy  4∕3μ∂v∕∂y when a no-slip boundary At the jth time step of solution time marching, an approximation,
condition (i.e., ∂u∕∂x  0) on the panel surface is assumed. When a ∂U∕∂t ≈ Uj − Uj−1 ∕Δt, can be invoked so the solution vector can
fluid volume is compressed/stretched by panel displacement, an be estimated as
additional stress, σ  M∕Re τyy − p, is created at the fluid/panel
interface, the gradient of which is given by Uj  ΔtQU j  − H 0   U j−1 (8)

∂σ M ∂τyy ∂p ∂p To eliminate H 0 , the local homogeneous solution U j;H when

 − ≈−
∂y Re ∂y ∂y ∂y Q  0 is separately determined as

Since the magnitude of viscous stress gradient ∂τyy ∕∂y  Uj;H  Uj−1 − ΔtH 0 (9)
4∕3μ∂2 v∕∂y2  is two orders of magnitude weaker than that of
pressure gradient ∂p∕∂y, it can be neglected for convenience so Eliminating H 0 from Eqs. (8) and (9) results in the equation
∂σ∕∂y ≈ −∂p∕∂y. Subsequently, the mechanical power per unit
length produced by σ is thus given by [12] Uj − ΔtQUj  − Uj;H  ΦUj   0 (10)
∂σ ∂p
v ≈ −v The solution Uj of this implicit equation is solved with Newton’s
∂y ∂y
method (Fig. 4) through iterating the equation
The stress σ arising from the vibrating fluid/panel interface injects,  −1
or consumes, additional momentum and energy to, or from, the fluid ∂Φ
U j;k1  Uj;k − ΦU j;k  (11)
domain. One convenient way to resolve its effects due to ∂U
aeroacoustic/structural interaction at the fluid/panel interface is to
include them in a source term Q on the right-hand side of the where k is the iteration index and the Jacobian matrix ∂Φ∕∂U is
aeroacoustic model [i.e., Eq. (1)], which may now take an given by
inhomogeneous form as
∂U ∂F − Fv  ∂G − Gv  ∂Φ ∂Q
  Q (3)  I − Δt Q   Uj;H − Uj−1 (12)
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂U ∂U

where Therefore, at the beginning of the jth time step, the homogeneous
< Q ;Q ;Q ;Q T − ∂p 0;0;1;vT ; along fluid∕panel interface solution Uj;H is determined by the aeroacoustic model only and then
1 2 3 4 ∂y
Q substituted into Eq. (11) as initial estimate U j;k1 to start the iteration.
: 0; elsewhere The iteration continues until the relative error between two
(4) consecutive solution estimates satisfies

One should note that all the elements of Q are inherently dependent jU j;k1 − Uj;k j
on panel dynamics. The net external force per unit length applied to <ε
jU j;k1 j
the panel is pex  σ panel;b − σ panel;a  ppanel;b − M∕Re τyy;b −
ppanel;a − M∕Re τyy;a . To satisfy the tangency condition at the
fluid/panel interface, the velocity in the y direction on either side of the
panel is

∂w ∂w ∂w
v u  (5)
∂t ∂x ∂t

The convective term u∂w∕∂x takes effect only for the sliding wall
condition in inviscid flow (u ≠ 0 on walls). However, this is not the
situation in all cases reported in the forthcoming discussions, so the
term is ignored. For a small fluid volume flowing at a low velocity
(M < 0.3), the local viscous and compressibility effects can be ignored
to the first order [13]. Consequently, the normal pressure gradient Fig. 4 Iterative procedure for Newton’s method.

where ε is the precision requirement and set equal to 10−10 in the 3. Boundary Conditions
present study. All solid surfaces are required to satisfy the tangency condition and
Estimates of ppanel;a and ppanel;b are required for determining the isothermal condition T  T 0 . For no-slip rigid surfaces, fluid has to
pressure gradients ∂p∕∂y in source term Q above and beneath the stop on its surface so u  v  0. In the CE/SE method, the boundary
panel so that Eq. (2) can be solved. According to Fig. 2, we have condition is enforced by setting ghost points. The near-wall
    approach [16] is applied to determine the ghost point (AG in Fig. 2b)
∂p pa − ppanel;a ∂p ppanel;b − pb setting for the fluid/panel interface. Therefore, the normal velocities
 ;  (13)
∂y a la ∂y b lb and pressures at the ghost points, with subscript G, are set the same as
that at the fluid/panel interface, uG  0, vG  ∂w∕∂t, and
The two ppanel quantities may be calculated with Eq. (6) in the form pG  ppanel . The density can also be determined by the ideal gas
law, ρG  γpG ∕T 0 . All tangential gradients are simply assumed to be
∂2 w ∂2 w the same as that in the corresponding boundary point, Ux;G  U x .
ppanel;a  pa  ρa la and ppanel;b  pb − ρb lb (14)
∂t2 ∂t2 All normal gradients are determined by linear approximation,
U y;G  U − UG ∕2δ. One should note that these ghost point
which, after combining with the discretized form of Eq. (2), results in settings for the interface are aimed at calculating Uj;H , and the final
expressions in terms of elements of solution vector U j as aeroacoustic/structural response is corrected by the iterative
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        procedure in Sec. III.B.2 without involving the ghost point. At the

∂p 1 1 0 ∂p U1;a;k ∂p edges of elastic panel, pinned conditions are specified.
− −p p B  ; 
∂y a la 1 B 0 a b 0
∂y b U1;b;k ∂y a
(15) IV. Results and Discussions
In this section, we present a comparison of the effectiveness of the
two aforementioned coupling schemes in resolving aeroaoustic/
     structural interaction problems. The solution accuracy and computa-
1 dt 4 μa μb dt2
B0  lb U1;b;k −ρp hp − C  − K ; tional time required for solution time marching are evaluated. All
la U1;a;k 2 3 la lb 4 calculations are carried out after the mesh convergence test [1].
4 μa U3;a;k μb U3;b;k
3 la U1;a;k lb U1;b;k A. Acoustic/Structural Interaction of Membrane
    2 j−1  j−1  This problem involves the response of a single tensioned elastic
4 μa μb dt ∂ w ∂w
− C   membrane installed inside in a long duct when it is exposed to an
3 la lb 2 ∂t2 ∂t acoustic wave at fixed frequency and the acoustic transmission loss it
 2  2 j−1  j−1 
dt ∂ w ∂w ∂4 w ∂2 w creates. The physical configuration can be envisaged as one in Fig. 1
−K dt w j−1
−D 4 T x N x  2 ; in which all cavities are removed and the top duct wall is made
4 ∂t2 ∂t ∂x ∂x
  entirely rigid. The duct flow velocity U^ is set to zero so only acoustic/
pa γ −1 U4;a;k − U2 U23;a;k  ; structural interaction is possible. Huang [7] presented a detailed
2U1;a;k 2;a;k linear analysis in the frequency domain of the effect of the panel
1 length on transmission loss. His theoretical solution is adopted as
pb γ −1 U4;b;k − U22;b;k U23;b;k  reference for the present comparison. The physical parameters of the
problem are set as follows: the duct width is H^  100 mm, the panel
That way, the influence of panel dynamics is fully embodied into density is ρ^ p  1000 kg∕m3 , the panel thickness is h^p  0.05 mm,
the coupled Eq. (3), and the aeroacoustic/structural interaction of the the tension is T^ x  58.0601 N∕m, the frequency of the incident
panel can be accurately resolved. The details of the derivation can be
wave is f^  340 Hz, and the mean flow speed is u^ 0  0 m∕s.
found in the work by Fan [15]. In the case of stationary fluid below the
panel, the normal pressure gradient can be simplified as L^ 0  L^ p , ambient acoustic velocity c^ 0  340 m∕s, time
  t^0  L^ 0 ∕c^ 0 , ambient density ρ^ 0  1.225 kg∕m3, pressure ρ^ 0 c^ 20 ,
∂p U1;a;k and ambient temperature T^ 0 are chosen for the normalization of all
− −pa  B00 0  (16)
∂y a la U1;a;k − B 0 0 flow and panel variables. Fan et al. [1] studied the same problem
numerically using a partitioned scheme. Their results are also
where included in the comparison. All numerical settings of the present
  calculation follow those given by Fan et al. The duct lengths of the
dt 4μa dt2 panel upstream Lu and downstream Ld are set as 36 to ensure there
B00  ρp hp  C  K; are sufficient lengths for the generated acoustic waves to propagate.
2 3la 4
   2 j−1  j−1  In addition, the inviscid assumption and sliding wall condition are
4μ U 4μ dt ∂ w ∂w applied. Since flow is absent in this problem, the convective term [in
B00 0  a 3;a;k − C  a 
3 la U1;a;k 3 la 2 ∂t2 ∂t Eq. (5)] is neglected in the coupled fluid/panel equation, the same as
 2  2 j−1  j−1  in Huang’s theory. The quantities D, N x , and Kp in Eq. (2) are also set
dt ∂ w ∂w ∂ 4
−K  dt  wj−1 − D 4 to zero so as to degenerate the panel equation to a membrane
4 ∂t 2 ∂t ∂x equation. That way ensures consistent comparison with the results of
∂2 w Huang and Fan et al. Two calculations with membrane lengths
 T x  N x   p0 Lp ∕H  3.4 and 5, corresponding to low and a high transmission
loss cases, respectively, are attempted.
In the previous expressions, the velocity gradients for determining The comparison in Table 1 shows both coupling schemes give
normal stresses τyy in the forcing term in Eq. (2) can be estimated with similar accuracy in capturing high TL response. However, the
the help of the tangency condition so that on the two interfaces accuracy of the monolithic scheme solution in capturing low TL
        response appears to be substantially higher, and the superior
∂v 1 ∂w ∂v 1 ∂w resolution of coupling of the monolithic scheme is evident. The same
 va − ;  − vb (17)
∂y a la ∂t ∂y b lb ∂t two cases are also used for comparing the calculation efficiency of
both schemes by inspecting two parameters, namely, the wall-clock
With all the aforementioned estimations in place, the source term Q time T comp required for marching a single time step during the
can be expressed as a function of Uj , and Eq. (2) is ready to be solved. time-stationary numerical solution and the number of iterations N iter

Table 1 Comparison of numerical results ΔTL  jTL − TLreference j

5 3.4
Lp ∕H TL, dB ΔTL, dB T comp , s N iter TL, dB ΔTL, dB T comp , s N iter
Reference (theory) 15 —— —— —— 2.5 —— —— ——
Partitioned scheme 14.8 0.2 0.03415 18 1.8 0.7 0.03810 18
Monolithic scheme 14.7 0.3 0.01695 4 2.7 0.2 0.01710 3

incurred within the time step. The monolithic scheme gives a N iter problem, viscous stresses vanish, so this scheme is still workable. On
consistently smaller than the corresponding partitioned value by at the other hand, the monolithic scheme does not have such a problem
least 80% for all cases. Its T comp , however, gets an approximately because the calculation of the iterative procedure is totally based on
50% reduction due to slightly more complicated processing involved the actual fluid solution within the physical domain. The scheme
in every iteration. Evidently, the calculation efficiency of the shows a favorable agreement with the experimental data. Figure 6
monolithic scheme doubles that of the partitioned scheme. shows a comparison of experimental and numerical, with monolithic,
vibration velocity spectra normalized by the respective maximum. A
dominant peak at f  0.07, together with its first and second
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B. Flow-Induced Vibration of Elastic Panel in Flow Duct

harmonies, is resolved in the monolithic numerical solution. The
For all practical flows, the viscous effect on the flow-induced dominate peak shows a ∼13.5% shift from the experiment.
vibration of the elastic panel must be correctly captured numerically, The difference may be attributed to the three dimensionality of
or else the panel may be driven to wrong vibration modes that radiate the experiment that could not nicely be approximated in two-
wrong acoustic waves. An example is presented and illustrated in the dimensional calculation. The lack of vibration freedom along the
work of Fan et al. [17]. This capability of the coupling schemes is direction normal to x-y plane tends to promote panel resonant
assessed with the extent of replicating the experimental study of flow- vibrations at low frequencies as is easily seen from existing
induced structural instability in a flow duct carried out by Liu [18]. theoretical solutions [19]. Besides, there are two other peaks at
His test rig configuration is similar to that in the previous subsection, f  0.13 and 0.18 observed in the experiment but not found in
except that now the panel is backed by a cavity as deep as the duct the calculation. Following the theoretical analysis given by
width and there is no acoustics involved. The physical parameters of Fan et al. [17], they are found related to the excitation of wind tunnel
the problem are set as follows: the panel length L^ p  300 mm; the duct acoustic modes.
duct width H^  100 mm; the upstream and downstream lengths
L^ u  1250 and L^ d  750 mm, respectively; the panel density C. Aeroacoustic/Structural Interaction of Drumlike Silencer
ρ^ p  7800 kg∕m3 ; the panel thickness h^p  0.025 mm; the panel The ability of the monolithic scheme to solve aeroacoustic/
structural interaction in a realistic situation is verified by replicating
Young’s modulus E^ p  193 GPa; the panel bending stiffness
the experimental study of the transmission loss of a drumlike silencer
D^  0.0002762 N ⋅ m; the panel tension T^ x  40 N; and the mean installed in a low-speed duct carried out by Choy and Huang [10].
flow speed U^  35 m∕s giving a Mach number  0.10. The Note that the partitioned scheme also failed in this problem when the
normalization is the same as the last problem. The no-slip wall viscous effect was involved. The configuration of the experiment is
condition is applied so the convective term naturally vanishes. exactly the same as shown in Fig. 1. The physical parameters of the
Figure 5a shows the comparison of time histories of the panel and problem are set as follows: the panel length L^ p  500 mm; the duct
flow responses obtained from the two schemes. It is surprising to width H^  100 mm; the upstream and downstream duct lengths
observe that the partitioned scheme fails to march the solution to 1000 and 870 mm, respectively; the panel density ρ^ p  6860 kg∕m3 ;
convergence. The panel location at x  −0.41 is chosen because it
always gives the strongest vibrating velocity before time marching the panel thickness h^p  0.025 mm; the panel Young’s modulus
breaks down. It shows that the solution of partitioned approach E^ p  182 GPa; the panel bending stiffness D^  0.0002604 N ⋅ m;
diverges after t > 12 and the calculation becomes unstable. The panel the panel tension T^ x  8821.78 N; and the mean flow speed
velocity solution divergence is driven by a wrong estimate of panel U^  15 m∕s giving a Mach number  0.045. The range of frequency
driving pressure contaminated by the error in coupling (Fig. 5b). of interest goes from 20 to 1000 Hz. The normalization and boundary
Solving the aeroacoustic response to the panel motion in each conditions are the same as those used in the previous subsection.
iteration step totally relies on projecting the panel velocity and A full panel equation [Eq. (2)] is used.
pressure on the ghost points linearly. However, the estimation of Recently, Dai and Aurégan [20] attempted to analyze a similar
shear velocity gradient and viscous stresses on the interface may be problem using a multimodal solution technique in the frequency
incorrect. Through the iterative procedure, the error may be domain, the results of which can be used for comparison with the
accumulated and cause calculation breakdown. For the inviscid present result. A comparison of the numerical and experimental

Fig. 5 Time histories of the panel and flow responses at x  −0.41: a) the panel response and b) the fluid force exerted on the panel with a zoom view in the
smaller figure. – – –, result by the partitioned scheme; ——, result by the monolithic scheme.

V. Conclusions
This study reports on a comparison of different numerical strategies
for coupling the aeroacoustics and structural dynamics of elastic panels
that are flush mounted in a flow duct and simultaneously excited by an
unsteady flow and an acoustic wave. Two kinds of coupling schemes
are compared, namely, partitioned and monolithic schemes. The focus
is put on their versatility of resolving various aeroacoustic/structural
interactions and the associated accuracy and calculation time required
in solution time marching. The partitioned scheme simply solves the
Fig. 6 Normalized frequency spectrum of the vibration velocity. ——, aeroacoustic and panel dynamic models separately and iterates their
numerical result; − ⋅ − ⋅ −, experimental data [18]; · · · · · · , duct mode individual solutions so as to match the physical conditions on the fluid/
panel interface. The aeroacoustic model is solved by the conservation-
element and solution-element (CE/SE) method, whereas the panel
dynamic equation is solved by the standard finite difference method.
The monolithic scheme treats the fluid/panel system as a single entity
and includes the effects panel dynamics in an extra source term in the
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CE/SE aeroacoustic model. Then, the inhomogeneous numerical

aeroacoustic model is solved with a Newton iteration method. Three
cases are calculated: 1) inviscid acoustic/structural interaction of the
elastic panel in the duct, 2) viscous flow-induced vibration of the
elastic panel in a flow duct, and 3) viscous aeroacoustic/structural
interaction of the drumlike silencer. It is found that, with the same
numerical setting, both coupling schemes are able to solve the inviscid
flow problem but the monolithic scheme appears to gives a more
accurate solution within a much reduced calculation time. For
the viscous flow problems, only the monolithic scheme produces
Fig. 7 Comparison of the TL spectra of numerical results and
a convergent aeroacoustic/structural interaction solution, and the
experimental data. ○, experimental data [10]; ——, present time- partitioned scheme fails to do so. Furthermore, for the third case, the
marching result with full panel model; – – –, multimodal result with monolithic scheme appears able to produce a better prediction of
membrane model [20]; · · · · · · , inviscid solution; − ⋅ − ⋅ −, duct mode the silencer transmission loss over a wide frequency of interest than the
frequency f 2;0;0 . existing multimodal result. Based on the result of the comparison, the
monolithic scheme is proven an accurate and effective numerical
coupling strategy for resolving the aeroacoustic/structural interaction of
transmission loss TL is illustrated in Fig. 7. Evidently, the monolith an elastic panel excited by aeroacoustical flow.
scheme is able to reproduce well the overall trend of TL in the
frequency range of interest. The same level of agreement is also Acknowledgments
observed with the multimodal result. This shows that the vibration of
a panel in experiment is akin to a membrane. On the other hand, a The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the Research
substantial underprediction of 5 dB prevails at f ∼ 0.36. This Grants Council of the Government of Hong Kong Special
difference can be explained by close investigation of wind tunnel duct Administrative Region under grant number A-PolyU503/15 and the
ANR/RGC international project FlowMatAc number ANR-15-
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