Program Summary

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HAJJ 1431 H.


Hajj is one the five pillars of Islam. It is obligatory to perform Hajj at least once in a lifetime
for a Muslim who can physically and financially afford the journey. For a Muslim woman,
the journey of Hajj requires her to be accompanied by a male relative who is her “Mahrum”
(i.e. her husband, or a man she is forbidden to marry, such as her father, brother or uncle).
This is not a discriminatory ruling – it is a stipulation that makes it easier for her to travel
and carry heavy belongings from one place to another during the strenuous rituals of Hajj. If
any Muslim has enough financial savings to allow them to easily go for Hajj, they have to
hasten in fulfilling this pivotal obligation of Islam.

Program Summary:
Departure from Plant to Madina Munawara:

 06th Dul Hijjah, 1431 H – 12th November, 2010 (Friday) at ………….. AM

 Hopefully we will arrive Madina at ………………………….
 We will stay at Hotel in Madina for 1 night and at hotel we will do Niah & wear Ihram
 07th Dul Hijjah, 1431 H – 13th November, 2010 (Saturday) at ……….............., we will start
travelling towards Makkah Mukarama
 On reaching Makkah, we will perform Umra
 On 08th Dul Hijjah, 1431 H – 14th November, 2010 (Sunday), we will go to Mina (We will arrive
there in between Fajar & Duhar). During our stay at Mina we will Pray Duhar, Asr & Isha as
Qasr & Fajar and Magrib on right time.
 On 09th Dul Hijjah, 1431 H – 15th November, 2010 (Monday), we will go to Arafa and will stay
there until Magrib and after Magrib we will stay at Muzdulfa. During our stay at Muzdulfa, we
will Magrib & Isha as Qasr with 1 Adan & 2 Iqamat. (From there we have to collect 70 small
 On 10th Dul Hijjah, 1431 H – 16th November, 2010 (Tuesday): We will do the following:
Throw stones at Big Shetan (Jumrat-ul-Aqba)
Cut your hair

 On 11th_13th Dul Hijjah, 1431 H – 17th November, 2010 (Wednesday-Friday), We will do the
Throw 7 stones at 3 Shetan (Total 21 Stones)
We can return before Magrib on 12th Dul Hijjah, if we want, otherwise we can stay
upto 13th.

 At the end we willdo Tawaf Al-Widah.

Important Things:
Mr. Majed Aneed will be Ameer of the Bus.
We should obey instructions of Bus Ameer.
Discipline is must in all cases.
We are going to perform Hajj, so we should bear each others and should show patience,
politeness and harmony.
Please be quit & peaceful all the way and try not to shout or speak loudly.
As there are many families going with us so we should give respect to the families.
Please offer the seats to families first.
If someone feeling any kind of problem like feeling uneasiness, vomiting etc. during travel or
stay he must inform Ameer. We can stop the bus if necessary.
During travel please reduce the prayers.
Dinner/Lunch will be taken from good restaurants on the way. We will prefer Al-Feroza
During our stay at Arafat & Mina, the following persons will take the food from concerned
persons and will distribute among our groups as mentioned below:

Sr. # Sub-Group Detail

1. Mr. Kamel Mousa

2. Mr. Imran Ahmed

3. Mr. Basit Ali

4. Mr. Hashmat Ali

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