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It’s 11 a.m. on a Sunday morning. Lara Jean makes her way upstairs to her

bedroom in order to hear Peter better, who is on the phone waiting for her

to answer his question about whether or not she’s coming over today. She says


After her 30 minute phone call with Peter, Lara Jean meets her family in

the dining room for some breakfast. Her dad makes cheesy eggs with bacon,

toast, and hashbrowns.

Early on in the day, Marissa is found catering to a birthday party at the

roller rink for 12 kids. Her friend Lucy is skating with their other friends

including Amanda Green. (“I’m Walkin’ On Sunshine”) Marissa doesn’t get off

work until later in the day and by that time, all of the other girls have

already left.

Since there is a party soon, Amanda decides to go shopping for the party at

the shopping center. First she goes into OOh LALA, so she can get a dress for
the big dance. Then she goes into Bath and Body so she can get some new


Lara introduces Peter to these smoothies, and then he goes to the Asian

Grocery store la crosse town to get Lara the smoothies she drinks every day.

(“There She Go”).

Every day in the morning, Peter picks Lara and Cookie up in his jeep at Lara’s

house to drive them to school. (“Horses”)

At school Lara and Peter walk into lunch together, and he gives her a note in

front of all the girls. The girls get jealous, and she puts it in her back


Later, the jealous girls walk into the girl’s bathroom and talk about Peter

and how he looked really cute and hot today. (“Billie Jean”)

Meanwhile, Peter is in the boys bathroom with his friends talking about how

cute Lara Jean is and how hot and beautiful she is.

Peter has a football game today, and Lara is watching him in the bleachers.

One of his exes goes into the middle of the football field and kisses Peter,

right in front of Lara. Lara walks off. (“Pretty Girl Rock”)

Lara is on her porch with Peter, but she wants to walk home because of

Peter and his ex kissing in the middle of the football field and she is very

mad about it, but Peter is trying to explain how it happened. Lara is just too

mad to even listen.


Marissa is having a house party with almost the whole school and no one can

get over the fact that she actually kissed Peter Kavinsky. (“Sweet Caroline”)

Marissa has been going around the house since the start of the party telling

everyone how soft his lips were.

(“The Way You Are”) Lara Jean is crying in her room to her older sister about

Peter, and what happened, but Peter goes to her house and is on the porch

waiting for Lara to answer the door so he can try and explain to her what

had happened on the field.

Lara Jean has been avoiding Peter all weekend no matter how much he tries

to apologize.(“Say You Won’t Let Go”) What shows Peter that she is actually

mad at him is the fact that she does not even sit with him in the lunchroom.
Peter has been passing Lara notes all through math class. Lara is still so mad

that she has crumpled every single note without even taking a glimpse.

Lara jean is in her living room just waiting to open the note, but she doesnt

wanna open it without her sister to help her incase she starts to cry again,

but the note was about Peter being sorry for what had happened that night

at the football game. (“Get you the Moon”)

Peter drives to Marissa’s house to explain to her that he doesn't want to be

with her anymore because he is in love with Lara Jean, and he wants to be

with Lara and Lara only.

Lara and Peter get better and she falls in love with him all over again. Peter

never leaves her side now and walks her to every one of her classes making

sure AManda, Marissa, and Lucy all see that Lara is his girl and he does not

want anyone else.

Lara goes to the lacrosse field to meet Peter after his game and Lara

Jean makes peter turn around so she can read her note to him about how

she loves him, and Peter told her that he wants to be in a relationship with

Lara and no one else.Marissa and all the other girls see how cute they are
and get so jealous. (“All I Do Is Win”) Lara finishes the task off by giving

Peter a kiss and telling him how much she loves him.

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