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Act one

Griffin Door, an 8 year old boy, is running from the police because he sneaked his way out of
the orphanage. Then he gets taken back to his room where he comes up with a plan to run
away for good. He sets up the plan during the night when everyone is asleep. Griffin climbs
down to the door and escapes. Then he runs, until he is far away. Then we see him in the
Alleyway. (“Bohemian Rhapsody”)

Years have passed, and Griffin Door is now 18. Griffin Door is taking a walk by the park when
Avery Carmike, a park goer, screams. He goes to investigate and Avery Carmike tells him
someone stole her bag. Griffin Door asks which way he went and he goes after the criminal. He
runs down an alley and catches the criminal, but unknown to him Professor Quack is hidden in
the background watching.Griffin returns the bag to Avery Carmike and continues his walk home.

The next day, Griffin Door is walking back down the alley. He passes the professor without
seeing him. The professor uses a robotic arm to pull him into the lab. Griffin wakes up to see a
man sitting in a chair with a duck in his lap

Avery Carmike is in her room watching the news of which Griffin shows up on the screen being
the new “hero” of the town. Then seeing this, she gets an idea to look up and do research on
past heroes and villains.

The professor is trying to convince Griffin about the powers he could gain in order to do good.
He is persuading him to take them and will train him to be a “hero” and save the world when in
reality once Griffin takes the powers the professor will control/manipulate him to become
evil.(“Another One Bites the Dust”)

A few days later, Griffin is walking down the street in deep thought, thinking if he should take the
powers offered to him by the profesor. He thinks because of his rough past that he really
couldn’t be a hero, but then he also thinks that it could change his life around completely. Griffin
is listing the pros and cons when he finally makes the decision to take the offer.(“Dead or

The same day we go back to Avery’s house where we see her in her room doing research on
heroes and villains. Avery is a curious girl. She is always looking for something new to work on
or investigate. So she is looking up to see if there were any past heroes and villains. The
problem is that in their town even the mention of the word hero or villain will make you the
laughing stalk of the town.(“Natural”)

Later on they are still at Avery’s house where they are having a family dinner. Avery is so deep
in thought about her research that she didn’t eat yet. This is where her mom asks her what is
wrong. Avery goes on and asks her if heroes and villains are real. The room goes quiet and
then her mom, dad, and older brother laugh. Her mom tells her no and asks why she asked
such a silly question.
It’s night time and Griffin is in the trying to sleep. He can’t sleep though with his head
overthinking his choice. What if he is making the wrong choice? What if this backfires? What if it
helps me and changes my life for the better? So many questions run through his brain. So on
that night Griffin stayed up all night thinking.(“My Demons”)

Still at night, we go back to Avery’s house after the family dinner where Avery is still trying to do
more research on them even though her family and the rest of the town think it’s silly and crazy
she believes they do exist. She is determine to find the truth on them.

The next day, Griffin goes to the lab the next day to tell the professor he wants to take the
powers. This is where the professor tells him more about the powers and what he can do to
save the world.

It’s still the day they go to the training room still located in the lab. There we see the professor
training Griffin and teaching him to control his new powers. They start out by practicing
telekinesis and moving things around. Next the practice how to control his new found strength.
They continue to train until nightfall where the professor gives Griffin a place to stay and sleep
in. Griffin is really grateful and proud of the decision he made. (“Incredibles”)

Later on that day in this scene Griffin gets his own suite. They have difficult finding the perfect
suite that would be good with Griffin’s persona. It takes them at least 5 tries before they found
the right suite. It’s a blue and black jumpsuit with a matching domino mask. Instead of a cape he
has a dark blue hood. It also includes belt to hold his weapons.

Two days later. Griffin had his first mission. They go to an alleyway besides the local bank. This
is where the professor controls Griffin to rob the bank. He sneaks in and points his knife up at
the banker and asking for the money. As for Griffin’s consciousness he is trying to stop himself.
He doesn’t know way is going on. Then the Hero comes in and they start fighting. (“Never

They continue to fight while everyone was running out of the bank. Griffin starts punching the
Hero, but the Hero punches and hits back. Griffin uses his powers to life a vase and hit the
Hero’s head. The Hero get knocked down, but he still continues to fight.(“I Won’t Back Down” )

As they are fighting, people are watching what is going on. One of those people is Avery
Camike. She with her camera on hand starts to take pictures of the scene. She in her mind is
wondering who they are, and when did they show up. She was stupefied and confused because
this is not a normal occurrence.(“{“Ironman”)
Avery takes up courage then stands up to the Villain and tries talking him out of doing what he is
doing. She believes that he is better. She believes that he isn’t doing this on his own.
The professor wasn’t going to let a teenage girl ruin everything. So he made him use his
telekinesis to move Avery away. There he continues to hit and beat the hero. (“Believer”)

Avery stands there shocked, because she never saw real powers being used before. More
curiosity got to her as she takes more pictures. Avery feels like she knows who this villain is.

Finally, when everything ends, Avery looks over and spots the professor in the alleyway and
without him knowing she takes the remote control and breaks it. That when Griffin becomes
himself again. He runs out and tell the cop and showing him about the professor. It’s the same
professor they’ve been looking for him for years. Avery runs up to the “villain” and said that she
did know him. The Hero comes up and takes off his mask and it is revealed Avery’s brother.
(“Highway to Hell”)

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