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Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
(NLP, Hypnotherapist, Kinesiologist, Performance, Leadership
and Entrepreneur couch & Motivational Speaker)

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
Transformational Leadership Outbound Workshops (ATLOW)
APRIL 14-16, 2019 @ Ethiopia, Bishoftu, Kuriftu Resort & spa

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
"Transforming human to an accelerated state of mind is the key to
speed up, individuals, organizations as well as country success"

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
Table of Content
About MASSK Group........................................................................................ 6
Who we are? ............................................................................................. 6
Our Human Empowerment Training .................................................................. 7
4-Tip to get Most out of the Program ................................................................. 10
Accelerate Leaders Transformational Outbound Workshop ....................................... 11
Level – 1-Challenges ..................................................................................... 11
Training Objective & Benefits ........................................................................ 11
The Three Day Program for Your Follow up ....................................................... 12
1. Quick Self Assessment Quiz ................................................................ 16
2. Your Intention/Expectation ................................................................... 17
3. Important Reminder ............................................................................ 18

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
About MASSK Group
Who we are?
MASSK Founded by a fascinated Group of owner and co-partner. The company has more than 200 par-
time connected and permanent consulting employees who have a specialized knowledge & Skill in different
field of study.

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
Our Human Empowerment Training

“MASSK Team drive to innovate and create rapid human development and digital
transformation here by improves the way the world works and lives”.
To achieve this objectives MASSK has engaged in different legal and marketing registered
partnership Agreement with globally accepted Motivational speakers, Authors and
international companies such as Cogniizant transformation, The Next Dimension, KPMG,
Kasperisky, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM..etc.
Starting from its establishment 2015 until now, Massk successfully deliver more than 200
workshops and event program for high level Bank CEO, Hotel leader, consulting companies,
Associations and different industry professionals In Ethiopia. Massk has also a quick
expansion plan to cover Africa in the near future.

"Transforming human to an accelerated state of mind is the key to speed up

organization success".
To contribute its part for the country, Massk consulting has been conducted a deep research
in the ―Training and development experience‖ of different human empowerments delivered in
the world. Based on the research outcome, Massk team focused to create a new outbound
workshop that can be delivered by a mastermind Trainer. The Team created more than eight
Human Empowerment program, for Calendar Year 2019/2020-Massk Master Classes.

The first creative training launch on March 2017 with, Massk own workshop named
"Accelerate Transformation Leadership Outbound Workshop" delivered by a
Transformational Specialist Mr. Harrish Siraman and other assistants.

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
Trainer Messages

Philosophy –‗The time and energy that individuals and teams give to me is
never going to come back into their lives again!
Hence, my focus, intent and energies are towards giving them a
worthwhile transformational experience, high end learning and help
them break barriers and experience Peak Performance in the areas
they desire and deserve‟
Approach – I believe in a High Energy, insightful learning experience driven
with impactful activities to bring in a shift. The sessions must and they do
‗Empower‘ participants. Passion and enjoyment while learning, working and
LIVING is a great approach and an approach I follow.

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
Message from Massk CEO & Co-Founder

Dear candidate,

Congratulations, to be part of this thrilled motivational life changing Training organized in

Ethiopia by MASSK Consulting for 12th round.

In your daily activity you are bombarded by number of distractive email, meeting, phone.etc
you will become so stress right?

Research shows that stress release a hormone to our blood called Cortisol which creates a
scattered focuses, attention, and speed up thinking, which further increase stress level.
Mindfulness builds the awareness muscle in your head to mindfully regulate emotions,
helping you better assess and make decisions without judgment. So mastering
mindfulness is the current main solution to this problem, it helps to effectively regulate
physical, mental and emotional state level which enhances productivity as well as keeping
your wellbeing.

MASSK consulting in collaboration with Cogniizant Transformation prepares a unique

program for the first time in Ethiopia called ATLOW to transform leader to Mindful leader.
We would like thank your esteem organization for sponsoring this special Training for you.
The training is designed in a way to build emotional intelligence of leaders to help them
exploit their full potentials by pinpointing solution for major leadership obstacles.

During this Two and Half days sessions we are ready to put forth our full effort to serve you
and we also kindly request your precious attention, effort and sensation during the training
program to achieve the required accelerated mental and physical transformation.

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
4-Tip to get Most out of the Program
1. Be familiar with the Program
 Print out this Program book or copy to your mobile and
Review the topics covered, Focus where you should
learn most, so you know what to listen before the class
2. Take a Self Assessment Quiz
―Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom‖—Aristotle (384-322 BC)

 Assess your leadership status, by giving a self score

value based on the guide given on Annex-1-Quick Self Assessment Quiz.
3. Decided to invest these 3 days on yourself
―Leadership & Learning are indispensable to each other-John.F Kennedy‖

 Decide to presentable your Full Spirit and Body to the program.

 Body & Mind Relaxation is Very curious in this program.
 Ready yourself to do all the learning outbound activities and to write
down ALL the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while
listening and exercising. That way you won‘t overlook the information
most relevant to you;

4. Draw A Plan of Action

 Think of how you can quickly implement the secrets revealed in this
Workshop program. Use trainer‘s advice and deciding to start practicing
the powerful habits is an important part of the training that brings an
accelerated transformation.

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
Leaders Transformational Outbound Workshop

Level – 1-Challenges
"Challenges", is the first phase of Mindful leadership development program. This
development phase focused to introduce participants the new powerful human
empowerment concepts to change the old thought and plant new thought on leaders mind.
After taking the training, leaders will change the old root and plant a new leadership style.
The training will help to transform leaders to first level mindful leadership. As part of the
training this need a carful dedication of 60-90 day practices after taking the training. To
support this, Massk team will facilitate in creating a Telegram Team for the batch at the
end of each training session to give a contentious support, follow-up and encouragement of
trainee's transformations.

Training Objective & Benefits

 To use the power of Beliefs to sustain Leaders motivation;
 To appreciate ‗High Pressures‟ and embrace Leaders to achieve Peak
Performance, in turn effectively managing stress;
 To gain First Level Emotional Mastery;
 To Unleash Leaders potentials and focus on possibilities as one team;
 To build the „I CAN‟ attitude especially under stressful situations;
 To practice OWNERSHIP.

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
The Three Day Program for Your Follow up
Time Program Team

APRIL 14, 2019 (SUNDAY)
7:30-9:00AM Welcoming Ceremony-Gust Room Meskerem Alemu
(Serving Room/Reception) (Massk Coordinator)
*Breakfast Serving & Kuriftu Hotel Team
* Move to Awash Hall Training Room

9:15-10:00AM Welcoming Ceremony –Class room Shimels G/Medhin

*Briefing The Two &half day Program (MASSK Group –Founder &
*Receiving Participants Expectation CEO)
* Team and Trainers Self Introduction
* Share some rules and expectations
10:00-12:30AM Session.1 Starts
*The power of Willingness (High Impact talk with insights and Humor) Harrish SaiRaman
12:30-1:30AM Lunch Break Meskerem Alemu
(Buffet ) & Kuriftu Hotel Team
1:30-3:30PM Session.2 Starts
Creating a Powerful Environment (Insightful talk with Humor) Harrish SaiRaman
3:30-4:00PM Tea break Meskerem Alemu
(Open area ) & Kuriftu Hotel Team
4:00-5:30PM Session 3. Starts
Clap Activity &/or Hulla Hoop (Insightful Activity) Harrish SaiRaman
5:30-6:00PM After noon physical Exercise Harrish SaiRaman
(Kuriftu lake Sunset Beach) (Trainer)

6:00-8:00PM Refreshment & Spa Time Meskerem Alemu

(Steam, Swimming, Massage, Shower) & Kuriftu Hotel Team

8:00-9:00PM Special Dinner & Entertainment time Meskerem Alemu

& Kuriftu Hotel Team
End of Day -1 - Program

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019

6:00-7:00AM Physical Exercise - Morning Yoga Harrish SaiRaman

(Sunset Relaxation Exercise) (Trainer)

7:00-8:00PM Refreshment Sauna & Spa Time Meskerem Alemu

(Steam, Swimming, Massage, Shower) & Kuriftu Hotel Team
8:00-9:00AM Breakfast Time Meskerem Alemu
& Kuriftu Hotel Team
9:00-10:30AM Session 4. Starts Harrish SaiRaman
The Power of „Ownership‟ (Trainer)
(Insightful talk with great insights)
10:30-10:45AM Tea Break Meskerem Alemu
& Kuriftu Hotel Team
10:45 – 12:30AM Session 5 Started Harrish SaiRaman
The Power of Beliefs (Trainer)
(Insightful, Motivational breakthrough talk with Insights)
12:30-1:30AM Lunch Entertainment Meskerem Alemu
(Buffet @..Bar) & Kuriftu Hotel Team
1:30-3:00PM Session 6. Starts
Power of Perceptions
(Insightful breakthrough talk with Humor) Harrish SaiRaman
The concept is also driven with an activity called „blindfold landmine‟ (Trainer)
3:00-3:15PM Tea Break Meskerem Alemu
(Open area :…) & Kuriftu Hotel Team
3:15-5:30PM Session 7.Started
Team Synchronization & Conflict Simulation Activity Harrish SaiRaman
(Insightful Activity) (Trainer)
Session 8 Started
Tower building with blocks (Outdoor activity)
Session 9 Started
„A‟ Frame (Outdoor activity)
5:30-7:00PM Fire walk Harrish SaiRaman
7:00-8:00PM Special Dinner & Entertainment time Meskerem Alemu
& Kuriftu Hotel Team
End of Day 2 Program

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
DAY. 3
APRIL 16,2019- Tuesday
6:00-7:00 AM Physical exercise
(Sunset Relaxation Exercise)
Harrish SaiRaman
Mariam Tissy

Spa Time (Steam, Massage, Shower)

7:00-8:00AM Spa Time (Steam, Massage, Shower) Meskerem Alemu
& Kuriftu Hotel Team
8:00-9:00AM Breakfast Time Meskerem Alemu
& Kuriftu Hotel Team
9:00-10:30AM Session 10 Started Harrish SaiRaman
Goal Setting (Session + Activity + Exercise) (Trainer)
10:30 -10:45AM Refreshment- Tea break Meskerem Alemu
Facilitating Room leaving & Kuriftu Hotel Team
10:45- 12:30AM Session 11 Started Harrish SaiRaman
Rod Bending (Breakthrough Activity) (Trainer)
12:30-1:30AM Lunch Entertainment Meskerem Alemu
(Buffet @..Bar) & Kuriftu Hotel Team
1:30-3:00PM Session.12
(Powerful Demonstration & Experience) (Trainer)
3:00-3:15PM Tea Break Meskerem Alemu
(Open area :…) & Kuriftu Hotel Team
3:15-4:00PM Session.13 Harrish SaiRaman
Resetting THERMOSTAT (Trainer)
(Very powerful and Insightful concept for CHANGE)
4:00-4:30PM Closing Ceremony Shimels G/Medhin
(Team Photo& Evaluation )

4:30-6:00PM Team Depart from Kuriftu Travel to Addis baba

End of Day 3 Program !!!

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
1. Quick Self Assessment Quiz
How true are these statements to you? Rate yourself on these statements on a scale from 1 to 10.(1 -
least true; 10 - most true)
Statements Rate 1-10
I have All Leadership Essentials/Qualities
I Pay Attention to Team Building and Collaboration
I Manage My Stress Level& Give time for myself
physical and body development

I have a Good Relationship Building capacity

I have a great Influencing Skills

I have a good Goal Setting capacity
I have a great Change Management practices

2. Reflect on the results of your self-assessment and see what areas you could Improve. Pay
attention to those areas of improvement during the Workshop, so you can learn more about
them in Workshop sessions. Use the space below for notes, then you will evaluate the result of change
after return from Kuriftu.

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
2. Your Intention/Expectation
Write down and set your positive intentions here. What are your intentions for
Joining this Workshop? What do you hope to leave with?

What are your personal and professional development objectives for attending the program?

What are the major challenges that you are currently facing in your role and you expect the Workshop going
to address?

Write any other expectation from the program

N.B: Participants are expected to present their expectations statement at the beginning of the program .

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
3. Important Reminder
1. We organize a shuttle for your transportation, whereas if you want to use your
own car let us know and we organized car parking, car wash and security
services. For our shuttle user, meeting time is morning April 14, Sunday @ 7:00
AM at Bunna International Bank s.c, Head office, 4-Killo.

2. For Owen car user we expect your arrival @Kuiftu hotel and spa @ 7:45 AM. We
will wait you at Gust room or you can us our phone +251 911 30 32 57/+251938
94 66 94 for any assistant.

3. For Yoga and other physical exercise you are required to have light sport close
and Sport or slipper shoes.
4. Our Training will close on Tuesday @ 1:30PM, if you have any other personal
plan to stay there, let us know to facilitate anything you want in advance.
5. If you have any medical, special need for food/drink or any other personal interest,
please aware the team to make things more comfortable to you.

N.B For any further order or Requirement please fills the following form and
sends us through email ( or
No Please Check the following questions Yes No Remark
for our follow-up purpose
1 Do you use your own Car? If so please give
plate no.

2 Do you have any such kinds of Training

Experience please?

3 Do you have a personal plan to stay at

Kuriftu after closing our Training session
April 16, 2019 @ 1:30PM to reserve your
room extension and other service?

4 Any medical order/ interest? Please state

5 Do you have any order/request please list

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
For Any Further Question
Please Call US

Assigned Training Coordinator-Meskerem Alemu

Telephone: +251 938 -94-66-94,
Email: or

Website: or

Email: or

Tel: +251 911- 30 -32 -57, +251 116 -50-40-41

MASSK office: Bole Dabi complex 3rd Floor, Adjacent to RAMADA HOTEL

Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019
Copyright reserved @Massk group 2019

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