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Material 2 / Scrambles

Language goal: skills in reading, writing, comprehension and word knowledge + subjects and

Examples: easy: green a tree the is or difficult: The and sky untouchable blue is ,bright

Students: 15 students that are all 18 and over currently living in the USA

Level: basic

Objectives/learning outcomes for the material:

 How to identify the predicate(s) and subject(s) in the sentences
 Able to read sentences correctly or to the best of their ability
 How to properly use punctuation(s) and identify them
 Identify the capital letter of each word

Materials to prepare before teaching:

 Make copies of a worksheet with unscrambled sentences for each student
 Write 3 sentences on the board that the teacher will then explain

Background Information:
These 15 students are all in a Basic Level of knowledge in English and the class will be a mix of
females and males. This lesson plan will put the students basic knowledge of english to test.
Students will also get a chance to meet and greet each other in a fun way to feel more
comfortable with their classmates. The lesson will also increase their skills in reading, writing,
comprehension and word knowledge. These skills are essential to knowing how to write better
essays, resumes, emails, and letters. Skills like these are important when trying to get hired at a
job with a very decent position. This lesson will help the students in a way that they are not just
shown the correct way of how a sentence should be properly be written but its showing them
how a sentence should definitely not look in a circumstances.

Instructional Strategy (20 minutes):

 Students will have an icebreaker at the beginning of class non related to lesson plan
 Students will all get up and form a circle and state their name and where they are from
 The following student will have to repeat what the previous student said and state their
own name and where they are from, continue for 5 mins
 Students will have 3 sentences on the board and will be read one time to the class
 The capital letter at the beginning of the sentence and the period or any other
punctuation(s) if available in the sentence will be pointed out only for the very first
sentence by the teacher
 For the following two sentences the students will have to identify the capital letter of the
beginning sentence and any punctuation(s) if provided in the sentence
 Teacher will ask students who or what the sentences are about, underline it, and name it a
Subject (who or what the sentence is talking about ). If they do not know already explain
what the subject is. Have the students highlight or circle the rest of the sentence and have
them call that the Predicate (what is happening in the sentence).
 After that, explain to the students that in a sentence there is a capital letter at the
beginning of sentences, that there is a punctuation at the end of sentences or throughout,
and that there is a predicate and subject in the sentences
 If students are really struggling help them identify what they need help on and explain or
answer any questions they have
 Last 5 mins pass out worksheet for students to start and take home as hw

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