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An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof.



By Professor Spira

Published by Breathair Publishing

Columbus, OH

1st Edition 2019

Copyright © 2019 by Breathair Publishing, a Mucus-free Life LLC Company

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
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General Disclaimer: The content found in this document and related websites is based upon the
opinions and research of the authors and is strictly for informational and educational purposes only.
If you choose to use the information on yourself or others, Prof. Spira, Mucus-free Life LLC, or other
contributing parties take no responsibility for your actions, decisions, or the consequences thereof,
and will in no event be held liable to you or any third person for any indirect, consequential, exemplary,
incidental, special, or punitive damages. The use or reliance of any information contained in this
document is solely at your own risk. The content is in no way intended to be or replace medical advice,
medical diagnosis, or the treatment of any disease or medical condition. Consequently, this document
is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a licensed medical practitioner or licensed
dietitian. Professor Spira is not a medical practitioner or licensed dietitian and does not hold academic
degrees in fields related to medicine, nutrition, or healthcare. You are encouraged to consult with the
appropriate professionals before beginning any exercise, weight loss, or dietary program. This
document is a sharing of personal experiences, opinions, and information about practicing a mucusless
or mucus-free diet based on the works of Prof. Arnold Ehret.

Available from

Produced in the United States of America

First Printing, 2019

First Edition
Praise for the Mucusless Diet Healing System & Prof. Spira
"Growing up I suffered from many ailments from allergies to seizures, in addition, I
was constantly in the doctor's office. However, the doctors only saturated my body
with useless drugs that further polluted my body. But when I came across Prof. Arnold
Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof. Spira it was an
epiphany because I finally understood the root cause of human illness, and therefore
the compensation action that must be taken to correct prior years of wrong disease
producing foods that have been eaten since birth. . . I recommend this book to all
who are seeking true health and vitality."
-Andrae Genus, M.Sc., Environmental Scientist
"Have you tried all of the diets and still can't figure out what helps you and doesn't
help you? With all the mixed information it's almost impossible to know what's true
and not true now a days. The Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised and Edited
by Prof. Spira is what you need to read, and I promise you it will answer all your
questions. Nothing else I have ever done or tried has helped me more than this book.
Life changer.
-Melissa Patrick
"You’ve changed my life my brother. I’m currently going through a fast because I
have had a very mucused diet in the past which has brought out my eczema again.
Your videos and writings have woken me up from the matrix I was living in with my
diet. Even when I went vegan, I was still having skin issues, but after seeing what you
have to say about mucus, and why you have to decrease it, it all makes sense."
-Nicky Bennett, Student

"The people just finding out about the Mucusless Diet Healing System NEED this –
people like me… even after years on a raw transition we need to know it’s OK to
transition any way that we can.
-Wendy Campbell, Detoxification Specialist
Discover other titles by Breathair Publishing

Prof. Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited by Prof.

Spira Speaks: Dialogs and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System

Prof. Arnold Ehret's Rational Fasting for Physical, Mental and Spiritual Rejuvenation: Introduced
and Edited by Prof. Spira

Thus Speaketh the Stomach and the Tragedy of Nutrition: Introduction by Prof. Spira

The Definite Cure of Chronic Constipation and Overcoming Constipation Naturally: Introduction
by Prof. Spira

Physical Fitness thru a Superior Diet, Fasting, and Dietetics


Mucusless Diet Healing System eCourse: Keys for Mastering a Mucus-free Life

Spira's Notes: The Official Mucusless Diet Healing System eCourse Study Guide
Table of Contents
I. An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning ........................... 1
Example of a Mucus-free Menu Plan .................................................................................. 2
II. Transition Diet – An Introduction to Arnold Ehret’s Methods .................................. 5
Glossary: Keywords to Better Understand the Mucusless Diet ..................................... 7
III. Prof. Spira's Mucusless Diet Transitional Foods List ................................................... 9
IV. The Time is Now to Take Action! .................................................................................. 19
What to do next?.................................................................................................................... 19
An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

I. An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu

The following is based on a discussion that happened in the Professor Arnold Ehret
Mucusless Diet Healing System Facebook support forum.


Can I get some help? I just cannot wrap my head around exactly how to start. I feel like I am
missing something and not doing things correctly. What should I eat? Should I fast yet? I need a
"Dummies" version or just some basic "do this" type help. What helped you get started? Thank you!

Prof. Spira's Answer:


Great question. After you've read or re-read the entire Annotated, Revised, and Edited
Mucusless Diet Healing System, go back to the three lessons on the "Transition Diet."
Take out a piece of paper, perhaps using Microsoft Word or Google Docs, or open
up a spreadsheet (I use Google Sheets when I prepare weekly menu plans for clients,
but Microsoft Excel works too), and outline the general schedule of your day.

When do you get up? When do you usually eat lunch, dinner, etc.? When do you
exercise, meditate, visit with family and friends? If you have kids, when do you
prepare their meals or get them off to school? Do you have to go to work, and if so,
what time? If you do ancillary naturopathic practices, such as lemon juice and distilled
water enemas, when would you like to do them?

After you have your general day outlined, look at Arnold Ehret's original menu
protocols from the "Transition Diet" lessons, and construct an eating plan that fits
your day and follows Ehret's general principles. This is just a random example, with
potential variations built into the outline. The timeline can be adapted to any schedule:

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

Example of a Mucus-free Menu Plan

7am: Wake Up

7:15am: Morning air-bath and Arnold Ehret's stretching exercises (or your own

7:45am: [No breakfast plan (see Mucusless Diet Healing System for description)] (or
optional morning juice; or small amount of fresh fruit instead of 'no breakfast')

8:30am: meal prep for the day (prepare meals and fresh juices for work, or for your
family's meals. Can you chop up salad items so that the day's salads are easy to make?
Or prepare vegetables for baking later on?

9am: Go to Work

10am: Optional green juice at work

12pm: Lunch | If following the "Menus for the First 2 Weeks" from the Mucusless Diet
book, eat your combination salad. "Ehret's 2-Course" meal also works well here if you
have a physically demanding job (fruit course followed by salad and steamed
vegetables after a 15-minute break).

3pm: If hungry at work, drink your green juice; or eat Ehret's "nuts and raisins"
combination (do not do both).

6:30pm: Supper/Dinner | If following Ehret's first 2-week protocol, this would be a

stewed fruit meal. Try Prof. Spira's Baked Banana Surprise recipe.

9:30pm: (optional) evening enema, or some vegetable broth.

11pm: Relax and retire for the evening

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

Again, this is just a random framework I threw together as a quick example. But the
idea is to lay out what your schedule already is, or is going to be, and then integrate
Arnold Ehret's menu planning strategies to it. The Mucusless Diet is wonderfully
customizable and flexible. No matter what kind of schedule you have, once you
understand the principles of the diet, you'll be able to put together some great menu

I recommend planning things out week-by-week and roughly follow and adapt Ehret's
weekly menu plan examples (although you could do daily plans if you really want to).
This is close to the same advice I give the university students I instruct in my music
courses when they must write research papers. First, start with a basic outline. Then,
fill in as much detail as is necessary. If the outline is good, the paper should write
itself. It is the same with applying the diet to an outline of your day. If you have a
good outline, your day should flow without a lot of unnecessary thinking, obsessing,
or worrying.

If you are looking for structure, sit down with your spreadsheet and map out your
basic day in as much detail as you'd like, and plan out your meals and potential snacks
accordingly, while keeping Ehret's mucus-free principles in mind (proper food
combining, number of meals, etc.). You can always make changes to your plan if
something is not flowing well. But, writing it out will give you a place to start. And if
your day does not go exactly according to plan, do not worry about it. You can still go
with the flow, even with an outlined plan. If you miss a meal, or have an extra snack,
it is not a big deal. Just always shift back toward the system.

Regarding fasting, I would not worry about that yet. Focus on outlining and finding a
transitional plan that works for you where you are at right now. Once you do this, I
can show you how to incorporate fasting into these weekly plans.

Peace, Love, and Breath!

Prof. Spira

December 2018

Click HERE to get the Mucusless Diet Healing System book.

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

II. Transition Diet – An Introduction to Arnold Ehret’s Methods

By Prof. Spira

I recently posted this response to a member of the Facebook Arnold Ehret Support Forum who had
been a bit too aggressive with their initial transition. This perspective is very useful for those interested
in sustaining a plant-based diet as a lifestyle. It must be understood that we cannot go from our
standard diet of civilization into a full-out mucus-free lifestyle overnight. And the full transition may
take longer than you think. But consistently applying the principles is the key!:
The length and quality of one's transition is the great unknown with the Mucusless Diet
Healing System. Often, what we think is a long time with our minds is nothing to our
bodies. A huge problem that many people have is the act of trying to transition too
quickly, or worse, skip the transition all-together. In your case, I would have
recommended some mucuslean evening vegetable meals that include cooked
mucusless (mucus-free) vegetables with raw salads followed by toasted 100% wheat
bread (yes, there are ways to use wheat products if you need them on the transition
diet). Baked vegetable options such as squash and sweet potatoes are also good (but
not white potatoes). These meals slow down the elimination, but are far better than
eating mucus-forming processed vegetarian/vegan/dead animal foods or Standard
American Diet (S.A.D.). And when combined with raw vegetables, a mucus/intestinal
broom is created. Then the afternoon meal could be all fruit.
This portion of the transition seems to be what many 'raw-food' devotees try to skip
over. The result can be losing weight too fast or becoming wedded to certain "raw"
mucus-forming foods. With that said, once the body has been properly cleansed for as
long as it takes, it will be much easier to live at higher levels of mucuslessness.
Brother Air has practiced the diet for almost 40 years, yet he did not begin by doing
long fasts, going raw, or doing intense fruit periods. In the first 20 years of his practice
he did thousands of short- and longer-term fasts, mucus-free periods, and mucuslean
periods that were suited to his own physiology. He was careful to not push too hard,
and systematically cleansed over a long period of time. Although people are blown
away by his more recent long fasts or advanced mucus-free dieting, I marvel at his
ability to maintain a slow and consistent transition toward mucuslessness for decades.

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

The diet must be PRACTICED for longevity. It is helpful to view practicing the
Mucusless Diet as an art form, and not a rigid science. Think of a professional athlete
or musician. Could they start out practicing 8-10 hours a day in the beginning?
Probably not. But over time, and with practice, the skill and stamina necessary to
effortlessly achieve higher levels is fostered. With that said, sometimes the detox can
get rough and you will look worse for the wear. But overall, if a less aggressive
transitional protocol is adopted (for people not fighting terminal illnesses), toxic
wastes can be expelled over a longer period of time with less issues. With your current
insights, go back to the 'Transition Diet’ section of Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless Diet
Healing System and reread it. You might be surprised how liberal Ehret’s transition
really is.

As I always say, I love to see people push themselves and this does not mean that
everyone should just slow down and eat a bunch of mucuslean food if it is not
necessary. I love to see folks accomplish lengthy fasts and periods of fruit eating. Yet
I’m more impressed with hearing people say "I’ve been totally mucus-free for a
day/week/month/year/etc. Each body is different, yet the principles of the
transitional system remain the same and applicable to all. And to sustain the diet, a
rational transition from the very beginning is key!"
Keep in mind that eating certain mucus-forming foods is part of the "Transition Diet"
and "System" of the Mucusless Diet. It is important to know what mucus-forming
items can be used when bad cravings arise. Do not be hard on yourself and do what
you need to do to rationally transition. If you make the right choices from the
beginning, you can move relatively fast and go very far. Overall, the diet works
because you move away from the most harmful mucus-forming foods to less harmful
and detoxifying mucus-free foods, but not overnight.
If this has peaked your interest, I highly recommend reading the entire Mucusless Diet
Healing System book along with Rational Fasting. If you have read it in the past, read it
again and focus on understanding the nature of the transition. This is not only a 'diet,’
but a system that includes progressively changing menus based upon the condition of
each person, along with periodic long and short-term fasts, colon irrigation, and other
natural healing methods. This is not a one-size-fits all kind of system, but a total
lifestyle of regeneration that should be adapted to your personal health needs.

Peace, Love, and Breath!

Prof. Spira

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

Glossary: Keywords to Better Understand the Mucusless Diet

Definitions Taken from Spira's Notes: The Official Mucusless Diet Healing System
eCourse Study Guide.

Elimination: Removal of physiological waste and encumbrances. The term is also

used instead of the word "sick" by Mucusless Diet practitioners to identify short or
extended periods of intensive waste elimination. In common parlance, a practitioner
may say, "I’m going through an intense elimination today!" meaning that he or she is
presumably eliminating large quantities of waste and experiencing various symptoms
of human illness. Instances of elimination usually spur a practitioner to detoxify, fast,
or abstain from mucus-forming foods. Extreme periods of elimination may be called a
"healing crisis."

Enema: Injection of liquid into the rectum through the anus for the purpose of
cleansing and evacuating the bowels.

Fasting: To abstain from the intake of food and drink. It may also refer to various
forms of dietary restriction, which include abstaining from solid foods (juice or liquid
fasting), mucus-forming foods (mucusless diet), animal products, and so forth. Fasting
may also refer more broadly to abstaining from modern conveniences or unnatural
additions, such as a fast from electricity or the use of electronics for a period of time.

Mucus: The word "mucus" is from the Latin mucus meaning "slime, mold, snot, etc."
Mucus refers to a thick, viscous, slippery discharge that is comprised of dead cells,
mucin, inorganic salts, water, and exfoliated cells. It also refers to the slimy, sticky,
viscous substance left behind by mucus-forming foods in the body after ingestion.

Mucus Theory: A philosophical and theoretical framework created by Prof. Arnold

Ehret that identifies mucus-forming foods as unnatural and indigestible for the
human body. It is asserted that these foods leave behind uneliminated waste in the
body which is the primary cause of human illness and premature aging. Ehret
postulates that by removing mucus-forming foods from one's diet, many human
illnesses can be healed and prevented.

Mucus-Lean (mucuslean): Term coined by Arnold Ehret to refer to the period of

one's transition when some mucus-forming foods are partially used.

Mucus-Forming: Refers to foods that create or leave behind uneliminated mucus in

the human body. Such foods include meats, dairy, grains, starches, and fats.

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

Mucusless (also Mucus-Free): Refers to foods that are not mucus-forming. Such
foods digest without leaving behind a thick, viscous, slimy substance called mucus.
These foods include all kinds of fat-free and starchless fruits and vegetables.

Physiology: Refers to the investigation and description of natural entities and the
normal function of living organisms.

Practitioner: Within the mucus-free community, this term is often used to identify a
person who practices, or endeavors to perform, the Mucusless Diet Healing System as a
lifestyle. This is distinct from the use of the term to identify the practice of a
professional in a specialized field (e.g., a legal practitioner).

Pus: Refers to a thick white, yellowish, or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected
tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells, bacteria, tissue debris, and serum. In the
Mucus-free community, it is also referred to as the substance that dead animal flesh is
chemically changed to after being consumed or while rotting.

Raw-Foods Diet (or raw-vegan diet): The practice of consuming uncooked,

unprocessed, plant-based, and often organic foods as a large percentage of one’s diet.
Many people mistakenly believe that Ehret's work is inherently, or only, raw foodism
or fruitarianism. Although the highest levels of the mucusless diet are raw, mucus-free
foods, Ehret advocates using cooked mucusless foods, and some moderately mucus-
forming items, as needed during the transition diet.

Transition Diet: The slow change from mucus-forming foods to mucus-free foods
(Mucusless Diet).

Vegan: Term coined by Donald Watson in 1944 to draw a distinction between a

person who abstains from all animal products, or ethical and/or health reasons,
including eggs, cheese, fish, etc., from vegetarians who avoid eating meat, but may still
consume certain animal products. Once all non-plant-based items are eliminated, the
mucusless diet becomes, by definition, vegan or plant-based.

Vegetarian: Term that refers to a variety of dietetic modalities that include the eating
of plant-based foods and certain mucus-forming foods (starches or grains and fats).
Some vegetarians may or may not also choose to include certain pus-forming foods
such as dairy products, eggs, or fish.

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

III. Prof. Spira's Mucusless Diet Transitional Foods List

By Prof. Spira

I’m often asked to create a practical Mucusless Diet Food List of the most frequently
eaten foods. These "food lists" are tricky, particularly when related to the Mucusless
Diet Healing System, because it is hard to illustrate how the foods are to be used
systematically within the dietary system. People sometimes want a "do not eat" or "you
must eat" kind of food list, which just does not work with the Mucusless Diet as a
Healing System. There are not hard and fast "rules" for the "transition diet," but
rather guidelines and practices that have proven to work the best.

The "Transition Diet" is the systematic approach developed by Arnold Ehret to safely
evolve one’s eating habits away from mucus-forming foods toward a mucusless
diet. Keep in mind that the following is a personal list that is based upon my own
experiences and opinions as is shared with you only as a reference. Ultimately, you will
need to find transitional food items that work best for you based on your past eating
habits, physiological type, levels of mucus/pus addiction, latent/chronic illnesses, etc.

Just because the item is listed does not mean that you should or need to eat it. If you
are long-time advanced vegan or raw foodist, there may be no need to step back to
processed mucuslean, that is moderately mucus-forming, items. The ones listed below
are just things that helped me come from a very gluttonous Standard American Diet
(SAD). It is okay to eat mucuslean foods, but what separates a Mucusless Diet
practitioner from a 'vegan’ or 'rawist’ is a profound understanding of how and why
certain mucus-forming foods are eaten. A Mucusless Diet practitioner knows that raw
salads should always accompany baked or steamed vegetables or mucuslean (slightly
mucus-forming) foods. To better understand how and why we eat mucuslean foods,
read the Mucusless Diet Healing System.

Below, I first explore the most frequently used mucusless (mucus-free) food items,
and then look at some mucuslean options. This is meant to be a "practical" foods list
which includes both mucus-free and mucus-forming foods which can systematically
be used for transitional purposes.

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira





Black Cherries


Blood Orange





Honeybell Tangelos











An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira




Sweet Cherries






Bananas (my favorite fruit to bake)


Dates, (Dried)

Figs (Dried)






An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira


Coconut Water

Fruit Jellies (no sugar added)



Cabbage (I used steamed cabbage frequently in the early days of my transition, but
rarely eat it today. Instead, I use steamed collard greens. Raw chopped cabbage is also
good on salads).

Collard (lightly steamed greens is one of my current 'staples’ which I will consume
during periods of vegetable eating).

Dandelion Leaf


Leafy Herbs (Parsley, Dill, Basil, Thyme)

Lettuce (Green, Red, Romaine, Boston Bibb)

Mustard Greens






Dandelion (periodically will add to green vegetable juices)

Green Onions

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira


Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange)

Red Beets

Sea Vegetables (Dulse, Kelp)

Sprouts (Alfalfa)





Acorn Squash (Baked)


Broccoli (steamed broccoli remained one of my long-standing staples)

Brussels Sprouts

Butternut Squash (Baked)

Carrots (Steamed and eaten with raw salad)

Green Peas (I’ve eaten steamed peas quite a bit over the years)

Peppers (Green, Red, Yellow, or Orange)

Spaghetti Squash (Baked): Not something to be eaten all the time, but it is good to use
when something heavy is craved.

Sweet Potato (Baked)

Zucchini (Steamed or Baked)

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira


Below are foods that are mucus-forming, but I’ve found to be useful during the
"transition diet." When the following items are added to a meal, Arnold Ehret called
the meal "mucuslean." For clarification, here are the definitions of mucuslean from
my book Spira Speaks: Dialog and Essays on the Mucusless Diet Healing System:

Mucuslean: refers to the period of dietary transition in the Mucusless Diet where
mucus-forming foods are used along with mucusless ones. Mucuslean menus are
generally less harmful than standard mucus-forming eating habits by non-practitioners
and are an important part of the overall transition and systematic healing methods
employed in the Mucusless Diet Healing System.

In the Mucusless Diet, Arnold Ehret teaches how best to eat mucuslean items so that
they do the least amount of damage and leave behind the least amount of waste. Most
items, except nuts, should always be eating with a raw "combination salad" to help
with digestion and elimination. See the Mucusless Diet for more on how to combine
and eat mucuslean options properly.



Carrots (Raw): some people view carrots as mucus-forming. They have a little bit of
starch content, but mostly eliminate well and function relatively mucusless in the
body. Although I don’t juice them as much as I did in the past, they are fine to chop
up and add to a salad or add a few to a green drink/fresh vegetable juice.

Cauliflower: Arnold Ehret and his editor Fred Hirsch included one baked cauliflower
recipe in the Mucusless Diet. I personally did not use much cauliflower in my
transition and think that other baked or steamed vegetable items can work better. But
they can be used early in your transition if you find that they are eliminating well.

Avocadoes: I advise against the unrestricted eating of avocados because they are 'fatty’
and, as a result, are mucus-forming. However, they may be used to make sauces
during the earlier parts of one's transition period, or could be eaten sparingly a few
times a year. The main thing to consider is how well the food item eliminates. Does the
item digest without causing acid-reflux? Does it move through your gastrointestinal
tract without leaving behind thick layers of uneliminated mucus? The mucusless diet is

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

not a strict or rigid system, but one of mindfulness and gradual progression away
from the worst foods. After a while on the Mucusless Diet, people generally want to
get away from avocadoes because they notice it is not eliminating well for them any


Beans (Black Beans, Black-eyed peas Kidney Beans, Lima Beans, Navy Beans, Pinto
Beans, etc.). Beans may be one of my most steadfast mucuslean items. They are
starchy, heavy, addictive, and mucus-forming, but I’ve found that they eliminate well
if combined properly with raw salads and steamed vegetables. But, when it is time for
me to be totally mucus-free or fast, I steer clear of them.


Nuts (Cashews, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Walnuts, etc.): I’ve always
been very good about combining nuts with raisins and/or figs to aid elimination, as
recommended by Arnold Ehret. I also learned early on to never eat nuts with juicy
fruits. I ate a lot of nuts during the first couple years of my transition and seem to eat
them less and less every year).


Well toasted 100% grain bread: toasting helps neutralize the sticky properties. Toast
should always be combined with a raw salad to promote a broom-like effect within
the intestines.

Almond Flour Tortillas: there are newer "gluten-free" food items on the market which
use wheat-free ingredients. I would stay away from potato and/or rice-based gluten-
free breads, as they are highly mucus-forming with no way to properly "neutralize" the
sticky properties. However, slightly toasted almond or cassava flour tortillas can be a
great transition away from wheat-based ones.

100% wheat or quinoa pasta: this is mucus-forming, but I found 100% wheat
spaghetti combined with steamed vegetables and a large raw salad to be very helpful
in the early stages of the transition. 100% wheat spaghetti combined with large salads
An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

and steamed/baked vegetables helped me get off meat and dairy products in the early
days. This kind of transitional methodology is rarely found in the raw foods or vegan


My favorite and most used oils include:

Olive oil

Grapeseed oil

Coconut oil


Some seasonings are potentially acid-forming, however Arnold Ehret notes that it is
okay to use some of your favorite condiments during the transition. Some of my
favorite seasonings include:

Onion powder

Garlic Powder

Dulse Flakes

Kelp Granules

Oregano Granules

Thyme Granules

Basal Granules

Salt-Free Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blends

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira



Overall, I stayed away from most processed foods, non-vegan sweets, and fermented
beverages from the beginning of my transition. Exceptions would include some
processed vegan foods and confectioneries that I used periodically, but I will mention
those in the next section.



Chips (corn, plantain): stay away from them if you can. Corn chips may be my worst
addiction and I do my best to not eat them.

Hummus (processed chickpeas)

Soy Butter: I used it for several years in the beginning and then quit when I started to
connect some of the negative symptoms, I was having to the high oil content and soy
lecithin, which really should be avoided altogether. Today, there are better things
available to use than soy products.

Pasteurized 100% Fruit Juices (potentially acid-forming): I would stay away from
many of the orange juices in the store and do as much juicing as you can. Mucusless
Diet practitioners have found some brands of store-bought juice that is less acidic and
usable for the transition diet.

Plant milks: I used soy milks with cereal for about a year and a half. As bad as my
previous diet was, it was an improvement. But it did not take long for soy milk and
cereal to start irritating my stomach causing me to get rid of it. Today, items like
almond and coconut milk are much more prevalent and better options than soy.

Plant-based butters: I only used nut butters consistently for a few early years. As I
became cleaner, nut butters started to really irritate my system. However, the long-
term Mucusless Diet practitioner Brother Air famously used nut butter on well-
toasted wheat bread for a long time into his transition. I mention this only to
demonstrate that there are no hard rules about how long it should take to get off
certain items. Each person's body is different.

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

Texturized Vegetable Protein ('mock’ meats including soy, etc.): Ehret discusses the
use of protose–meat substitute made out of wheat gluten, in early versions of the
Mucusless Diet Healing System in the "vegetarian options" section. Such items are not
'forbidden,’ but should only be used for short periods of time. It should never be
thought that such foods can be a long-term staple for a Mucusless Diet practitioner.
The key is always combining such items with raw salads that help it to digest and

Vegan Baked Goods and Confections: I ate these things very sparingly, but
occasionally, if I got a craving, I would not be hard on myself or try to force myself
not to eat them. The Mucusless Diet is not about forcing yourself not to eat mucus
but transitioning away from it so that you can no longer crave or tolerate it.

Nature/Veggie Patties: periodically you can find some veggie patties that are relatively
'clean’ and will help you overcome bad cravings. They are much better to eat then
going back to fast foods when the going gets tough. Just be sure to look at the
ingredients on the label to ensure they did not sneak egg or dairy into it.

Canned/Jars or Tomoto Sauce: I would sometimes combine canned tomato sauce

with freshly cooked tomatoes, etc., to make a sauce to put over vegetables/salad.
Avoid sauces that contain sugar or corn-syrup. If you are strongly against all packaged
foods, simply stay away from it.

Vinegar Free Store-bought salad dressing (Obviously, it is best to make your own raw
dressings, but there are a couple vinegar free dressings that Mucusless Diet
practitioners have found and like to use over salads. Ehret strongly advises against
using items that contain vinegar. Lemon juice is a much better alternative. Today, I
mainly use a bit of olive oil with fresh lemon juice over my salads as a dressing.

Pus-forming foods, including dairy or dead animal flesh should be avoided as much as possible. As
you cleanse your body using the Mucusless Diet Healing System, cravings for these foods
will be eliminated, sooner or later. Eliminating the desire or taste for the most harmful
foods makes it much easier to get away from them.

An Introduction to Mucusless Diet Healing System Menu Planning by Prof. Spira

IV. The Time is Now to Take Action!

This is an exciting time to be alive! Despite the turmoil and hardships rampant around
the world, people are learning that one of the best decisions you can make is to take
your health into your own hands. The works of Prof. Arnold Ehret are timeless and
the "missing link" that can help us transform our lives for the better. So much of
humanity's pain and suffering is rooted in an unnatural diet. When we transgress
against natural laws, we pay the consequences whether we know the rules or not.
Transitioning to a mucus-free lifestyle takes a lot of work, but it is worth it to reclaim
our lives. Our vision is of a world free of unnecessary pain and suffering caused by
the eating of wrong foods. It is time to put ourselves and our world back together!

What to do next?

I've worked hard to compile a variety of educational resources to make learning about
the Mucusless Diet Healing System easier than ever before. We often say that it is
important to "read the book," and this cannot be stressed enough. To truly
understand the Mucusless Diet Healing System and Mucus-free lifestyle, you must take the
time to (or listen to) the book/audiobook. There are so many mis-conceptions and
misinformation about the Mucusless Diet due to a lack of studying Ehret's work. If
you are at all curious about what is down this path, then I strongly encourage you to
start now! Click HERE to get access to the resources you need to take your healing to
the next level.

Peace, Love, and Breath!


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