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 Haribon members and employees advocate for biodiversity conservation by

building constituencies, empowering communities and applying scientific and

multi-disciplinary approaches.

 To promote and undertake community-based resource management strategies in

specific sites.

 To conduct scientific and socio-economic researches on the natural ecosystems

for the benefit of Filipino communities and promoting sustainable approaches to


 To raise the national consciousness on sustainable development and promote a

constituency for environmental issues through membership.


 Haribon is a credible and pioneering leader in transforming every individual into a

biodiversity champion.

 We envision the country's ecosystems to be conserved and managed in a

socially and scientifically sound manner.

 We envision communities that are environmentally aware and responsible

stewards of the environment.

 We envision a Philippine society that ensures equitable access to the benefits of

its resources while promoting a quality of life that values the renewability,

carrying capacity and the integrity of creation.



2/F Santos & Sons Building

973 Aurora Boulevard

Quezon City 1102 Philippines


 Mangrove Forest Restoration in Infanta, Quezon


Donor: Birdlife International Tokyo and Ricoh Company, Ltd

In 2004, more than 1,500 people were killed when Typhoon Winnie devastated

the towns of Real, General Nakar and Infanta in the province of Quezon.

Today the Maralitang Mangingisda ng Munting Sabang Association (MMMSA),

Municipal Government of Infanta, and the Sangguniang Barangay of Dinahican

are working with support BirdLife International Tokyo and the Ricoh Company to

bring back more mangrove forests.

 The Forest Resources Bill or FRB

The Forest Resources Bill or FRB is a bill which seeks to ensure the continued

and efficient use of forest resources by present and future generations. Forest

resources include everything from timber, wildlife, rubber, and oil to ecological

services like storing water, erosion prevention, carbon trapping, and more.

 Gab-e & The Philipine Eagle Project

Protection of the Philippine Eagle has always been a priority. After the discovery

in Mt. Mingan, the municipal governments surrounding the mountain namely

Gabaldon, Dingalan and San Luis, with the help of the Haribon Foundation and

the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) developed plans

for the conservation of the mountain range. One of the identified priority

interventions to protect the forests of Mingan is its declaration as a Critical

Habitat (CH) for the protection and conservation of the Haring Ibon.




These projects have a focus on working with communities and their resources in

a sustainable manner, all the while protecting the biodiversity within their domain. From

“Bantay Gubat” or Forest Guards to Critical Habitat (CH) establishment, we continue to

work with different communities up and down the country.


Can you imagine a world without Philippine Eagles? Soon after, a world without

trees, and oxygen? Everything is inextricably linked. By saving species, we are

ultimately saving ourselves. But if we do not begin now, the only species left to save will

be our own.


We work with people to maintain the health of our communities and our

environment. By finding more sustainable ways of living whether the community is urban,

rural, marine, or forest, we encourage further protection for our environment, and our


People depend on the environment to survive. These projects serve to further

disseminate sound science in a way that all can understand and use for conservation



In the past, Haribon has been at the forefront of advocating forest policy issues that have

made significant inroads in biodiversity conservation. It has been the forerunner in

promoting terrestrial and marine protected areas and has encouraged greater

participation of communities in environmental law enforcement. Haribon needs to sustain

the gains of the past and accelerate its efforts in promoting environmental conservation

and protection as mounting pressure on our natural ecosystems continues unabated.

The goals of the Advocacy Program are the following: develop synergistic approaches to

advance focal issues; build a pro-active constituency on biodiversity conservation (BC)

from membership and existing and potential partners; ensure availability of resources to

sustain its programs and activities; develop tools/methods to mobilize support for

Haribon’s advocacies; elevate local policy concerns to national level and bring attention

to local constituents the national and global issues.


 Position papers entitled “A Case of Seeing the Trees but Not the Forests”, and

“The Filipino spirit is water-proof. But the Philippines is not.” published.


 Participated in the National Summit on Rio+20; “Discussion on “Strategic

Environmental Assessment” organized by the Ateneo School of Government

(ASOG); Workshop on Combating Desertification as part of World Celebration on

Combating Desertification organized by the Bureau of Soil and Water

Management (BSWM).

Policy Advocacy

 Participated in the Leticia Ramos-Shahani Policy Dialogue Series Round Table

Discussion on “Establishing Climate Change and Reproductive Health Links”.

 Participated in the Technical Working Group Meeting of the Committee on the

Environment and Natural Resources, Senate of the Philippines re Forest Limits



 Participated in the National Day of Action and Public Dialogue with DENR Sec.

Ramon Paje as part of World Environment Day.

 Participated in the Anti-Mining Solidarity Week 17-21 September 2012 with SOS-

Yamang Bayan partners.




Based on the information gathered with regards to the projects, objectives and ongoing

programs of Haribon Foundation Inc., it seems that they no longer need continuous

improvement. Although all business, both for profit or non-profit must have continuous

improvement in their overall operations, Haribon Foundation Inc. seeks improvements not

just for their projects, but also the empowerment of their people. Together they have a sense

of unity to reach a certain goal that they must attain, and that is to be a credible and

pioneering leader in transforming every individual into a biodiversity champion.

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