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Nunez, Kaye-Are N.


There are so many things God had created. He created caves, springs,
green fields, animals, trees and many more. And last April 8 2019, we had
an outbound trip to see these wonderful creations. We went to Philippine
Spring Water Resources Inc. (Nature’s Spring) and Biak na Bato which are
both located in Bulacan. I am very satisfied for what I have seen, learned
and experienced in this trip. I have learned how PSWRI processed the
Nature’s Spring mineral water I’ve been drinking for so long. I knew that it is
really safe to drink because I have seen that they are very careful and very
clean in processing it. I am also amazed on how they make their plastic
bottles. I can’t imagine that those bottles came from preform that comes
from the resins. What I like most in this trip is the teambuilding, trekking
and caving we made in Biak na Bato. I enjoyed in the games our tour
guides had prepared for us. Everyone was participating that time. Even
though we don’t know each other, we learned to cooperate and listened to
what our leaders had said. I also learned that it was possible to drop eggs
without breaking them. Unfortunately, our group wasn’t able to do it. But
what is important is that we learned to show our skills in the different
challenges and we learned to follow the suggestions of our groupmates as
well to cooperate with them. Aside from the games we played, I really
enjoyed a lot when we went inside the caves especially the one with zero
visibility. When Kuya Robby, our tour guide, asked us to turn off our
flashlights and keep quiet for some minutes, all of us were shocked
because the cave was really dark and very quiet. I am amazed to the
people who discovered these caves. They were able to find an exit even
though it is dark. I am also surprised that the temperature inside the cave is
low. I never know that caves have cold temperatures. In every caves we
went through, we offered prayers and with it, I learned to respect these
caves of ancient times. In addition to this, I also enjoyed in the cave where
we got wet. We went through it by stepping on the big stones surrounding
the cave. But I got afraid when Kuya Ryan, our other tour guide, told us that
beyond those big rocks, the water is already.

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