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# Searchable Keywords: console terminal xscf XSCF extended system console
facility bmc IPMI ipmi ilom alom idrac

XSCF: Extended System Console Facility

XSCF is the latest console system technoloy Sun is into

Getting started:

So you have a new M class box and you have a few questions.

- To find out what a command will do at thje xscf command line. XSCF help or
man intro

XSCF> man intro

- How do I get into this thing ?

This will get you started with your new M class machine.

1. Turn the key on the front of the chassis to the "Service" position.
This is the position that doesn't have a little lock by it, pretty easy.
If you don't have a key this won't work.
2. At the login prompt type "default"
3. You will be prompted to turn the key to the "Locked" position, and hit
enter. Do so.
4. You will be told to leave the key in this position for at least 5
seconds, and then return it to the "Service" position and hit enter again.

- Whats is the default domain and how can see it's status ?

XSCF> showlogs power

Date Event Cause DID Switch
Nov 20 22:39:40 UTC 2009 SCF Reset Power On -- Locked
Nov 25 04:07:00 UTC 2009 SCF Reset Self Reset -- Locked
Nov 25 22:04:54 UTC 2009 SCF Reset Self Reset -- Locked
Nov 25 22:05:42 UTC 2009 System Power On Operator -- Locked
Nov 25 23:19:59 UTC 2009 Domain Power Off Operator 00 Locked
You can see that domain 0(00), the default domain, is powered off.

- How do I power on domain 0,the default domain?

xscf> poweron -d 0

- How do I get to the console after I have powered on the domain 0 ?

xscf> console -d 0
xscf> console -d 0 -f
the -f will force anyone currently on the console, off.

- How do I get back to the xscf prompt from the console ?

hostname % #.

The pound sign and a period is the default for switching between console
and the xscf prompt.

Setup networking and accounts
The networking you will configure here will be the for console access over
ssh and interdomain communication. NOT for any host that you are planning
on putting in any logical domain. This will be an interface, an xscf
to be exact(which is usually the top board on the back of a M-series along
with the serial port. Looks like a ethernet port). It will be an interface
assessible from your local LAN. If your IP space is in This
interface will have an IP in that space. NOT TO BE CONFUSED, with the
interdomain communications done over dscp IP space. That is something you
will just make up, but will be IP space that will NEVER be on your local lan.

- lan#0 = xscf#0-lan#0 These two options are interchangable
- In most networks the netmask option should be used to set the IP as
well as the default route ( some switch configs will not route improper
netmasks). See "Full example" below.

Short example:
with out the -m netmask option the default will be set. ie

Set up the network information:

setnetwork lan#0 <--------- Local IP space
setnetwork -c up lan#0
sethostname -d
sethostname xscf#0 managementhost
setroute -c add -n -g lan#0

NOTE: this network information could be on your current LAN

Now setup name resolution:

setnameserver -c add
setnameserver -c add

Now lets get ntp configured (these commands take awhile):

setntp -c add
setntp -c add

Now that we are done with all networking related settings,

you need to apply those settings, even though they won't
take effect till you reboot.
applynetwork -y
Full example:
XSCF> setnetwork lan#0 -m
XSCF> applynetwork
The following network settings will be applied:
xscf#0 hostname :myhost-xscf
DNS domain name :mydomain
nameserver :

interface :xscf#0-lan#0
status :up
IP address :
netmask :
route :-n -m -g
route :-n -m -g

interface :xscf#0-lan#1
status :down
IP address :
netmask :
route :

Continue? [y|n] :y
Please reset the XSCF by rebootxscf to apply the network settings.
Please confirm that the settings have been applied by executing
showhostname, shownetwork, showroute and shownameserver after rebooting
the XSCF.
XSCF> rebootxscf
The XSCF will be reset. Continue? [y|n] :y

Removing a route
XSCF> setroute -c del -n -m -g xscf#0-lan#0
Adding a route
XSCF> setroute -c add -n -m xscf#0-lan#0
You can add another staic route by forming the same command
for the additional network, netmask and gateway.

Note about xscf routes:

This may depend on the config of your switch env. Some switched env will
you to have loose netmasks others will not. Meaning, that if you are trying
to get to the xscf from a network outside of the network the xscf was setup.
You may( more than likely ) have to add an additional static route. Once you
setup your default route for the xscf interface. You can go back and add the
additional route using the same commmand syntax.

Example adding additional route:


XSCF> setroute -c add -n -m -g lan#0

XSCF> applynetwork
The following network settings will be applied:
xscf#0 hostname :hayes-xscf
DNS domain name :physio-control
nameserver :
interface :xscf#0-lan#0
status :up
IP address :
netmask :
route :-n -m -g
route :-n -m -g
route :-n -m -g <-Added

interface :xscf#0-lan#1
status :down
IP address :
netmask :
route :

Continue? [y|n] :y
Please reset the XSCF by rebootxscf to apply the network settings.
Please confirm that the settings have been applied by executing
showhostname, shownetwork, showroute and shownameserver after rebooting
the XSCF.
XSCF> rebootxscf
The XSCF will be reset. Continue? [y|n] :y


Setting up DSCP communication

DSCP: Domain to Service Processor Communication Protocol

The next concept may be a little strange to those who haven't

worked on big boxes, but since these boxes have a concept of
domains you need to configure the DSCP (Domain to Service Processor
Communication Protocol) so that the running domains can communicate
with the XSCF, this is an interactive command, it will prompt you
for several pieces of data, more or less depending on the size of
your box (number of domains you can have). JUST MAKE SURE THIS
NETWORK. Above we used This could be your production
LAN. You REALLY don't want DSCP traffic on your production LAN. Use
a completely different RFC 1918 IP scheme.

xscf> setdscp
( questions follow thos cmd concerning interdomain communications
choose an IP space not in your local lan). I liked

Lets not forget about remote access, time to configure ssh

(this command will take awhile):

setssh -c enable -y

If you remember you logged in with "default" you will need

to create a user for yourself unless you like physically
swapping the key position every-time you access the server.
Hey who knows, maybe it's a good workout routine! (one of
these takes awhile)

xscf> adduser yourusername

xscf> setprivilieges yourusername useradm platadm
xscf> password yourusername

Now you should be ready to reset the xscf to make your changes take effect.

rebootxscf -y

After a few minutes you should be able to ping and ssh into the
xscf using the username and password you just created.

I won't go into much detail here about commands to manage the

actual domains but here are a couple of important ones.

Sending breaks to domains, this one sends one to domain 0

(the default domain all resources are in when shipped), you
should end up at an ok prompt after this command. NOTE: YOU
MUST HAVE THE KEY IN THE SERVICE position for this command
to work. There's another way if you don't I'll cover that in
a future article.

xscf> sendbreak -d 0 ( I have never got this to work. I usually use

xscf> reset -d 0 por I guess I didn't have the key
service position. )

Collect and send xscf info to another host

XSCF> snapshot -t myuid@ blum_snapshot

Downloading Public Key from ''...
Public Key Fingerprint: df:9f:25:e5:10:8a:2b:1b:20:da:hh:8e:60:ee:a2:49
Accept this public key (yes/no)? yes
Enter ssh password for user 'myuid' on host '':
Setting up ssh connection to myuid@
Collecting data into myuid@
Data collection complete


Other very useful commands

Show status extended service bus and domains

xscf> showboards -a

List all or some of the xscf commands. Use the -h with each command to
deisplay options.
xscf> <tab> <tab>

Display historical up to date present status of power to domains

xscf> showlogs power
Reset domain. The "por" on the end means, poweron reset.
(essentially reboot from standing position)
xscf> reset -d 0 por
xscf> y|n

Show the status of all domains(inital, execution completed, running...etc)

xscf> showdomainstatus -a

Show any error or config issues.

XSCF> showstatus
No failures found in System Initialization.

Display info and option on a xscf command

xscf> man showboards (for example)

Show cpu/memory config

xscf> showhardconf -M

Switch from a domain console back to xscf prompt.

Thats a pound sign and a period next to each other.
ok> #.

Power on/off a domain

xscf> poweron -d 0
xscf> poweroff -d 0

Display hardware setting(uni mode versus quad mode)

showfru -a sb
XSCF> showfru -a sb
Device Location XSB Mode Memory Mirror Mode
sb 00 Quad no

Display current domain component listing(dcl)

showdcl -av
XSCF> showdcl -av
DID LSB XSB Status No-Mem No-IO Float Cfg-policy
00 OpenBoot Execution Completed FRU
00 00-0 False False False
01 00-1 False False False
02 00-2 False False False
03 00-3 False False False
04 -
05 -
-- -
.. .......
.. ...............
XSCF> showdcl -a
00 OpenBoot Execution Completed
00 00-0
01 00-1
02 00-2
03 00-3

See also solaris10_notes for more info on xscf




Showdevices cmd does not show anything.

XSCF> showdevices -d 00
Can't get device information from DomainID 0.


Or they might say issue looks like this:

XSCF> deleteboard -c unassign 09-0

XSB#09-0 will be unassigned from domain immediately. Continue [y|n] :y
Start unconfiguring XSB from domain.
DR failed. Domain (DomainID 1) cannot communicate via DSCP path.

Since DSCP is used by FMA to transfer data between fmd on the domain and on
the SP, FMA logs and /var/adm/messages on the domain will log failures if
DSCP is not properly configured; filling up the fmd logs with MBs of .

Please validate that each troubleshooting step below is true for your
The steps will provide instructions or a link to a document, for validating
step and taking corrective action as necessary. The steps are ordered in the
most appropriate sequence to isolate the issue and identify the proper
Please do not skip a step.

Steps to Follow

Note: This procedure requires that the Solaris domain that cannot be
reached via DSCP service be rebooted in order to complete the resolution

1. Verify via Solaris that the required packages for the DSCP service are
installed on the Solaris domain
- pkginfo | grep SUNWdscp indicates the SUNWdscpr and SUNWdscpu packages
are installed on the domain

- pkginfo | grep SUNWppp indicates that the SUNWpppd, SUNWpppdr, SUNWpppdu,

and SUNWpppdt are installed.

- pkginfo | grep SUNWsckm indicates that the SUNWsckmr, and SUNWsckmu

packages are installed.

- A reboot may be required following the installation of any missing


Reference : < Solution: 215610 > - Sun SPARC[R] Enterprise Mx000 Servers
packages for minimal Solaris[TM] Installation

2. Verify on the problematic Solaris domain that ifconfig -a displays a

interface and the interface flags show the interface as RUNNING .

If sppp0 exists but is not RUNNING , then create an escalation to assist in



mtu 1500 index
inet --> netmask ffffff00
ether 0

3. Verify on the problematic Solaris domain that svcs -l dscp displays

true and state online

To enable the dscp service, type svcadm enable dscp .


# svcs -l dscp

fmri svc:/platform/sun4u/dscp:default

name DSCP Service

enabled true

state online

next_state none


Note : The absence of the appropriate SUNWppp* packages, the absence of the
spp0 interface or the DSCP service disabled, as described above, will be
reported on the domain via in the 'fmdump -e'.
Further investigation using 'fmdump -V' will report the following signatures

msg = xport - dscpBind on accept socket failed for dev:///sp0 : rv = 5


msg = xport - dscpAddr on client socket failed for dev:///sp0 : rv = 5

4. Verify on the problematic Solaris domain that svcs -l sckmd shows

enabled true and state online .

To enable sckmd services, from the Solaris domain type svcadm enable sckmd


# svcs -l sckmd

fmri svc:/platform/sun4u/sckmd:default

name key management daemon

enabled true

state online

next_state none

Note : The absence of the appropriate packages for sckmd or the sckmd
service disabled will be reported on the domain via
in the 'fmdump -e'. Further investigation using 'fmdump -V' will report the
following signature :

msg = Failed to write C_HELLO to dev:///sp0: Transport endpoint is not


5. Verify on the problematic Solaris domain that the ipseckey dump command
returns security key information in addition to Dump succeeded for SA type

If the ipseckey dump does not return any keys, raise an escalation to
in the resolution..


# ipseckey dump

Base message (version 2) type DUMP, SA type AH.

Message length 136 bytes, seq=1, pid=766.

SA: SADB_ASSOC spi=0xff01, replay=0, state=MATURE

SA: Authentication algorithm = hmac-md5

SA: flags=0x80000000 < X_USED >

SRC: Source address (proto=0/<unspecified>)

SRC: AF_INET: port 0, <unknown>.


Dump succeeded for SA type 0.

Reboot (via shutdown, init 6, reboot, or some other orderly process) the
problematic Solaris domain that has been unable to use the DSCP interface.

6. Verify on the problematic domain that svcs -l dcs shows enabled true
and state online .


To enable dcs services, from the Solaris domain type svdadm

enable dcs .


# svcadm enable dcs

# svcs -l dcs

fmri svc:/platform/sun4u/dcs:default

name domain configuration server

enabled true

state online

next_state none

7. Verify on the problematic domain that a ping from the domain to the
XSCF via the DSCP interface is working ( ping shows alive ):

- The ifconfig -a will show information about the sppp0 interface. On

the Solaris domain, locate the IP address following the --> . This is
the point to point (ppp) interface for the XSCF from this domain. This
is the interface you want to the example below, you would ping

- As this is a ppp style interface, the two IP interfaces should be on the

same subnet (ie 192.168.224.Z) and have the same netmask, which is controlled
by the XSCF setdscp command

IP Address Example:


1500 index
inet --> netmask ffffff00

ether 0

Ping Example:

# ping is alive

The XSCF command showdevices -d <rebooted domain> to the problematic

Solaris domain should now be successsful.

At this point, if you have validated that each troubleshooting step above
is true for your environment, and the issue still exists, further
troubleshooting is required. For additional support contact Sun Support.

See, Well lets just see what Sun does with this ? Like ilom and xscf

See also: Sun_alom xscf_console

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