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Department of Electrical Engineering, HITEC

Object Oriented Programming


Mini Football Game

You have to complete the following tasks to complete your project.

1. You have to construct five classes named as follow

a. Player
b. Speed
c. Skills
d. Team
e. Kit
2. Define data members and member function to describe each class completely.
3. Use Inheritance, Polymorphism and OOP concepts to complete each task.
4. After constructing the classes and their variables and functions, develop two teams with the
help of Team and Kit classes.
5. Your final task is to draw two teams on console and at least one player from each team kick
the object (your object can be any special character).
1. You have to submit the proposal of the project having at least following information
a. Front page
b. Introduction
c. Classes names with members and functions
d. Detailed UML diagram with relationships
e. Explanation of each class(i.e behavior of each class)
f. Bonus points
i. Formatting (should be in proper format)
ii. No Copy paste from any site or book (explain in your words)

Submission of Proposal: 3rd May, 2019 @12PM.

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