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Causes of unemployment survey

This survey is being conducted with the aim to discover what causes of
unemployment among NEU graduatesd students are. Please remember
that your answers will be kept in secret, so answer the questions as
honestly as you can. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please indicate your answers by circling the best alternatives.

1. What jobs do you want to do after graduation?

a. Own bBusinessman
b. Manager
c. Employee
d. Any job
e. Others: ..............................................
2. Where do you want to work?
a. Urban
b. Rural
c. Foreign country
3. How much money do you want to earn after graduating?
a. 5 million per month.
b. 10 million per month.
c. 20 million per month.
d. over 20 million per month.
4. What factors of job are you interested in?
a. Good working environment.
b. Friendly cColleague
c. Knowledgable Boss
d. High iIncome
5. What do you think about your working ability?
a. Good enough
b. Bad
c. Excellent
d. Normal
6. What majors have you learned at university?
a. Accounting
b. Marketing
c. Financial
d. Others: ..............................................
7. Do you feel the government is doing enough to fight the unemployment issue?
a. Yes
b. No
8. In your opinion, what are causes of the unemployment?
a. Economic recession
b. Increasing technology
c. Increased birth rate
d. Others: ..............................................
9. Have you ever tried to find any job?
a. Yes
b. No
10. What reason do you not have a job?
a. Suitable job is unavailable or hard to find
b. Lack necessary skills, qualifications and experiences
c. Gave up looking for work
d. Retired
e. Others: ..............................................
11. Do you think the education you learned in university is useful in getting a
a. Yes
b. No Commented [WU1]: Why? Vaf e cho vaif options để chọn cho
dễ nhé
12. Have ever refused a job that was offered to you because of some reason?
a. Yes
b. No Commented [WU2]: Giống câu trên

Thank you for your cooperation!.

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