Who Exercise-Lucy

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“Who Exercise”

Fourth Marking Period Musical Creation Project

Lucy Lee
Character Description
Describe the character in a short paragraph.
Lucy Lee is a quiet person that doesn’t like to get
involved with drama and other people’s business.

Character Development
1. What happened to the character before the events of
the play?
She dated Peter before any of them and when they
broke up, she lost contact with him and Lara.

2. What does the character want, and what does he/she

do to achieve it?
She wants to be left out of drama. She has to stay out
of people’s business unless it involves her.

3. Who is the character allied to? Opposed to?

She is allied to her brothers and sisters.

4. What are the character’s beliefs? List as many as

you think are important.
She believes that if a situation doesn’t involve you
then you don’t need to be in it.

5. How do other characters feel about the character?

They find her to be somewhat weird and different.

6. Describe the character’s change during the course

of the show.
She starts to open up more to people.

Character Analysis
1. Describe the external traits of the character.
She is athletic and pretty.

2. Describe the internal traits of the character.

She is intelligent, caring , shy.

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