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Anti Mainstream Rational of The Author in

Writing Novel Assassin’s Creed Renaissance

A Paper

Submitted To Fulfill The Final Assignment Of Writing IV

Rezti Juliedawati

2016 101 064

English Departement STBA LIA Yogyakarta

Jl. Lingkar Utara Pandeansari IV/8, Condong Catur, Depok Sleman, Yogyakarta 55283

January, 2018

Here I highlight the way the writer in the Assassin's Creed Renaissance novel depicts

characters from Templars who are seen as evil, playing dirty in government and neglecting all

means to get rid of political opponents or anything that blocks their way to achieve supreme

power and they even dare to slaughter or kill with cruel way. The purpose of my research is

analyze in this novel is why the author, Oliver Bowden, makes the protagonist in the book the

Assassin not the Templar warrior. Whereas in history, a good person in the Renaissance was the

Knights Templar and it has been very legendary to this day. The process of data collection is

collect all references and sort out what's important. From all of the above explanations we can

see, that Oliver Bowden has a very different point of view from the reality written by history as

explained in the previous chapter. Here it can be analyzed that Oliver raises the story of the

Order of Assassins who incidentally is a bad person because the meaning of Assassin himself is a

cruel and unforgiving slayer. But Oliver tried to understand the character of the Assassin that

was made as if the crime committed was caused by the evil carried out by the government in the

Renaissance era.

Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents ............................................................................................................................. iii
CHAPTER 1 .....................................................................................................................................4
I. Background .......................................................................................................................4
II. Purpose ..........................................................................................................................4
III. Scope ..............................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER 2 .....................................................................................................................................6
MATERIALS AND METHOD .....................................................................................................6
2.1. MATERIALS .................................................................................................................6
2.2. RESEARCH METHOD .................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................... 10
DATA ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................... 16
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 16
BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................................................... 17
APPENDIX..................................................................................................................................... 18



I. Background

History cannot be separated from the struggle of our predecessors. The freedom and freedom

that we feel cannot be separated from the blood of the struggle for loss and tears.

There are times when, killing and being killed are common. Especially in the renaissance era.

Almost all countries throughout the continent experienced suffering that occurred during the

renaissance era.

Italian Country. Italy is one of the countries that has a long history of various wars and

battles. Renaissance in italy is famous for the war between the order of the Templars and the

order of the Assassins. They are two orders whose ideology is very opposite.

Everything about the renaissance, templar and assassin times was studied and told randomly

and implied through the Assassin's Creed Renaissance novel. Here I highlight the way the writer

in the Assassin's Creed Renaissance novel depicts characters from Templars who are seen as

evil, playing dirty in government and neglecting all means to get rid of political opponents or

anything that blocks their way to achieve supreme power and they even dare to slaughter or kill

with cruel way.

II. Purpose

The problem that I will analyze in this novel is why the author, Oliver Bowden, makes the

protagonist in the book the Assassin not the Templar warrior. Whereas in history, a good person

in the Renaissance was the Knights Templar and it has been very legendary to this day. Even

many facts show this. The greatness of the Knights Templar so many books, novels or films

raised stories about the Knights Templar. This fact is so contrary to what is told in this novel

written by Oliver Bowden.

III. Scope

Discussing the style and perspective of the author against the Knights Templar in the novel is

very much contrary to the history already written in the history books and then, the author

describes an Assassin instead of being a hero who prevents the ravages of the Templar in the





Facts about the lives of the Templars and the Assassin Order in the Renaissance

Knights Templar

The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Latin: Pauperes

commilitones Christi Templique Salomonici), also known as the Order of Solomon's Temple,

the Knights Templar or simply the Templars, were a Catholic military order recognised in 1139

by the papal bull Omne datum optimum. The order was founded in 1119 and was active until

about 1312. The order, which was among the wealthiest and most powerful, became a favoured

charity throughout Christendomand grew rapidly in membership and power. They were

prominent in Christian finance. Templar knights, in their distinctive white mantles with a

red cross, were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades. Non-combatant members

of the order, who formed as much as 90% of the order's members, managed a large economic

infrastructure throughout Christendom, developing innovative financial techniques that were an

early form of banking, building its own network of nearly

1,000 commanderies and fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land, and arguably forming

the world's first multinational corporation.

The Templars were closely tied to the Crusades; when the Holy Land was lost, support for

the order faded. Rumours about the Templars' secret initiation ceremony created distrust, and

King Philip IV of France – deeply in debt to the order – took advantage of the situation to gain

control over them. In 1307, he had many of the order's members in France arrested, tortured into

giving false confessions, and burned at the stake. Pope Clement V disbanded the order in 1312

under pressure from King Philip.

The Crusades and The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar were the elite fighting force of their day, highly trained, well-equipped

and highly motivated; one of the tenets of their religious order was that they were forbidden from

retreating in battle, unless outnumbered three to one, and even then only by order of their

commander, or if the Templar flag went down. Not all Knights Templar were warriors. The

mission of most of the members was one of support – to acquire resources which could be used

to fund and equip the small percentage of members who were fighting on the front lines. There

were actually three classes within the orders. The highest class was the knight. When a candidate

was sworn into the order, the made the knight a monk. They wore white robes. The knights could

hold no property and receive no private letters. He could not be married or betrothed and cannot

have any vow in any other Order. He could not have debt more than he could pay, and no

infirmities. The Templar priest class was similar to the modern day military chaplain. Wearing

green robes, they conducted religious services, led prayers, and were assigned record keeping

and letter writing. They always wore gloves, unless they were giving Holy Communion. The

mounted men-at-arms represented the most common class, and they were called "brothers". They

were usually assigned two horses each and held many positions, including guard, steward, squire

or other support vocations. As the main support staff, they wore black or brown robes and were

partially garbed in chain mail or plate mail. The armor was not as complete as the knights.

Because of this infrastructure, the warriors were well-trained and very well armed. Even their

horses were trained to fight in combat, fully armored. The combination of soldier and monk was

also a powerful one, as to the Templar knights, martyrdom in battle was one of the most glorious

ways to die.

The Templars were also shrewd tacticians, following the dream of Saint Bernard who had

declared that a small force, under the right conditions, could defeat a much larger enemy. One of

the key battles in which this was demonstrated was in 1177, at the Battle of Montgisard. The

famous Muslim military leader Saladin was attempting to push toward Jerusalem from the south,

with a force of 26,000 soldiers. He had pinned the forces of Jerusalem's King Baldwin IV, about

500 knights and their supporters, near the coast, at Ascalon. Eighty Templar knights and their

own entourage attempted to reinforce. They met Saladin's troops at Gaza, but were considered

too small a force to be worth fighting, so Saladin turned his back on them and headed with his

army towards Jerusalem.

Once Saladin and his army had moved on, the Templars were able to join King Baldwin's

forces, and together they proceeded north along the coast. Saladin had made a key mistake at that

point – instead of keeping his forces together, he permitted his army to temporarily spread out

and pillage various villages on their way to Jerusalem. The Templars took advantage of this low

state of readiness to launch a surprise ambush directly against Saladin and his bodyguard, at

Montgisard near Ramla. Saladin's army was spread too thin to adequately defend themselves,

and he and his forces were forced to fight a losing battle as they retreated back to the south,

ending up with only a tenth of their original number. The battle was not the final one with

Saladin, but it bought a year of peace for the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and the victory became a

heroic legend.


Here I use an analytical approach with descriptive methods and the steps I did to analyze the

issues I took from the Assassin's Creed book were:

1. Read the novel briefly.

2. Collect all references and sort out what's important.

3. Looking for references to the Templar Knights and then writing the facts obtained in chapter

2 and then just mentioning the important parts.

4. Explained facts that support data to be analyzed in Assassin's Creed Renaissance novels and

later written in chapter 3.

5. Analyzing and comparing the reality of the Templar knights written in history with what

Oliver Bowden writes as the author of that book.

6. Draws conclusions from the data that has been analyzed.

7. Compile a paper then make an abstract.



Here will be presented evidence that supports the author's perspective on the Templars and

the Order of Assassins, Oliver defines the Templars as criminals while the Order of Assassins is

heroes, in contrast to the facts presented by history in fact the Templars were respected heroes

for fighting in the Crusades and fight the injustices that occurred during the Renaissance :

1. The first point was that when Ezio's father (Giovanni) and his brother (Petruccio) and his

companion (Federico) were accused of treason and were sentenced to death without being given

the opportunity to defend themselves even seeking evidence. Even the one who made the

decision that Ezio's relatives would hang out was a friend of Ezio's father who worked in

government. His name is Alberti. It is evident in the story on pages 82-83, quoted as follow:

Giovanni langsung menatap Alberti dengan terkejut dan gelisah. “Ya, semua bukti itu ada di

dalam dokumen yang diantarkan kepadamu malam tadi.” Tapi Alberti berkata, “Aku tidak tahu

dokumen seperti itu, Auditore.”

In this dialogue it can be seen that Alberti betrayed Giovanni, because the night before Giovanni

ordered Enzo to give documents and letters secretly to Alberti as proof that all the things that

happened to Giovanni were merely lies. This can be seen in the story sentence on page 77,

conversation between Ezio and Alberti :

“Ayah dan saudara-saudaraku telah dipenjara. Aku tidak tahu itu atas kuasa siapa. Ibuku dan

adikku sedang bersembunyi dan kediaman keluarga kami digeledah. Ayah memerintahkanku

untuk mengantarkan surat dan kertas-kertas ini kepadamu…”

From the dialogue it can be concluded that Ezio actually had a meeting with Alberti and

submitted the documents and documents ordered by his father, Giovanni.

2. The second point was when the second point was when Ezio tried to listen to Alberti's

conversation when he had a secret meeting with other officials. In this dialogue they all allude to

getting rid of the entire Enzo family because they are considered disturbing and trying to

strengthen Alberti's defense and allies by occupying a position in the government with a high

enough position. We can see in the dialog on page 121 :

Agak jauh dari situ, Alberti berdiri dikelilingi oleh para anggota kaum ningrat lokal yang

mengaguminya. Dari apa yang bisa dia dengar, Ezio mengerti bahwa mereka sedang

mengucapkan selamat kepada sang Gonfaloniere karena telah menyingkirkan keluarga Auditore

si penyakit kota ini.

Here Alberti was nominated to become a Signor to head the area that had succeeded under his


“Jadi…apa yang akan kau lakukan selanjutnya, Uberto?” Tanya seorang pria. “Kursi Signoria,


3. The next point about the crime of nobility at that time was when Alberti left a letter in his

shirt pocket in the last moments of his life. He acknowledged all the deeds he did and all the

cooperation he formed for personal gain even by betraying his own co-workers. This letter was

aimed at Alberti's wife. This fact explanation in 125-126.

…..ketika Medici merampok keluarga kita atas segala yang kita miliki, aku ketakutan. Untukmu.

Untuk putra kita. Untuk masa depan kita. Harapan apa yang ada di dunia ini bagi seorang pria

tanpa kekayaan yang pantas? …..mereka menawariku uang, tanah, dan gelar sebagai imbalan

atas kerjasamaku. Dan inilah bagaimana aku mengkhianati teman terdekatku. Betapapun tidak


4. The next fact is that Ezio was given a thorough explanation by his uncle, Mario about the

Templar's evil crimes and why there was an Assassin order to prevent Templar's crime from

growing and expanding. this is explained on the page 146-148 :

Mario berhenti sebelum menjawab, “Apakah kau familiar dengan Ordo Ksatria Templar?”

“Aku pernah mendengar tentang mereka.”

“Mereka didirikan berabad-abad yang lalu, segera setelah perang Salib yang pertama, dan

menjadi kekuatan elit para pejuang bagi Tuhan. Kurang lebih mereka adalah rahib bersenjata.

Mereka bersumpah untuk hidup dalam pantanan dan kemiskinan. Tapi tahun-tahun berlalu, dan

statuus mereka berubah. Pada waktunya, mereka terlihat di dalam keuangan internasional, dan

sangat berhasil juga di dalamnya. Ordo-ordo ksatria lainnya, mencurigai mereka dan kekuatan

mereka mulai mengkhawatirkan, bahkan bagi para raja. Mereka mendirikan markas di selatan

Prancis, dan berencana untuk membentuk Negara sendiri. Mereka tidak membayar pajak,

memyokong pasukan pribadinya sendiri, dan mulai memerintah semua orang dengan pasukan

tersebut. Akhirnya, hampir dua ratus tahun lalu., Raja Philip Yang Adil dari Prancis bergerak

melawan mereka. Ada pembersihan secara kejam, para Ksatria Templar ditangkap dan diusir,

dibantai, dan akhirnya dikucilkan oleh Paus. Tapi tidak semua di antara mereka bisa dicabut

hingga ke akar-akarnya…Mereka punya lima belas ribu cabang di seluruh penjuru Eropa.

Meskipun demikian, sekaligus tanah dan harta mereka, para Templar tampaknya menghilang,

kekuatan mereka kelihatannya sudah patah.”

“Apa yang terjadi dengan mereka?”

Mario menggelengkan kepalanya. “Tentu saja, itu adalah taktik untuk memastikan keselamatan

mereka sendiri. Mereka pergi ke bawah tanah, menyimpan kekayaan yang telah mereka

selamatkan, mempertahankan organisasi mereka, dan membungkuk lebih dalam lagi demi tujuan


“Tujuan apa?”

“Tujuan apa, maksudmu!” Mata Mario menyala-nyala.

“Tujuan mereka adalah menguasai dunia. Dan hanya satu organisasi yang mengabdi untuk

menggagalkan mereka. Ordo Assassin, yang mana ayahmu dan aku mendapatkan kehormatan

untuk bergabung.”

Ezio butuh sejenak untuk mencerna hal ini. “Apakah Alberti salah satu Templar?”

Mario mengangguk dengan sungguh-sungguh. “Ya. Sebagaimana semua orang di dalam

daftar ayahmu.”


“Dia juga termasuk, dan ayahnya yang bernama Fransesco, dan semua klan Pazzi.”

From the conversation that took place between Ezio and Mario, his uncle proved that the

Templars were a group of ambitious people who wanted to rule the world in an evil way. Even

the Templars gained support from the supreme Pope to get rid of the rulers namely the King of

France at that time. And the background of the rebellion carried out by the Order of Assassins

was because they tried to prevent the crime of the Templars from becoming more widespread

and controlling the entire French government. This is the reason why Ezio's father was arrested

even his entire family, especially men, were killed on charges of treason, because Ezio's father

had a record of crime and corruption committed by government officials, all of whom were


5. In this point, alliances will be explained by government officials to overthrow people or clans

that are blocking their way to control the government. Even the support of the Enzo family was

supported by the pope's head at that time. this fact is on two different pages, pages 166-167 and

pages 176-177:

Ezio mengenali Jacopo de’ Pazzi, keponakannya, Fransesco, Vieri sendir dan…Ezio menarik

napas terkejut…orang Spanyol tinggi yang hadir di eksekusi ayahnya. Lebih terkejut lagi, Ezio

memperhatikan lambing cardinal (kepala gereja di bawah Paus) yang disulam di bahu jubah

pria itu.

Sementara ke arah selatan, Paus Sixtus IV, seorang sekutu potensial bagi Pazzi, sedang terlalu

sibuk memberikan jabatan kepada sana saudaranya dan mengawasi pembangunan kapel baru

yang indah di Vatikan ….

“Aku harus memberitahumu lebih banyak tentang Rodrigo Borgia.” Mario memberitahu

keponakannya. “Dia lahir di Valencia …. Pada saat ini, dia adalah seorang anggota penting di

Curia di Roma, tapi dia selalu melihat lebih tinggi. Dia adalah salah satu pria terkuat di seluruh

Eropa, tapi dia lebih dari sekadar politisi cerdik di dalam Gereja.” Dia merendahkan suaranya,

“Rodrigo adalah pemimpin Ordo Templar.”

From the explanation above, we can see that, the Templars clan strengthened their position by

mastering the government so that they made it easier for them to make extreme decisions or even

carry out their evil mission without being known by the public or society, so that the order of

Assassins was a big enemy and rebel . Whereas we know, in Rome the position of the Pope was

considered to be the position of a saint whose every word was trusted by all elements of society

even today. As if the words of the highest pope were almost the same as the words of God

because they were indeed regarded as God's representatives who were given revelations to guide


From the data that has been displayed, I have the following analysis:

From all of the above explanations we can see, that Oliver Bowden has a very different point

of view from the reality written by history as explained in the previous chapter.

Here it can be analyzed that Oliver raises the story of the Order of Assassins who incidentally

is a bad person because the meaning of Assassin himself is a cruel and unforgiving slayer. But

Oliver tried to understand the character of the Assassin that was made as if the crime committed

was caused by the evil carried out by the government in the Renaissance era.

Oliver also made this novel seem to kickstart the view of the people, that a government that

looks strong and clean from the outside is not necessarily in each other that dropped to the point

of getting rid of it by means of killing or slandering.

What he wrote is actually relevant to the reality that happened in the government in today's

life. He even brought about the Pope in Rome, who until now was a saint and representative of

God who could not be sued for the decisions or orders he gave. Even though it is possible,

decisions made can be controversial and contrary to the will of the people.


From the results of the presentation and analysis of the data that has been carried out it can be

concluded that the author of the novel Assassin's Creed Renaissance, Oliver Bowden has a

different view of Knight of Templar which in written history is explained that the Templars were

God's soldiers who defended human rights and war heroes who far from being evil and cruel.

Oliver in some of the dialogue figures featured even mentioned that the fall of the Templars

during the crusades was merely an alibi to silently gather strength to then get rid of his barrier

with underground movement, so they subtly control the entire system of government in Italy

even to Rome. For their purpose is to assemble as much force as possible with its high position

to rule the world. The emergence of Assassin's character here is the driving force of the

rebellious people of the Templar Order of the Templar which is increasingly openly exposing its

"claws" to plug in and show its power so that political opponents and people are afraid and

subject to the current government.


(Wednesday, 17 November 2018)

(Wednesday, 17 November 2018) (Wednesday, 17 November


Richard the Lionheart and the Knights Templar Charles Greenstreet Addison, The History of

the Knights Templars, 1842, pp. 141–49.

Sean Martin, The Knights Templar: History & Myths, 2005. ISBN 1560256451

Bowden, Oliver. 2009. Assassin’s Creed Renaissance. Jakarta: PT. Ufuk Publishing House.





"I will seek vengeance upon those who betrayed my family. I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze.

And like my fatherbefore me, I am an Assassin..."

―Ezio Auditore

Betrayed by the ruling families of Italy, a young man embarks upon an epic quest for vengeance.

To eradicate corruption and restore his family's honor, he will learn the art of the Assassin.

Along the way, Ezio will call upon the wisdom of such great minds as Leonardo da

Vinci and Niccolò Machiavelli - knowing that survival is bound to the skills by which he must

live. To his allies, he will become a force for change - fighting for freedom and justice. To his

enemies, he will become a threat dedicated to the destruction of the tyrants abusing the people of


So begins an epic story of power, revenge and conspiracy.

Truth will be written in blood.

The Year of Our Lord 1476 - the Renaissance: culture and art flourish alongside the bloodiest

corruption and violence. Bitter blood-feuds rage between the warring political families of Italy.

Following the murder of his father and brothers, Ezio Auditore di Firenze is entrusted with an

ancient Codex, the key to a conspiracy that goes back to the centuries-old conflict between the

shadowy Templar Knights and the elite Order of Assassins.

Ezio must avenge the deaths of his kinsmen and in doing so fulfill his destiny, and live by the

laws of the Assassin's Creed.


 La Volpe's name was revealed to be Gilberto, although he still wished Ezio to call him "La

Volpe." In the game, it was revealed that "La Volpe" was only his pseudonym and no real name

was mentioned.

 Dante Moro's ex-wife's name was changed from Carlotta to Gloria.

 Cristina Vespucci's name was changed to Cristina Calfucci. This was later amended

in Revelations.

 Mario Auditore had a thick beard and he was stated to be twice Ezio's size. In the game

however, Mario had a small mustache, and was roughly the same size as Ezio.

 Antonio's full name was given as Antonio de Magianis.

 Giulio, Giovanni Auditore's secretary, was mentioned.

 Boetio, Lorenzo de' Medici's servant, was mentioned.

 Agniolo and Innocento, Leonardo's assistants, appeared several times.

 Desmond Miles and the other modern-day Assassins were not mentioned.


 A short account on how Ezio first met Cristina was provided.

 It was revealed that Vieri de' Pazzi also liked Cristina and once tried to take her by force,

until Ezio came to the scene and fought Vieri off. This event was later featured in one of the

repressed Cristina Memories in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

 Different parts of the book detailed Ezio visiting Cristina's house several other times; such as

after his father and brothers were executed to collect a pouch he left there, and before he met La

Volpe, wherein he helped Cristina's fiancé.

 Ezio's relationship with Rosa was explored in more detail; whereas in the game they merely

flirted with each other, in the novel it was confirmed that they were lovers.

 Claudia Auditore married Mario's guard captain.

 After the Battle of Forlì, Ezio became intimate with Caterina for a few months during his



 Ezio frequently changed his clothes to blend in better, such as wearing monks' robes when

going to the monastery, or wearing poor civilian clothes within the village outside Forlì. In the

game, Ezio's outfit generally stayed the same.

 Ezio's first Hidden Blade was attached to his right forearm instead of his left.

 Ezio's second Hidden Blade was a double-bladed weapon. This was reverted in the Assassin's

Creed: Revelations novel, as he wore one Hidden Blade on each hand.

 Ezio changed his Hidden Blade between the Poison Blade and the normal blade between

missions. In-game, Ezio could change the Poison Blade on the fly.

 The bullets for Ezio's Hidden Gun were provided by Leonardo, instead of the blacksmiths.

 The Hidden Blade was more often referred to as the "Codex blade", and even more often as

the "spring-blade."

 The Armor and Sword of Altaïr did not appear.

 Ezio often wielded his sword alongside either a dagger or one of his Hidden Blades. In the

game, Ezio could only use one weapon at a time.

 Mario was shown many times to be nervous of the fact that Ezio shared the knowledge of the

Codex with Leonardo, because he was not sure if anyone could be trusted with it.

 Ezio found many Codex pages on the dead remains of his enemies; such as retrieving one

page from Vieri de' Pazzi's pouch and another from Emilio Barbarigo's satchel. In the game, Ezio

found most of the Codex pages in Templar banks.

 Leonardo discovered that the Codex hid a map, even without having all of the pages. Ezio

also noticed a map across the background in the novel. In the game, Ezio was the one to find it

by using his Eagle Vision.

 During his battle with Ezio in San Gimignano, Vieri de' Pazzi fought at first with a battleaxe,

drawing a sword and a dagger out later. In the game, he used only a sword.


 Ezio assassinated Uberto Alberti by stabbing him in the throat, while in the game, he angrily

stabbed him multiple times in the chest.

 Ezio respectfully kissed Jacopo de' Pazzi on the forehead before his death. Additionally,

instead of ending his slow suffering by stabbing him in the throat like in the game, Ezio stabbed

Jacopo's heart in the novel.

 Ezio made the sign of the Cross over the corpses of certain targets as part of their last rites,

such as Silvio Barbarigo and Dante Moro.

 Ezio walked out of the Vault to witness Rodrigo Borgia's death due to drinking poison,

believing that he had failed his life's purpose of getting into the Vault. In the game, Ezio spared

his life.

 This final scene took place in 1503, unlike in the game, where it took place in 1499.

 This scene was reverted in the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood novel, wherein Ezio saw

Rodrigo as he was leaving, but when he came back to check if Rodrigo was dead, he had gone,

leaving only the Papal Cape behind.

Other events

 Vieri de' Pazzi threw a rock at Ezio and it hit him in the forehead. In the game, it hit him on

the right side of his lip, giving him the characteristic scar also shared with Altaïr and Desmond.

 The fight scene in the novel took place late at night, while in the game, it was set in the


 During the fight with Vieri, Ezio (including his allies and Vieri's thugs) were said to have

daggers and swords with them; though in the game, Ezio got his first weapon only when he

found his father's Assassin robe.

 When Giovanni tasked Ezio with delivering a letter to Lorenzo de' Medici, he went on to

reveal its contents to be about an ongoing conspiracy against duke Galeazzo Maria Sforza of

Milan. This was not mentioned in the game as those events supposedly had taken place prior to


 Annetta contributed more to Ezio, but in the game, she was never heard from again after Ezio

visited Paola.

 Eagle Vision was not mentioned at all during the events of the book.

 When Ezio headed over to the pigeon coop to receive the note for his father, he found some

graffiti behind the coop that read: "HE THAT INCREASETH KNOWLEDGE INCREASETH

SORROW" and "WHERE IS THE PROPHET?" These messages were not mentioned in the


 During the Auditore execution, Petruccio was executed first, shortly followed by Federico,

and then finally, Giovanni. In the game, they were executed simultaneously. Also there were

only 3 nooses, while in the game, there were 4, one of which was supposed to be for Ezio.

 Ezio gave his father and brothers their final rites by placing them in a torched boat set adrift

down the Arno, where in the game, Ezio just simply set their boat adrift.

 The workshop of Leonardo showed an inner sanctum where he watched birds fly away. In

the game, when Ezio went to him to repair his blade, there were no assistants or any sanctum.

 The Sanctuary was never shown in the book. However, it made an appearance in

the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood novel, as an escape route for the villagers.

 Maria and Claudia Auditore stayed in a convent near Monteriggioni after leaving Florence,

where Claudia became a nun (although she later changed her mind and stayed at the Villa

Auditore). In the game, they stayed in Mario's villa.

 Mention of a small incident of Ezio with Roberto, Vieri's drunk captain, was mentioned

while in the game no such incident or character was present.

 Ezio rode a single horse and slew Borgia's men during his trip to Forlì with Leonardo da

Vinci. In the game, he drove Leonardo's wagon. Additionally, Leonardo had a group of wagon

riders and bodyguards with him before the attack, all of whom ran away at the first sign of


 When the other Assassins allowed Ezio to join their Order, they were all wearing the iconic

Assassin hood; but in the game they were wearing their normal clothes.

 The events that covered the Battle of Forlì and the Bonfire of the Vanities were told in the

novel. In the game, the two events were only accessible through downloadable content, unless

players were on PC or had bought the Game of the year, Limited, or Complete editions.

 The fight with Checco Orsi differed in the novel. In the game, Checco fled on foot; in the

novel, he rode a wagon accompanied by guards until Ezio killed them and ended up fighting

Checco. Also, Checco did not stab Ezio in the side, but slashed Ezio's arm.

 Girolamo Savonarola was said to have been executed along with two others, Domenico and

Silvestro while in the game, he was shown to be alone without any two followers. Historically,

Savonarola was executed with these two followers.

 Ezio did not throw the knife that disarmed Savonarola, instead it was Niccolò Machiavelli. In

the game, Niccolò would only throw the knife if the player did not press the button prompt

during the cutscene.

 To end Savonarola's suffering, Ezio shot him with the Hidden Gun. In the game, he lunged

forward and stabbed Savonarola with his Hidden Blade.

 Some citizens left Florence during the Bonfire of the Vanities. In the game, they were still

seen walking around afterwards.

 Ezio's journey to Spain and confrontation with the Inquisitors was not mentioned in the


 While Ezio was speaking to Minerva in the Vault, there was no mention of Desmond or the

modern-day Assassins. However, Minerva still said that Ezio only anchored the one for whom

the message was intended, hence the message was still not meant for Ezio.

 Most of the dialogues were changed while in The Secret Crusade novel of Altaïr's story,

scarcely any dialogues were altered.


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