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Reflection No.

1. What are the arguments offered by Plato for the soul’s immorality? Do you agree that
the self will endure forever?
- Plato's argument about the soul are the reason for its immortality since it is self mover
and it is free from outside control. With this in mind, he also pointed out that soul is the
essential self; meaning the body may come to an end due to sickness, accident or any
possible reason for death but soul will never fade and it will last forever.

2. How are the three parts of soul functioning? Give a detailed experience.
- The three parts of the soul are the following and here is a situation that I experienced
how they worked altogther. Appetetive is the part that motivates or give the urged to
the desire. When there is something that I am really attracted to buy like clothes for
example, I have this feeling inside of me that wants to immediately buy that product.
Howerver the spirit part that animates and the one who reminds me that I do not only
live by my own principles but also from someone who is omnipotent enables me to
think the other way and question if it is really necessary to avail it. Lastly the logical part
of the soul that performs as the guiding function does the final decision whether I will
purchase it or not after weighing all the idea that I have in mind.

3. What are your thoughts about this “Love is a serious mental illness”?
- Love, is something that comes unexpectedly or not. Thus we can say that it is like a
mental illness that sometimes occurs in times that we do not imagine it. Somehow we
also need to fight the real essence of love as how we desire to stop the stigma of the
illnesses that other people do not understand.

Reflection No. 3
1. Do you agree with St. Augustine that the quality of our lives will be determined by the
qualities of our love?
- Yes because as a book said “A heart of a man is what He is”. Wherever we set as our
main priority it is the thing that we value the most. It only means that when we pour our
heart into it, it is where we spend our lives digging and doing everything to make the
best out of it.

2. If the will is a good thing, why does it go bad?

- A will is always a good thing and it will only go bad if first, it will cause harm to oneself
and to others if it is said or done. Second, if the intention of doing it from the very
beginning is not already according to what God desires or condidered immoral and
unethical. Lastly, when there is a part of us that says “don't do it” because it may seem
so wrong on our principles but still do it anyway.

3. How we can recognize some of our experiences as ordered love—charity, and

disordered love—cupidity?
- When we talk about charity, we refer to it as ordered love. Those are the times when
we do things wholeheartedly and with the right intention of helping others or just freely
make them feel about our genuine love. While cupidity is when we point out the
disordered love; when we make other people experience our love but the wrong reason
of doing it is evident or sometimes when the feeling of envy, greediness, longing for
something in return is hidden in our actions.

Reflection No. 4
1. To what certainty does our doubts lead? Do you think Descartes is right about this?
-Descartes stated that his doubts lead him to search for new things. I can agree with his
point because most often than not, when we became curious about something or we
begin to question unfamiliar things we tend to find ways to unfold it that soon leads to
have knowledge about that matter.

2. Why does he feel a need to inquire about the existence and nature of God?
- The things around Descartes and the unfathomable reason of why everything exists
made him feel the need to inquire about the existence and nature of God. With this in
mind, he came to the conclusion that God does exist and it is best to acknowledge it
than dream that someone with who is wise-evil controls everything.

3. If the mind is one thing and the body another, how can I be two things, and yet one
single thing?
- With the thought of thinking that mind is one thing and the body is another, a person is
just a single thing for these two comes together. Just like the mystery of faith that God
has 3 persona, these parts performs different functions that helps a persom come up
with right decisions in life.

Reflection No. 5
1. What can we know of substance?
- Substance is about the thoughts we have in mind that came from the experiences that
we have just like the idea of empericism that Locke proposed. This substance enables a
person to have perception about things that performs as an urge to do what he needs to
to do in order to fullfil what he has in mind.
2. If our knowledge does not reach further than our ideas, how do we know these ideas
are being received from something outside ourselves?
-Knowledge according to Lock came from our experience and acknowledging the accounts of
other philosophers we can come to a conclusion that ideas can occur through the influence of
the things outside ourselves. We may not experience it personally but others may- and it can be
a reason to affect our perspectives as a person and lead us to have ideas that does not come
from within but rather to outer influences.

Reflection No. 8
1. Doesn’t Freud’s model fragment the human mind into a collection of parts, multiple
selves with enigmatic relationships to one another? Don\t we end up with two “I
thinks”, one conscious and one unconscious?

- The mind of a person most of the time is interchangeable, it may think of this and within
a split second choose that. With this thought, we can say that in the decisions that we
will do we sometimes end up with two thoughts and those are one conscious which
have certainty and definite result when done and one unconscious that show vague
outcome. In the end, what matters is the decision that we will have ater weighing all the
possibilities from the thoughts we have in that conscious and unconscious mind of ours.

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