Individual Assignment - Definitionofassets - BasedOnPP71 THN 2010

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Individual Assignment

ADILLA IKHSANI (1610533041)



. Based on PP No. 71 Tahun 2010 Future economic benefits embodied in assets are the
potential of these assets to contribute directly or indirectly to government operational
activities in the form of revenue streams or savings in spending for the government. Based on
PP No. 71 Tahun 2010 Assets are classified into current assets, non-current assets and fixed

1. Current Assets

Based on PP No. 71 Tahun 2010 Definition of Current Assets is:

“Assets are classified as current assets if It is expected to be realized immediately, used, or

owned for sale within 12 (twelve) months from the date of reporting, or in the form of cash
and cash equivalents.”

Based on PP No. 71 Tahun 2010 type of current assets are :

 Cash and Cash equivalents,

 Short-term investments, receivables and inventories.

Short-term investment items include time deposits of 3 (three) to 12 (twelve) months and
marketable securities.
 Accounts receivable include tax, retribution, fines, installment sales, compensation
claims, and other receivables that are expected to be received within 12 (twelve) months after
the reporting date.
 Supplies include goods or equipment purchased and stored for use, such as used goods
such as office stationery, consumables such as equipment and pipe components, and used
items such as used components.

2. Non-Current Assets

Based on PP No. 71 Tahun 2010 Definition of Non-Current Assets is:

Non-current assets are government assets whose use is expected to exceed one reporting
period (1 year), consisting of long-term assets and intangible assets, as well as assets that are
used directly or indirectly for government activities or used by the general public. To
facilitate understanding of non-current assets that are presented in the balance sheet, non-

Based on PP No. 71 Tahun 2010 current assets are classified into :Long-term investments,
Fixed assets,Reserve funds, and Other assets.

3. Fixed Assets

Based on PP No. 71 Tahun 2010 Definition of Fixed Assets are tangible assets that have a
useful life of more than twelve months to be used in government activities or utilized by the
general public. Fixed assets consist of: Land,Equipment and machinery,Buildings,Roads,
irrigation and networks,Other fixed assets
Construction under work. (kontruksi dalam pengerjaan)

Reserve Funds are funds set aside to accommodate needs that require relatively large
funds that cannot be met within a budget year. Reserve funds are detailed according to the
purpose of their formation.

Other non-current assets are classified as other assets. Other assets included are
intangible assets, installment sales receivables that are due more than 12 (twelve) months,
assets with third parties (partnerships), and restricted cash.

Recognition of assets is carried out if there is a potential future economic benefit that will be
obtained by the government and has a value or cost that can be measured reliably, or it can be
recognized also when received or ownership and / or mastery is transferred to the
Government. As for the measurement or recording of an asset depends on the type of assets,
including the following:

a) Cash is recorded at face value;

b) Short-term investments are stated at cost;
c) Receivables are recorded at face value;
d) Inventories are recorded at:
 Acquisition Cost if obtained by purchase;
 Standard costs when obtained by producing themselves;
 Fair value if obtained by other means such as donations / spoils

1. Long-term investments are stated at cost, including other additional costs incurred to
obtain legal ownership of the investment;
2. Fixed assets are recorded at cost. If the valuation of fixed assets using acquisition
costs is not possible, the value of fixed assets is based on fair value at the time of

Acquisition costs of fixed assets built by self-management include : direct costs for labor, raw
materials, and indirect costs including planning and supervision costs, equipment, electricity,
equipment rental, and all other costs incurred in relation to development the fixed asset. In
addition to land and construction under construction, all fixed assets can be depreciated
according to the nature and characteristics of the asset. While for monetary assets
denominated in foreign currencies are translated and expressed in rupiah. Foreign currency
translation uses the central bank's middle rate at the balance sheet date.

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