Minor-Jones Sslesson

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Thursday - 2/28/19

“Should we go to war? – War of 1812”

Maryland State Standard:

CC. 6-8.W.1 – Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and
relevant and sufficient evidence.

Class Description:
This is my 3A Gifted and Talented American history class. There are 28 students on our roster. Because this is 3rd Mod,
students will be leave halfway through class to attend lunch. Class will resume upon their return. We are starting a new
unit this lesson: The War of 1812. I decided to take the opportunity to add points of inquiry and exploration for the
students in order to promote higher level thinking and to allow the students to get curious about what happened during
this war.
The boys in the center tend to talk more to each other. They will often need encouragement to stay on task. Nia, who
sits at the first left side of the board (in the high-tops), is very quiet. Her and Andy (sitting in the single desk in front of
the teacher’s desk on the right side of the room) rarely speaking in class. Though, Andy does get his work done, Nia is
often doodling in her notes.
Paper, devices, headphones, colorful markers
SWBAT compare the perspectives of the key players in the War of 1812 in order to determine if the war was worth

“Was the war of 1812 worth fighting?”

Activity and Times: Activity Explanation:

Hook (5-7 mins): Black Panther Clip – Killmonger takes the throne – In this clip, the audience hears
Killmonger’s reasoning for wanting to start a revolution.

Prompted question: What were Killmonger’s reasoning for wanting to start a war?

Potential Responses: “He wanted to kill his oppressors.” “He wanted revenge for that
poor treatment of American Blacks.” “Because he was hurt.”

*Teacher will list their reasonings on the board*

Housekeeping (3 mins): Teacher will go over the objective, EQ, and agenda for the day.

Chat Stations
Cast Your Votes Audio Worksheet
Silent Discussion
Gateway Activity (25 Chat Stations – Students will be grouped into 7 groups and rotate between 7 Real World
mins): Stations. These stations will have either a reading or a picture giving a real-world example
of why nations have gone to war in our past and recent history. Students will decide if the
issues being presented are worth starting a war.

There will be a quick class debrief.

Prompted question: What were some the reasons nations went to war? Were any of this
an issue worth fighting far?

*TA will note the reasons students came up with.

Lunch (30 mins): During lunch, TA and Teacher will write the students reasons on separate pieces of
paper post the reasons around the classroom.
Gateway Activity Debrief Pick a Side - Students will stand with the piece of paper stating the reason they feel
(7 mins): makes the most logical sense to go to war for. With their newly formed groups they will

Prompted question: Why is your reason is the most logical. Then share with class.
Cast Your Votes Activity Cast Your Votes Worksheet - Teacher Model the first row of the audio worksheet to show
(30 mins): students how to complete this audio worksheet. This audio worksheet has students
listening to the opinions of different people before America started the War of 1812.

*Students will need headphones to complete this activity*

Safety Valve (15 mins): Silent Discussion – After students answer the following question, they will pass their
papers to their right handing it to the person beside them. Students will read to new
paper in front of them and comment on if they agree or disagree and explain why.
Students should close each comment signing their name. We will rotate 3 times!

“Knowing what happened, do you believe the war was worth fighting?”

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