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Luncheon With Governor General Of Canada

By Lieut Colonel Pritam Singh Jauhal (Retd) World War II Veteran

I received an invitation from the Honourable Gordon Campbell, Premier of British
Columbia for a Luncheon with Her Excellency, the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean,
Governor General of Canada, at the Four Seasons Hotel, Park Ballroom 791 West
Georgia Street, Vancouver on Thursday March 9, 2006 at noon, in honour of the
occasion of her first official visit to British Columbia.
Wearing my best dark-blue turban and well-ironed jacket, gray pants, Corps of
Signals tie and 13 shining medals, I reached the Four Seasons Hotel at 11:30 a.m
on the given day. After allotment of table number to me by a Receptionist, I being
a World War II Veteran who put his life on the line as part of the 8 British Army
in Middle East from August 1940 to December 1942 and a Senior of 85 years of age,
requested the Receptionist to arrange my meeting with the Governor General. I was
told that the Governor General will be going round the tables. As and when she
approaches my table, I should stand up and introduce myself to her.
Incidentally, I shared a table among others with Carole James, leader of New
Democrats Official Opposition. Carle James and myself exchanged views on various
topics. She was impressed to see my shinny medals. She asked me a number of
questions about my War service and medals. The two of us, had a picture taken.
Surprisingly, amongst 200 plus guests, there were only half a dozen or so, from
South Asians Countries. Apparently, the list makers were very selective. As luck
would have it, South Asian media was conspicuous by its absence. The South Asians
residing in Canada, ought to represent their communities during all such important
functions with enthusiasm, and in large numbers in their newly adopted country.
On arrival of the Governor General at noon sharp, the guests were asked to stand
as a mark of respect to her. Following a Piper playing appropriate tune she was
conducted by the B.C Premier to the Podium in the Ballroom. She asked the Guests
to take their seats.
The Premier on obtaining permission from the Governor-General to say a few words,
stood up and read out an extremely well-worded ‘address of welcome’ to the
Governor General. To which he drew thunderous applause from the guests time and
time again. The Governor General then addressed the guests. Her speech was so
distinct and precise and from her heart, that the guests listened to it with keen
interest. She also drew thunderous ovation from one and all, many a time. With
Speeches over, the Governor General and Premier took their seats at a table
exclusively reserved for them.
The Governor General did not go round the tables as explained to me, I therefore,
took the initiative and went to her table. Standing next to her, I introduced
myself to her. I also showed her a photo of mine with the Queen Elizabeth II,
taken on August 20, 1994 during her visit to Victoria, B. C, for the Opening of XV
Commonwealth Games. The Governor General was extremely pleased to see it. The
Premier of British Columbia seated by the Gov Gen had known me for number of
years, put in a few words about me. When I told the Governor General about my
medals, she took a detailed look at them and was glad to see so many of them. She
asked me a number of questions on my medals, war service, and age. With a real big
smile she said “I am very pleased to see you with so many medals. You don’t look
85. I am glad to see that you are actively participating in this function“ On
this, I thanked her very much and begged her leave.
The luncheon was then served by hotel bearers dressed in spotlessly clean
uniforms. Their service was superb and commendable. The food served was hot, and
sumptuous. Guests, I am sure, must have done full justice to it.
The Governor General accompanied by the Premier moved to see smartly turned out
school boys and girls who sang two selected songs in a chorus for every one’s
pleasure. The songs were followed by a well-deserved thunderous applause from one
and all present. The Governor General thanked the students and accompanied by the
Premier left the hotel after bidding good-bye to one and all present. Guests, then
Lt Col Pritam Singh Jauhal (Signals)(Retd) World War Veteran
Founding President Indian Ex-Servicemen Society British Columbia

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