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Basic Characteristics of DC Motors

Consider :

The equations describing the characteristics of a separately excited motor can be written as:

dif & dia

Vf = R f if + Lf Va = R a ia + La +e
dt dt

The motor back emf is expressed as: eg = Kvωif

The torque developed by the motor is: TD = Kv if ia

The torque developed must be usual to the load torque:

Td = j + B  + TL
Where TD = developed torque, Nm
J = moment of inertia Kgm2
ω = motor speed, rad/s
B = viscous friction constant, Nm/rad/s
Kv = motor voltage, u/A - rad/s
Kt = motor torque constant
La = armature circuit inductance, H
Ra = armature circuit resistance, Ω
Lf = field circuit inductance, H
Rf = field circuit resistance, Ω
TL = load torque, Nm
ENG732S1 – Machines and Power Drives : Hassan Parchizadeh Page 1
Under steady-state conditions, the time derivatives in these equations are zero and the
steady-state average quantities are:

Vf = Rf If
Eg = KvωIf
Va = Eg + Ia Ra = Kv ωIf + Ra Ia
TD = Kt If Ia = Bω + TL
PD = TD ω
The speed of a separately excited motor can be found from:

- -
 = V a R a Ia = V a R a Ia
K v If Vf

Motor Control

Without electronic control, it would be necessary to add a resistance in series with the
armature circuit.

Va = Ia (Rc + Ra) + Eg = Ia (Rc + Ra) + Kv ωIf

Va - Ia R c + R a 
 =
K u If

Variation of RC would vary ω ( N)

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Calculate the efficiency and Rc required of a 15-hp 220V,2000rpm separately excited d.c.
motor, controlling a load requiring a torque of TL = 45 Nm at a speed of:

(a)1800 rpm (b) 400 rpm

The field at resistance is 147Ω, the armature resistance is 0.25Ω and the voltage constant of
the motor kv = 0.7302 v/A-rad/s. The field voltage is 220V. Assume (TL = TD)

(a) Va = Ia (Ra + RC) + E E = Kv ωIf

N Vf
E1800 = KV x 2 x x
60 R f
1800 220
= 0.7302 x 2 x x
60 147  E1800 = 206V

TD TD = 45
TD = K V Ia If = > Ia = = = 41.18 A
K V If Vf 220
KV 0.7302 x
Rf 147

Va - E 220 - 206
Ra + Rc = = = > R a + R c = 0.34 
Ia 41.18  Rc=0.34-0.25=0.09 Ω

- 41.18 x 220 - 41.182 0.34

 = Po = P1 P1055 = x 100 = 93%
Pi Pi 41.18 x 220

400 220
E400 = 7302 x 2 x x = 45. 78v
60 147

220 - 45.78
Ra + Rc = = 4.23 

220 x 41.18 - 41.182 4.23

 R c = 3.61 = = 20%
220 x 41.18

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A 15-hp, 220-v, 2000-rpm separately excited dc motor controls a load requiring
a torque of TL = 45 Nm at a speed of 1200 rpm. The field circuit resistance
is Rf = 147 Ω, the armature resistance Ra = 0.25 Ω and the voltage constant
of the motor Kv = 0.7302 V/A-rad/s. The field voltage Vf = 220V. The viscous
frictions are negligible. The armature current may be assumed continuous and
ripple-free. Determine (a) E (b) Ia (c) Va (d) the rated armature current and efficiency if
machine losses are 600W

N Vf
(a) E1200 = KV x 2 x x
60 R f

2 x 1200 220
 E = 0.7032 x x = 132.25 V
60 147


TD TD = 45
TD = K V Ia If = > Ia = = = 41.18 A
K V If Vf 220
KV 0.7302 x
Rf 147
Ia = 41.18 A

(c) Va = E1200 + Ia Ra  Va= 132.25V + 41.18A x 0.25Ω Va = 142.54V

Prated 15 x746
(d) Prated = I rated V rated = > I rated = = = 50.87 A
Vrated 220

output input - losses 142.54 x 41.18 - 600 - Ia2 R a

= = = x 100 = 83.2%
input input 142.54 x 41.17

Referring to the example above, suppose we wish to drop the speed from 1200, to 750 rpm,
while maintaining the same torque (ie. the same Ia), without electronic control and by adding
a series resistor in armature circuit. (a) Calculate Rc (b) Efficiency

Ans : (a) 1.13 Ω (b) η = 26.16%

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(i) Single-Phase Half-wave Semi-Converter Drives [1/2 kW power]

Va =
 Vm sin td (t )  Vm  cos t   Vm 1  cos  
2  2 2

EXAMPLE : The speed of a separately excited D.C. motor is controlled by a single pahse
half-wave semi-converter. The field current supplied is 1.274A and the A.C. supply is 240V
@ 50Hz. The armature resistance Ra = 0.25Ω and the motor voltage constant Kt = Kv =
0.7032 V/A-rads/S. The load torque TL = 45 Nm @ 1000 rpm. The viscous and no load
losses are negligible. The inductance of the armature is sufficient enough to make armature
current continous and ripple-free. Determine the delay angle of the converter of the armature

α = ?, Va  1  cos   , Va = Eg + Ia Ra , Eg =Kv ωIf , TL =TD = Kt If Ia

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TD 45
TD = KV Ia If = > Ia = = = 50.23 A
KV If 0.7032 x 1.274
N 2 x 1000
E1000 = KV x 2 x x I f  0.7032 x x 1.274 = 93.82 V
60 60

Va = E1000 + Ia Ra  Va= 93.82V + 50.23A x 0.25Ω Va = 106.38V

Va  1  cos    2 x240
1  cos    106.38    14.23o
2 2

PROBLEM : The speed of a separately excited D.C. motor is controlled by a single pahse
half-wave semi-converter. The field current supplied is 1.2A and the A.C. supply is 240V @
50Hz. The armature resistance Ra =0 .25Ω and the motor voltage constant Kt = Kv = 0.7032
V/A-rads/S. Firing angle of the converter for the armature circuit is 25 o degrees. Determine
the speed N in revs/min if the torque required is 32 Nm. Ans :???

(ii) Single-Phase full-wave Semi-Convertor Drives [15 kW power]

Va =
 V sin td (t ) 
 cos t  
1  cos    2Vs
1  cos  
  m   

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EXAMPLE : The speed of a separately excited D.C. motor is controlled by a single pahse
semi-converter. The field current is also controlled by a full-wave semi-converter, which is
set to the maximum possible value. The a.c. supply voltage to armature and field converter is
single-phase 240V, 50Hz. The armature resistance Ra = 0.25Ω, the field resistance is Rf =
147Ω, and the motor voltage constant is Kv = 0.7302 V/(A-rad/s). The load torque TL = 45
Nm @ 1200 rpm. The losses are negligible. The inductances of the armature and field are
large enough to make their currents continuous and ripple-free.
Determine (a) If, (b) The delay angle of the converter in the armature at a



Vf = If R f =
2 . Vs .
1 + cos f  = 2 2 . Vs
 

2 2. Vs 2 2. 240V
If = = 1.47 A
R f . 147 . 

Va =
1 + cos a  and Va = IaRa + Eg but Ia = ? and Eg = ?

TD 45
TD  K v I a I f  I a = = = 41.92 A
Kv I f 0.7302 x 1.47
N 2 x 1200
E1200 = KV x 2 x x I f  0.7302 x x 1.274 = 91.76 V
60 60

Va = IaRa + Eg = 41.92Ax0.25Ω + 91.76V = 102.24V

1 + cos a  => 1 + cos a  = 0.946

102.24 =

a = cos-1 (-0.054)= 1.625radians => 93

Problem : The speed of a separately excited motor is controlled by a single-phase

semiconverter. The field current is also controlled by a semi-converter, is set to 2A. The a.c.
supply voltage to armature and field converter is one-phase 240V, 50Hz. The armature
resistance Ra = 0.20Ω, the field resistance is Rf = 120Ω, and the motor voltage constant is KV
= 0.8032 V/(A-rad/s). The losses are negligible. The inductances of the armature and field
are large enough to make their currents continuous and ripple-free. For a firing angle of 45 ,
for a torque of 40 Nm
Determine (a) E and (b) The speed in rev/mins.

Ans : (a) ???? (b) ????

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(iii) Single-Phase full wave Full convertor Drives [15 kW power]

 
Va =
 V sin td (t ) 
 cos t   
2 2Vs
cos 
  m  

Note :cos(A ± B) = cosAcosB ∓ sinAsinB

The application of this drive is limited to up to 15KW. The current waveforms for highly
inductive load are shown above. During regeneration for reversing the direction of power
flow, the back emf of the motor can be reversed by reversing the field excitations.

EXAMPLE: A single phase full converter is used to control the speed of a separately excited
dc motor with Ra=0.25 Ω, Rf= 175 Ω, kv=0.7302 V/A-rad/s. The field is also controlled with
a full converter and the field current is set to the maximum value. The armature current
corresponding to the load demand is Ia=50 A. The supply is one-single phase of 240 V, 50
Hz. The vicous friction and no load losses are negligible and the inductance of the armature
and filed are sufficient to make to make armature and field current ripple free. If the delay
angle of the armature converter is set to αa = 30o, determine (a) the torque developed TD by
the motor, (b) the speed ω in revolution per minute, (c) the input power factor of the drive.

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(a) TD = ?, TD = KvIfIa, If = ? and If=Vf/Rf,

2 2Vs 2 2 x 240V 216V

Vf  cos  f  cos 0 o  216V If =  1.235 A
  147 

TD = KvIfIa= 0.7302 x 1.235A x 50A = 45 N.m

(b) ω = ?, Eg =Kv ωIf , Eg = ?, Va = IaRa + Eg , Va = ?

2 2Vs 2 2 x240V
Va  cos  a  cos 30 o  187.12V
 

187.12V = 50Ax0.25Ω + Eg => Eg = 174.62V

N 2 x N
E g = KV I f  174.62  KV x 2 x x I f  0.7302 x
x 1.235 A
60 60

N = 1849 RPM

(c) Power Factor (PF) = ?, PF = Pi/Ps, Pi=VaIa + VfIf, Ps = VsIs, Is = (Isa2 +Isf2)1/2

Pi=VaIa + VfIf = 50Ax187.12V + 1.235Ax216V = 9622.76W

Ps = VsIs = Vs (Isa2 +Isf2)1/2 = 240V(502A +1.2352A)0.5 = 12003.66W

PF = Pi/Ps = 9622.76/12003.66 = 0.8 (lagging)

Problem : For the example above, The polarity of the back e.m.f. is reversed say by reversing
the field excitation. Determine (a) the delay angle αa of the armature converter circuit to
maintain Ia of 50 A, and (b) the power feedback Pg.

Ans : (a) 138.61o (b) 8106W (c) i?? ii??

(Note : Va = IaRa + Eg , When the If is reveresed, Eg = - Eg , Pg= [Ea-ER]Ia)

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(iv) Three-Phase Halfwave Converter Drives [40 kW power]

When T1 is fired at ωt= π/6 + α, the phase voltage appears across the motor until T2 is fired
at ωt= 5π/6 + α. When T2 is fired, T1 is reverse biased, because the line to line voltage
vab(van-vab), is negative and T1 is turned off. The phase voltage vbn appears across the load
until T3 is fired at ωt= 3π/2 + α. When T3 is fired, then T2 is turned off and vcn appears
across the load until T1 is fired again at the beginning of the next cycle.

6 5
3 3 3Vm  3 3Vm
Vo = Vm sin td (t )    cos t  6  cos 
2  2  2
6 6

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Example : The speed of a 20-hp 300V 1800 rpm separately excited DC motor is controlled
by a three phase half-wave converter. The input is a three-phase Y(wye)-connected 50 Hz VL
of 415V. Ra = 0.25 ohms, the motor constant Kv = 1.2 V/A-rad/S. The armature and field
currents are assumed to be continuous and ripple free and the viscous friction is negligible.

(a) The delay angle of the converter, if the motor supplies the rated power at the rated speed,
and field current is 0.5A.
(b) The no-load speed, if delay angles are the same as in part (a) and the armature current
at no-load is 20% of the rated value.

(a) αa = ?, Irated=Ia =P/V, P=20x746, Irated=Ia =(20x746)/300=49.73 A

Va = IaRa + Eg , Eg = ?, Eg =Kv ωIf = 1.2x [(1800 x 2π)/60] x 0.5 = 113.1 v

Va = 49.73x0.25 + 113.1 = 125.53 v

3 3Vphase 3x415
Va  cos   cos   125.53    50.65o
2 2

(b) N = ?, Eg =Kv ωIf , Ia= 20% of 49.73 = 9.95 A

Eg =Va - IaRa = 125.53V – 9.95Ax0.25Ω = 123 V

Eg 123 60 60 x205

   205 rad/s N   1957 rev/min
Kv I f 1.2 x0.5 2 2

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(v) Three-Phase full wave Semi-convertor Drives [115 kW power]

6 5
3 3 3Vm  3 3Vm
Vo = Vm sin td (t )    cos t  6  (1  cos  )
2  2  2
6 6

Problem : Repeat the example above for the 3 phase semiconverter shown below.

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(vi) Three-Phase full wave Full-convertor Drives [1500 kW power]

 
2 
  3 3Vm     2
Vo =
 3Vm sin  t   d (t )    cos  t      
3 3Vm
cos 
   6    6  6 

Problem : Repeat the example above for the 3 phase full converter shown below.

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