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Company ceva) Service and quality you can trust. ores Ol et dce) ay 4 rei Wt) ) fel Your Growth Table of contents ‘Message from the founder Company overview & structure This is who we are this is what we do Services Products, Project portfolio Certification Contact us Welcome “Service and quality you can trust” Message rom he founder Since ar esabisent 904 we hve been ly fay ond nd a ral bisiess commu to berg 2 sere ponder na neal Supple of cae To ‘mers Seles ad charts rough thereon. ur nator emer st cl commun, Toth ha worked spor four empoyens oi sma ines ssn roma io Pin 207, To fhe erghen cur carpary wih cr products 2 supporting maragemer wetnita Nuote Mores a jan usm the egnrng 207. Now ar sage Dishes has detest poson of cafe coating an waepoateg Series, We ae ae to pode Tigh temperate Coa of up to BOO us Daren sae pes tom USA a ao igh aa esisar coaig usr cera basa pies foes, We alo pre new rds such Bang Comey be Astaan GMa are ard uber poo fo ih abreson protect. we stl operate fm cur ong lace wich asec eb rd nde 3 new wrenase We wl one fo mor wh Ou fl commun ese he fone ofthe nce We choose Serve ad ust you can tas 35 ou maa We ae ly nae at ‘Tarkyou for conslirgF.SrarSenanga Mardi sa bsess pater We ook forard wo prow you wn beter product a seres wan 3 egued Une franeard treason pce Surat ging director eed cd ey ieee none Sd reer Coan ee Founded ey [eer mere ory Str mer eee ece) cova Beret etd Se aa cd Serrd Ce ee) at Company structure This is Who We Are This is What We Do PREMIUM PRODUCT PT. Bina semangat mardka has been aspecalstin sandblasting, cating Seis, cffleirg co serces, aswell as authorized agent of sere spec products for Nusa tenggara bara. Products and Services AllFor Your Ned. * Scaffoling construction «+ Sandbastingand panting coating Waterproofing polyurea * Coldinsuation polyurethane farm Products + Banda conveyer belt # FRCINOAC rubber ner 8 ring 1 Giansosan gree © copter porgsytars i] For mar infermation and pa sence request please contact ourcustomer reoresentatv.

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