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My Utopia

By Hayden Hatch
Goals and values
There will not be a lot of people. People will be free to do what they want but can't
break the laws like killing, stealing or rioting. People will decide what they want to
do but they must go to work or to college or tech school after high school or when
they are proven to be able to move on.
Economic, work, Leisure
In my utopia the people would use dollar bills and coins for money. The people
would choose their jobs and they would be paid based on skills and how
dangerous the work is. Everyone has to work unless proven not able or elderly.
Law enforcement, armed forces, doctors, and teachers will be paid the most. I feel
that these people are the most important in society because police officers and the
armed forces keep you safe. Doctor keep you healthy and teachers teach the
younger generation. In normal working condition people would have to work at
least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. People can own land but may not post land.
Children and Education
In my utopia each parent may only have 3 children if wanted. If parents have too
many kids they will not want to work because of the daycare bill. The children will
live with the parents to the age of 18 or longer if parents want it. The children
would be taught in school or places of work when old enough to work. Children
can leave school before 18 if they can prove that they can survive in the real
world. They will take a test on basic skills and then be watched in a workplace to
see how hard of a worker they are.
There will be news that the people on the news has to say the true and not what
they think. The media cannot say what the utopia government is doing on live tv or
on any source of media unless the government says otherwise. The internet won't
be censored.
There would be architecture in my utopia. There would be building codes and
people or builders would try to make building energy efficient as possible. They
would try to use as much natural energy as possible. The materials would come
from the utopia or from a trade deal with other utopias. The population density
would be low. The utopia would have both rural and urban areas.
In my utopia people would be able to buy food and able to grow food. There will be
farms that create produce and the produce will not be genetically modified or have
chemicals in or on them. These farms will be organic because the chemicals could
kill you. My utopia will raise all of it own food what we can't will be traded with
other utopias.
There will be slaughterhouses that raise animals to be killed for food. People will
be able to raise animals for their own family. The animals allowed to be raised are
cows, pigs, chickens, turkey, sheep. The animals would have to have to be in
good conditions to sell the meat to the public. Animals like cows, chickens and
turkeys would be able to be free range. Hunting would be allowed for deer, bear,
moose, coyote and mountain lion.

Dogs, cats, bird, and fish would be allowed as pets.

Antisocial Behavior and Conflict Resolution
In my utopia the people that harm others on purpose will be sentenced to death.
They will not get help. There will be a court system that will decide how long of
imprisonment depending on how bad the crime was. If there is a conflict between
two people let them fight it out, just don't let them kill each other. There can be
private mediation. The utopia would allow civilians to have guns and the only
weapons banned to the public are full auto and artillery weapons.
Military and War
There will be a military. The military would fight to keep the utopia and your allies
safe. The military weapons will be guarded by the military and there will be a
ranking system in the military. will not attack other utopias but will defend our own.
We will have a medium sized military and no nuclear weapons.

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