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Gabriel Perez

Rosario / Schecter

AP Lang

December 1, 17

Te - Nehisi Coates in the book, Between the World and Me, argues that African

Americans aren't treated the same as others and that they are treated differently because of racial

profiling. The author writes in a sarcastic tone for his son and also for the people who read Te -

nehisi book. Coates supports his argument by demonstrating paths on his experience of him

being apart of racial profiling.The author's purpose is to show the readers and his son so that we

can see the struggle of an african american's point of view.

Te - Nehisi uses rhetorical choices as evidence to support his argument of how

being African American is still not safe in this new world. Coates shows an example of logos

when he stated that “Americans believed in the reality of “race” as a defined, indubitable feature

of the natural world. Racism-the need to ascribe bone deep features to people and then humiliate,

reduce, and destroy them - inevitably follows from this inalterable condition.”(Page 1 , paragraph

4) This quote shows logos and that racism was a big part of the American society and not only

did the african americans feel bad about this but it caused them to do suicide. Also coates uses

another example of logos by saying that “60 percent of all young black men who dropout of high

school will go to jail”.(page 8 , paragraph 3) This quote shows logos because it has reasoning

and statics that are based of african americans, this leads the reader to believe coates.

Te - Nehisi used Pathos as rhetorical choice as an example of him arguing his

point towards the African American. Coates states that “ I didn't hug you, and I didn't comfort
you because I thought it would be wrong to comfort you. I did not tell you that it would be okay,

because i have never believed it would be okay.” (page 3, paragraph 2) This shows emotion by

basically letting his son know that he should be prepared for the world. Not everything can go

your way, you must always find a way to deal with it. Coates uses another example of pathos by

talking about a grandma. He stated that “you have seen men in the same uniforms pummel

Marlene Pinnock, someone's grandmother, on the side of a road.” This shows the unfairness

towards african americans. The cops basically killed an old lady which shows emotion towards

her. Both of these quotes are related not only because of emotion but because of how he had to

fight through these difficult situations and he had to learn how to fight throughout them by


Te Nehisi Coates uses pathos and logos as examples to show his argument

towards African American and how they are treated differently.

Grading Rubric:
4 3 2 1
ANALYSIS Claim is clear and Claim is clear; text Claim is somewhat Claim is unclear; text
paragraphs insightful; well-chosen evidence is well- unclear; text evidence evidence does not
text evidence is chosen; explanation makes sense but make sense;
woven seamlessly links text evidence to seems disconnected; explanation does not
into student’s own claim. Adequately explanation attempts link text evidence to
writing; explanation analyzes the to link text evidence to claim. Inadequately
thoroughly links text rhetorical choice(s). claim with only partial analyzes the
evidence to claim. success. Analyzes the rhetorical choice(s).
Effectively analyzes rhetorical choice(s).
the rhetorical
Rhetorical appeals Student shows Student show working Student shows partial Student shows
thorough understanding of understanding of minimal
understanding of chosen rhetorical chosen rhetorical understanding of
chosen rhetorical choice(s). choice(s). chosen rhetorical
choice(s). choice(s).

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