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Research Paper on:


Supervised by– Submitted by-

Dr. Gunjan Navneet Toppo
Associate Professor, Sem: II
(Faculty of English) Sec: A
Roll no: 756


Alcoholism, or alcohol dependence, is a condition marked by intense cravings and persistent

drinking despite the occurrence of problems related to alcohol, such as getting into trouble and
losing a job. Alcohol use has been an issue of incredible irresoluteness all through the rich and
long history of the Indian subcontinent. The practices and states of mind about liquor use in
India are exceptionally perplexing, opposing and convoluted due to wide range of impacts in
that history. The advancement of liquor utilize designs in India can be isolated into four
expansive chronicled periods (time of composed records), starting with the Vedic time (ca.
1500-700 BCE). From 700 BCE to 1100 CE, ("Reinterpretation and Synthesis") is the season
of rise of Buddhism and Jainism, with some new hostile to liquor principles, and additionally
post-Vedic improvements in the Hindu conventions and insightful composition. The works of
the eminent restorative experts, Charaka and Susruta, included new lines of thought, including
contentions for "direct liquor utilize." The Period of Islamic Influence (1100-1800 CE),
including the Mughal time from the 1520s to 1800, displayed an intricate transaction of across
the board liquor utilize, contending with the reasonable Quranic resistance to liquor utilization.
The fourth time frame (1800 to the present) incorporates the profound impact of British frontier
govern and the current 50 years of Indian autonomy, starting in 1947. The logical
inconsistencies and ambiguities-with boundless liquor use in a few segments of society,
including the high status standing of warriors/rulers (Kshatriyas), versus preclusions and
judgment of liquor utilize, particularly for the Brahmin position, have created liquor utilize
designs that incorporate successive high-hazard, overwhelming and dangerous drinking.

Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a broad term for any drinking
of alcohol that results in mental or physical health problems. In a restorative setting, liquor
addiction is said to exist when at least two of the accompanying conditions is available: a man
drinks huge sums over quite a while period, experiences issues chopping down, procuring and
drinking liquor takes up a lot of time, liquor is firmly wanted, utilization brings about not
satisfying duties, use brings about social issues, use brings about medical issues, use brings
about hazardous circumstances, withdrawal happens when halting, and liquor resistance has
happened with use.

Risky circumstances incorporate drinking and driving or having dangerous sex, among other
things. Alcohol utilize can influence all parts of the body, yet it especially influences the mind,

heart, liver, pancreas, and insusceptible system. This can bring about psychological
maladjustment, Wernicke– Korsakoff disorder, a sporadic pulse, cirrhosis of the liver, and an
expansion in the danger of tumor and different diseases. And even drinking during the
pregnancies can cause severe damage to the infants such as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Medically, alcoholism is considered both a physical and mental illness.
Prevention of alcoholism may be attempted by regulating and limiting the sale of
alcohol, taxing alcohol to increase its cost, and providing inexpensive treatment.


The instant work is an earnest perusal to find out the impact of the liquor consumption
(positive/adverse). This is a research work for an estimated data collection. Typically, it is
researched in biology, medical studies, sociology and psychology. The point is that this issue
impacts not only the physical state of a person but also his or her social life and mental health

 To find out what are the usual symptoms of alcoholism and the most typical signs of
the alcohol consumption
 To provide the causes of the alcohol abuse.
 To find out the problems with the mental health caused by the alcohol abuse.
 To find out whether alcohol abuse can influence the teenagers and the children.
 To find out the social damages caused due to alcoholism and also at the family level i.e.
ruined families due to this filthy addiction.
 To find out the tradition of alcohol drinking: its routes and its effects.
 To find out that whether medicines can control alcohol consumption.
 To find out the teenagers drinking: reasons, effect, prevention and treatment.


As we have seen that throughout the ages the alcohol addiction has been a fatal problem for
both societies and families. Alcoholism not only impacts the physical state of a person but also
his mental and social life. The instant study of the alcoholism is mainly based upon the current
Indian scenario.


 Whether alcoholism is a disease or a habitual activity with which a person is inflicted?

 Whether alcoholism can be inherited or it’s just an influential activity?
 Whether a safe drinking level is a just a fiction or it’s a reality?
 Whether alcohol addiction is just one’s dilemma or a social dilemma?


 Alcohol abuse rising among the older adults. The elderly still drinks less than the
younger but the number who reports problems alcohol is still rising.1
 When it comes to the developing adolescent brain, “There is no known safe level of
binge drinking.” As alcohol makes a teen less likely to turn down alcohol, the risk of
binging grows. This drinking can create a cycle of inappropriate behaviour.2
 With more than half of all alcohol drinkers in India falling into the criteria for hazardous
drinking, alcohol abuse is emerging as a major public-health problem in the country.3
 Nearly 15% of individuals who "try" alcohol develop a dependency to it, and become
alcoholics. Alcohol poses major and minor threats to a number of bodily functions and
 Alcohol misuse is a major and increasingly attributable risk factor for morbidity and
mortality worldwide. Studies of communities in India show that while the prevalence
of alcohol abstention is relatively high, those who do drink are highly likely to engage
in hazardous, harmful or dependent drinking behaviors, here collectively referred to as
alcohol use disorders (AUDs).5

By Paula Span; The New York Times;
Article by Mary-Louise Risher; Duke University in Durham
By Rekha Prasad; The Lancet;
Taken from Alcohol Related Harm in India Fact Sheet
International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition, ICD-10: Z72.1, F10.1, F10.2


The advance chapterization for the instant research paper is:

 Introduction.
 History.
 Long term misuse.
 Causes of alcoholism.
 Effect of alcoholism long and short term.
 Psychiatric problem relating alcohol addiction.
 Social effect due to alcohol addiction.
 Conclusion.


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