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December 12 2013  990 worker



He was a bourgeois hero

South African Marxist Hillel Ticktin discusses the role of Nelson Mandela with Peter Manson

ow would you assess I would have thought that, they thought, here is a man
Mandela in terms of actually, a lot of them might who can be entrusted to carry
the balance between say something along the lines out the transformation.
positive and negative? of ‘If only Mandela was still That’s very true. The deal had
Well, it’s hard to go along with his president’. already been struck, both during the
status as hero. I would say that, given That’s possible, but it wouldn’t make negotiations between the Soviet Union
how things have turned out, there isn’t much sense. They are saying that and the United States in Geneva, and,
much of a positive legacy. In political not much has changed since 1994 of course, in the period 1990-1994. So
terms Mandela was a liberal and in - the implication is that he didn’t do basically they knew what they were
the context of capitalism a market anything. getting and Mandela was very much
liberal. The fact is that as from 1994 But, yes, you could be right: there involved after 1990. From their point
onwards the policy has been one of could be a half-consciousness about of view it was great, because he’s this
market fundamentalism - involving, it. It is very hard to take a view that wonderful icon, isn’t he?
for instance, the privatisation of is critical, given the propagandist But you also have to say that in
nationalised assets, the relaxation histories and adulatory media. And, the eyes of the South African
of protection and allowing large of course, if one simply tries to look at masses he is regarded as an
firms to move their headquarters to him within the context of a man within icon too. The defeat of the old
London and have a large part of their Winnie and Nelson Mandela with former SACP leader Joe Slovo a particular society then there is no system has to be celebrated,
operations outside the country. question that one could admire him even though it brought with it
There has effectively been head of the ANC on the ground, once sphere of influence and so did not want for not giving in, as it were, and for that transformation to a more
deindustrialisation, continuing he was released in February 1990. the SACP to take control. After the spending 27 years in prison and not stable system for capitalist
high levels of unemployment and a Ronnie Kasrils in a recent article USSR ceased to exist, the Communist cracking; and not conceding to those exploitation. But the masses
desperately low standard of living for blamed Mandela for the rightwing line Party lost its raison d’être and moved who tried to break him and get him to up until now seem to have only
the majority. It’s not at all surprising adopted by the first ANC government.1 deeper into the view that socialism was speak for them in one way or another. acknowledged the first part
that there have been waves of strikes. Kasrils served in the South African a multi-stage process to be completed That would be the context if you want of that equation - although
That is his legacy - one cannot get government as defence minister at one many years hence. to call him a bourgeois revolutionary. perhaps that has started to
away from it. The basis of all this was point, and was part of the leadership of The fact that the SACP today blames Nonetheless, if one wants to look change over the last year or so.
actually agreed in the negotiations the SACP, and therefore of the ANC, Thabo Mbeki has no credibility. There at the question from the point of view Well, it has definitely started to
leading up to 1994 and what the African at the time. Mandela was involved is no evidence that they fought for of a revolution, starting from the change in the sense that there have
National Congress government under in the negotiations that he nominally nationalisations, whether of the mines Marxist argument of what constitutes been unofficial grievances that have
the presidency of Mandela himself was led from 1990 to 1994. He accepted or of housing or of anything else, still a revolution, which is a change in not been supported by the CP and
involved in implementing. the conditions for the International less for global socialism. It is clear that class, there was no such change in all over South Africa there has been
Of course, Mandela is revered for Monetary Fund loan - privatisations Mandela either did not understand what class. The bourgeoisie did not support a series of strikes and occupations,
the abolition of forms of discrimination and so on - so they didn’t come out he was doing or else allied himself with apartheid, or racial discrimination. from mining to farming. But it’s hard
under the ANC, but it’s not as though of the blue. The whole package had the right, as implied by Kasrils. They wanted cheap labour and they to believe that all those people have
he was the only one, and, of course, already been agreed before the ANC While he’s revered now by got relatively expensive labour. That only now suddenly become aware of
many of the discriminatory laws had took over - there had been negotiations the bourgeoisie, that wasn’t was a result of the very high salaries their disappointment. For many it is
been repealed before 1994. There were between the Soviet Union and the the case back in the 1970s for white workers and the inefficiency clear that their standard of living has
a series of parties and mass movements United States (for example, in Geneva and 1980s, was it? So surely consequent on the protection of white not risen since Mandela came in. A lot
involved in that fight. So it is difficult in 1985). The de facto economic tsar that tells us that there was a labour and the superexploitation of of them must be angry and bitter.
to go along with the adulation. of South Africa, Harry Oppenheimer, positive side to the struggle? black labour, and the settlement suited One of the major promises was
One can say that Mandela devoted head of Anglo-American, had also been Well, yes. The actual struggle against them. We can see that clearly today, that there was to be a massive house-
his life to the anti-apartheid cause. in discussions with the ANC. Clearly racial discrimination was obviously now that the working class has begun building programme for all, yet, of
One can admire him for that, and he was interested in stopping the positive, but that was conducted by to break with the ANC. Mandela did course, we still have millions living
as far as it goes that is true. But the nationalisation of the mines and that a number of organisations and the not stand for a change in class - that is in shacks. But today’s written history
ANC was led de facto by the South was agreed, as well as the preservation majority of the population as a whole, clear. If anything he was a bourgeois of South Africa, and its vocal recital,
African Communist Party, to which of the Afrikaner bureaucracy. among whom were people and groups hero. particularly the last 50 years, makes
he belonged at a certain point. But it It is clear that the right liked Mandela who stood for socialism. The real I suppose the phrase might be an understanding of what happened
was really a series of other people who because he did concede to them, but history of that period has yet to be used in the narrower sense of a very difficult. It is hard to grasp that the
led both the ANC and its military wing, the argument up till now used on the written. It has to be remembered that revolution against the current working class the world over suffered
so it’s hard to say that Mandela’s role left - that he prevented a possible civil the stupid tactic of throwing bombs at order - against the apartheid an immense defeat thanks to Stalinism,
was the crucial question. One would war - is itself doubtful. He did play a pylons, which ultimately led Mandela regime specifically. and that the local Stalinist party played
have to say in any case that the system part, but the main role was played by to be arrested, was a desperate attempt In that sense a non-socialist can admire its part in diverting the population from
of racial discrimination had run its capital itself. Oppenheimer persuaded by the Communist Party to outflank him, but in a more general context he trying to overthrow the whole system
course; it was a system that big capital Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the Zulu chief, the nationalist pan-Africanists. didn’t stand for the working class or of exploitation.
did not like, so it is not quite so simple to back down and accept ANC rule. What was Mandela’s the overthrow of the capitalist system One might say that a fictional
as putting it all down to one man. After all, it looked like capital and relationship with the and towards the end he was controlled account of the life and works of
The very fact that there is so much the government were using a possible Communist Party back from by the big companies. Mandela might make a people who
adulation, so much reverence all over Zulu revolt as a threat, and they had the the beginning of the struggle? How would you describe the were oppressed and exploited on the
the world is an indication of what he influence to stop such a revolt. I don’t know exactly when he was attitude of the international grounds of colour feel better, but that
stands for. Because, of course, that The Communist Party line wasn’t accepted into the Communist Party. bourgeoisie towards apartheid should not be the attitude of a Marxist.
was not the case before the mid-80s that militant, however, and it is not In the earlier period when he was in the early period? After all, What really sickens me is
or a bit later. So one can only say that clear that the SACP, and earlier the young he was involved in the ANC for a while it seemed to be the role of the SACP, which
he was supported precisely because USSR, would not have made the same youth movement and I don’t think he keeping capital in control. seems to have a considerable
he was for the kind of democracy concessions anyway. Mandela might had anything to do with them at that Yes, it was ambiguous. A rational influence over the working
that capital would be happy with, in fact simply have repeated the line time, in the 40s. That was the period explanation is that it made the class.
precisely because he did go along with already agreed. The CP abandoned when the CP took a more leftwing line economy less effective from their Well, yes. It isn’t as if they ever
a rightwing government trajectory. its own programme, encapsulated and supported the general strike of the point of view, less efficient, as changed their minds. Once they had
In one respect it is even worse, in the Freedom Charter, officially African mineworkers, leading to the I have said. Although it was the decided on a programme, when the
because in his period as president he the programme of the ANC, which trial of Jack Simons and other leading mineowners who introduced the pass right wing took it over in the mid-
did not do much about Aids. If in that included the nationalisation of the communists. Contrary to the general laws in South Africa, after all, and 1950s, and they actually set up the
period there had been a campaign, mines. I gather that there had been legend put about by the bourgeois lower wages for blacks in the 1890s, new underground party, the path to
of the sort that took place in Britain a long argument about whether newspapers, Mandela joined the nonetheless they did try to replace a nationalist programme was clear.
in an earlier period, there might not nationalisation should be included in CP in his middle age, not his youth. white workers with black workers They were consistent and undeviating,
have been the epidemic that hit South the Freedom Charter in the 50s. The The CP opened its doors to African in the aftermath of World War I and and loyal to Moscow to the end -
Africa. You could say that perhaps CP had moved to the right in that nationalists in the 60s and I presume the Russian Revolution in the early they even supported the invasion of
Mandela did not understood Aids and period, when it was reconstructed that he entered in that period, but I do 1920s. However, they conceded to Czechoslovakia before the event.
what it represented, but the ANC as a underground following its banning not know. racial discrimination for the sake of If Moscow didn’t want them to take
whole is certainly to blame because of under the Suppression of Communism That’s the case for so many of stability, thereafter - although from the power then they wouldn’t. Loyalty
its role in government. Act of 1950, and the nationalisation the leading ANC figures, who 1920s onwards it would have made a has its place, but the problem was that
Just going back to the policy sections were easily dropped in the just haven’t admitted it. difference to their profits. Stalinism is not Marxism.
of privatisations, and so on, later period. In reality, it is in the nature Yes. Exactly what that means is not Internationally, however, it wasn’t However, we can hope that the
the SACP blames Mandela’s of Stalinism that it would argue for clear. Mandela’s real role was within hard to see that it stabilised the system South African working class will
successor as president, Thabo a series of stages to get to socialism them or around them. Well, he clearly in South Africa, stabilised capitalism continue the present process of
Mbeki, for what they call the and then concede almost completely isn’t a Marxist. in South Africa, so they generally breaking with what amounts to an
‘1996 class project’. Of course, to the right in what it might call the I’ve heard him described as supported it until the mid-1980s, when institutionalised Stalinism. We now
during the time that Mbeki first few stages. “that rare species, a bourgeois David Rockefeller announced that hear that the National Union of
was actually president the In a certain sense, Mandela isn’t revolutionary”. What do you banks would no longer lend to South Metalworkers of South Africa has
SACP did not criticise him, but to blame at all, because he was really think about that? Africa. That was the point when it was declared its opposition to Stalinism l
it did exonerate Mandela after a front man, who understood little of Well, I suppose you could call him clear that apartheid was finished.
the event. what was going on, or perhaps didn’t that, although under the conditions So there was a growing Notes
1. R Kasrils, ‘How the ANC’s Faustian pact sold
That is true, but it doesn’t make sense. care. The issue was largely decided by of today I don’t know how many attitude amongst the out South Africa’s poorest’ The Guardian June
The fact is Mandela was president the end of 80s. The Soviet Union did ordinary black workers in the mines international bourgeoisie that 24. See also
of South Africa from 1994-99 and not regard South Africa as part of its would wish to call him a revolutionary. apartheid had to go. No doubt takes-mandelas-leadership.

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