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A project report








We certify that
a. The work contained in the thesis is original and has been done by myself under the general
supervision of my supervisor.
b. The work has not been submitted to any other institute for any degree or diploma.
c. I have followed the guidelines provided by the institute in writing the project.
d. I have conformed to the norms and guidelines given in the Ethical code of conduct of the institute.
e. Whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other sources, I have
given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the thesis and giving their details in the
f. Whenever I have quoted written materials from other sources, I have put them under quotation
marks and given due credit to the sources by citing them and giving required details in the references.

Name of the students signature of the students

Umashankar mahto (D01/16)

Sonu Kachhap (D09/16)

Akash Kumar Singh (D17/16)

Himanshu Rajan (D20/16)

Saket Ranjan (D31/16)

Deepak Kumar Saw (D33/16)

Approval of the Guide

Recommended that the Project entitled “SOLAR CUM THERMOELECTRIC REFRIGERATION

SYSTEM” Prepared by Mr. Deepak Kumar saw, Akash Kumar Singh, sonu Kachhap, umashankar
mahto, Himanshu Rajan, and Saket Rajan under our supervision and guidance are accepted as fulfilling
this part of the requirements for the Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.
To the best of my/our knowledge, the contents of this thesis did not a basis for the award of any
previous degree to anybody else.


Mr. Prabhat Rajan Mahto

(Name of guide)


result effort by UMASHANKAR MAHTO (D01/16), SAKET RANJAN (D31/16), DEEPAK
KUMAR SAW (D33/16), SONU KACHHAP (D09/16), AKASH KUMAR SINGH (D17/16), and
HIMANSHU RANJAN (D20/16) is accepted partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

(Internal Examiner) (External Examiner)

University Polytechnic

It is great pleasure to acknowledgement those people who has contributed in our project. Our project
will be made possible through the direct and indirect co-operation of various people, towards whom
we would like to express our appreciation and special thanks. We express our deep sense to gratitude
to our project guide associate lecture Mr. PRABHAT RANJAN, department of MECHANICAL
guidance and constant inspiration throughout the project. His invaluable and critical advice was a
constant cost of inspiration for us.
This would not have been possible without the kind valued guidance of respected teachers. We are also
grateful to all those who have share their knowledge time and skill during.
The completion of this project last but not least we would convey our deep sense of respect towards
our parents for their care and support which forms the basic parts of our experience.

Name of the students Roll no.

Umashankar mahto (D01/16)

Sonu Kachhap (D09/16)

Akash Kumar Singh (D17/16)

Himanshu Rajan (D20/16)

Saket Rajan (D31/16)

Deepak Kumar Saw (D33/16)






2.1 History of refrigeration system. 10
2.2 types of refrigeration system. 10
2.3 Introduction of thermoelectric effect. 11
2.3.1 see beck effect 11
2.3.2 Peltier effect. 12
2.4 Introduction to TR 13
Table 1- refrigeration capacities. 14
Table 2 – peltier efficiency calculations. 14
2.5 coefficient of performance 15


3.1Components of solar cum thermoelectric refrigeration 16-21
3.1.1 cpu fan
3.1.2 heat sink
3.1.3 peltier module
3.1.4 heat sink compound
3.1.5 battery
3.1.6 solar panel
3.1.7 insulating materials
3.2 Working of thermoelectric refrigeration system 21-22
3.2.1 Block diagram of solar thermoelectric refrigeration system
3.2.2 Line diagram.


4.1 Dimension 23
4.2 Cop calculation 24
4.3 efficiency 25
4.4 references 26

Fig 2.3.1 See beck effect Page no
Fig 2.3.2 Peltier effect 12
Fig 3.1.1 Cpu fan 13
Fig 3.1.2 Heat sink 16
Fig 3.1.3 Peltier module 17
Fig 3.1.4 Heat sink compound 18
Fig 3.1.5 battery 18
Fig 3.1.6 Solar panel 19
Fig 3.2.7 Insulating materials 21
Fig 3.2.1 Block diagram of solar cum thermal refrigeration system 22
Fig 3.2.2 Line diagram 22
Fig 4.1 Design of solar cum thermoelectric refrigeration 23

This project presents the performance of solar thermoelectric refrigeration system by using peltier
module .thermoelectric modules are the key elements in this refrigerator for providing the
thermoelectric cooling. This projects system consists of peltier module, heat sink charge controller
solar panel, battery.

Power consumption is one of the major issues in today life. But semiconductor is a great solution of
this power consumption. If we success to use the semiconductor in well manner then we can reduce
power consumptions. Peltier module is one of the best solutions for this. if this project peltier module
is used where at once gets cooled and other side become hot and rejects hest to the environment with
the help of fans for producing cooling effect this means that cooling is done without use of greenhouse
gases. Which would ultimately reduce the global warming which is usually caused by conventional
refrigeration system. The supply are used both ac and dc supply and system will be cooled at 9 degree
Celsius and heat will be produced till 85 degree Celsius. Due to use of charge controller, system gets
efficient output. Due to this advantages of our system over conventional system are beneficial. This
system having no moving parts, due to which system became rugged and reliable. They can be
extremely compact much than compressor. It is possible and economical system. Dead bodies can
preserved at -70 degree Celsius for few days. By using peltier module in our daily life to save
electricity or power consumption.


Conventional cooling system such as those used in the refrigerators utilizes a compressor and a
working fluid to transfer heat. It also consume large amount of electricity .Thermal energy is absorbed
and released as the working fluid undergoes expansion and compression and changes phase from
liquid to vapor and back, respectively. Semiconductors thermoelectric coolers (also known as peltier
cooler) offer several advantages over conventional systems. They are entirely solid-state devices, with
no moving parts; this makes them rugged, reliable, and quiet. They use no ozone-depleting
chlorofluorocarbons, potentially offering a more environmentally responsible alternative to
conventional refrigeration. They can be extremely compact, much more so than compressor-based
systems. Precise temperature control (0.1c) can be achieved with peltier coolers (solar refrigeration
system).The power is to give in this by means of solar panel, so it is not required the connection of
electricity. However, their efficiency is low compared to conventional refrigerators. Thus, they are
used in niche applications where their unique advantages outweigh their low efficiency. Although
some large scale applications have been considered (on submarines and surface vessels), peltier
coolers are generally used in applications where small size is needed and the cooling demands are too
great, such as for cooling electronic components. The “solar thermoelectric refrigeration system” is
purpose to save electricity.

2.1 History of refrigeration system
The history of artificial refrigeration began when Scottish professor William Cullen designed a small
refrigerating machine in 1755. Cullen used a pump to create a partial vacuum over a container
of diethyl ether, which then boiled, is absorbing heat from the surrounding air. The experiment even
created a small amount of ice, but had no practical application at that time.
In 1758, Benjamin Franklin and John Hadley, professor of chemistry, collaborated on a project
investigating the principle of evaporation as a means to rapidly cool an object at Cambridge
University, England. They confirmed that the evaporation of highly volatile liquids, such as alcohol
and ether, could be used to drive down the temperature of an object past the freezing point of water.
New technology: - Solar powered refrigerators are characterized by thick insulation and the use of a
DC (not AC) compressor. Traditionally solar-powered refrigerators and vaccine coolers use a
combination of solar panels and lead batteries to store energy for cloudy days and at night in the
absence of sunlight to keep their contents cool. These fridges are expensive and require heavy lead-
acid batteries which tend to deteriorate, especially in hot climates, or are misused for other purposes
[1.] An advanced heat exchanger that minimizes joints by 90% compared to current models to reduce
refrigerant leakage. By minimizing the joints, the refrigerant stays where it should be—working to
keep your home cool and energy bills down.
[2.] The University of Florida is developing a prototype that combines a water heater, air cooler, which
could result in more efficient heat transfer. This technology provides enhanced dehumification control
in residential buildings, resulting in better comfort and significant energy savings.

2.2 Types of refrigeration systems:-

While the four types of refrigeration systems have many similarities, they have just as many
2.2.1 Mechanical-Compression Refrigeration Systems:-
The most widely used refrigeration cycle method is mechanical compression. It has applications in
both air conditioning and commercial and industrial refrigeration.
As the name suggests these types of systems transfer heat by mechanically compressing refrigerant
into a low-pressure, cold liquid and expanding it into a high-pressure, hot gas. Refrigerants are
substances that can boil at a wide range of temperatures with the application or removal of pressure.
2.2.2 Absorption Refrigeration:-
Heat is also transferred in absorption refrigeration systems by compressing and expanding refrigerant.
These systems rely on the process of absorption and heat, instead of an electrically powered
mechanical compressor, to move the refrigerant from the low-pressure side to the high-pressure side.
Unlike mechanical-compression refrigeration systems, which typically use R-22 and R-410A for
refrigerants, absorption refrigeration systems use refrigerants that other substances are attracted to and
For example, residential HVAC chillers often use ammonia as the refrigerant and water as the
absorbent. The water is located in a component called the absorber, where it sucks ammonia from the

low-pressure side of the system and removes heat while absorbing it. A pump sends the water-
ammonia solution to a generator, which boils it, separating the ammonia from the water before sending
it to the high-pressure side.
In addition to the process of absorption, heat is also used to move the refrigerant throughout the
system. The heat can derive from hot water, steam, natural gas or other fuel sources.

2.2.3 Evaporative Cooling:-

Unlike the mechanical-compression and absorption refrigeration systems discussed above, evaporative
cooling doesn’t use the traditional refrigeration cycle. Instead, these units often called swamp coolers,
cool warmer outdoor air by blowing it over water-soaked pads as it enters the home. The water absorbs
the heat from the air and evaporates. The cooler air is channeled into the home and the warm air out of
it. Evaporative coolers can reduce air temperature by 15° to 40°F but are best suited for dry climates.
2.2.4 Thermoelectric Refrigeration:-
Thermoelectric refrigeration systems are unique from the three other types of refrigeration in that no
refrigerant or water is used. These systems use an electric current and a thermocouple. A thermocouple
is made up of two different metal wires that are united at both ends. Insulation separates the rest of the
wires from each other. When the current is directed on the thermocouple, one end will become hot and
the other cool.
Reversing the current’s direction has the effect of swapping the cold and hot junctions. The hot end
will typically be placed outside of the area to be cooled with a heat sink attached to it to keep it the
same temperature as the surrounding air.
The cold side, which is below room temperature, is placed in the area to be cooled, attracting heat out
of the air. This type of refrigeration is generally used for small cooling loads that can be difficult to
access, such as electronic systems.


The thermoelectric effect is the direct conversion of temperature differences to electric voltage and
vice versa via a thermocouple. A thermoelectric device creates voltage when there is a different
temperature on each side. Conversely, when a voltage is applied to it, heat is transferred from one side
to the other, creating a temperature difference. At the atomic scale, an applied
temperature gradient causes charge carriers in the material to diffuse from the hot side to the cold side.
This effect can be used to measure temperature or change the temperature of objects. Because the
direction of heating and cooling is determined by the polarity of the applied voltage,
Devices can be used as temperature controllers.
The term "thermoelectric effect" encompasses three separately identified effects:
2.3.1 See beck effect and
2.3.2 Peltier effect.

2.3.1 See beck effect:- The See beck effect is the conversion of heat directly
into electricity at a thermoelectric circuit composed of materials of different See beck coefficients
(p-doped and n-doped semiconductors), configured as a thermoelectric generator.

The junction of Different types of wire. Originally discovered in 1794 by Italian scientist Alessandro
Volta, it is named after the Baltic German physicist Thomas Johann See beck, who in 1821
independently rediscovered it. It was observed that a compass needle would be deflected by a closed
loop formed by two different metals joined in two places, with a temperature difference between the
joints. This was because the electron energy levels in each metal shifted differently and a potential
difference between the junctions created an electrical current and therefore a magnetic field around the
wires. See beck did not recognize that there was an electric current involved, so he called the
phenomenon "thermo magnetic effect".

Fig 2.3.1:-see beck effect

The See beck effect is a classic example of an electromotive force (emf) and leads to measurable
currents or voltages in the same way as any other emf. Electromotive forces modify Ohm's law by
generating currents even in the absence of voltage differences (or vice versa). For ordinary materials at
room temperature, the See beck coefficient may range in value from −100 μV/K to +1,000 μV. If the
system reaches a steady state, where, then the voltage gradient is given simply by the emf. This simple
relationship, which does not depend on conductivity, is used in the thermocouple to measure a
temperature difference; an absolute temperature may be found by performing the voltage measurement
at a known reference temperature. A metal of unknown composition can be classified by its
thermoelectric effect if a metallic probe of known composition is kept at a constant temperature and
held in contact with the unknown sample that is locally heated to the probe temperature. It is used
commercially to identify metal alloys. Thermocouples in series form a thermopile. Thermoelectric
generators are used for creating power from heat differentials.

2.3.2 Peltier effect:-The Peltier effect is the presence of heating or cooling at an electrified junction of
two different conductors and is named after French physicist Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, who
discovered it in 1834. When a current is made to flow through a junction between two conductors, A
and B, heat may be generated or removed at the junction. The Peltier heat generated at the junction per
unit time is where and are the Peltier coefficients of conductors A and B, and is the electric current
(from A to B). The total heat generated is not determined by the Peltier effect alone; as it may also be
influenced by Joule heating and thermal-gradient effects. The Peltier coefficients represent how much heat
is carried per unit charge. Since charge current must be continuous across a junction, the associated heat
flow will develop a discontinuity.
If and are different. The Peltier effect can be considered as the back-action counterpart to the See
beck effect. If a simple thermoelectric circuit is closed, then the See beck effect will drive a current,

which in turn (by the Peltier effect) will always transfer heat from the hot to the cold junction. The
close relationship between Peltier and See beck effects can be seen in the direct connection between
their coefficients .A typical Peltier heat pump involves multiple junctions in series, through which a
current is driven. Some of the junctions lose heat due to the Peltier effect, while others gain heat.
Thermoelectric heat pumps exploit this phenomenon, as do thermoelectric cooling.

Fig 2.3.2:-structure of peltier module.

Requirements for thermoelectric materials:

 Narrow band-gap semiconductors because of room-temperature operation
 Heavy elements because of their high mobility and low thermal conductivity
 Large unit cell, complex structure
 Highly anisotropic or highly symmetric
 Complex composition

2.4 Ton of refrigeration (TR):- A ton of refrigeration (TR), also called a refrigeration ton (RT), is
a unit of power used in some countries (especially in North America) to describe the heat-extraction
capacity of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. It is defined as the rate of heat transfer that
results in the melting of 1 short ton (2,000 lb; 907 kg) of pure ice at 0 °C (32 °F) in 24 hours. A
refrigeration ton is approximately equivalent to 12,000 BTU/h or 3.5 kW.
Specify capacity in BTU/h, especially when specifying the performance Air-conditioning and
refrigeration equipment capacity in the U.S. is Means that Energy required or to be removed to freeze
one ton of water Of smaller equipment. Actually 1 TR holds the value 3024 KCal. It Often specified in
"tons" (of refrigeration). Many manufacturers also to Ice in one day i.e., 24 hrs, So mathematically 1
TR means 288,000 Btu are required to make one ton of ice, divide this by 24 hours to get 12,000 Btu/h
required making one ton of ice in one day, In Simple Words one 1 TR means energy required for
change of phase from water At 0°C to Ice at 0°C.
In English terminology, 1 TR is 3024 Kcal,

In British terminology, 1TR is 3.517KW,

Capacity rating for refrigeration:-

Refrigeration capacity has historically been loosely referred to in tons of refrigeration based on a 24
hour period. 1 ton of refrigeration is the amount of heat required to melt one ton of ice.
1 Ton of Refrigeration = 288,000 BTU’s or 72,528 Kilocalories this is the amount of energy required
to melt the one ton of ice (based on a 24 hour period)
Therefore: 288,000 BTU’s/24 = 12,000 BTU’s/hr 72,528 kcal/24 = 3,022 kcal/hr we have now
arrived at a capacity rating for systems: 1 Ton = 12,000 BTU/hr = 3,022 kcal/hr alternatively the
capacity may be rated in watts or kilowatts:
1 Ton = 3,517 watts or 3.517 kilowatts

Table 1- refrigeration capacities:-reference chart

Tons of 0.5 1.0 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Kcal/hr 1511 3022 4533 6044 7555 9066 10577 12088
Btu’s/hr 6000 12000 18000 24000 30000 36000 42000 48000
Kw 1.758 3.517 5.275 7.034 8.792 10.551 12.309 14.068

Table 2-Peltier cooling efficiency calculations (250ml of water (0.55lbs))

Temperature Temperature
Time Celsius Fahrenheit Voltage Current
3:55pm 18C 64.4F 13.1V 3.8A

4:56pm 14.5C 58.1F 12.8V 3.66A

Input power = 13.1V * 3.8A = 49.8W = 49.8 joules/second

Input energy = 49.8 joules/second * 3600 seconds = 179,280 joules
Temperature change = 64.4F - 58.1F = 6.3F
BTUs used for cooling = 0.55lbs * 6.3F * 1BTU/lbF = 3.465 BTU
Energy used for cooling = 3.465 BTU * 1055 joules/BTU = 3655.58 joules
Efficiency = 3655.58 / 179,280 = 0.02039 = 2%
This is about what was expected. Peltier modules are only around 5% efficient. This means there was
about 3% of additional losses.

2.5 COP (Coefficient of Performance): -
The efficiency of a refrigerator or heat pump is given by a parameter called the coefficient of
performance (COP). The performance of the refrigeration system is expressed in term known as the
“co-efficient of performance”.
The COP of a refrigerator is given by the following equation: COP = Desired Output/Required Input =
Cooling Effect/Work Input = QL/W Both the COP of a refrigerator and a heat pump can be greater
than one.
thermal output power
electric input power
A single-stage TEC will typically produce a maximum temperature difference of 70 °C between its hot
and cold sides. The more heat moved using a TEC, the less efficient it becomes, because the TEC
needs to dissipate both the heat being moved and the heat it generates itself from its own power
consumption. The amount of heat that can be absorbed is proportional to the current and time i.e.
Where P is the Peltier coefficient, I is the current, and t is the time. The Peltier coefficient depends on
temperature and the materials the TEC is made of.
In refrigeration applications, thermoelectric junctions have about 1/4th the efficiency compared to
conventional means (they offer around 10–15% efficiency of the ideal Carnot cycle refrigerator,
compared with 40–60% achieved by conventional compression-cycle systems
(reverse Rankine systems using compression/expansion). Due to this lower efficiency, thermoelectric
cooling is generally only used in environments where the solid-state nature (no moving parts, low
maintenance, compact size, and orientation insensitivity) outweighs pure efficiency.

3.1.1 CPU FAN:-A computer fan is any fan inside, or attached to, a case used for active cooling, and
may refer to fans that draw cooler air into the case from the outside, expel warm air from inside, or
move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component. Generally these are found in axial and
sometimes centrifugal forms. The former is sometimes called a "electric" fan.

Fig 3.1.1:- CPU fan

3.1.2 HEAT SINK:- A heat sink is a passive heat exchanger that transfers the heat generated by an
electronic or a mechanical device to a fluid medium, often air or a liquid coolant, where it
is dissipated away from the device, thereby allowing regulation of the device's temperature at optimal
levels. In computers, heat sinks are used to cool central processing units or graphics processors. Heat
sinks are used with high-power semiconductor devices such as power transistors and optoelectronics
such as lasers and light emitting diodes (LEDs), where the heat dissipation ability of the component
itself is insufficient to moderate its temperature.

Fig 3.1.2:-heat sink

A heat sink is designed to maximize its surface area in contact with the cooling medium surrounding it,
such as the air. (Air velocity, choice of material, protrusion design and surface treatment are factors
that affect the performance of a heat sink). A heat sink is usually made out of copper or aluminum.
Copper is used because it has many desirable properties for thermally efficient and durable heat
exchangers. First and foremost, copper is an excellent conductor of heat. This means that copper's high
thermal conductivity allows heat to pass through it quickly. Aluminum heat sinks are used as a low-
cost, lightweight alternative to copper heat sinks, and have a lower thermal conductivity than copper.
3.1.3 Peltier module: - Peltier module is a Peltier device, it is also called Peltier heat pump, solid
state refrigerator, or thermoelectric cooler (TEC).It can be used either for heating or for cooling,

although in practice the main application is cooling. It can also be used as a temperature controller that
either heats or cools.
The coefficient of performance (COP) of a thermoelectric module which is the thermal efficiency must
be considered for a TE system. COP is the ratio of the thermal output power and the electrical input
power of the TEC. COP can be calculated by dividing the amount of heat absorbed at the cold side to
the input power.
Thermal output power
COP = Electric input power

fig 3.1.3 : -peltier module

Our Part Numbering Method Explained using TM 127-1.4-6.0

TM = Thermoelectric Module, 127 = Number of Couples, 1.4 = Footprint of TE Dice (1.4 mm), 6.0 = (IMAX)
Maximum current at ΔT max

Typical Module Properties:-

(1)Maximum operating temperature: +200°C (2-Stage and Round Modules +100°C)

(2)Melting point of internal solder (Sn/Sb 5%): +235°C (2-Stage and Round Modules +138°C)
(3)Lead wires - Stranded tinned copper PVC insulated - see data sheets for gauge (Other wire
(4)Height tolerance: ± 0.025 mm (Lapping to a close-height tolerance of ± 0.01 mm available)
(5)Alumina Oxide Ceramics: Al2O3
(6)Maximum compressive load: 1MPa
(7)ΔTmax is measured in vacuum 1.3Pa
(8)A Thermal Cycling version of each single-stage module, with a patented adhesive process is
(9)Modules are available in custom arranged strings from 2-12 modules long.
Metalized and/or tinned surfaces are available.


 Model number: TEC1-12706

 Voltage : 12V
 Vmax (V) : 15.4V
 Imax (A) : 6A
 QMax (W) : 92W
 Internal resistance: 1.98 Ohm +/- 10%
 Dimensions : 40mm x 40mm x 2mm
 Type: Cooling Cells
 Usage: Refrigerator/Warmer/Generator

Thermal grease (also called CPU grease, heat paste, heat sink compound, heat sink paste, thermal
compound, thermal gel, thermal interface material, or thermal paste) is a thermally conductive (but
usually electrically insulating) compound, which is commonly used as an interface between heat
sinks and heat sources (e.g., high-power semiconductor devices).

Fig 3.1.4: - heat sink compound

The main role of thermal grease is to eliminate air gaps or spaces (which act as thermal insulator) from
the interface area in order to maximize heat transfer. Thermal grease is an example of a thermal
interface material.
Thermal grease consists of a polymerizable liquid matrix and large volume fractions of electrically
insulating, but thermally conductive filler. Typical matrix materials are epoxies, silicones, urethanes,
and acrylates. The filler loading can be as high as 70–80% by mass, and raises the thermal
conductivity of the base matrix from 0.17–0.3 W/(m·K) (watts per meter-Kelvin) up to about
2 W/(m·K). Silver thermal compounds may have a conductivity of 3 to 8 W/ (m·K) or more, and
consist of micronized silver particles suspended in a silicone/ceramic medium.

3.1.5 Battery: -A rechargeable battery, storage battery, secondary cell, or accumulator is a type
of electrical battery which can be charged, discharged into a load, and recharged many times, as
opposed to a disposable or primary battery, which is supplied fully charged and discarded after
use. It is composed of one or more electrochemical cells. The term "accumulator" is used as
it accumulates and stores energy through a reversible electrochemical reaction. Rechargeable
batteries are produced in many different shapes and sizes, ranging from button cells to megawatt
systems connected to stabilize an electrical distribution network. Several different combinations
of electrode materials and electrolytes are used, including lead–acid, nickel–
cadmium (NiCd), nickel–metal hydride (NiMH), lithium-ion (Li-ion), and lithium-ion
polymer (Li-ion polymer).

Fig 3.1.5: - rechargeable battery.

Rechargeable batteries typically initially cost more than disposable batteries, but have a much
lower total cost of ownership and environmental impact, as they can be recharged inexpensively
many times before they need replacing. Some rechargeable battery types are available in the
same sizes and voltages as disposable types, and can be used interchangeably with them.
Applications: -
1. Devices which use rechargeable batteries include automobile starters
2. portable consumer devices, light vehicles (such as motorized wheelchairs, golf
carts, electric bicycles, and electric forklifts), tools, uninterruptible power supplies,
and battery storage power stations. Emerging applications in hybrid internal combustion-
battery and electric vehicles drive the technology to reduce cost, weight, and size, and
increase lifetime.
3. Older rechargeable batteries self-discharge relatively rapidly, and require charging before
first use; some newer low self-discharge NiMH batteries hold their charge for many
months, and are typically sold factory-charged to about 70% of their rated capacity.

3.1.6 Solar panel: - Solar panels are devices that convert light into electricity. They are called
"solar" panels because most of the time, the most powerful source of light available is the Sun,
called Sol by astronomers. Some scientists call them photovoltaic which means, basically, "light-
electricity " Multiple solar cells in an integrated group, all oriented in one plane, constitute
a solar photovoltaic panel or module.

Fig 3.1.6: - solar panel

Solar cells: - A solar cell is a sandwich of n-type silicon (blue) and p-type silicon (red). It
generates electricity by using sunlight to make electrons hop across the junction between the
different flavors of silicon:

1. When sunlight shines on the cell, photons (light particles) bombard the upper surface.
2. The photons (yellow blobs) carry their energy down through the cell.
3. The photons give up their energy to electrons (green blobs) in the lower, p-type layer.
4. The electrons use this energy to jump across the barrier into the upper, n-type layer and
escape out into the circuit.

A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly
into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, which is a physical and chemical phenomenon. It is a

form of photoelectric cell, defined as a device whose electrical characteristics, such
as current, voltage, or resistance, vary when exposed to light. Individual solar cell devices can be
combined to form modules, otherwise known as solar panels. In basic terms a single junction
silicon solar cell can produce a maximum open-circuit voltage of approximately 0.5 to 0.6 volts.
Solar cells are described as being photovoltaic, irrespective of whether the source is sunlight or
an artificial light. They are used as a photo detector (for example infrared detectors), detecting
light or other electromagnetic radiation near the visible range, or measuring light intensity. The
operation of a photovoltaic (PV) cell requires three basic attributes:

 The absorption of light, generating either electron-hole pairs or excitons.

 The separation of charge carriers of opposite types.
 The separate extraction of those carriers to an external circuit.

Table: - types of solar cells.

Solar Cell Type Advantages Disadvantages

High efficiency rate;

Monocrystalline Solar
~20% optimised for commercial Expensive
Panels (Mono-SI)
use; high life-time value

Sensitive to high temperatures; lower

Polycrystalline Solar
~15% Lower price lifespan & slightly less space
Panels (p-Si)

Thin-Film: Amorphous
Relatively low costs; easy to
Silicon Solar Panels (A- ~7-10% shorter warranties & lifespan
produce & flexible

3.1.7 Insulating materials

Aero foam XLPE Polyolefin Rolls and Sheets: - it’s are are made of closed-cell cross-linked
polyolefin foam that controls condensation, has high thermal efficiency, and sound absorption.
They are available as a sandwich product that is composed of foam, alupet foil, and self-adhesive
backing. In addition to the dimensional stability, the rolls and sheets have a ‘memory effect’ that
enables them to take back their original shape. The foil and the foam can have different colors
(apart from the standard grey foam and silver foil) depending on the customers’ needs.
Not only are they environmentally friendly but they pose no harm to human health and have zero
Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), Global Warming Potential (GWP) of less than 5, and a low
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) of less than 4 µg/m2/hr in 24 hours. Aero foam XLPE
polyolefin rolls and sheets are available in standard Alupet Silver Color Foil or it can be
customized to black, red, blue and other colors as well.

Fig 3.1.7: - insulating materials

 Big diameter pipes (where tubes can’t be used, sheeting are used)
 Ventilation ducts
 Tanks, reservoirs
 Mechanical equipments

 Vehicles
In order to install aero foam XLPE Polyethylene rolls & sheets in a professional manner, please
consult the Installation Handbook.


 Very low water vapor permeance (0 perms);

 Water tight due to the pre-applied alupet foil;
 Very low water absorption rate (0.3% by volume);
 High thermal efficiency (λ24˚ C = 0.032 W/make; λ46˚ C = 0.036 W/mK);
 Wide temperature range (from -50˚ C to +105˚ C);
 Chemical resistance – resistant to most chemicals (sodium, silica, fluoride, chloride, etc.);
 Antibacterial & antifungal;
 Good mechanical resistance;
 Sound absorption properties;
 Easy and fast to install;
 Aesthetical look.

3.2 Working of Solar Thermoelectric refrigeration system

The thermoelectric module consists of pairs P-type and N-type semiconductor thermo element
forming thermocouple which are connect electrically in series. The module are considered to be
highly reliable component due to their solid state, for most application they will provide long,
trouble free service , in cooling application, an electric current is supplied to the module and the
result is that one side of the module becomes cold and other side hot. Amount of heat to be
absorbed at the TEC’s cold surface. This can be termed as heat. It is represented as Qc and unit is

Cold side temperature: - if the object to be cooled is in direct contact with cold surface of the
TEC’s the required temperature can be considered the temperature of the cold side of the TEC.

In this project the object is water, which has to be cooled through, the water is contact with cold
side of the peltier module. The aim is to be cooled when hot air passing through the heat sinks
Through the CPU fan. When this type of system is employed the cold side temperature of the
TEC is needed to several times colder than ultimate desire of the water.

Hot side temperature: - the hot side temperature is mainly based on the two factors. First
parameter is the temperature of the ambient air in environment to which the heat is been rejected
and second factor is the efficiency of heat sink this is between hot side of the TEC on ambient.

Temperature difference: - the two temperature Tc and Th, and difference between them are dT
is very important factor, the following equation shows actual dT.

As per study, we will make the container and provide insulation of insulating tape (aerofoil).We
will install peltier module on heat sink and also test it. We will implement the circuit .we will test
solar panel and assemble all the components systematically. The block diagram is shown below-


modul -
fan -


dT = Th-Tc

Fig 3.2.1 block diagram of solar cum refrigeration system

Line diagram of Peltier module.




Qc Qf (Qf)= Work done

Fig 3.2.2: - line diagram against friction is lost
to cold reservoir


Fig 4.1: - Design of solar cum thermoelectric refrigeration system

LENGTH = 300MM =30CM
VOLUME = πr2h = 9420CM3
= 9.42 L

L = 7.5CM
B = 8CM
H = 4.5CM





Specification of the thermoelectric module is-

Q = 60 watts
Imax = 6 Amp
Vmax = 12 v
Tmax = 80 deg.c
Numbers of couple = 127

See beck coefficient (S) = 0.01229 v/k

Module thermal conductance (k) = 0.1815W/k
Module resistance (R) = 4Ω

After measuring the temperature by radiation pyrometer, final temperature at the surface of
module and the heat sink are as follows-

Temperature at hot side (Th) = 68 deg.c

Temperature at cold side (Tc) = 17 deg.c

So, temperature difference can be considered as, dt = (Th-Tc) = (68-17) = 51 deg.c

Heat transferred into the cold side when neglected the temperature drop through the TEC is
given by the thermal resistance network-

QL = [S I TC – ½ I2 R – K (Th-Tc)]

= 0.01229*6*17 – ½ *6*6*4 – 0.1815*51

= 80.00292W (- sign for heat rejection)

Where the heat transferred out of the hot side into the heat sink is given by-

QH= [S I Th +½ I2 R – K (Th-Tc)]

= 0.01229*6*68 + ½ 6*6*4 – 0.1815*51

= 67.75W

From the first law of thermodynamics, the energy supplied is,

Energy supplied = W = QH – QL
= S I (Th-Tc) + I2R
= 0.01229*6*(51) + 6*6*4
= 181.6 J

COP can be calculated by dividing the amount of heat absorbed at the cold side to the input

COP = QL / energy supplied

= 80.00292/181.6

= 0.44

The cop of thermoelectric module is lower than that of conventional vapour compression
refrigeration system.

4.3 Efficiency = power output/ heat supplied

Heat supplied =
Power output = V*I
= 12*6
= 72 W
Efficiency = power output/ heat supplied
= 72/181.6
= 0.33

4.4 References: -
Snyder, G J EFFIREY “small thermoelectric cooler”
Moran and Shapiro “Fundamental of engineering thermodynamics”.


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