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(Heller & Pfaff, 1996 citados en Gluth, 2002, p3).

● State the topic of the study you found in one or two sentences. Do not beat
around the bushes.
● Acknowledge the author´s name and publication date in parenthesis. If you do not
wish to use parenthesis, rephrase the author's ideas.
● State the supporting details of the study. Use connectors or linking words to
present your ideas coherently and cohesively.
● Respond in one or two paragraphs to the topic and supporting details by using
your critical thinking skills.
● In one paragraph, two, or more, how, why and under which conditions will this
study help you answer your research question.

Gumperz, J. (1982). ​Discourse Strategies​ (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics). 

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511611834 


Conversational code switching can be defined as the juxtaposition within the same speech 
exchange of passages of speech belonging to two different grammatical systems or subsystems. 
Most frequently the alternation takes the form of two subsequent sentences, as when a speaker 
uses a second language either to reiterate his message or to reply to someone else's statement. The 
following examples are taken from natural talk recorded in bilingual communities. The language 
pairs in question are Spanish and English (​Sp​–E), Hindi and English (​H​–E) and Slovenian and 
German (​Sl​–G); where appropriate, English translations are given in parentheses. Speakers are fluent 
in both languages and regularly use both in the course of their daily routines. 


This book seeks to develop interpretive sociolinguistic approaches to the analysis of real time 
processes in face to face encounters. It grew out of approximately ten years of field studies of 
verbal communication in India, Europe and the United States, originally intended to answer questions 
and test hypotheses arising from earlier ethnographic work on the realization of social categories in 
language (Blom & Gumperz 1972, Gumperz 1972). Detailed observation of verbal strategies revealed 
that an individual's choice of speech style has symbolic value and interpretive consequences that 
cannot be explained simply by correlating the incidence of linguistic variants with independently 
determined social and contextual categories. Sociolinguistic variables are themselves constitutive of 
social reality and can be treated as part of a more general class of indexical signs which guide and 
channel the interpretation of intent. The discussion of these indexical signs, of their relation to 
traditionally studied aspects of grammar and of what they tell us about the nature of 
misunderstanding in human society is the main subject of the book. 

Much of the material presented here has appeared in a preliminary form elsewhere, but it has been 
extensively revised and rearranged to fit into a more general argument. Portions of chapter 2 first 
appeared as Working Paper No. 33, Centro Internazionale di Semiotica e di Linguistica, Universitá di 
Urbino, Urbino, Italy. A preliminary version of chapter 3 appeared in C. Molony, H. Zobl & W. Stolting 
(eds.) G
​ erman in Contact with Other Languages​ (Kronberg: Scriptor Verlag, 1977), and of chapter 4 in 
Papers in Language and Context​, Working Paper No. 46, Language Behavior Research Laboratory, 
University of California. 

Gumperz 1982)


Addressee specification,



Message qualification


Out of all the articles above, which ones will you use as your your theoretical support,
your crutch. This means which article (s) will help you fully answer your question?

By the same token, how will your study help complete the void, emptiness or blank
space left by the above articles?
1.In a research study conducted by Cordoba (….), she talks about code switching. The aim

of this study is to understand how the proficiency level of foreign language university

students is affected by code switching. The results showed that the switch of codes affects

students consciously due to the lack of vocabulary and subconsciously because of the

environmental situation they were in when communicating while speaking a foreign

language. Besides, the author concludes that:

“Conscious or subconscious code switching is advantageous for FL learners; they use code

switching in well-structured and short sentences while speaking. When being immersed in

the classroom I found that code switching allows students to make themselves understood

by others” Cordoba ( ----: 14)

“Findings of this research could benefit not only FL teachers; but also students who feel

ashamed when they code switch from one language to another, regardless of if it is only one

word or a short sentence” Cordoba (----:14)

According to this study, code switching allows students to make themselves understood by

others and that it benefits students to not feel ashamed about using it during interaction in

the classroom. We can say that the influence of their native language Spanish (L1) helps

them to communicate more easily with others to learn in turn the target language English

(L2). Also, it is an advantage when it comes to improving their communicative English skill

as stated in our research question.

2.In a research study conducted by Araya and Espinoza, they tried to identify the factors

that influence code-switching. The aim of this study is to find out why Costa Rican

bilingual students and teachers switch codes and what factors influence this behavior. For

this study was carried out a survey among the participants. Besides, this study seeks to

identify when code-switching could be helpful for student´s learning.

As a result of the study, it was concluded that:

The most of the participant considered code-switching as a positive influence to help them

learn a second language because when they code-switch, it shows them words or expression

they ignore in the L2. Therefore, they feel the need to look for them or if the event occurs in

the classroom people involved in the conversation will usually provide the answer. Then,

this is a way to make them remember the forgotten words. Additionally, a smaller group of

students stated that “code-switching could be a strategy to ease communication if it is done

with isolated words or phrases”

Besides, most of the teachers stated that “language alternation is an advantage for

bilinguals because it gives them more ways for communication. It is part of language

learning or bilingualism and another resource for communication.” Araya and Espinoza


In addition, “Resorting to code-switching at key moments during a conversation may help

students to continue participating and interacting, and in the end might lead them to regain

confidence and learn more and faster”. Based on the information provided in this study

code-switching may help students in a positive way. By bringing help to learn the target

language, to communicate, to keep participating , to keep interacting, to regain confidence,

to learn more and faster. It connects with our research question because it can be noticed

how the L1 influence in a positive way to improve the L2.

3. A research on code switching conducted by Ernesto Macaro (2005) and carried out in the

classroom as part of a book “Non-native Language Teachers” with the aim to demonstrate

that the ability of code switching in bilingual teachers is to be viewed as an asset. Therefore,

in chapter 5 “Code switching in the L2 classroom: a communication and learning strategy”

the author attempt to answer some question related to the topic, taking into account that

learners were adolescent and shared the same L1 as the teacher. One of his question was:

What are the effects of code switching or not code switching on classroom interaction?

The author detected that the effects of not using code switching reduced the classroom

interaction because the teacher tended to use input modification. It led the teacher to use

exclusively the L2. However, no significant increase of the L2 in students was found.

But the effects of code switching stated by the author are that “code switching by the

teacher has no negative impact on the quantity of students' L2 production and that 'expert

code switching' may actually increase it and improve it” Macaro (2005:72). Also, he agrees

that a main reason to employ code switching in naturalists settings is the avoidance of the

use of input modification. In addition, he mentions the use of code switching as a teaching

strategy “Whereas in naturalistic discourse between two bilinguals it is often redundant

(because of the code switching alternative), in the languages classroom it has a clear

teaching function” . In here, code switching by bilingual teachers is a communicative

strategy at hand that can lead to classroom interaction and helps the increase and

improvement of the L2.

This study will help us to answer our research question because it shows how the influence

of the L1 can help classroom interaction and improvement in the L2. Besides, it is seen as a

teaching strategy.

4​. In the following workbook “Code switching- Why it matters and How to Respond” created under

Grant #90HC0001 for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for

Children and Families shows how important code switching is in children interactions and how to

respond when children code switch. One of the intentions of this document is to enable the teaching

staff to develop their knowledge about code switching and use the exercises to refine their own

skills. Also, taking into account this information enables the reader to develop program-wide

practices that optimally promote children’s learning. It teaches to adults that “they can use

instances of children’s code switching to observe their language skills, and to present strong

language models to support learning and development.” as stated in page 5. Also, correcting

children when code switching is not good because it ignores their competence and disregards the

message they want to communicate. Therefore, it is advised to:

Accept all instances of children’s code switching as indicators of their current communication


Observe and respond to the ideas and information that children express during code switching, and

Build on children’s ideas and information by inviting them to continue to talk about what’s

important to them…. (page, 13) .

Code switching is used for communication as stated in this document “Code switching is common

among bilinguals. Code switching in adults, as in children, represents communication” (page 19)
Therefore, it is used as a communicative strategy. It is recommended to teachers that “ Switching

languages can be particularly supportive in some situations; however, it must be part of an

intentional, balanced approach in which teachers follow a clear plan for when they use each

language and are clear about the specific goals they seek to accomplish.” Page 20. Then, using

code-switching must have an intention and propose when it is employed by teachers in order to

accomplish specific goals.

As a conclusion of this document, ​“When children code switch, they draw upon the vocabulary they

have in each language to express their thoughts. This is a communication strategy (strength) that

enables children to say more than they would if they restricted themselves to either one of their

languages. When teachers respond to code switching by honoring the meaning the child is

expressing, they promote children’s language, cognitive, and social development.” And “Children’s

code switching should, therefore, be accepted as part of their developing communication skills.

Teachers should respond to children’s meaning (i.e., what the child is trying to communicate)

rather than to their language switching.” Then, this workbook is equipped to provide relevant

information on code switching and basics way to responds when children employs it both at home

and in the classroom. Thus, it is recognized as a communicative strategy that must take into

account “ the meaning the child is expressing” because it will promote children’s language,

cognitive, and social development. It leads to accept code switching as part of the developing

communication skills of children. It must not be corrected and can be used as a teaching strategy by

teachers when they respond to children’s meaning instead to their language switch. This document

helps us to demonstrate that the influence of L1 helps the learner to communicate better. Therefore,

to improve the L2 and the teacher if use it wisely can help the learner by attending to the meaning

of his/ her message in order to provide assistance that will lead to learning in the L2.
·​ ​State the topic of the study you found in one or two sentences. Do not beat
around the bushes.
·​ ​Acknowledge the author´s name and publication date in parenthesis. If you do

not wish to use parenthesis, rephrase the author's ideas.

·​ ​State the supporting details of the study. Use connectors or linking words to

present your ideas coherently and cohesively.

·​ ​Respond in one or two paragraphs to the topic and supporting details by using

your critical thinking skills.

·​ ​Inone paragraph, two, or more, how, why and under which conditions will this
study help you answer your research question.

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