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Activity 1

a) How can individual differences in colleagues and clients be recognized within a workplace?

Individual differences can be recognized by age, belief systems, values, culture, expertise, experience, work
styles, language (verbal and non-verbal), concepts of morality, ethics, time, work attitudes, experience and a lot

b) Describe some of the challenges of workplace diversity.

As the workplace becomes more diverse, more issues arise accordingly. HR personnel and recruitment
professionals need to be aware of the various challenges associated with diversity so that it can be prevented and
addressed. Some of them are:

 Conflicts arise when there is a lack of acceptance of culture diversity and beliefs among employees.
 Diversity in cultural, spiritual, and political beliefs can pose a challenge in a diverse workplace.

c) How would you define cultural awareness?

Someone's cultural awareness is their understanding of the differences between themselves and people from
other countries or other backgrounds, especially differences in attitudes and values.

d) Outline what is meant by respect in the workplace and describe how you can demonstrate that you
have respect for yourself and other.
Respect is when you feel admiration and deep regard for an individual. You believe that the person is worthy of
your regard and admiration because of the good qualities and capabilities that they bring to your workplace. You
can demonstrate respect with simple, yet powerful actions e.g. Treat people with courtesy, politeness, and

Activity 2

Explain the term stereotyping and the reasons it is not good to let stereotypes influence your
relationships with others.
Stereotyping is a belief that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same, in other words, it is a
preconceived notion, specially about a group of people.

We should not let stereotypes influence your relationships with others because stereo types are not fact, they are
just biased opinions people base on each other. The only way to really know how a person is, is to get to know
them yourself and then form an opinion or thought about who they are.

Activity 3

a) What guidelines should be set in workplace to ensure behavior is consistent with legislative
requirements and enterprise guidelines?


Guidelines that should be set in workplaces to ensure behaviour is consistent with legislative requirements and
enterprise guidelines include anti-discrimination, human rights, equal opportunity, privacy, health and safety,
consumer protection and many more. These guidelines ensure everybody feels safe, respected and fine to work
to full potential, no body deserves to feel unsafe at work.

b) Discuss the key legislative requirements for the workplace regarding equal opportunity.
In Australia, national and state laws cover equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination in the workplace.
You're required by these laws to create a workplace free from discrimination and harassment. It's important
that as an employer, you understand your rights and responsibilities under human rights and anti-discrimination
law. By putting effective anti-discrimination and anti-harassment procedures in place in your business you can
improve productivity and increase efficiency.

Activity 4

a) What can you do when communicating with the team members, customers and suppliers for whom
English might be a second language, to ensure that the communication is effective?
It’s important you understand your contact’s level of English comprehension and interact with them accordingly.
One of the most respectful things you can do is make your interaction as smooth and understandable as possible.
Here are a few tips to help keep your communications effective.

 Speaking at a slower rate will help anyone who is less familiar with the language.
 Enunciate clearly so your contact can understand what you’re saying.

b) Explain what effective verbal communication is and how you can make allowance when
communicating with people from diverse backgrounds. Take into consideration paralanguage and
written communication.
The sharing of information between individuals by using speech. Individuals working within a business need
to effectively use verbal communication that employs readily understood spoken words, as well as ensuring that
the enunciation, stress and tone of voice with which the words are expressed is appropriate.

c) Explain what non-verbal communication is and how it is important to working with diversity and
building effective work relationships.
Nonverbal communication (NVC) is the nonlinguistic transmission of information through visual, auditory, tactile,
and kinesthetic (physical) channels. In the workplace, people interact with each other throughout the workday
using verbal and nonverbal communication. In essence, the way individuals deliver nonverbal messages can be
just as important as verbal dialogue.

Activity 5

Why is it important to recognize and document the knowledge, skills and experience of others in
relation to team objectives?
Because if you know each work colleague skills and knowledge, you will be able to ask them help for each difficult
you have. It makes easier to settle down each person goals and objectives within the company.


Activity 6

How would you encourage a staff member who is reluctant to work with someone from a different
nationality to see the advantages of working with people from various international backgrounds?
I would say that it is strongly important to work with someone from a different nationality as you would learn a lot
of different point views and will be able to share yours too. Also it is a way of learning new skills with various
international backgrounds which makes you think and work on effective execution.

Activity 7

How can a workplace demonstrate that diversity is valued by the business?

It can demonstrate by encouraging your co-workers to show their viewpoints. The more variety of viewpoints a
business has, larger will be the pool of ideas and experiences, it can meet the needs of customers more
effectively. Companies that encourage diversity in the workplace inspire all of their employees to perform to their
highest ability


a) Research your community and list four diverse groups within the community as defined by cultural,
religious and other traditions and practices. For each group, list three facts about their cultural,
religion, traditions or practices.

Vietnamese-Australian families:


 Vietnamese culture was traditionally based on the 'Three Teachings' (Tarn Ciao) in which Buddhism,
Taoism and Confucianism are intertwined and applied to all aspects of life and death.
 These forms of religious belief were introduced to the Vietnamese people by the Chinese during their
one-thousand-year rule over the country from 111 BC to AD 939.
 Buddhism emphasizes self-restriction of worldly desires so that one is satisfied with what one has,
particularly material possessions.


 People believe that their present fate has its cause in past generations and that they can practice good
deeds to leave 'merit' to their descendants.
 Vietnamese people feel secure when they worship and pray daily for protection from their ancestors'
 The main religions currently practiced in Vietnam are Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity.



 Although Christianity was introduced into Vietnam in the sixteenth century by Catholic missionaries
from France, Spain and Portugal, Christian families have retained most of the traditional precepts of
family duty.
 Some aspects of family relationships are formulated as religious rules, for example the forbidding of
 The surrounding environment strongly reinforces traditional family roles and relationship rules.


 Child-rearing practices are different for sons and daughters.

 Sons are encouraged to pursue their education to further their father's social position and career and
to maintain and bring glory to the lineage, while daughters are carefully prepared to be married out to
other families.
 They are taught about tam tong tu due (three obediences and four virtues). 'The three obediences are
to the father when still unmarried, to the husband when married, and to the eldest son in widowhood'

Lebanese-Australian families:


 There is a significant decline in traditional values and practices among this group, with perhaps a
certain degree of family cohesion, and Lebanese cuisine, being the only surviving remnants of
Lebanese traditions.
 Families established by second-wave immigrants are now into their third and, in some cases, fourth
 The maintenance of Lebanese values has also been aided by improved transport and communication
systems such as air travel, long-distance telephone calls, newspapers, videotapes and films, all of
which have reduced for this group the social and cultural isolation from their homeland experienced by
first- and second-wave settle.


 Religious affiliation, family membership and village or town of origin constitute the major means of
social identification among Lebanese-Australians.
 Among the descendants of both the first and second waves of immigration, religious participation is
declining and affiliation to the faith their families brought with them from Lebanon is becoming
 Some families remain attached to the Lebanese community through their attendance at Lebanese
churches and mosques, and by sending their children to Saturday Arabic-language schools or to
Lebanese day schools and child care centers.


 Traditional Lebanese values are more strongly maintained by members of this group for a variety of
reasons, such as their forced departure from Lebanon, relatively short time in Australia, and return
visits to Lebanon.
 Urban families are likely to be less traditional and more inclined to accept emergent values than are
families from a rural background.
 Unemployment also places considerable stress on family relationships.



 Religious belief and practice became more a private and family matter than one which involved the
community at large.
 In the case of Muslims, observing codes of behavior and dress required by their faith.
 Apart from the strictly religious rituals and regulations, such family occasions and practices bear
witness to values which are common to Christian and Muslim alike.

Latin American families:


 It was invaded by people from a number of powerful empires including the Spanish, the British, the
French and the Portuguese.
 History shows how the predominant customs and values in Latin America today have their origin in
values which were imposed by Spain and Portugal in an effort to establish unity.
 Such values include a patriarchal and authoritarian family structure; pride, dignity and honor within the
family; values related to Catholicism; and a 'double standard' of sexual morality for men and women.


 Some Latin Americans are closely involved in their religion, and religious celebrations and
observances are an important part of their lives.
 Some people find mass in English difficult and would prefer to have it said in Spanish.
 There are Spanish-speaking priests in suburbs with a significant Spanish-speaking population.


 The historical background and traditional origins of the Latin American people provide a context in
which family changes can be understood.
 Latin American family values and traditional family structure are changing in Australia and the changes
are linked to aspects of the Australian economic and social systems.
 Family support and cohesion, have been reinforced, helping families to deal successfully with
adaptation to the new land and compensating for the lack of an extended family.


 There was often official denial of relationships between European men and indigenous and African
women, and social stigma was attached to such relationships despite the fact that the practice was
 Patriarchal structures and the sexual double standard (with its associated male jealousy) were
sustained during the period of the institutionalization of the invasion.
 Godparents provide money and important gifts for children. Nowadays, practices surrounding
compadrazgo, such as providing gifts and money, tend not to be followed, and a lot of the formality
and obligation associated with compadrazgo has been lost; however, it still operates as an important
principle of social organization.

Chinese family:


 Chinese settlement in Australia has a long history, beginning soon after the discovery of gold in
Australia in 1851.
 To the Chinese, getting married and starting a family are two of the most important transitions in life.


 Traditional Chinese families cherish stable marriages and believe that separation and divorce
epitomize violation of harmony within the family.


 The Chinese in Australia are diverse in their countries of origin, socio-economic backgrounds and
religious affiliations.
 Many of the immigrant Chinese to Australia and their descendants profess no particular religion, but
there are also substantial numbers of Buddhists, Catholics and Anglicans.
 Large numbers of Buddhists and those professing no religion may practice ancestor worship at home
in the Buddhist or Confucian tradition (VICSEG 1993).


 Traditional Chinese society has a collectivist orientation that endorses the family, not the individual, as
the major unit of society.
 Traditional Chinese families favor having a large number of children.
 Traditionally, divorce and having children outside wedlock are frowned on.


 In practices known as ancestor worship. The descendants pray for protection from their dead
 Traditional practices have been handed down to ensure that the fetus is well nourished and that the
mother will recover quickly after childbirth to perform her maternal role.
 Chinese parents pay more attention to the physical and intellectual development of their 'onlies' and
are less concerned about disciplining them.

b) How would you make reasonable adjustments within the workplace to facilitate participation by a
person with a disability?
 Acknowledgement of religious and cultural celebrations;
 Appropriate allocation of duties to particular staff members;
 Culturally appropriate mixing of staffs;
 Consideration of customers with special needs.

c) Why is diversity so essential to a balanced and successful workplace and indeed, to a balanced
If we were all the same we would all want to do and be the same things. Diversity offers new and different ideas,
skills and opportunities to grow and develop. In work teams’ diversity is essential so that all the team roles are
filled and each person coming to the team can contribute different skills and experience.



a) Project
No. Role or position and relationships Cultural differences Skills and experiences

1. Manager Brazilian Economist

2. Delivery Driver Brazilian Know all the places in the city.
3. Seller Man Brazilian Good communication with people.

4. Friend Australian Good communication and good notion

about business.
5. Chef Australian Faster and claim to all the orders.

6. Chef and Kitchen Hand Irish Good communication and faster.

b) How do you think understanding the preferences of others can assist in your daily working life?
I deal with this on a daily basis. My co-worker is quick in everything she does, while I am willing to forfeit some
speed for accuracy.

We both work hard to understand how we like to do things, so she always gives a little more time for me to do
what I need to do, and I try to find ways to speed up. Each of us trying to compromise a little. In return we are able
to be fairly efficient and accurate in our work.

Willingness to compromise and communicate is so essential when working with people who are not like you.

c) List five advantages of a diverse workforce.

 Employees from diverse backgrounds will bring diverse solutions to achieve a common goal – your goal.
 the more diverse your workforce, the more diverse your brainstorming, the more diverse your solutions,
the more diversely productive your team.
 When we have a strong, homogeneous culture, we stifle the natural cognitive diversity in groups through
the pressure to conform.
 When you hire diverse employees, it looks good [because it is good]. In turn, this diversity engenders
goodwill within your community and industry.
 A diverse workforce grants you a diverse and global perspective – a point of view rich with the incredible
nuances of human experience and culture – and that means you will have a greater chance of
communicating and expanding to more diverse markets, both at home and further afield.

d) What action can you take to increase your understanding of cultural differences and reduce the
prejudices and stereotypical assessments you make of other people?
 A course on prejudice can help not only convince you that unconscious bias exists; as you better
understand the phenomenon of unconscious bias, you’ll likely also become more aware of your own
biases, enabling you to address them.
 Cooperative learning; discussion and peer influence; instruction; and multi-cultural curriculum will help to
reduce prejudice.

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