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Think Like a Grandmaster Alexander Kotov Translated by Bernard Cafferty Algebraic Classics Series Series Editor: Dr. John Nunn GM B. T. Batsford Ltd, London ing pabied i dhe USSR. Pnghth eandation © BT Basford Led, 1971 ith impresion 1978 Reprinced 1960, 192, 1964, 1985, 1986, 1988, 190, 1994 Fine altri edi 1995 Repented 2001, 2002 (wc) 2008 ISBN 0 7138 7585 3 Briss Library Caloguing-Pablicsion Dat, ‘Netalogue second for this Book ‘ibe fom de Beash Library |All igh reserved No put ofthis Book may be repmadced by any esas, wothou prior permision ofthe publishes, “Typeset by Jota Nunn and Pea Fink an printed in Great Bean by ‘Greve Pint ané Desig fr te publisher: BT Basford Ll “The Chrys Basing Bramley Road Landon WI0 6S ‘an pen of Calis 208s Grow le Unie State and Cana by Seking Publishing Co. South New Yor, NYI0016, USA A HATSFORD CHESS BOOK Contents Symbols Preface Introduction: An Unusual Experiment 1 Analysis of Variations Do you Know how to Analyse? Historical Digrssion ‘The Thee of Analysis, Forced and Uaforced Variations Different Types of Tree ‘Bare Tron ‘A‘Coppice” “Thickets of Variations’ ‘Selection of Candidate Moves ‘What is a Candidate Move? “Creeping Moves’ Grose Blunders Dizziness due to Success Conditioned Reflexes “The Blind Spot ‘Through the Eyes ofa Pater ~ Blumenfeld’s Rule More Practical Advice "To Analyse of Nott Analyse? Positions for Analysis or Judgement ‘Trust your Opponeat or Not? ‘Time-rouble Exercises 2 Positional Judgement ‘Open Lines and Diagonals "Modern Ideas on Open Lines ‘Pawn Strcnure and Weak Squares ‘Weak Squares Passed Pawns 3 BReeee ysrnssoasyy

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