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Portfolio 2018-19

College Presentation
Date of presentation: March 22, 2019 Location or presentation: Butte

College(s) involved: Butte college

What did you learn about the admissions process?

A) I learned about how to apply for the fire academy. I had to submit an application in online
and maybe get in because there are many people applying for this fire academy, since this
is ranked #8 in the nation.

List five things you learned about this college/these colleges.

1) This is a hard academy

2) There is a lot of fun things about the academy.
3) In also learned what can get you kicked out
4) I learned that they have not had a full class graduate the class
5) I also learned about the scholarship program

What are some reasons you might want to attend this college?

A) I want to attend this college because it is the number 8 in the nation and coule get hired
anywhere I wanted pretty much.

What are some reasons you might not want to attend this college?

A) Its expensive and I need to get a new car before I go since my car is about to break.

After having seen this presentation, are you planning on applying to this school? Why or why

A) Yes I’m going to apply to this school because they have a really good fire acadamy.

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