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Thirty-Fourth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2010



Taufik R. Sidik*

ABSTRACT objectives alignment, use win – win solution

approach, and ensure contractor investment
One of current important issues in Indonesia oil and return
gas industry is monetize undeveloped gas reserves.
Many factors influence the gas monetization 3. Gas supply : increase national gas supply,
process, that are, gas reserves size, gas marketing sustainable gas supply, gas production
target, gas development costs, infrastructure optimization and accelerate unconventional gas
availability, field economics, development development.
technology, buyers availability, domestic or export
target and government/contractor share 4. Gas Utilization : portfolio energy efficiency,
optimization. energy diversification and energy conservation
A major issue in Indonesia oil/gas industry is
declining oil production reduce oil government 5. Gas Allocation : focus on government revenue
revenue, but in the other hand, government need optimization, optimize field development
money for national development. economic, domestic vs export allocation, and
infrastructure availability
Oil government revenue still play important role to
the state national budget although current oil 6. Gas pricing : gas price based on consumer and
reserve is lower than gas reserve. producer agreement, optimum field economic
gas price and attractive to investor.
Government should make any efforts to formulate
national gas policy with the objective to optimize Government should have a clear and strategic
government revenue from existing gas reserve (both planning to increase gas sales volume (both export
developed and undeveloped gas). National gas and domestic sales), defining gas pricing policy,
policy should focus on gas pricing and gas managing gas allocation to domestic market and
utilization to optimize potential high government export, managing gas utilization with other energy
revenue from existing gas reserves. sources such as geothermal, coal etc.

National gas policy should also be directed to Existing fiscal terms review is also needed to
balance gas government revenue and benefit to the increase government and contractor revenue.
country, balancing gas allocation to domestic and
export market which able to optimize government In monetizing undeveloped reserves, field
revenue. development economic play an important role. The
contractor will develop gas field project if economic
National gas policy framework focus on following return target achieved. Gas field development
areas: project postponed until economic return target
achieved. Current gas field development constraint
1. Gas government revenue optimization: is low domestic gas price which is caused by
optimize government revenue from existing gas domestic gas buyer ability.
reserve, and accelerate gas monetization
approval process of undeveloped reserves. This paper discuss an incentive mechanism between
2. Balancing government and contractor domestic gas and export gas to optimize gas
objectives : government and contractor government/contractor revenue.
* PT. Medco E&P Indonesia
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METHODOLOGY to give gas subsidy to domestic gas producer for

the price difference.
The main purpose of national gas pricing and gas
allocation is to maximize government and The gas subsidy mechanism is described in Figure
contractor revenue as well as accelerate 1.
undeveloped gas monetization. Some constraints in
monetizing undeveloped gas reserves are low ANALYSIS
domestic gas prices, buyer’s purchasing power,
domestic gas allocation and gas regulation which To prove export-domestic gas subsidy, an economic
result in uneconomic field development, therefore, evaluation and analysis is exercised in a case study
gas monetization postponed until economic target which consist of export gas producer and domestic
reached. gas producer.

The gas price of both domestic and export should be The export gas producer has options as follows.
based on buyer and seller agreement instead of
determined by government. 1. sell all the gas to export market only at export
price at $ 10.00/mmbtu
In regard to energy portfolio, government should 2. sell all the gas to domestic market at domestic
consider energy utilization priorities. Energy price at $ 3.50/mmbtu
utilization based on energy resources nearby and 3. sell the gas to 75% export at $ 10.00/mmbtu
gas utilization is the last priority due to gas scarcity. and 25% domestic market at $ 3.50/mmbtu.
Gas for domestic market also should be valued at 4. Sell all the gas to export market at export price
higher price to attract investor to monetize at $ 10.00/mmbtu and give subsidy to domestic
undeveloped gas fields. Higher domestic gas price gas producer
will increase economic indicator target, so that
government determine minimum domestic gas Meanwhile, domestic gas producer only have an
price. All domestic gas should be sold at least at option to sell gas to domestic market at domestic
minimum domestic gas price. If buyer’s purchasing gas price. The comparative economic of the above
power is lower than minimum domestic gas price, options are summarized in Figure 2
government will give subsidy to domestic gas
producer for the gas price difference. Based on the economic evaluation and analysis, the
option no 4 is able to give better economic return to
Domestic – export gas subsidy is a subsidy between government, export gas producer and domestic gas
export gas producers to domestic gas producer. Gas producer compared to option 2 and 3.
subsidy is given by the export producer to domestic
gas producer with the following mechanism: It means export – domestic gas subsidy mechanism
will give better economic return to gas exporter and
1. Gas producer sell the gas to domestic or export domestic producer.
market based on optimum economic return to
government. No government limitation to gas Benefit of Export – Domestic Gas Subsidy
The benefit of the subsidy are :
2. Domestic gas price is based on agreement
between domestic gas producer with the buyers Export Gas Producer :

3. Minimum domestic gas price is $ 5.00/mmbtu • Optimum government revenue with higher
export price than domestic price
4. If agreed gas price between domestic gas • Fulfill Gas Domestic Market Obligation
producer with the buyer is higher than $ • Better option rather than sell gas to domestic
5.00/mmbtu so that domestic gas buyer is not market
entitle to gas subsidy.
Domestic Gas Producer :
5. If agreed gas price between domestic gas
producer with the buyer is lower than $ • Gas revenue increase accelerate investment
5.00/mmbtu so that export gas producer obliged return
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• Better field economic return to be discussed by stakeholders, such as,

• Accelerate monetization of uneconomic determine criteria for export & domestic gas
undeveloped gas fields to domestic market producer, total allowable gas subsidies,
relationship between export gas producer and
Government : domestic gas producer, cost recovery control in
domestic gas producer and ring fencing.
• Optimum government revenue
• Provide domestic gas to domestic buyer at REFERENCES
reasonable price
• Gas buyers more competitive Directorate General of Oil and Gas, 2007, National
• Government will also give subsidy if gas equity Gas Policy.
split between export gas producer and domestic
gas producer is different. Directorate General of Oil and Gas, 2008,
• Gas domestic market utilization Allignment between Migas Law 22/2001 with UU
No 30/2007.
Directorate General of Oil and Gas, 2007, National
1. Domestic – export gas subsidy is able to give Gas Supply Plan.
optimum economic return to both government
and gas producers. Directorate General of Oil and Gas, 2005, Long
term National Oil and Gas Plan 2005-2020.
2. Domestic – export gas subsidy mechanism is
able to monetize uneconomic undeveloped gas Directorate General of Oil and Gas, 2006, National
field to domestic market. Gas Policy.

3. The domestic – export gas subsidy mechanism Energy Charter Secretariat, 2007, International
have some benefits and weaknesses both to Pricing Mechanism for Oil and Gas.
government and contractor, Government should
be able to overcome weakness. Daniel Johnston, International Petroleum Fiscal
Systems and Production Sharing Contract, Pennwell
4. If the above subsidy mechanism will be Publishing Company, 1994.
implemented, there are some outstanding issues
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Domestic – Export Gas Subsidy Mechanism

US$ Mio
ƒ Gas export producer’ revenue $ 1000M
ƒ Domestic gas standard price $
5.00/mmbtu with revenue $ 500M

ƒ If domestic gas price $ 3.50/mmbtu

with revenue $ 350 M then export gas
Subsidy for price producer obliged to subsidize domestic
difference $ 1.50
gas producer at price difference of $
600 1.50 amounting $ 150M
ƒ Gas subsidy in domestic gas producer
400 will be shared to government and
contractor based on respective gas
Revenue equity split.
at price
$ 5.0
At price
$ 3.5
Revenue Produsen Gas Ekspor Revenue Produsen Gas Domestik

PSC “A” : export gas producer

PSC “B” : domestic gas producer

Figure 1 - Domestic – export gas subsidy mechanism.

Export Gas Subsidy Mechanism

Economic of Gas Exporter and Domestic Producer
Gas Exporter Domestic Producer

All Gas for All Gas for Gas 75% Export Gas for export Without With
Export Domestic 25% Domestic Subsidy to Domestic Subsidy Subsidy
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 4
Government Share 6,145,342 2,991,769 5,356,949 5,874,630 478,432 749,144
Net Contractor Share 5,027,991 2,447,803 4,382,944 4,882,223 257,617 403,385
Cost Recovery 2,077,350 2,077,350 2,077,350 2,077,350 235,737 235,737
TOTAL SHARE 13,250,682 7,516,922 11,817,242 12,834,203 971,786 1,388,266
- - -
Net Contractor Share 5,027,991 2,447,803 4,382,944 4,882,223 257,617 403,385
Cost Recovery 2,077,350 2,077,350 2,077,350 2,077,350 235,737 235,737
Total Contractor Share 7,105,340 4,525,153 6,460,294 6,959,573 493,354 639,122
Opex Participating Interest (1,062,859) (1,062,859) (1,062,859) (1,062,859) (57,857) (57,857)
Capex Participating Interest (1,020,421) (1,020,421) (1,020,421) (1,020,421) (186,075) (186,075)
Net Cashflow PSC 5,022,060 2,441,873 4,377,013 4,876,292 249,422 395,189
- - -
NPV @ 10% 1,221,307 412,746 1,020,174 1,177,875 43,576 87,007
NPV @ 15% 706,633 180,754 576,258 677,182 15,027 44,477
IRR 240.26% 30.92% 191.3% 231% 19.8% 29.5%
POT 1.50 10.10 1.60 1.55 6.39 4.79

Figure 2 - Comparative Export Gas Subsidy Economic of Gas Exporter and Domestic Producer

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