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edTPA Lesson Plan

Name Priscilla M. Cicero

Lesson #, Lesson Title Lesson #1, An Introduction to the Syrian Civil War

Date and Day of the Week Tuesday, February 26th, 2019

Grade Level and Class 10th Grade World Affairs Elective
Period and Length 7th Period, 47 Minutes
Materials Needed Pens, pencils, highlighters, anticipation guide, smartboard, PowerPoint
presentation, relay activity worksheet, various topic-related articles,
mobile desks, map of Middle East
Standards and Objectives
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary describing political,
social, or economic aspects of history/social science.
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and

Learning Objectives:
SWBAT recognize economic, social, and political patterns or trends.

Central Focus: To examine the many national and international factors of the Syrian Civil War.
Academic Language Demands:
● Language Function: Examine, explain
● Language Demands: Explain verbally (sharing ideas) and through formal writing (highlighted, annotated key
facts derived from the text provided)
● Syntax: citing evidence
● Vocabulary: Bashar al-Assad; ISIS; Turkey; Gulf States; Saudi Arabia; Sunni; Shia; conflict; Rebels; Free
Syrian Army; Jordan; Iran; Iraq; imam; Kurds; Russia; United States; Hezbollah; Arab Spring Protests; Vladimir
Putin; President Donald Trump; Jihadists; Extremists; Islam/Islamic; martyrdom; caliph; caliphate; Al-Qaeda;
Jabhat al-Nusra; Proxy War; Holy War; civil; Civil War; theocracy
● Discourse: discussing thoughts with assigned group classmates, “I think this is important because…” or “I
found out that…”
● Language Supports: Students that are not avid readers may have difficulty with pronunciation of words or
phrases. As I circulate the room and facilitate the activity, I will approach each group individually throughout
the activity to monitor progress. In the meantime, I will also encourage each group of students to ask questions
so that I can offer correct pronunciations, as well as clarify any misconceptions or confusion. There is always a
model example demonstrated or presented in the beginning of each lesson, following the “I do, we do, you do”
Assessments Related to This Lesson:
● Anticipation Guide pre-assessment (formal)
● Entrance discussion based on pre-assessment (informal)
● Class/group discourse (informal)
● Relay summary activity worksheet (formal)
● Exit Index Card (informal)
● “Get the Gist” summary homework assignment (formal)
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks that Support Student Needs
Time Action Rationale
5-7 Launch (Motivation): Review of Pre-Assessment

5 Instructional Procedure (Model): How to Use the Relay

Summary Worksheet

25 Structured Practice (Application): Topic-Specific Article

Analysis using Relay Summary Worksheet

Article Titles:
1. Proxy War: The United States
2. Holy War: The Difference between Sunnis and Shias
3. Proxy War: Russia
4. International Players: Jordan, Iran, Turkey, the Gulf
States, and Iraq
5. The Humanitarian Crisis: 12 Million Refugees and Growing
5 After Structured Practice Assessment: Homework Assignment
Instructions and Review of Expectations

Get the Gist Summary:

1. Read the page or section of the textbook
2. Fill in the 5Ws and 1H you found out from your reading
3. Write a gist summary in 20 words or less!
5 Closure: Exit Ticket Index Card (5 Words)

Which 5 words would you use to describe your article? Keep them
in mind when completing your homework tonight!
1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________
edTPA Lesson Plan
Name Priscilla M. Cicero
Lesson #, Lesson Title Lesson #2, Syrian Civil War Jigsaw

Date and Day of the Week Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

Grade Level and Class 10th Grade World Affairs Elective
Period and Length 7th Period, 47 Minutes
Materials Needed Pens, pencils, smartboard, PowerPoint presentation, relay summary
worksheets, topic-specific articles
Standards and Objectives
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and
accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and

Learning Objectives:
SWBAT construct a master copy of information by participating in a “jigsaw” activity.

Central Focus: To examine the many national and international factors of the Syrian Civil War.

Academic Language Demands:

● Language Function: Explain in own words, construct
● Language Demands: Explain verbally (sharing ideas and information) and written (notes taken when listening
to others)
● Syntax: citing evidence
● Vocabulary: Bashar al-Assad; ISIS; Turkey; Gulf States; Saudi Arabia; Sunni; Shia; conflict; Rebels; Free
Syrian Army; Jordan; Iran; Iraq; imam; Kurds; Russia; United States; Hezbollah; Arab Spring Protests; Vladimir
Putin; President Donald Trump; Jihadists; Extremists; Islam/Islamic; martyrdom; caliph; caliphate; Al-Qaeda;
Jabhat al-Nusra; Proxy War; Holy War; civil; Civil War; theocracy
● Discourse: discussing thoughts and information with the rest of the class; one-sentence summary frames
welcome: “A _ is a kind of _ that…” or “x and y are similar in that they both…, but x… while y…”
● Language Supports: Students that are not avid readers may have difficulty with pronunciation of words or
phrases. As I circulate the room and facilitate the DIPN activity, I will approach each group individually to
monitor progress. In the meantime, I will also encourage each group of students to ask questions so that I can
offer correct pronunciations, as well as clarify any misconceptions or confusion. There is always a model
example demonstrated or presented in the beginning of each lesson, following the “I do, we do, you do”

Assessments Related to This Lesson:

● Entrance Discussion (informal)
● Class/group discourse (informal)
● Differentiated Instruction Presentation notes (formal)
● 3-2-1 Activity (formal)
● Exit Discussion (informal)

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks that Support Student Needs

Time Action Rationale
5-7 Launch (Motivation): “5 Words” Recap
Take a few minutes to share the five words you chose to
describe your article with the rest of your group. Why did you
choose these words?

1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
5 Instructional Procedure (Model): A “how-to” demonstration
provided by the teacher to show correct use of the
Differentiated Instruction Presentation Notes worksheet

20 Structured Practice (Application): DIPN Group Work

Differentiated Instruction Presentation Notes: Syria

Group #1

Group #2

Group #3

Group #4

Group #5

10 After Structured Practice Assessment: 3-2-1 Activity

On the back of your worksheet, write the following:

3 Facts from your own article
2 New facts you learned from your peers
1 Question you still have
5 Closure: Exit Discussion

Share that 1 Question You Still Have with the Rest of the Class

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