Adaptive Fuzzy State-Feedback Control For A Class of Multivariable Nonlinear Systems

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8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC-2016)

Algiers, Algeria- November 15-17, 2016

Adaptive Fuzzy State-feedback Control for a Class of

Multivariable Nonlinear Systems


LAJ, University of Jijel, LAJ, University of Jijel,
BP. 98, Ouled-Aissa, 18000 BP. 98, Ouled-Aissa, 18000
Jijel, Algeria Jijel, Algeria
E-mail: E-mail:

Abstract—In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy state-feedback control human expert. Some fuzzy adaptive control approaches for a
scheme is proposed for a class of uncertain multi-input multi- class of multivariable nonlinear uncertain systems have been
output (MIMO) nonlinear systems. The fuzzy logic systems (FLS) proposed in [1-9] thanks to the universal approximation
are used to online approximate unknown nonlinear functions. To theorem [10]. The stability of the closed-loop system, in these
improve the parameter convergence as well as the tracking
schemes, is established according to Lyapunov’s theory.
performances, an adaptation proportional-integral (PI) law is
proposed. In the control design procedure and stability analysis, Compared with conventional adaptive control schemes, the
a matrix factorization lemma is exploited. The later consists to key advantage of these adaptive fuzzy control schemes is that
decompose the control gain matrix into a symmetric positive- there is no need for a linear parameterization condition. To
definite matrix, a diagonal matrix with diagonal entries +1 or -1 cope with fuzzy reconstruction errors and external
and a unity upper triangular matrix. A Lyapunov approach is disturbances in these schemes, two approaches are generally
employed to simultaneously prove the asymptotic convergence of used, namely:
the tracking errors towards the origin and the boundedness of • the dominant fuzzy control term is augmented by a
the adaptive fuzzy parameters. Finally, simulation results are
robustifying control term (sliding mode control term
provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed control
scheme. and /or control term), e.g. [1-7, 9]
• the adaptive law is augmented by a proportional term,
Keywords—Adaptive control; fuzzy systems; state-feedback
control; adaptation PI law.
A key assumption in the schemes in [2-6] is that the control-
gains matrix should be positive or negative definite. How to
generalize these fundamental results to multivariable systems
I. INTRODUCTION with a control gain matrix that is not positive or negative
In control engineering, the majority of systems are definite is a very important issue. In [8], motivated by [11-13],
multivariable and nonlinear in nature. It is certain that the authors have tried to solve this problem by using a matrix
control theory for multivariable nonlinear systems will find a decomposition lemma. By this Lemma, one can decompose
direct application in a wide variety of problems (electrical the control gain matrix into a symmetric positive-definite
machines and robotics, chemical process, space technology, matrix, a diagonal matrix with diagonal entries +1 or-1 and a
and so on) [1]. Design a controller for multivariable nonlinear unity upper triangular matrix. Next, the symmetric matrix is
systems is a difficult problem owing to the coupling that exploited in the Lyapunov based stability analysis while the
naturally exists between the control inputs and the outputs. unity upper triangular matrix allows for an algebraic loop free
When these systems are uncertain and subject to unknown sequential synthesis of control signals. On the other hand, to
dynamical disturbances, their control issue becomes more deal with fuzzy reconstruction errors and external disturbances
challenging. In this area, theoretical results for designing and to improve parameter convergence and the tracking
appropriate control systems are actually very few [1]. performances, the adaptation law is augmented by a
proportional term. Despite this significant extension and
improvements, this control approach suffers unfortunately
Recently, the nonlinear multivariable control from following limitations:
incorporating the fuzzy systems as universal approximators
has received considerable attention over the past few decades. • The proportional term of the adaptation law, that
Fuzzy control has an impact in the control community because should be derivable, has been designed as a non-
the fuzzy controllers provide a systematic and efficient derivable function.
framework to incorporate linguistic fuzzy information from

978-0-9567157-6-0 © IEEE 2016

8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC-2016)
Algiers, Algeria- November 15-17, 2016

• The existence of the algebraic loop problem in the Lemma 1: Any real matrix ∈ ×
with nonzero
adaptation law. leading principle minors can be factorized as follows [7,8]:

In this paper, motivated by the above considerations [8], an =/ 01 2

adaptive fuzzy state-feedback control for a class of multi-
input multi-output (MIMO) nonlinear systems subject to where / ∈ ×
is a symmetric and positive definite
dynamical disturbances is proposed. As in [8], the so-called matrix, 0 ∈ ×
is a diagonal matrix with +1 or -1 in its
SDU matrix decomposition of the control gain matrix (that is diagonal, and 1 ∈ ×
is unity upper triangular matrix.
assumed to be with non-zero leading principal minors) is The diagonal elements of 0 are the ratios of the signs of the
completely exploited in the control design. For updating the leading principal minors of .
fuzzy parameters, an adaptation PI law is proposed. It is
proven that the proposed control scheme can guarantee the Using Lemma1, the system (1) can be written as
convergence of the tracking errors to zero and the
boundedness of all involved signals in the closed-loop system. / = + 01 3
Compared to this closed related work [8], the main
contributions of this work include: where/ =/ ∈ ×
is symmetric and positive
• by introducing a low-pass filter, a novel PI adaptation definite, =/ + , ∈ .
law is proposed, this law doesn’t suffer from the
well-known algebraic-loop problem and its The output tracking error 4 ∈ is defined as follows
proportional part is derivable.
• The MIMO system is assumed to be with dynamical 4 = " − 4
external disturbances.
As in [13], to simplify the design of our control scheme, we
introduce the following error variables 4 ∈ , ( = 2, … , +
Consider the following class of nonlinear MIMO systems 47 = 4 + 4 ,
described by
= + + , , 1 48 = 47 + 47 + 4 ,
Where = [ … ] is the overall state vector,
∈ represents the control input, ∈ is the ⋮

4 =4 +4 +4 7 . 5
system output, is an unknown continuous
nonlinear vector, =[ ]∈ ×
is an unknown
continuous nonlinear C matrix, and , ∈ is the
external disturbance vector. One can easily get the following relation [13]:

4 = ;* 4 ∀ ( = 2,3, … , +. 6
The objective of this paper is to design a control law u such as
the output ∈ follows a specified desired trajectory
" ∈ , with all involved signals in the closed-loop <=
system remain bounded.
where the known constant coefficients * are generated
Assumption 1: The desired trajectory vector " = through the so-called Fibonacci number series [12].
[ " " … " ] ∈ ∗
is supposed continuous,
bounded and available for measurement.
Let’s define a novel error signal ? as follows
Assumption 2:
? =4 +4 7
(a) The leading principal minors of are non-zero and
their signs are known.
(b) $ %$ = 0, ∀ ( = 1, … , ) *+, - = 1, … , ).
From (3), (6) and (7), one can obtain the dynamics of ? as

, ∈
/ ?=0 / A + ∑ <=7 * 4 +4 D−
Assumption 3: is supposed unknown and C
0 −1
The following matrix factorization will be used later in the
control design. with / = 0 / 0 and ? = E? , … , ? F = 0 ?.

978-0-9567157-6-0 © IEEE 2016

8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC-2016)
Algiers, Algeria- November 15-17, 2016

The expression (8) can be reorganized as follows

∑i< W ∏ < fgO
1 WX =
= j k , 13
/ ?++ / ? =G H − − 04 9 ∑i< ∏ fgO
2 < h
G H = [G H , … , G H ]

= 0 / J +;* 4 +4 K−0
+ / ?− 1 −L + 04 10

with H = [H , H7 , … , H ] . By examining the expression of

G H , the vector H can be determined as follows [7, 8]

H = [ , 7 , … , ] ,
H7 = [ , 8 , … , ] ,

H = [ , ] ,
Fig.1. Basic configuration of a fuzzy logic system.

H = , 11

It is clear from the property of the matrix 1 − L that H wherefgO to ] , m is the

depends on control inputs 7 , …,and , H7 depends on 8 , …,
is the degree of membership of
number of fuzzy rules, j = [W , W 7 , … , W i ] is the adjustable
and , and so on. In fact, the structure of the
nonlinearities G H is known under the name “upper
parameter vector (composed of the consequent parameters),
and k = [k , k 7 , … , k i ],
triangular control structure”. Recall that this useful structure
allows for algebraic loop free sequential synthesis of control
signals , ∀ ( = 1,2, … , ).

∏ < fgO
k = 14
Define the compact sets as follows h
ΩNO = P[ , C , … , ] Q ∈ ΩR ⊂ , " ∈ ΩRT U, ∑i< ∏ < fgO
( = 1,2, … , ) − 1,

ΩNV = P Q ∈ ΩR ⊂ , " ∈ ΩRT U, is the fuzzy basis function (FBF).

Because the functions G H are unknown, in the The fuzzy system (14) is the most frequently used in control
following, the fuzzy systems will be used to approximate them. applications. Following the universal approximation results
III. FUZZY APPROXIMATION [10], the fuzzy system (14) is able to approximate any
nonlinear smooth function f on a compact operating space to
The basic configuration of a fuzzy logic system consists of an arbitrary degree of accuracy. Of particular importance, it is
a fuzzifier, some fuzzy IF-THEN rules, a fuzzy inference assumed that the structure of the fuzzy system and the
engine and a defuzzifier, as shown in Fig. 1. The fuzzy membership function parameters are properly specified in
inference engine uses the fuzzy IF-THEN rules to perform a advance by the designer. This means that the designer decision
mapping from an input vector = [ , 7, … , ] ∈ to an is needed to determine the structure of the fuzzy system,
output WX ∈ [1].
namely the pertinent inputs, the number of membership
functions for each input, the membership function parameters
and the number of rules. As for the consequent parameters, i.e.
j, they must be determined by learning algorithms.
The ith fuzzy rule is written as

: if is ] and … and d is W , 12
The unknown nonlinear function G H can be approximated
where] , ]7 , … , and] are fuzzy sets and W is the fuzzy over compact set ΩNO by the linearly parameterized fuzzy
singleton for the ith rule. By using the singleton fuzzifier, system (13) as follows

product inference, and center-average defuzzifier, the output
Gl H , j = j k H , ( = 1, … , ) 15
of the fuzzy system can be expressed as follows

978-0-9567157-6-0 © IEEE 2016

8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC-2016)
Algiers, Algeria- November 15-17, 2016

wherek H is the fuzzy basis vector, which is fixed a priori where { = ,(* „… †, {• = ,(* P…• U, and {‚ = ,(* „…‚ †.
by the designer, and j is the adjustable parameter vector of { , {• , and {‚ ∈ ×
are positive definite design matrices.
the fuzzy system.

The ideal value of j can be defined

Remark.1: Note that the control law (21) is mainly composed
of four control terms: a fuzzy adaptive term j k H which is
used to cancel the unknown nonlinearities G H and a robust
control term {‚ ƒ( + ?} which is introduced to compensate for
j ∗ = *m nO )(+ osup |G H − Gl H , j |u, 16
uncertain term O ‖j ∗ ‖7 + x . As for {• ?} , it is used for the

stability purposes. Finally, the integral term is employed to
Also, let us denote reduce the steady-state error.

jv = j − j ∗ with ( = 1, … , ), 17
To update the fuzzy parameters, the following adaptive PI
asthe parameter estimation error, and laws are used:

x H = G H − Gl H , j ∗ 18 j + ‰7 Š‹ = −Œ ‰ Q? Qj + ‰ ? k H 22
Š‹ = −‰7 Š‹ + ‰7 Š 23
as the fuzzy approximation error where Gl H , j ∗ = j ∗ k H .

According to the universal approximation theorem [10], we WithŠ = − −Œ Q? Qj + ? k H , where ‰ ,‰7 ,Œ > 0 are
have: the design constants.
|x H | ≤ x , ∀ H ∈ ΩNO ,
Remark.2: It is worth noting that the adaptation law (22) is
Wherex is a given constant. augmented by two terms for different purposes. The e-
modification term ensures the parameter estimates
Now, let us denote boundedness, while the proportional term Š‹ enhances the
stability requirement of the adaptive fuzzy system and the
G H = j k H = [G H , j , … , G H ,j ] parameter convergence. Unlike [8], by introducing the low-
pass filter (23), the well-known algebraic-loop problem and
x H = [x H , … , x H ]
the derivability of the proportional part are naturally solved in
this paper.
x = [x , … , x ]
Substituting (21) into (20), we obtain

From the above analysis, we can get •
? / ? + ? / ? = − ; ? jv k H − ? {( o| ?} , u − ? {• ?}
Gl H , j − G H = Gl H , j − Gl H , j ∗ + Gl H , j ∗ − G H < €

= Gl H , j − Gl H , j ∗ − x H − ; …‚ Q? Q + ; ? x H − ? 04 24
= jv k H − x H 19 < <

where jv k H = Ejv k H , … , jv k H F , and jv = Theorem 1.Consider the system (1) and suppose that
j − j ∗ with ( = 1, … , ). Assumptions 1-3 are valid. Then, the control law defined by
(21)-(23) guarantees the following properties:
From (17)-(19), the dynamics (9) can be rewritten as follows:
• All signals in the closed-loop system are bounded.
? / ? + ? / ? = − ; ? jv k H + ; ? x H +
• The output tracking error4 and all other related error
2 variables *ƒ ? WŽm - = 1, … , ) and 4 ∈ , WŽm ( =

< < 2, … , +) asymptotically decrease to zero.
;? j k H − ? − ? 04 20
Proof of Theorem 1.To analyze the stability of the closed-
Based on the system (20), the control input can be designed as loop system, a non-negative function • ∈ is defined as

= { | ?} ,~ + {• ?} + {‚ ƒ( + ?} + j k H 21

978-0-9567157-6-0 © IEEE 2016

8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC-2016)
Algiers, Algeria- November 15-17, 2016

Then, the robot system (29) can be expressed as follows:

1 1 1 –= ¡ + ¡ + ¡ , , 30
;•jv + ‰7 Š‹ • +
•= ;4 4 + ? / ? +
2 2 2‰
W −ℎ•7 −ℎ • + •7 •
< <
=” — = −˜ ” — ” —,
W7 ℎ• 0 •7
1 • • ℎ ℎ7 ˜ ˜7
+ ;•Š‹ • + o| ?} ,~ u { o| ?} ,~u 25
7 =” —=˜ =” —.
ℎ7 ℎ77 ˜7 ˜77
2 € €

The time derivative of V along of (22)-(24) is and ¡ , = [¢ , ¢7 , ] .

• ≤ − ; 4 4 − ? {• ?} − ; ‰7 •Š‹ • − ; …‚ Q? Q

< < <

− ∑ < Œ Q? Qjv j + ∑ < Q? Q x (26)

Using the inequality

Œ 7 Œ
− ; Œ Q? Qjv j ≤ − ; Q? Q•jv • + ; Q? Q‖j ∗ ‖7 ,
2 2
< < <

and if we select …‚∗ ≥ ‖j ∗ ‖7 + x , (26) becomes

• ≤ − ∑ < 4 4 − ? {• ?}
Fig. 3.a 2 links manipulator robot.

The desired trajectories are " = sin and "7 = sin .

So, all signals in the closed-loop control system remain

The fuzzy system j k H has • , • , •7 , •7 , 7as inputs,

bounded and the control input isbounded. Also, from (28),
and by using Barbalat’s lemma [14], we can conclude that the
output tracking error4 and all other related error variables while j7 k7 H7 has • , • , •7 , •7 as inputs. For each variable
as ? for - = 1, … , )and 4 ∈ , for( = 2, … +,) of the entries the fuzzy systems, as in [15], one defines three
triangular membership functions uniformly distributed on the
intervals [-2,2] for • , • , •7 , •7 , and [-25,25] for 7 .
asymptotically converge to zero.
A. Example 1: A manipulator robot
Consider a two-link rigid manipulator robot moving on a The design parameters are chosen as follows: ‰ = ‰ 7 =
horizontal plane. The dynamic equations of this MIMO system 100, ‰7 = ‰77 = 35, Œ = Œ7 = 0.1, £ = £7 = 2, … =
are given by [8] … 7 = 0.2.

•– ˜ ˜7 −ℎ•7 −ℎ • + •7 •
” —=” — ™A D−” — ” —› , 29
The initial conditions are selected as
•– 7 ˜7 ˜77 7 ℎ• 0 •7 0 = [0.5 0 1 0] ,j 0 = 0, j7 0 = 0, …= 0 = 0and
…= 0 = 0. The external disturbances ¢ , and¢7 , are
where˜ = * + 2*8 cos •7 + 2*• sin •7 , assumed to be square waves having an amplitude of ∓1 with a
˜77 = *7 , period of 2¥ ƒ .
˜7 = ˜ 7 = *7 + *8 cos •7 + *• sin •7 ,
ℎ = *8 sin •7 − *• cos •7 , Fig. 4 shows the simulation results of the proposed adaptive
* = L + ) žŸ7 + L + ) žŸ7 + ) ž 7 ,
fuzzy controller. These results show good tracking

*7 = L + ) žŸ7 ,
performances with all signals in the closed-loop being

*8 = ) ž žŸ cos Š ,
bounded. Figs. 4(a) and (b) show the tracking errors of the two

*• = ) ž žŸ sin Š ,
links. Fig. 2(c) illustrates the norms of adaptive fuzzy
parameters. Fig.4(d) presents the boundedness of control
In the simulation; the following parameters values are used
) = 1, ) = 2, ž = 1, žŸ = 0.5, žŸ = 0.6, L = 0.12, L
= 0.25, Š = 30.
Let = [ , 7 ] = [• , •7 ] , = [ , 7 ] , =
[• , • , •7 , •7 ] .

978-0-9567157-6-0 © IEEE 2016

8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC-2016)
Algiers, Algeria- November 15-17, 2016

B. Example 2: A 2 DOF helicopter The system (31) can be expressed as follows:

– ‚ ‚ ‚ , , 32
Consider the model of a 2 DOF helicopter (CE150) which has
two propellers driven by two DC motors , 7 and two
outputs namely: the horizontal angle j (or the elevation angle)
W1 5cosjƒ(+jjLž2 5cosjƒ(+j§Lž2 §
µ ¶ 5˜51 © ¬o u
and the vertical angle ¦ (or the azimuth angle). This system is

W2 cosjƒ(+j§Lž2 0 j
shown in figure 2. 5 ˜51 ,

š š7
§– § ” — ˜ .
˜ §, j o – u š7 š77

¨ §, j, §, j o u §, j ~ 31
j j
ªŽƒ §L«7 7
0 0 and ‚ , ¢ , ¢7 , .
˜ §, j © ¬, §, j © ¬,
0 L«7 ) LŸ ªŽƒj
In this simulation, the helicopter’s parameters are:)
5cosjƒ(+jjL«7 5cosjƒ(+j §L«7
¨ §, j, §, j o u, 0.42 … , )7 0.16 … , )« 0.35 … , ) )«
cosjƒ(+j§L«7 0 ) )7 , ž 0.198 ) , ž7 0.174 ) , 9.8.
³̄ ³
² « C«°
and ~ -®®¯±, where L«7 ) ž7 )7 ž77, žŸ
° 8 «¯ C«°

)« ž 5 ž7 ) ž 5 )7 ž7 /). The desired trajectories are " sin and "7 sin .
The fuzzy system j k H has ¦, ¦, j, j , 7 as inputs, while
j7 k7 H7 has ¦, ¦, j, jas inputs. For each variable of the
entries the fuzzy systems, as in [15], one defines three
triangular membership functions uniformly distributed on the
intervals [-2,2] for ¦, ¦, j, j, and [-25,25] for 7 . The
external disturbances ¢ , and¢7 , are assumed to be
square waves having an amplitude of ∓1 with a period of
2¥ ƒ .

The design parameters have been selected as in the previous


The simulation results for this second example are shown in

Fig. 5. From these results, it is shown that the tracking
performance of this controller is also satisfactory.

Fig. 2.a 2 DOF helicopter (CE150).

Figure 4. Simulation results for a 2 links manipulator robot (example 1) .(a) Tracking errors of link 1: e1 (blue line) and 4 (red line). (b) Tracking errors of link 2:
e2 (blue line) and 47(red line). (c) Norm of fuzzy parameters: ‖j ‖ (blue line) and ‖j7 ‖ (red line). (d) Control signals: u1 (blue line) and u2 (red line).

978-0-9567157-6-0 © IEEE 2016

8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC-2016)
Algiers, Algeria- November 15-17, 2016

Figure 5. Simulation results for a 2 DOF helicopter (example 2) .(a) Tracking errors of the azimuth angle: e1 (blue line) and 4 (red line). (2) Tracking errors of the
elevation angle: e2 (blue line) and 47(red line).(c) Norm of fuzzy parameters: ‖j ‖ (blue line) and ‖j7 ‖ (red line). (d) Control signals: u1 (blue line) and u2 (red
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978-0-9567157-6-0 © IEEE 2016


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