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Monday 4/8/19

● When I arrived, the children were eating. So, I sat down at one of the tabled and let the
children become acquainted with my presence
● While the children were transitioning, I helped to clean the tables of food.
● When all the children were seated on the road, they did classroom attendance. I was sitting
on the rug along with the children and Ms.Lizcum.
● From there the children were dismissed to small groups for a center time. After the last child
was placed in the center I proceeded to hover around and then choose a center to sit and
interact with the children.
● After playtime, the teachers transition the children to clean up by flashing the lights of the
classroom. I just observed them. The students are expected to clean up independently.
● The children sat on their spouse and were called 2 at a time to wash their hands.
● The children got their snack out of their cubbies and sat at the table. The children without
snack were served by the teachers. I assisted the children in opening snacks, for those who
needed help.
● After snack the children pack up and put on the coats, I assisted the children that could not
do it themselves.
● After we walked the children so the front for their bus.

Observed Episode

Monday was a day full of new experiences for me as a student teacher. Both of our classrooms lead
teachers were absent from the classroom because it was staff development there. there were two
substitutes placed in our classroom. Usually my teacher's aide Ms. Fisher would be present to help
facilitate the classroom in the offhand chance that my teacher was absent. However, Ms. Fisher was also
absent. it did not help that the substitute that was placed in the classroom was not the usual substitute.
the children were very confused by the change and did not know how to react. upon my arrival, they
seemed to calm down from what I was told by the substitute. I got to observe and, in some cases, lend a
hand in major parts of the classroom routines and activities.


I first hand got to see how children can be affected by a change in the routine an atmosphere of the
classroom. Having a consistent routine and stable relationships helps the children to feel safe and
comfortable in the classroom. When there is a major change made them in the classroom the children
can be shaken and adding a new unfamiliar face introduced, the children can be confused, and some
were a little distant towards the substitute.

Involved Episode

With the absence of Ms. Liscum, I was given the chance to lead in the morning and afternoon circle time.
having the opportunity to engage the children in large groups was something different and a little
challenging for me. During the morning circle time lead the class in the usual routine, being the substitute
was not familiar with it and the children were not receptive of her. Having me guide them through their
routine helped to give the children a sense of normalcy for them. Picking one of the student's names to
help me do the calendar and check the weather. I let the children choose the book that we would read.
That helped to ensure that the children were engaged and interested in the material I was reading. I made
sure to set out books that pertained to the theme of the week which was the weather.
I now know and understand the need for predictable and consistent schedules and equally constant
routines. Schedules and routines are imperative to an early childhood classroom because it gives the
children a sense of security and control over their environment. Children stand to gain a tremendous
amount when they feel a part of a routine some of the important skills that children learn include
self-control, behavioral correction and, social and emotional development.

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