Madelynn Meredith - Integrity Essay

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Madelynn Meredith

Integrity Essay
From the very beginning integrity has been a huge part of my life. It is in everything from school
to athletics and I have always strived to have integrity in everything I do. Integrity is not
something that is easy to have or else everyone would have it. It is doing the right thing when no
one is watching and without expectation of reward. Having integrity is difficult and having
people in your life who motivate you to be your best self are vital to your success. Integrity in
my life is best illustrated by a tree.

Structure​: A tree's trunk serves to give a tree strength and shape, carrying much needed
nutrients, helping the tree survive. Without the trunk the leaves and branches wouldn’t exist and
there would be no direction to its growth. In my life my career path is what guides me through
my life. Setting goals and achieving them is what gets me out of bed in the morning. My dream
is to be a pediatrician and own my own practice, getting to help and interact with children and
their families everyday would be amazing. This is not an easy path and I know that I will have to
work very hard to achieve it. I also know to ever be successful I have to maintain integrity. If I
am not honest in my actions I will never achieve what I want.

Style​: A trees leaves and the fruit it produces differentiates it from the others. They make the tree
colorful, fun, and aid in its growth and well being. In my life soccer adds the strength and beauty
that leaves and fruit do for trees. It is my outlet for the stresses in my life. Soccer has always
been an intense passion of mine and it has made my life interesting and fun. It has added a side
to living I can’t get from anything else and the skills and relationships I’ve gained from it cannot
be replaced. Through soccer and all the sports I have participated in I have learned
determination, teamwork, and above all else integrity. Being honest in workouts and trainings is
vital to performing well in games and achieving the college scholarship I had always dreamed of.

Cohesion​: To a tree the sap is what brings it all together, filling in the gaps and helping it heal
when it is injured. My faith acts the same way, helping to fill in the gaps in my life. Before I
became truly active in my church I knew there was something missing in my life and there was
something I needed to give life the meaning I had been searching for. As soon as I began to
integrate faith in my every day I saw a change and was given new light and strength I couldn’t
find anywhere else. It brought together everything I had already been working toward and made
me happier than ever before. With this joy I am able to even better integrate integrity into my life
and strive to always act justly.

Strength​: The bark of a tree serves to keep the tree healthy and protected throughout the
duration of its life. It protects it from animals, insects, and weather helping it to grow to its full
potential. In my life my friends are analogous to the tree’s bark. They are always there when I
reach the lows in life, helping me get through them and come out the other side better and
stronger. They challenge me to grow and always help me to take on the challenges of everyday.
They inspire me and I learn so much from their kind and intelligent actions. Without their
company my life would not be as enjoyable and each day would be more difficult. Their
goodness encourages me to maintain integrity, always showing me it is the right thing to do and
never encouraging otherwise.

Durability​: The roots of a tree serve to keep it connected to its lifesource, the soil. They are
where the tree begins and help it stay put during adverse weather. In my life I have always held
myself to high standard and set difficult goals for myself. Without doing this and without my
determination and work ethic I wouldn't have been able to accomplish what I have. This passion
and inability to settle was instilled in me at a young age by my parents. Without this guidance
and example I would not be the person I am today. This desire for improvement and success is
one of my favorite things about myself and I wouldn’t be me without it. I am always looking to
improve in every aspect of my life whether its sports, academics, or social I always want to be
the best I can and balance them all. While I do lack in these areas occasionally the constant
realization and correction is what will allow me to take on life’s challenges and be the best I can

Direction​: The branches of a tree guide growth and allow opportunity for leaves and fruit to
grow. They help to make the tree beautiful and significant. My family serves as the branches in
my life. I have my mom, dad, a younger brother and older sister. They have all affected my life
in positive ways and helped guide and shape me into the person I am today. My father taught me
strength and perseverance while my mother taught me how to be me and is my best friend,
always offering advice and love. My sister has always been a role model and friend, giving me
something to strive for. My brother gives me someone to impress and teach, I always want to be
a good example for him and I always enjoy his company. They have all taught me the
importance of integrity, love, and goodness. Without them all I would have no direction, I
wouldn't know how to go about my days and wouldn’t be the person I turned out to be. I owe
everything to them and am so excited to always have them in my life.

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