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Imagining my Peaceful Place

1) I want you to think of one of your favourite places in the world that brings you the
most peace…. imagine being there right now

2) In your peaceful place I want you to take a look around…. What is it that you see?
Take in all your surroundings… What is that you see?

3) In your peaceful place I want you to listen… What sounds do you hear? ….. What
sounds are in the distance?

4) In your peaceful place I want you to smell… What can you smell? Move around in
your peaceful place… Do the smells change?

5) In your peaceful place I want you to taste…. What flavours can you taste?

6) In your peaceful place I want you to lie down… What can you feel on your skin? …
Stand up in your peaceful place.. What can you feel now on your skin?

Students open a google doc and name it my peaceful place… Find a picture or photo of
something that resembles their peaceful place and write down at least 3 things of each of the
➔ What I see
➔ What I hear
➔ What I smell
➔ What I taste
➔ What I feel

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