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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 12 -- Ed. 2.

Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars

Magazine Twelve

The Leadership, and the English Language

The English Language, and the Leadership.

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Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars -- 12 -- Ed. 2.0

The only competition you will ever have is with your own ignorance.
Bob Proctor.

Keep your mind on a higher image rather than a lower concern.

Philip Nacola.

Scientists will tell you that everything is energy. I choose to say that everything
is Spirit.
Bob Proctor.

People, as a rule, can be classified as positive personalities (optimists) or

negative personalities (pessimists).
Bob Proctor.

Don't trade integrity for status or power — it's a very poor bargain [agreement].
Sheila Murray Bethel.

Whatever you are doing, put your whole mind on it. If you are shooting, your
mind should be only on the target. Then you will never miss. If you are learning
your lessons, think only of the lesson.
Swami Sivananda

There is a huge value in learning with instant feedback.

Anant Agarwal

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At the very core of my relationship to learning is the idea that we should be as

organic as possible. We need to cultivate a deeply refined introspective sense,
and build our relationship to learning around our nuance [distinction] of
Joshua Waitzkin

How does Brian Tracy define the leadership?. - Here, a valuable answer of
him. ‘Remember that true leadership is about striving to become better in all
areas of life and empowering everyone around you to become the best versions
of themselves. Always focus on improving your leadership qualities as well as
others around you’.
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

Leaders set high standards. Refuse to tolerate mediocrity or poor performance.

Brian Tracy

Among the knowledge of Brain Tracy, ‘Cut your losses’ has my validation. He
communicates: ‘Superior leaders are willing to admit a mistake and cut their
losses. Be willing to admit that you’ve changed your Mind. Don’t persist when
the original decision turns out to be a poor one’.
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz

If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships

- the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at
President Franklin D. Roosevelt

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Respect for the rights of others means peace.

Benito Juarez - Mexican past President and national hero; 1806-1872

Accordingly [As a result], globalization is not only something that will concern
and threaten us in the future, but something that is taking place in the present
and to which we must first open our eyes.
Ulrich Beck

One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of attention.
Jim Rohn

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn‘t said.

Peter Drucker

Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The principle goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new
things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done – men who
are creative, inventive and discoverers.
Jean Piaget

The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and
Carl Rogers

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The cure for sorrow [unhappiness] is to learn something.

Barbara Sher

Keep good company. Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift
you higher.
Oprah Winfrey

Possibility. Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred
privilege. Use it. Dwell [Reside] in possibility.
Oprah Winfrey

Do what you love. Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing
on what excites you.
Oprah Winfrey

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.

Milton Berle

Trust people and they will be true to you; Treat them greatly, and they will show
themselves great.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a way to do it better…find it.

Thomas Edison

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To define your vision realistically, you have to understand what drives your
people, what their values are, and what they are capable of accomplishing with
the right support and direction. You also need to have an intimate
understanding of your corporate culture and the key characteristics of your
business environment.
Justin Constantine

Being a great leader means you are willing to take a hard look at yourself and
identify your strengths and weaknesses.
Justin Constantine

Justin Constantine, says: ‘Understanding your people can only happen through
close interaction with them’. Now, an important issue is to have in that group a
great and international authors of books of self-development, of books of the
philosophy of success, and to read that books. Of course!, and Mexico, we have
authors of that international greatness. So, vital separation and vital union with
the great thought of Justin Constantine.
M.C. Enrique Ruiz Diaz

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Those who are unacquainted [ignorant] with the details of scientific

investigation have no idea of the amount of labor expended in the
determination of those numbers on which important calculations or inferences
[implications] depend [be subject to]. They have no idea of the patience shown
by a Berzelius in determining atomic weights [masses]; by a Regnault in
determining coefficients of expansion; or by a Joule in determining the
mechanical equivalent of heat [temperature].
John Tyndall

To do successful research, you don‘t need to know everything, you just need to
know one thing that isn‘t known.
Arthur L. Schawlow

To find out [discover] what happens to a system when you interfere with it you
have to interfere with it (not just passively observe it).
George E.P. Box

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10 Quotes, by Maxime Lagacé

1. Yesterday I was clever [intelligent], so I wanted to change the world.

Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

2. Be like a tree and let the dead leaves drop [fall].

3. Let silence be the art you practice.

4. I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying about who hears or what
they think.

5. What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs.

6. The whole universe is contained within a single human being – you.

7. There is a voice that doesn’t use words, listen.

8. What you seek is seeking you.

9. When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.

10. As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.


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New Thesis: A Structure of Composition of the Knowledge.

Figura: Se presenta un portlet con capacidad de atraerse «Servicios Web».

Así, nuestro portlet, y según se muestra imagen ejemplo, se atrae «las
capacidades» de otorgar al usuario final la Magazine de liderazgo, número

Hoy es 2 de Mayo de 2019.

Estimado lector, (1) según usted aprecia en la descripción de la figura inmediata

anterior, nuestro portlet funciona para atraerse una sola «Magazine», (2) pero
con la capacidad de agregar un poco a nuestro servicio Web, también, es posible
otorgar a los portlets, la capacidad de atraerse a ellos – y para el usuario final –
la relación completa de las «Magazines of Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars», desde
la 1 a la 30. Entonces, desde el Servicio Web para los portlets, la primera opción,
o bien la segunda opción, (3) o sin problema alguna, las dos opciones juntas.

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Finalmente, estimado lector le comento que para los profesionales que son muy
lejanos a Informática y a Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales, nuestro
presente tema puede, o pudiera, parecer un poco raro, pero dentro de esas
carreras la «inteligencia computacional e informática» es bastante interesante.

Bien, hago un breve paréntesis y agrego que un Servicio Web – para la finalidad
legítima que fuese, se construye, digamos que en un servidor. Entonces, en ese
servidor se provee uno o más servicios Web. Ahora bien, solicito su atención: a
lo largo y ancho del mundo las computadoras tienen la opción de agregar
portlets, portlets para presentar los Servicios Web, Servicios Web de su elección,
de su requerimiento. Así que los portlets, y los Servicios Web se construyen muy
apartes, pero pueden asociarse para bien del usuario final. Recuerde: los portlets
en la cadena final, atendiendo al usuario final. Bien, cierro mi paréntesis.

Sí, estamos hablando de una nueva Tesis, la Tesis denominada «A Structure of

Composition of the Knowledge».

Comentario: Estimado lector, y estimado investigador, yo debo comunicar que

no tengo, ahora, plan alguno de implementar lo referido con Instituto de
Educación Superior, alguno. Ahora bien, seguramente el entusiasmo mundial
es el que expande el proyecto; y se crean ramificaciones, mismas que
vislumbran el valor de Tesis. Ramificaciones en el orden cognitivo, y
ramificaciones en el orden de sistemas computacionales.

Autor: M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.


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Ask the Fundamental Sales

Question, by Brian Tracy

There is one big sales question that you

can use in your business and with your
products and services for the rest of our
career. It is:

What exactly is to be sold, and to whom

is it to be sold, and by whom, and how is
it to be sold, priced, and paid for, and how is it to be produced, delivered, and

Your ability to ask and answer each of the multiple questions within this
fundamental question, and then to weave [interlace] your answers into a
complete sales presentation and business process, is your key to sales success.
It is amazing [surprising] how many business owners have never really
considered this question and are unclear about the correct answers.

It is worth repeating: Business success comes from high sales. The fastest way
to get through a business crunch is to focus single-mindedly [resolutely] on
generating more and better sales to more and better customers.

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Francesca Brambilla

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Psychology - Some Precise Concepts

1. Affiliation -
n. 1. A sense of joining or social connection. 2. A need to seek and enjoy
close and cooperative relationships with others and to adhere to and
remain loyal in those relationships.

2. American College Testing Program -

n. (ACT) A test of academic learning used to predict academic
performance widely used by college admission committees in the United
States. It is the largest [principal] competitor of the Scholastic Aptitude
test (SAT). The ACT has subtests in English Usage [Practice], Social
Sciences, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences from which a composite
[combined] score is calculated as a summary predictive index of future
academic performance.

3. American Psychological Association -

n. (APA) A professional organization of persons holding [conducting]
doctoral degrees in psychology which promotes the clinical practice of
psychology (among the many disciplines of psychology), sets ethical
guidelines for psychologists, and publishes numerous research journals.

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4. American Psychological Society -

n. (APS) The original name for the Association for Psychological Science,
an organization of persons holding [possessing] doctorates in psychology
formed to promote the scientific study of psychology. APS was formed
by a group of academic researchers who believed that the APA was too
oriented to clinical practice and was not adequately [effectively]
representing their interests and point of view.

5. Anabolism -
n. The form of metabolism in which proteins are built up [developed] and
energy is stored [accumulated]. It is the opposite of catabolism, in which
proteins are broken down [dilapidated] and energy released [liberated].


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1. A University of Pittsburgh study found that the most important factor in

selecting managers is communication skills.

2. Communication is the art and process of creating and sharing ideas.

Effective communication depends on the richness of those ideas. -
[Leadership & 100 and 5 Stars].

3. Communication skills are the tools that we use to remove the barriers
[obstacles] to effective communication.

4. The communication process is composed of several stages, each of which

offers potential barriers to successful communication.

5. The source of the message is the sender [transmitter]. The sender must
know why the communication is necessary and what result is needed.

6. Encoding [Programming] is the process of taking your message and

transferring it into the proper format for sharing it with your audience. It
requires knowing your audience and ensuring that your message
provides all of the information that they need.

7. The Channel is the method of communication that you choose such as

face-to-face, by telephone, or via email.

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8. Decoding [Interpreting] is the process of receiving the message accurately

[exactly] and requires that your audience has the means to understand
the information you are sharing.

9. You have expectations for a response from the receiver [beneficiary]

when you send a message. You can increase the chances of getting this
result by addressing your audience’s concerns [interests] or addressing
specific benefits as part of your communication.

10. Feedback [Response] lets you gauge [measurement] how successful you
were at communicating. It also offers a chance to adjust your
communication process for the future.

11. Context involves things such as your relationship with your audience, the
culture of your organization and your general environment.

12. Our individual perceptions are the ‘filter’ through which we

communicate with others.

13. The same words can have very different meanings depending on how we
interpret them.

14. [Alert!] - Effective listeners remember that words have no meaning -

people have meaning. «The assignment of meaning to a term is an
internal process; meaning comes from inside us. And although [while]
our experiences, knowledge and attitudes differ, we often misinterpret
each other’s messages while under the illusion that a common
understanding has been achieved». - Larry Barker

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15. Over half of the information we send to others is through non-verbal


16. The same sentence can have multiple meaning depending on which word
is emphasized. The emphasis on a particular word implies additional
information than what the words say.

17. (a) Communication style refers to the choices we tend to make when
communicating to others. It involves two basic dimensions: the
assertiveness level of our communication and the emotiveness level of
our communication. We also use different styles depending on with
whom we are communicating. (b) Differences in communication style can
lead to barriers in communication success.

18. People with a systematic communication style will focus on facts

[realities] over opinions. Communication with tangible evidence is best
for systematic. They will likely [probable] be uncomfortable expressing
feelings and will tend to avoid confrontation.

19. People with a considerate [attentive] communication style will be very

interested in listening and in finding out [discovering] how you and
others are doing. They will want everyone to have a chance to speak, but
might refrain [renounce] from expressing their own opinions if they think
it will displease [dissatisfy] others.

20. «The basic building block of good communications is the feeling that
every human being is unique and of value». – Unknown Author


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Global Problems, and Solutions

1. The perception of the relevance of service negotiations within developing

countries has changed considerably over time.

2. Opening the service market would benefit both the consumers and the
private sector, and improve competition.

3. The economic crisis had not been caused by trade, but trade could be part
of the solution.

4. Trade remedies play an important role in levelling [direct towards] the

playing field, and in ensuring [safeguarding] that WTO members respect
their multilateral obligations.

5. It is due to the existence of the WTO rules and its efficiently functioning
dispute settlement system that the global crisis had not been made worse
by excessive protectionism.

6. The ongoing [constant] financial crisis calls for fundamental rethinking

on financial service liberalization under trade agreements.

7. New emerging-economy countries are joining [connecting] the global

supply [provision] chains [successions], and are acting as regional poles
[extremities] and attract foreign direct investment.

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8. Global supply chains increase the interdependence between economies

and industries, and their consideration is and will become more and more
of the highest importance for trade policymakers.

9. Trade finance is the catalyst [channel] to facilitate international trade, by

providing facilities to buyers and sellers around the globe and reducing
the risks of transaction.

10. A debt [duty] crisis can be expected in the coming years in several

World Trade Organization


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Financial Innovation

Trust is the currency [money] of the financial services industry. One of the
lasting consequences of the recent financial crisis is a lack of trust, which in turn
creates an inhospitable environment for innovation. Despite a raft [number] of
new regulations and capital requirements designed to protect consumers and
strengthen financial markets, consumer confidence in financial institutions
continues to be low [little].
__ __ __

From lessons learned in recent years, three significant guidelines have emerged,
regarding the Principal-Agent problem:

1) Keep products simple: the more complex the product, the more likely
[probable] it is to end up [result in] being sold [offered] inappropriately,
whether accidently or deliberately
2) Manage time-horizons: be particularly careful whenever [each time] the
item being sold by the Agent has a term [time] or effective maturity
significantly longer than a year
3) Practice moderation: do not let incentives or aggressive sales management
come between you and your customers.
__ __ __

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How can the financial services industry regain [recover] consumer trust [have
confidence in] and restore credibility to the idea that financial innovation can be
a net [network] benefit for society? Meaningful self-regulation can be a
powerful way for industry to articulate the value it provides and to demonstrate
a commitment to consumer-friendly innovation.
__ __ __

«Rethinking Financial Innovation - Reducing Negative Outcomes [Results]

While Retaining The Benefits». World Economic Forum report in
collaboration with Oliver Wyman. Year: 2012.


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VOA, and VOA-ERD Institution, in Mexico

It is the province of knowledge to speak and it is the privilege

of wisdom to listen.

Unknown author

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A Rolling History of Americans

on the Move.

And I'm Faith Lapidus. This week, travel back

in time to explore the history of transportation
in the United States.

In eighteen-hundred, Americans elected Thomas Jefferson as their third

president. Jefferson had a wish. He wanted to discover a waterway that crossed
from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. He wanted to build a system of trade that
connected people throughout the country. At that time the United States did not
stretch all the way across the continent.

Jefferson proposed that a group of explorers travel across North America in

search of such a waterway. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led the
exploration west from eighteen-oh-three to eighteen-oh-six. They discovered
that the Rocky Mountains divided the land. They also found no coast-to-coast

So Jefferson decided that a different transportation system would best connect

American communities. This system involved roads, rivers and railroads. It also
included the digging of waterways.

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By the middle of the eighteen-hundreds, dirt roads had been built in parts of
the nation. The use of river steamboats increased. Boats also traveled along
man-made canals which strengthened local economies.

The American railroad system began. Many people did not believe train
technology would work. In time, railroads became the most popular form of
land transportation in the United States.

In nineteenth-century American culture, railroads were more than just a way to

travel. Trains also found their way into the works of writers like Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Walt Whitman.

[Commentary: you can obtain the complete theme, and its associated resource].

Learn The English Language. Obtain themes and its mp3 from The VOA-ERD

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Jesus Christ
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Famous Scientists about God

Michael Faraday

«The book of nature which we have to read is written by the finger of God».

Michael Faraday (d. 1867), established the existence of the magnetic field,
discovered electrolysis, diamagnetism, electromagnetic induction and benzene.
He invented an early version of the electric dynamo. His work laid [positioned]
the foundation of the modern electrical system. By showing the inter-relation
between magnetism and light, he laid the groundwork [foundation] for a
unified field theory.
__ __ __

Max Planck

«Religion and science demand for their foundation faith in God. For the former
(religion), God stands foremost [principal]; for the latter (science), at the end
of all thought, for religion He represents a basis; for science, a crowning
[highest] solution towards a world view».

Max Planck (d. 1947), the founder of quantum physics and one of the most
important physicists of the twentieth century.
__ __ __

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Isaac Newton

«The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed
from the counsel [guidelines] and dominion of an intelligent and powerful

Isaac Newton (d. 1727), developed calculus and described it in Principia

Mathematica, from which the above quote is taken. He described universal
gravitation, the three laws of motion, and developed color theory. He wrote
more on theology and religion than he did on science.
__ __ __

Francis Collins

«I am a scientist and a believer, and I find no conflict between those world

views. …and neither apparently [obviously] do the 40 percent of working
scientists who claim to be believers [in a personal God]».

Francis Collins (b. 1950), leader of the Human Genome Project, director of the
National Human Genome Research Institute.
__ __ __

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Joel Primack

«In the last few years astronomy has come together so that we’re now able to
tell a coherent story [of how the universe began]…This story does not
contradict God, but instead enlarges [the idea of] God».

Joel Primack, Fellow of the American Physical Society, Professor of Physics at

the University of California, Santa Cruz. He studies dark matter, particle
astrophysics, cosmology and quantum field theory.


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JW Faith

Though the Old Testament does not fully reveal the doctrine of the
Trinity, it does teach that God is a plurality. It is left for the New
Testament to open up this revelation more fully.

Genesis 1:1. The Hebrew word for God here is elohim. This is a plural
noun, but the verb is singular, teaching that there is one God in a

Genesis 1:26. Again God is spoken of as plural, elohim, yet we know from
other O.T. passages that God is one (De. 6:4). Genesis 11:6-7. Here again
God is spoken of in the plural and in the singular at the same time.

Deuteronomy 6:4. This verse could be translated, “Jehovah our elohim is

a united Jehovah.” The word “one” refers to a unity. The same word for
one is used in Gen. 2:24, speaking of the oneness of a husband and wife.
This verse summarizes the Bible’s teaching about God. He is one but exists
in three Persons.

Psalm 45:6-7. According to Hebrews 1:8-9, God the Father is speaking in

Psalm 45, and He is referring to the Son as God. Sometimes people ask,
“If Jesus Himself was God, why did He address the Father as God?” The
answer is that Jesus addressed the Father as God for the same reason
that the Father addressed the Son as God—because they are both God!

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Isaiah 48:16. Here the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, is speaking and
referring to God the Father and the Holy Spirit (compare Jn. 18:20).

The Jehovah’s Witnesses


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Y se llamará Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios, el Padre del cielo y de la tierra,

el Creador de todas las cosas desde el principio; y su madre se llamará
El Libro de Mormón - Mosíah 3:8

And he shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven
and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning; and his mother
shall be called Mary.
The Book of Mormon – Mosiah 3:8
__ __ __

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100 and 5 Stars, presents to

God of electrum

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Vi luego como el fulgor del electro, algo como un fuego que formaba una
envoltura, todo alrededor, desde lo que parecía ser sus caderas para
arriba; y desde lo que parecía ser sus caderas para abajo, vi algo como
fuego que producía un resplandor en torno,
Ezequiel 1:27

And looking, I saw a form like fire; from the middle of his body and down
there was fire: and up from the middle of his body a sort of shining, like
Ezekiel 8:2

__ __ __

Electro - Aleación reluciente de oro y plata que cuando se calienta en el horno

adquiere la belleza de un fuego trémulo, con su peculiar fulgor de color
amarillo claro. (Eze 1:4, 27; 8:2.)

[The Book of Mormon] - The Golden Plates Couldn’t Be Made of Pure Gold

Many critics have been quick to point out [indicate] that if the record was made
of solid gold it would have weighed [evaluated] much more than a person could
lift [elevate]. Besides [In addition] being too heavy, thin plates [registrations] of
pure gold would not function well as a book. The metal would be so soft that it
could easily tear [damage] from the rings [circles], and engraving [inscribing]
would be limited to one side.

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The text of the Book of Mormon itself refers to Nephi’s seeking “ore” from
which to make his plates. Metal ore usually has a mixture of various metals in
it. Gold and silver are often mixed together in an alloy [amalgam] called
electrum. Logically, the Book of Mormon plates could have been composed of
these two metals. Some have suggested a combination of copper and gold.

The Lord promised that the plates would preserve their “brightness” (see Alma
37:5–7). Because gold does not corrode, objects made of gold can last thousands
of years. When exposed to oxygen, silver tarnishes [discolors] until it turns
black. Copper turns a green color. Ancient American metallurgists familiar with
this process were able to accelerate the oxidation of silver and copper and
remove its residue, leaving an enhanced [improved] gold surface. Thus, a
composite metal could be made to have the appearance of solid gold. (For
details, see “How Witnesses Described the ‘Gold Plates,’” Journal of Book of
Mormon Studies, vol. 10, no.1 [2001], 21).



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El Electro Refulgente

La intención de Dios no es simplemente incinerarnos y hacernos cenizas. Dios

es bueno y tiene un buen propósito. ¿Cuál es Su propósito al soplar sobre
nosotros como viento, al cubrirnos como nube y al consumirnos como fuego?
La respuesta es que el electro refulgente aparece en medio del fuego. El fuego
divino arde con el propósito de que el electro sea manifestado.

La palabra hebrea para electro es muy difícil de traducir. J. N. Darby, en una

nota de pie a Ezequiel 1:4 en su versión New Translation, indica que esta palabra
hebrea denota "una sustancia desconocida; algunos piensan que es una aleación
de oro y plata". Una versión judía usa la palabra electro. El electro es una
aleación de oro y plata. El oro representa la naturaleza de Dios, y la plata
representa la redención.

Además, la versión King James traduce esta palabra hebrea como ámbar debido
a que el color de este metal resplandeciente es el color del ámbar, que se parece
al color del oro. El electro no es únicamente oro ni únicamente plata, sino oro
mezclado con plata. En el libro de Apocalipsis podemos ver este mismo
principio. Apocalipsis 22:1 habla sobre el trono de Dios y del Cordero. Aquel
que está en el trono no es únicamente Dios ni únicamente el Cordero, sino el
Dios-Cordero, el Dios redentor…

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Si consideramos nuestra experiencia espiritual, comprenderemos que Aquel

que mora en nosotros hoy es el Dios-Cordero, Aquel representado por el electro.
A los ojos de Dios, antes que fuésemos salvos, éramos personas viles y
malvadas, sin nada que fuera honorable o glorioso. ¡Alabamos al Señor por
habernos salvado y regenerado! Su viento, Su nube y Su fuego consumidor han
hecho posible que nosotros lo tengamos a Él, el Dios redentor, en nuestro ser
como electro refulgente.

Ahora lo tenemos a Él como tesoro en vasos de barro (2 Co. 4:7); por tanto,
hemos llegado a ser un pueblo de honra y gloria. Debemos considerar cuán
precioso y honorable es el Cristo que está dentro de nosotros. Como electro
dentro de nosotros, Él es el tesoro de valor incomparable. Este tesoro es
producto del viento, la nube y el fuego.

Cuanto más experimentamos el viento, la nube y el fuego, más el electro pasa a

formar parte de nuestra constitución intrínseca, lo cual hace de nosotros
personas llenas del Dios Triuno y que manifiestan Su gloria. Todos necesitamos
experimentar más el viento espiritual, la nube que cubre, el fuego que consume
y el electro refulgente. Al pasar por esta clase de experiencia llegamos a ser la
visión de la gloria de Dios…

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Catechism [Religious education]

How Can We Speak about God?

In defending [preserving] the ability of human reason to know God, the Church
is expressing her confidence in the possibility of speaking about him to all men
and with all men, and therefore [consequently] of dialogue with other religions,
with philosophy and science, as well as with unbelievers [nonbelievers] and

Since our knowledge of God is limited, our language about him is equally so.
We can name God only by taking creatures as our starting point, and in
accordance with our limited human ways of knowing and thinking.

All creatures bear [support] a certain resemblance to God, most especially man,
created in the image and likeness [similarity] of God. The manifold [multiple]
perfections of creatures - their truth, their goodness, their beauty all reflect the
infinite perfection of God. Consequently we can name God by taking his
creatures" perfections as our starting point, "for from the greatness and beauty
of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator".

Title: «Catechism of the Catholic Church». Amount of pages: 1425. [Esteemed

reader, and researcher: I do not have more data, for the present reference.
Thanks to you all].


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La Biblia.

1 El hombre tiene proyectos, | el Señor proporciona la respuesta.

2 El hombre se cree irreprochable, | pero el Señor examina sus intenciones.

3 Encomienda al Señor tus tareas, | y tendrán éxito tus planes.

4 El Señor da a cada cosa su destino, | al malvado el día funesto.

5 El Señor detesta al arrogante, | tarde o temprano lo pagará.

6 Amor y fidelidad reparan la culpa, | temer al Señor aparta del mal.

7 Si el Señor aprueba la conducta de alguien, | lo reconcilia incluso con sus


8 Más vale poco con justicia | que muchas ganancias injustas.

9 El hombre proyecta su camino, | el Señor dirige sus pasos.

10 Los labios del rey son un oráculo: | su boca no yerra cuando juzga.

11 Balanza exacta es del Señor, | obra suya las pesas de la bolsa.

12 Los reyes detestan el mal, | el trono se afianza en la justicia.

13 El rey aprueba las palabras sinceras, | ama al que habla con honradez.

14 La ira del rey preludia la muerte, | el hombre sensato sabe apaciguarla.

15 La serenidad del rey preludia la vida, | su favor parece lluvia de primavera.

Sagrada Biblia - Versión Oficial De La Conferencia Episcopal de España. -

Proverbios 16. Desde 1 a 15.


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Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not
all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and
each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:4-5

Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble
Psalm 119:165

And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory.”
Isaiah 6:3

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This Product is made in Mexico, for

Mexico, and towards the World. M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz
Thanks for your attention. Ced. Prof. 5632071

Date of Publishing, 5 May 2019

True optimization is the revolutionary contribution of modern research to

decision processes.
George Bernhard Dantzig

This is the book, in progress, named «Leadership of 100 and 5 Stars». It

will be among the greatest books of Leadership of last times. The book, as you
observe, at the present time, it is presented by magazines. Thanks.

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English language:





Thanks to you all

Lazos Increíbles.

M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.

The Books, and a Mexico with Competence of Integration in the World.

Visa & Passport of the 21st Century.

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The VOA- ERD Institution, for Your English.

Visit my Personal Page. Get ahead.

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Know the Project: Books of English, from English 1 to 5, for all

the CBTIS of the United Mexican States.

The Students can do the organization as they like it; but

absolutely, the Responses are written by hand, and the Works
are Presented by Groups with a Maximum of 5 persons.

«I formulated a project for the CBTIS (Technological Industrial and of Services Center of
Bachelor Degree) 107 of Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, México consisting in giving to the Library of this
Institution with five volumes of English language, of my authorship. A book for each semester,
from the first English book to fifth English book (according to the plan of studies in this regard
of the CBTIS). At no cost to the Institution, because this is a donation (in the staff, I solve my
expenses of the project with income of my employment as a professor that I would be in this
One of the major advantages of this project is to solve the need of the student of
spending in books of English language because the books will be at your complete disposal into
the student community in the Library of the institution.
Afterward, in an immediate subsequent phase of this project is that among the student
community of this CBTIS and all the CBTIS of the United Mexican States will have these 5
volumes of English language by means of a page of Google; read it, neither cost nor restriction
to obtain them.
Well, as a last note, I must say that these books will have the format of 'workbook'.
This, as an intelligent work with foundations and then their respective exercises to resolve, into
a concurrent process». M.C. Enrique Ruiz Díaz.
Con título y cédula profesional 5632071 en la Maestría en Ciencias de la Computación.
Egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Orizaba. Veracruz, México.

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Links, for Your Preparation.

«Our language is the reflection of ourselves. A language is an exact reflection

of the character and growth of its speakers». Cesar Chavez.
«This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to
be my disciples». John 15:8

English language:
Leadership of Gold: https://100and5stars.blogspot.mx/
Christian Songs, in Spanish: https://performthespirit.blogspot.mx/
Get Instruments for your Training.
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