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In town and cities, the large shopping mall should replace the small local
shop. Do you agree or disagree?

In several past years, shopping malls popularity has grown rapidly and are
transforming urban lifestyle. They are everywhere and are replacing small
shops. The subject arouses two different opinions – are large shopping malls are
good or bad. Many people are of the opinion that these shopping malls are coming
at the cost of small shops while others think that large malls are the need of the
hour. I will give my opinion after analyzing both the sides.

The major reason that people are preferring malls is the convenience of getting our
daily needs including groceries, clothes, shoes, books etc under one roof along
with cinemas and entertainment arcades making it a one-stop solution. The people
backing the idea of promoting mall culture supports it with the fact that it not only
saves a lot of time of shopping in-fact saves time from bargaining also as things are
available at fixed prices.

Regardless of their endless advantages, they do have some disadvantages. The

malls are taking away local and small shops thus the decision to promote large
shopping malls taking the bread out of the mouths of many people. The
shopkeepers are left with no means of earning a living. Only a few customers buy
products from small local shops and the practice is greatly affecting the local
economy. Moreover, in malls, people are tempted to buy unnecessary things hence
burning a hole in their pocket.

Nowadays a popular trend in shopping is the establishment of large shopping

malls. Because of the popularity of department stores small shops are at a risk of
closure. This essay will discuss convenient shopping experience and a cheaper
price as advantages of large shopping malls compared to small shops.

Prices of goods in shopping malls are less expensive than other shops. There are
various methods which provide financial benefits for customers. For instance, there
are discount schemes, reward points and promotions are provided even if you visit
any of the branches scattered throughout the country. Hence ultimately customers
are able to buy good quality products at a cheaper rate.
2. The university will deduct the student’s score for late assignments, opinions
and solutions.

With the advancement of technology, there are number of changes seen in the field
of education. Now, most of the universities started assignments based scoring for
improvement of skills. Universities set a fixed date for submission of assignments.
In case pupils failed to submit their tasks on time, teachers deduct their marks.
Now it is a debatable issue that whether university have to deduct marks or not. I
strongly accord that universities should penalize students for late submission of
their work. I am going to share my viewpoints in upcoming paragraphs.
Starting with, fixing a deadline for submission of any task will bring more
responsibility and punctuality among the students and this motivates them to
complete the all-important task of their life within time. Furthermore, if
universities do not strictly bring these rules than aspirants will be careless and they
cannot succeed in their life as casual approach cannot bring success in life,
Moving further, teachers must guide the aspirants for timely completion of their
respective job and may ask regularly before the due date. Furthermore, they may
help the weak students where they are lacking for completion of tasks. Last but not
the least, universities may extend the time if anyone has a solid reason for no
submission on time only after proper satisfaction of their respective faculty.
In recapitulation, although universities should legally penalize students for late
submission of their files yet such rules should not be strict and proper guidance
with faculty support should be provided to aspirants for completion of their work
on timely.
2. Should University penalize students for late submission of their work?

With the advancement of technology, there are number of changes seen in the field
of education. Now, most of the universities started assignments based scoring for
improvement of skills. Universities set a fixed date for submission of assignments.
In case pupils failed to submit their tasks on time, teachers deduct their marks.
Now it is a debatable issue that whether a university has to deduct marks or not. I
strongly accord that universities should penalize students for late submission of
their work. I am going to share my viewpoints in upcoming paragraphs.
Starting with, fixing a deadline for submission of any task will bring more
responsibility and punctuality among the students and this motivates them to
complete the all-important task of their life within time. Furthermore, if
universities do not strictly bring these rules than aspirants will be careless and they
cannot succeed in their life as casual approach cannot bring success in life,

Moving further, teachers must guide the aspirants for timely completion of their
respective job and may ask regularly before the due date. Furthermore, they may
help the weak students where they are lacking for completion of tasks. Last but not
the least, universities may extend the time if anyone has a solid reason for no
submission on time only after proper satisfaction of their respective faculty.

In recapitulation, although universities should legally penalize students for late

submission of their files yet such rules should not be strict and proper guidance
with faculty support should be provided to aspirants for completion of their work
on timely.
3. Whether experimental learning can work well in formal education, agree or
disagree or experience is a more effective way to teach compared to boos,
agree or disagree?

The experience is the practical exposure of the working principles and is attained
through practice. The moot question is whether the learning through experience
can serve better in the formal education. This essay will agree with this statement
and will offer reasons to support the viewpoint.

Firstly, the theory lays down the foundation of any phenomenon. It is vital to have
the basic concepts clear and the curriculum of the course syllabus should provide
exposure to clear definitions with illustrative real-world examples. Of course,
without grasping the precise ideas and the fundamentals, the practical exposure
will fail same like an airplane which is meant to fly without examining and
keeping the required balance in its main body parts.

Secondly, it is in the psyche of the human nature that we remember things longer
through practical experience and a positive interaction yields everlasting effects. It
is highly advisable that the lessons in the course syllabus should follow exercises
emphasizing on practical experience and the educational institutions should take
appropriate measures in this regard. Furthermore, practical experience provides
with the opportunity to share the personal thoughts with others in order to gain a
richer experience.

To conclude and in the view of the above-presented points, it cannot be denied that
experience is the more effective way of teaching since in the ahead practical life it
is the personal experience that matters the most as the theories become diminished
at a much earlier stage.
4. Experience is a more effective way to teach, compared to books? Agree or
Learning is the lifelong process which starts from studies and ended with last day
of a human being. A person learns many things from their daily routines. The two
Vital methods of are either learning from books or through experience. It is the
debatable issue that whether learning through books is best one or experience is the
more effective way. I strongly believe that experience plays a very significant role
in learning and I am sharing my viewpoints in upcoming paragraphs.

To commence with, experience means the knowledge which earns by a common

man while performing their day to day activities. It means the experience is not
limited up to any extent or any field it’s varied from activities to activities. Moving
further, each and every situation of routine work in not mentioned in books. It can
be learned only by practice.

Furthermore, books provide only basic knowledge of topic like books gives the
basic technique of selling of product like planning, marketing and distribution
whereas these techniques can be implemented only if u have the better experience
in respective field. On the flip side, without reading any books nobody directly
applies for the job and he has to pass various academic tests before getting the job.
How can we think of getting valuable experience without the involvement of books
in the learning process?

In nutshell, although experience is the more effective way to teach yet involvement
of books cannot be marginalized
4. Problems and benefits for high school students study plays and works of
theatres written centuries ago. Discuss and use your own experience.

All literary genres contain the very essence of their times. These art forms act like
mirrors showing the true images of specific civilizations. The study of the century
old dramas and plays by pupils in their student career is beneficial for
understanding human development but its downsides also cannot be ignored. This
essay discusses both sides in detail.

To begin with, the prime benefit of studying drama and other literary genres makes
students aware of the traditions, customs, rituals, and lifestyle of people of bygone
centuries. This awareness about various communities assists pupils in
understanding human behaviours. For instance, famous playwright Shakespeare’s
works have immortalized his time. He is not known as a dramatist of the
16th century but of every century. Besides this, young people become aware of the
follies done by people of specific cultures and learn lessons to avoid those in the
present era. Thus literature teaches youngsters to tread on right path and avoid
wrong customs

On the flip side, studying theaters during student career is considered sheer
wastage of time and energy. In the world of cut-throat competition, youngsters are
required to pay attention towards modern sciences these days which eventually
help them in excelling in academic and professional fields. Furthermore, the
comic, tragic and romantic plays of old days distract young minds. They start
taking imaginary flights on the wings of fantasy. This escapism affects their mental
growth and they become skeptical in human dealings.

To conclude, it is drawn that studying literature in school and college days is

beneficial for personal growth, simultaneously, the bad impact of these literary
pieces cannot be ignored. A balanced pedagogical approach is needed to adopt to
take the benefits of classical writings.
5. Parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s acts. What is
your opinion? Support it with personal examples.
Parents are responsible for the upbringing of child. Children in their early age learn
many lessons of life from parents. Therefore, I agree that parents should be legally
responsible for children's behaviour. This essay will discuss about possible reasons
for this with example.

Firstly, children spend most time with their parents. Therefore they always learn
many facts like language and behavior from parents. Hence, if parents failed to
fulfill this duty then they should be held legally for children's act. For instance, in
American legal system, many parents punished for child's behaviour. Therefore,
parents have legal responsibility of upbringing child and they cannot avoid that.

Secondly, children are very close to parents and parents closely monitor child's
growth. So, parents are pretty much aware of positive and negative side of child.
Thus, if they fail to point out such mistakes of child then indirectly they are also
responsible for child's act. For instance, many terrorists come from such families
that in which parents do not have any control on child. Therefore, parents are
equally responsible for child's crime.

In conclusion, as parents play critical and vital role in child's upbringing, they
clearly know child's behaviour and traits. Therefore they are also responsible for
children's act and should be held legally.
5. Parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s acts. What is
your opinion? Support it with personal examples.

Usually, we see people holding various opinions with regard to who have to take
the responsibility of children's miss behaviour and wrong act. Some people are
under the impression that parents are responsible for their children's actions.
Whereas, we get to see some other people have an opinion contrary to the above
one. In my opinion, I believe that children's like a blank state and in developing
stages parents have a greater role to play in children's behaviour and awareness.
So, parents are responsible for their children's actions.

To begin with, the research on the children's behaviour proved that children's were
mainly influenced by their parents. The children's are like a sponge and children's
absorb what they exposed to and imitate the same. In early states of children's life,
they start learning the language, manners under the guidance of their parents. They
used to observe all these information from their parents. If parents are using a good
language and children's will also learn the same and use it. So, it is the parent's
responsibility to make children's as good persons.

Moreover, it's the parent's duty to teach social behaviour to their children's and
discipline them. Say for instance, if the kid goes to the neighbour’s house and
bring home toys he liked, it's the parent's responsibility to discipline him and teach
him not to take anyone's anything without permission. This clearly exemplifies that
there is an obvious link between children's behaviour and parents teaching. Thus,
parents must be legally liable their children's act.

In conclusion, this analysis, prove that kids act in a way they are brought up by
their parents and based on the things they exposed to. Parents are solely
responsible for kid's act. I advocate that it is necessary to make it legal.
6. In a cashless society, people use more credit cards. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of this phenomenon?

The world has converted into a globalized village and the number of banking
sectors has exponentially increased in the past tenure. There are a lot of cash flows
taking place and the money has taken a liquid form. The moot question is that are
there more advantages or disadvantages with the people using more credit cards in
the modern world. This essay will shed light on both the aspects.

On the positive side, there are measurements done to make the money more secure.
Banks have introduced different cards schemes to persuade their customers to
acquire one and to keep their money safe from potential robbers. It is convenient
that just by surfing online, one can do the payment of the airplane or the railway
ticket. There is no need now to stand in the long queues for the payment of the
water and electricity bills of the home, as they can be paid easily with just a click
of the button.

On the other hand, many customers are not aware of the hidden charges that the
bank is encountering them with. Whenever an online payment is done through the
credit card there is a certain percentage of the capital that is being eaten up by the
bank. Also, there are many systems where the electronic plastic money is not in

To warp up and in the view of the above-presented points, there are both positive
and negative effects of using the plastic money. It depends on the individual, that
how sensible he is in making the decision of which mode of the transaction to be
used depending upon the circumstances.
7. Do you think card less society is realistic and why? What are the
advantages and disadvantages?

The importance of carrying card less in present world was always a debatable
topic. Many people claim that card less transactions are very beneficial to the
society. Others reject this notion and argue that these digital transactions are
limited to urban life not to the remote areas. In my opinion, former proposition
appears to be more rational. The following essay would further elaborate both
advantages and disadvantages of card less payments in modern world and thus lead
to a plausible conclusion.
To start with, there are several benefits associated with digital transactions in
present world. Firstly, benefit of cashless economy is easier to track the black
money and illegal transactions happening in the society. Secondly, it improves
transparency with the cash less options throughout the country and society.
Thirdly, it reduces effort to carry cash and danger to avoid cash theft. For instance,
recently in India, Prime Minister has introduced digital transactions which reduced
crime rates from 60% to 20%. This example clearly exemplifies us cashless
transactions have numerous benefits to the society and decrease in crime rates.

However, there are disadvantages of card less transactions. People having half
knowledge of digital payments are exposed to cyber fraud and losing their hard
earned money to online scams. For instance, recently in USA, a women got a call
from unknown number stating that she won lottery offer of 1 million and in order
to receive that money, she need to pay them 1000 dollars to process the gift
amount. The above example clearly tells us people don't have full knowledge and
exposure to digital transactions. Moreover, distant remote villages may not have
such advancements.
According to the arguments aforementioned, one can reach out to conclusion that
even though cash less transactions has some disadvantages it is beneficial to
society and economy of the country and further every country should go cashless
and lead a secure life.
8. Whether design of building will have a positive or negative impact on
people's life and work?
In recent years, there has been a colossal upsurge in the trend to see prodigies
discussing the influence of the building architecture on the people's lives across the
world, be it an affluent or impoverished nation. In this essay, I shall elaborate the
perfectly designed structure inspires to work positively in any course of action to
workforce working in the building.

At the outset, there are myriad of benefits can be attributed to the design of the
building. Firstly, the most conspicuous one is that people working in the well-
designed building feel proud and have a positive attitude towards the work. Not
only does it contribute to various one's psychological needs, but carefully designed
building with the basic needs also empower persons, working in the building,
safety which has a profound effect on his mindset. Thus, needless to say, all these
associated merits of a building will have a far-reaching positive effect when it
comes to one's psychological need.

To embark this, another pivotal facet of the argument is that penetration of natural
sources such as air and sunlight in the building can have the tremendous effect on
the workforce. Besides, unlike the electric light and air-conditioner air, the
maximum touch of natural sources keep away an inevitable diseases which are
immensely important for the people; for example, according to a research in
"Journal of Architecture", individuals lacking with Vitamin D have increased 40
percent in last two decades due to less exposure to sunlight. Hence it hardly needs
to mention that the properly architected structure keep individuals in a
preponderant position, as far as the positive energy and health are concerned.

To recapitulate, one can conclude that the design of a building enables people to
stay healthy and safe, and merits associated with this are indeed too great to ignore.
9. Whether studying films at school is as important as studying literature
(written books)?
9. It is important for children to study a film at school to learn literature. To
what extent you are agree, use example.
The importance of studying plays and works of theaters written centuries ago was
always a debatable topic. Some people believe that study of the century old dramas
and plays by pupils in their student career is beneficial for understanding human
development. Others reject this notion and argue that its downsides cannot be
ignored. The substantial influence of studying drama for high school students has
sparked the controversy over the potential impact of this trend in recent years. In
my opinion, latter proposition appears to be more rational. The following essay
would further elaborate both sides in detail with example and thus lead to a
plausible conclusion.

To begin with, the prime benefit of studying drama and other history arts makes
students aware of the traditions, cultures, customs, rituals and life style of people
of bygone centuries. This awareness about various communities assists pupils in
understanding human behaviors. For example, Shakespeare is not famous dramatist
in the 16th century but now he is famous playwright. Besides this, young
generations will learn lessons from dramas and will try to avoid those in present
generation. Thus literature teaches younger students to travel in right path and
avoid wrong customs.
On the flip side, studying theaters during student career is considered as sheer
wastage of time energy. In the fast growing world, youngsters are required to pay
attention towards modern sciences and technologies which eventually help them in
excel in academic and professional fields. Furthermore, dramas, tragic, romantic
plays of old days distract young generation minds.
To conclude, it is drawn that studying literature in schools and colleges is not
beneficial for student growth. In a nutshell, high school students should pay more
attention to modern developments and innovations instead of old play dramas.
10. It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is
for them to study science and mathematics.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Many people believe that students should give more attention to the subjects of
history and literature rather than mathematic or science. I personally disagree with
the statement, as I believe that all subjects that are taught in school are important
and the following paragraphs will explain some of the reasons in details.

Firstly, it is a fact that all subjects that are delivered at school are important. All the
subjects that are thought in school will be useful for students when they grow up,
even though each student will be a specialized in some specific subject. For
example, although a student might become a history teacher in the future, it is
essential for him/ her to learn about mathematic and economics as well. Since as a
teacher, he/ she will be given other tasks besides tutoring such as preparing the
expenditure budget of his class for one year and that require some accounting and
calculation skills.

Secondly, it is obvious that all individuals have their own different talent. Some
students may have a personal interest in studying in English literature while others
might have the passion in learning physical science. And if the school only focus
on studying two or three particular subjects such as literature or history, then it
would be unfair for students who have the passion in mathematic or science.

In conclusion, I do not agree that school should emphasize more on the subjects of
history and literature than mathematics or science. I do believe that schools should
teach each of the subjects proportionately since all of the subjects are beneficial for
the students. Besides that, each of the students has his own different talent
therefore school cannot enforce students to focus studying some specific subject
10. It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is
for them to study science and mathematics.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Some people believe that students should study more history and literature.
However, other people think that studying science and mathematics is more
important. From my experience and observation, I think that students should study
both science and history. Below, I will outline some basic reasons to support my

First of all, I believe that studying history and literature is important for the range
of interests of students and people on the whole. It extends the range of interests
and teaches people to analyse their history. Every person should know the history
of the country where he or she was born. Knowledge of one's roots and origins
gives the opportunity to understand many things that are around.

Second of all, I think that this kind of knowledge is essential for students who are
going to be lawyers, newspapermen, political figures, etc. One more reason to
study history is that it helps one to analyse mistakes made by ancestors or learn
from their wise decisions. From the other side, I think that it is also important for
students to study science. Personally, I like studying mathematics because for me it
is very interesting to work with figures, analyse them, and develop different ways
to solve the problem. It teaches one to think logically and improves one's ability to
think non-typically. I think it is great.

Studying of science allows people to improve their living conditions, make

discoveries, develop innovations, etc. Scientists work on new vaccines and pills to
make our life longer and happier. They make researches in different fields from
medicine to space. Because of this kind of knowledge humankind has opportunities
to watch TV, fly, using jet airplanes, surf the Internet, play computer games, watch
movies, drive cars, etc.

In conclusion, I think that students must study many things including science and
literature in order to succeed in the modern world.
11. The importance of cars and airplane in modern life. Give example.

The importance of cars and airplane in modern life was always a debatable topic.
Many people believe that modern ways of transport system saves time and give
privacy. It is completely agreed that the effective way of modern transportation
makes human life much easier. This essay would further elaborate the reasons why
cars and aero planes are very important in present world with clear examples and
thus lead to a plausible conclusion.
To begin with, travelling in cars give us privacy and majority of population around
globe consider car as best way to reach destination. With increase in the
development and technology advancement in present era many features are added
in cars that makes our commute very easy and comfort. Moreover, if person owns
a car, he or she can travel anywhere anytime instead of planning before and
booking tickets for public and private services such as bus, train and other vehicles.
For example, people living in cities can travel to workplace easily and can reach on
time and for cities where the temperatures are extreme cold or hot, cars are the best
modes of travel. This example clearly exemplifies us that cars provide us
individual privacy and space.
Furthermore, aero planes are considered as other best opted way of travelling to
long distance. Travelling in aero planes has numerous benefits. It helps us to reach
our destination within short period of time compared to other transportation ways,
saves time and importantly for any emergency airplanes are the best suited modes
of travel. For example, employees working in corporate offices can travel to other
branches within short period of notice to attend Business meetings.

According to the arguments aforementioned, one can reach out to conclusion that
cars and aero planes are the great innovations in modern world to make people
travel longer distance within less effort and providing individual space to them.
12. Medical technology is responsible for the human’s life expectancy. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Now deaths are highly concentrated at older ages and this could only be possible
with advances in medical care. This increase in average life expectancy can be
regarded as one of the society’s greatest achievements but some people don’t see it
as a positive development.

Some reports suggest that average age of death has been increased from 46.7 in
1990 to 59.3 in 2017. Though the trend is encouraging as now our near and dear
ones live longer. The data shows that humans are making right health related
decisions and this achievement can be attributed to improvement in public health
and medical care. This can be cited as a great achievement for individuals and
society but it also means many countries facing an aging population.

With the improvement in life expectancy, there has been 10 fold increase in oldest
people that now constitute the fastest growing part of the total population. There
are more people of older age throughout the World. This also means the extra
financial burden on families having older people. As human age grows we get
more vulnerable to diseases and sickness. The regular health checkups and
constant observation of health care experts are usually expensive and it can burn a
hole in patient’s family. It’s good that one can stay for long years with his or her
family and enjoy happy moments but financial burden can cause conflict within the

For the reasons discussed above I can conclude that an increase in average life
expectancy rate can put the burden on environment and society but it can be dealt
jointly by individuals and society. After all longer longevity is a symbol of
growing civilization and the better life
13. In under developed countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said
the opposite as well.

In recent decades, low-cost airfare has made international travel easier and many
countries have, therefore, developed their tourism industries into key sectors of
their economies. While it is clear tourism brings obvious benefits to the countries
that host tourists, it is also true to say it may bring disadvantages as well.

Undoubtedly, there are significant benefits that tourism brings to a country. First, a
thriving tourist industry implies an increasing need for a variety of services such as
hotels, transport, restaurants, and entertainment. These results in a considerable
number of jobs being created for people who lack a college education and also the
development of the infrastructure needed to accommodate visitors. Moreover,
tourism is a “green” industry that, unlike factories, generates a low level of
pollution. In fact, because beautiful natural landscapes are often places that tourists
come to see, a country will often be sure to maintain the landscape in order to keep
it attractive for tourists.

Despite the benefits, there are aspects of tourism that may prove harmful to a
country. For instance, a country may suffer from the loss of their traditional
culture. This is caused by people in a country changing their lifestyle, customs, and
language in order to more effectively serve visitors or because they become
influenced by foreign countries. This can cause stress in a traditional society and
could even lead to animosity towards tourists. In addition, because tourists often
carry expensive objects like cameras and are unaware of their surroundings, they
make good targets for theft. Crime also increases as a result of the increases in
drugs and prostitution that caters to some vacationers.

In conclusion, while tourism, when managed well, can usher in more income for
the country’s economy, the disadvantages that plague it should also be given
careful consideration. This would ensure the country flourishes and people flock in
numbers to take in everything that it has to offer.
13. In Underdeveloped Countries, Tourism Has Disadvantages And Can Be
Said The Opposite As Well.

With the advent of cheaper air travel and an enhanced connectivity with the entire
world, tourism has come within everyone’s reach. While it can have major
contributions to a country’s finances and the overall standard of living of the
natives, it can also come with its set of drawbacks. This essay will look into both
ends of the spectrum in the perspective of an underdeveloped nation.

For several underdeveloped countries, their primary source of economic growth

comes from agriculture and its allied activities or tourism. Such countries mostly
see tourists from first world countries. As such, this not only heralds in a somewhat
steady stream of foreign exchange into the country but also paves way for the
country’s development. This, in turn, opens up several employment opportunities
among the local populace thereby reducing poverty and enhancing the various
services that are provided to the tourists such as transportation. Thus, tourism
provides a win-win situation in this regard.

On the other hand, many underdeveloped countries have a very unstable

government and are witness to acts of terror, crime and extremism. This could
hamper the safety and security of the tourists. Besides this, in the absence of proper
infrastructure and a deficit of funds, the government is forced to take hard
decisions which could have hard-hitting impacts on the local biodiversity. A large
influx of tourists could also have adverse impacts on the environment as they leave
behind a larger carbon footprint than before. Interactions with tourists could also
lead an underdeveloped country to lose its indigenous heritage and culture.

A perfect example of this would be tourists from developed nations visiting a poor
neighborhood in a remote part of Africa, ending up mugged, kidnapped or killed
because of oppression in the past. Oftentimes, a rich white tourist is met with
aggression and judgement from the natives owing to white privilege.

In conclusion, while tourism, when managed well, can usher in more income for
the country’s economy, the disadvantages that plague it should also be given
careful consideration. This would ensure the country flourishes and people flock in
numbers to take in everything that it has to offer.
14. Certain kinds of music promote learning in their life. Do you agree or
One of the most conspicuous trends in today's world is the colossal upsurge in the
introduction of various types of music in schools. There is a widespread worry that
it would only lead to the myriad of concerns in the society. In my opinion, this
apprehension is warranted and merits serious considerations.

There is a deluge of arguments in favor of my stance. The most preponderant one

is that music is a form of creative art. Not only teaching music helps in broadening
the horizons of thinking, but also enables kids to express themselves. Needless to
say, all these benefits stand learners in good stead as far as learning music is

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that teaching the variety of music can
instill in the range of soft skills including effective communication and tolerance.
Take classical music for instance, according to the report published in "Time
Magazine's latest edition," students of classical music have more strong
communication circle than other students without any musical knowledge. Hence,
it is apparent why many people, including myself, are in favor of teaching music in

In the view of arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of
teaching music in schools are indeed too great to ignore.
15. More information available online so library books are useless. Agree or
disagree with statement?

One of the most conspicuous trends in today's world is the colossal upsurge in the
availability of virtual information, reducing the value of physical books. There is
widespread worry that it would lead to the myriad of concerns in the society. In my
opinion, this apprehension is warranted and merits serious considerations.

There is a deluge of arguments in favor of my stance. The most preponderant one

is that unlike online information, libraries books are the only source of getting
authentic and reliable information. Not only can these books based on the thorough
research with the proper bibliography but can also provide evidence of the
authenticity of the facts written in them. Take scientific research, for instance,
references from the library books are the only acceptable source for scientific
research. Its hardly need mention that these merits stand library books in good
stead as far as their usefulness is concerned.

Another pivotal aspect of this argument is that library books target a wide range of
audience than online information. Besides, it gives an opportunity to engage the
reader to his fullest. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of the notion that
library books still hold a useful place in our lives instead of the availability of
online information abundance.

In the view of arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of
library books are indeed too great to ignore.
15. More information available online so library's book are useless" or As e-
books are available online these days, the value of printed books has
Agree or disagree.
Advancement in technology and development in internet has provided people to
get more information online rather than going to library was always a debatable
topic. Many people claim that advantage of the information available on the
internet is beneficial. Others reject this notion and argue that due to the online e-
books availability libraries are getting closed. In my opinion, former proposition
appears to be more rational. The following essay would further elaborate both sides
with examples and thus lead to a plausible conclusion.

To begin with, in the first growing world technology is developing with rapid
speed in all fields. More and more e-books are getting released in the internet.
People can get any type of book or information on the single click on the internet
network. Can access any book without any delay and can sit at home and read the
book. For example, it is benefit for disabled people as they can't walk all the way
to library to read books and newspapers.

In contrast, there are few concerns with the e-books. Firstly, spending excess time
on laptops or computers can cause visual problems. Secondly, due to the e-books
people are becoming lazier as they can sit hours at home spending excess time on
reading. Thirdly, due to the development of e-books many employees working in
library, many writers and many more people are losing their jobs.

According to the arguments aforementioned, one can reach out to conclusion that
even though there are some disadvantages of e-books its benefits are very useful to
present world. In a nutshell, the advantages of e-books has overweighs the
16. Should government build more roads to allow more vehicle owner or
improve the network of public transport?

One of the most conspicuous trends in today's world is the colossal upsurge in the
number of vehicles on the roads. There is widespread worry that it would only lead
to the myriad of concerns. Some believe that government should construct more
roads to accommodate more vehicles. This essay will shed a light on various
aspects of this contentious issue.

On the one hand, critics believe that possessing one's vehicle is the inherent right
of every citizen and government should take appropriate action to provide the
space for more cars on the roads. For example, in Sydney number of personal
vehicle rise from 20 percent to 64 percent in last decade, and therefore, the number
of roads increased exponentially.

On the other hand, there is a deluge of arguments in favor of my stance. The most
preponderant one is that public transport is the only way to keep the traffic
congestion in control. Not only can the improved network of public transport
reduce the traffic jams during peak hours but can also decrease the environmental
degradation caused by the increased cars. Take newly extended train route on
"Campbell town Line," according to the BBC News: it reduces the traffic
congestion up to 10 percent in the area. Hence, it is apparent that why many are in
favor of developing public transport system rather than investing money in
constructing more roads.

In the view of arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of
strengthening transportation infrastructure are indeed too great to ignore.
17. Government should reduce their investment in arts, music and painting.
Agree or disagree?

One of the most conspicuous trends in today's world is the colossal upsurge in
investing money by the government for the development of fine arts including
painting and music. There is a widespread worry that it would only lead to the
myriad of concerns. In my opinion, this apprehension is unwarranted and so should
be rejected.

There is a deluge of arguments in favor of my stance. The most preponderant one

is that these various forms of art are vital for the growth of a nation, therefore, need
government support to survive and thrive in the country. Not only can music and
painting induce discipline in people but can also give them a chance to shine is
these field nationally as well as internationally. It hardly needs mention that these
merits stand the country in good stead as far as development is concerned.

Moreover, another pivotal aspect of the argument is that music and painting are the
two varied medium of expressing the emotions and this sector deserves the
investment to acquire the desired development. Besides, the government is
responsible for providing citizens with liberty to adopt any form of art to thrive.
For example, Australian government invested 30 percent budget for supporting the
art in the year 2017, and as a result, improvement in people artistic sense increased
50 percent. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of dedicating the hefty
amount of budget for the art.

In the view of arguments stated above, one can conclude that the benefits of
investing in the field of art are indeed too great to ignore.
18. Effective learning requires time, comfort and peace, so it is impossible to
combine study and employment. Study and employment distract one from
another. To what extent do you think the statements are realistic? Support
your opinion with examples.

Comfort, time and internal peace are required to make learning efficient. Hence, it
is not possible to do job and study side by side. Occupation and education disturb
one another. I strongly oppose this statement because handling both these together
is easily possible with strong willpower. I will elaborate points to support my
opinion in the further paragraphs.
Firstly, there are a lot of people in western countries, who do a part-time study and
work full-time or vice-versa. It all depends on the preference of the individuals. If
they want to bear some hassle and become more productive in their life, they can
manage both things side by side. This not only makes them knowledgeable but
increases their potential as well.
Secondly, there are a few parents who cannot bear the expenses of their child’s
education. Resultantly, they put their children into some labor so that they can earn
money for the family. But it does not mean that the child has to abandon his dream
of acquiring education. With firm determination, they can continue their education
and work to feed their family as well.
Finally, sometimes people think they have completed their education, but when
they get a full-time job, they realize that diploma or degree can increase their
chances of promotion. Moreover, some employers select the potential employee
from colleges while they are studying and pay for their Masters or Advanced
Diplomas because they see their profit in that investment. Hence, studying and
working side by side helps candidates to grow professionally.

In conclusion, working and studying is very much possible. It just depends on the
dedication and determination of the person. People should do both study and work
side by side to make them more skilled and capable.
19. Personal Development is the base for professional development and
advancing in one’s career. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is an ongoing debate about the role of personal development in the

professional growth and development of one's career. Although critics argue that
personal development has no significant impact on the professional prosperity, I
strongly believe that personal growth plays the vital role in career propagation. In
this essay, I shall support my point of view.

On the one hand, there is a deluge of arguments in favor of my stance. The most
preponderant one is that personal growth stands for the maturity of human
personality. The opportunity of growing, as a professional, increases as a person
gets mature. This maturity comes from personal growth. It hardly needs mention
that personal growth stands an employ in good stead as far as professional growth
is concerned.

On the other hand, critics may point out that personal growth has nothing to do
with the professional growth. It only depends on the performance and how efficient
you are at your job. Hence, the professional and personal growths are two entirely
different domains and not interdependent.

In the view of arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the professional
growth is highly dependent on personal growth.
20. Does video communication with doctor help patients to cure any disease?
Pros & Cons?

One of the most conspicuous trends in today's world is the colossal upsurge in the
technological encroachment in the field of medicine. As such, there are both merits
and demerits of video communication between doctor and patient, although I am of
the opinion that the merits outdo the demerits.

There is a deluge of benefits that can be attributed to virtual communication among

doctor and patients. The most preponderant one is the availability of physician in
after-hours which are the source of great mental satisfaction. For example, parents
are always worried about the health of their kids and availability of video
communication option assure them that in case of medical emergency they can
reach doctor at any time. It hardly needs mention that patients stand in good stead
as far as medical consultation is concerned.

There are, however, some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits
of the video communication between doctor and patients. The primary one stems
from the fact that it is an encroachment in doctor's personal space. Take over
reactive patients for instance, according to the survey report published in the
"Daily Telegraph," doctors who offer video consultation have 50 percent more
working hours than ones who do not.

In the view of argument stated above, one can conclude that the benefits of video
communication between doctor and patient are too great to ignore.
21. Should library use digital gadgets to provide information on different
topics? Pros & Cons

One of the most conspicuous trends in today's world is the colossal upsurge in
technological encroachment in the modern libraries. As such, there are pros and
cons to this trend, although I am of the opinion that the former outdo the latter. In
this essay, I shall outline some of the merits and demerits of gather information in
the library using digital gadgets.

There is a deluge of benefits which can be attributed to the involvement of the

digital devices in the setting of the library. The most preponderant one is that it
makes the browsing of required material easy and approachable. For example,
instead of going through the physical catalogs and searching for the desired book,
using a computer to search the required book can improve the efficiency of library
usage. It hardly needs mention that library stands in good stead as far as using
digital gadgets are concerned.

There are, however, some pitfalls that can easily overwhelm the potential benefits
of using digital devices for libraries. The primary one stems from the fact that
involvement of digital devices can ruin the point of using the library. Besides, all
of the library users are not tech savvy, and it is hard for them to find the
information they have been looking. For instance, according to the census data, 70
percent of library users are either children or older adults.

In the view of arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of
using digital gadgets in collecting information from the library are too great to
22. Technological access to online music and the like should be free or paid.
What do you think?

The importance of providing access to online music should be made free or paid
was always a debatable topic. Even though, many people claim that online music
should be made available free for users. Others reject this notion and argue that
anything given free will reduce its value. In my opinion, latter proposition appears
to be more rational. The following essay would further elaborate both sides with
examples and thus lead to a plausible conclusion.
To begin with, in fast growing world, new inventions and developments of new
mobile apps in the mobile app store are available to download. Providing free
access to music through these apps or online will help so many struggling singers
and composers to learn from the pre-recorded songs and music which lead them to
settle in these respective fields. Moreover, it will be motivation to the upcoming
singers and musicians. For instance, famous singers from India have learnt basics
of singing and music from free source app which are prerecorded and kept in
On the other hand, many people believe that anything given free reduces its
popularity and market value. People take free source as granted and do not show
adequate respect to singers and songs recorded by them. It also decreases the
motivation of playback composers and they feel that the value of their songs has
been decreased due to the advancements in technology such as You Tube, and
many more online apps. For instance, recently in Australia, a song composed by
the great musician released directly to internet before releasing in movie. This
example clearly exemplifies us technological access to music should be paid.

According to the arguments aforementioned, one can reach out to conclusion that
anything given for free will loss its priority, therefore, permissions to access music
through online should be made chargeable
23. Personal Development is the base for professional development and
advancing in one’s career. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There is an ongoing debate about the role of personal development in the

professional growth and development of one's career. Although critics argue that
personal development has no significant impact on the professional prosperity, I
strongly believe that personal growth plays the vital role in career propagation. In
this essay, I shall support my point of view.

On the one hand, there is a deluge of arguments in favor of my stance. The most
preponderant one is that personal growth stands for the maturity of human
personality. The opportunity of growing, as a professional, increases as a person
gets mature. This maturity comes from personal growth. It hardly needs mention
that personal growth stands an employ in good stead as far as professional growth
is concerned.

On the other hand, critics may point out that personal growth has nothing to do
with the professional growth. It only depends on the performance and how efficient
you are at your job. Hence, the professional and personal growths are two entirely
different domains and not interdependent.

In the view of arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the professional
growth is highly dependent on personal growth.
24. People are moving to urban areas from rural areas for better life. What do
you think about?

The importance of people moving to urban areas for better life from rural areas
was always a debatable topic. Many people state that people move to cities in order
to achieve high standards of life. Others reject this notion and argue that city life is
more challenging and difficult when compared to villages. In my opinion, latter
proposition appears to be more rational. The following essay would further
elaborate both sides with justifying reasons and thus lead to a plausible conclusion.

To start with, several reasons can be drawn why people are moving to city life
from village life. Firstly, for better employment and business opportunities which
are less in rural areas compared to urban life. Secondly, in search for better
infrastructure and health facilities to improve the education of their children. For
example, best education will be provided by the school educations in city which
will help children coming from rural areas to learn more about discipline,
communication and to create better secured future.
On the other hand, life in the cities has its drawbacks. For instance, the cost of
living in cities is higher than rural areas, especially housing is very expensive. As a
result, homelessness is becoming more common in cities. There are also main
problems like traffic congestion and some people do not manage their work and
commit crime to survive. Life in cities can be stressful and people don't have much
time for themselves and their families which will result the gap between the family

According to the arguments aforementioned, it can be concluded that village

people have to face a lot of problems when they are moving to urban areas from
rural areas. In a nutshell, it can be concluded that moving to city life will be more
stressful and creates more unemployment problem to the rural people.
25. The belching and unauthorized behavior is unacceptable in modern
offices. How far you support this view? Give your response with justification.

In present modern offices, belching and unauthorized behavior is unacceptable was

always a debatable topic. Many people in working in cooperate offices believe that
employees behaving with such activities should be punished. I completely agree
with the statement that such behaviors are not acceptable in office environments.
The following essay would further elaborate the reasons why it is not encouraged
in office premises with proper justifications and thus lead to a plausible conclusion.
Firstly, modern established companies and organizations are build with certain
guidelines and policies under several categories to support the employees.
Although belching is biological, it is inappropriate method of releasing air from
your filled stomach and it is not accepted in social culture that we live today. It
also disturbs others and makes them feel uncomfortable. For example, employee
after having heavy lunch in afternoon releases a sudden gas through his mouth
which will be very disturbing to other employees.

Secondly, good understanding between employers and employees is important for

organizations grow but few employees do unacceptable behavior creates
problematic situation. There are various situations which cause and for an
employer have to deal with these problems accordingly and effectively. Some of
the unauthorized problems such as accessing restricted content make a huge lose
for employer. Furthermore, bullying other employees, bad manners, harassment,
abusive language, aggressive and many more are some of the problems. From the
above it can analyzed that employee involved in such activities may also lead to
According to the arguments aforementioned, one can reach out to conclusion that
employees involving in belching and behaving against company policies will be
treated with strict policies and sometimes organizations ask employees to put their

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