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CHAPTER THREE Neural Transmission

To oscilloscope To oscilloscope

1, Two simultaneous EPSP's sum to produce a greater EPSP

A Stimulated „„ i B Stimulated „ A + B Stimulated
-65 -65 L
-70 -70

2. Two simultaneous IPSP'ssum to produce a greater IPSP -70

C Stimulated D Stimulated C + D Stimulated
-65- -65- -S5P

-70 A A A
a -75 1. Two EPSP's elicited in rapid succession sum to
produce a larger EPSR

3. A simultaneous IPSP and EPSP cancel each other out

A Stimulated C Stimulated A + C Stimulated
-65- -65-'
-70 -70

FIGURES.? The time
2. Two IPSP's elicited in rapid succession sum to
combinations of spatial
produce a larger IPSR FIGURE 3.8 The two
combinations of temporal

twice in rapid succession can produce a greater IPSP than that produced by
a single stimulation at the same intensity.
It is important not to be misled by the way in which neural integration is and IPSPs are transmitted decrementally, those synapses near the hillock
studied in the laboratory. Spatial summation is studied independently of trigger zone have the most influence on the firing of the neuron. This may
temporal summation by administering two discrete stimuli to different explain why synaptic contacts tend to be segregated, that is, why synaptic
sites at exactly the same time, and temporal summation is studied indepen- contacts from a particular source or from a particular class of neurons tend
dently of spatial summation by stimulating one site twice in rapid succes- to be located on a particular part of the target neuron. For example, axons
sion. However, the normal operating conditions of most neurons are quite from one part of the brain might all synapse on the cell body of the target
different; most neurons continuously integrate signals over both time and neuron, whereas those from another area might favor dendritic target
space as the neuron is continually bombarded with stimuli through the sites.
thousands of synapses covering its dendrites and cell body. Remember In some ways the firing of a neuron is like the firing of a gun. Both are
that although schematic diagrams1 of neural circuitry rarely include neu- all-or-none reactions triggered by their own graded responses to stimula-
rons with more than a few representative synaptic contacts, the real situa- tion. As a trigger is squeezed, it responds by gradually moving back until it
tion is much more complex. For example, each mammalian motor neuron causes the gun to fire. Similarly, as depolarizing stimulation of gradually
receives about 10,000 synaptic contacts. increasing intensity is applied to a neuron, the neuron becomes less and
The location of a synapse on a. receptive membrane is an important less polarized until the threshold of excitation is reached, and the neuron
factor in determining its potential to influence neural firing. Because EPSPs fires. And like the firing of a gun, neural firing is an all-or-none event; just

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